The Clarke Brothers (Complete Series)

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The Clarke Brothers (Complete Series) Page 8

by Lilian Monroe

  I dive forward, lifting her legs up onto my shoulders and covering her slit with my mouth. I groan as the salty sweetness of her desire hits my tongue. I slide my tongue up and back until I hear her moan and her legs tense on my shoulders. I reach a hand up and press on her stomach, using my other hand to tease her opening. She whimpers again, and I lift my head up for an instant to watch her face.

  Her hazel eyes are half-closed, and she runs her fingers through my hair. She shakes her head gently from side to side as she watches me, licking her lips and exhaling.

  “Aiden,” she breathes.

  I don’t wait for anything else. My lips find her bud and I let the heat of my breath tease her for an instant before running my tongue across it. She gasps as I kiss and lick and swirl my tongue over her bud, still circling her opening with my fingertips.

  She’s moaning and bucking her hips and gripping my hair and I don’t know if I’ve ever been this turned on. She tastes so fucking good I can hardly believe it’s possible. I take that bundle of nerves between my lips and finally plunge my fingers inside her as she lets out a long moan.

  Feeling her walls grip my fingers almost makes me come. They slide inside her smoothly and her body contracts around them. She’s gushing wetness as I reach to find that little rough patch of skin inside her. Her body contracts again. It feels like I can feel every sensation with her. When my lips touch her bud and when my fingers push inside her, her body lifts up toward me. She moans in a way that sets my blood on fire. Every noise, every move, every time she wraps her fingers into my hair and pushes my face down onto her pussy makes my cock harder than before.

  I move my tongue and fingers and lips and hands back and forth until her back arches and her moan becomes a scream. Her fingers curl into my hair and the wetness gushes out of her, covering my fingers with her pleasure. I keep my lips on her bud and my fingers inside her until she moves me back, trembling and panting in front of me.

  Her eyes are glazed over with pleasure. Her lips are wet and her chest is heaving up and down. I slide my fingers out of her and place a gentle kiss on that little strip of pubic hair before crawling up on top of her. I lay my body on top of her, letting my cock rest between her legs to feel the wetness that’s dripping out of her.

  I kiss her gently, wanting her to taste herself and to know what I’ve just been enjoying. She shivers underneath me, wrapping her arms around my neck and moaning into my mouth. I pull away and stare into her eyes, chuckling softly.

  “You liked that?” I whisper.

  “I’ve never… That was…” she stares at me and shakes her head. “Aiden…”

  I place my lips against hers and kiss her gently. It doesn’t matter what part of her body that I kiss, everything tastes incredible. From her lips to the apex of her thighs to the skin on her stomach, it tastes like it was made for me.

  She moans again and runs her fingers through my hair and down my back. Her body trembles one more time before she grinds her hips up toward me. I lift my head up and see a glimmer in her eye. I grin.

  “You want more already?”

  “I’m greedy,” she breathes. “I always want more.”



  My orgasm is still coursing through my body, sending shocks of pleasure to every extremity. I can finally see straight again, and the feeling of Aiden’s cock against my body is driving me wild.

  I’ve never had anyone eat me out like that before. He seemed to enjoy it as much as I did, and the thought of him being turned on by giving me pleasure was enough to send me over the edge. Now he’s lifting himself up and I run my fingers over his chest one more time. My fingers trail down toward his cock. He groans as I wrap my fingers around his girth, stroking the soft skin up and down as my other hand keeps tracing the outline of his abdominal muscles.

  Aiden runs his fingers up my thigh and grabs the side of my ass. He pulls me toward him as I stroke his cock, his eyes closed and his groans rumbling through his chest.

  He’s like an animal, and it’s turning me on more than ever before. His cock is pulsing between my fingers, and the veins are bulging under my hand. The tip of his cock looks red and enlarged. My mouth starts to water as I watch my hand moving up and down his thick shaft. He groans again, squeezing my ass and moving his hips back and forth in time with my hand.

  “You have a condom?” I ask, praying he says yes. I don’t know if I’d be able to stop now if he doesn’t have one. The desire rushing through me is making my head spin.

  Aiden nods once and gets up. Even with the fire roaring in the wood stove just beside us, it’s colder now that he’s gone. I sit up on my elbows and watch him disappear into the back room. I see a neatly made bed through the opening of the door before Aiden reappears with a silver package in his hand. His cock swings from side to side with every step, and I watch it, mesmerized. He stands in front of me and opens the package, sliding the condom over his cock in a smooth motion.

  I spread my legs, wincing as an arrow of pain shoots up from my ankle. I ignore it, turning my focus to Aiden and that beautiful cock of his. He kneels on the couch between my legs and groans as I spread myself wide for him. He slides his index and middle finger into his mouth and drags them up my slit, from my opening up to my bud. My head falls back and I moan as a shiver of pleasure passes up through my stomach and dissipates into my body.

  He groans as his fingers slide back down and into my opening. I clench my walls down around him, wishing it was his cock that was inside me.

  Aiden grabs the base of his cock with one hand as he glides the fingers of his other hand in and out of me. He watches my face, his eyes half-closed as my body trembles. I want him. I reach my hands down and run my fingers along his hip, down to his thigh.

  “Fuck me, Aiden,” I breathe.

  He grins. “Say it again,” he says, pushing his fingers deeper inside me. I arch my back and whimper as I feel the tips of his fingers touch my most sensitive spot. Another wave of pleasure starts to build inside me and I open my eyes to watch him grabbing his cock, teasing me as he brings it closer to my center.

  “Fuck me, Aiden,” I say.

  Aiden’s eyes close and he breathes out, pushing his fingers inside me one more time. “Beg me,” he growls. He opens his eyes and I see that same animalistic desire burning inside him. He fucks me with his fingers a little bit faster and I feel like I could come right now. I gasp as he curls his fingers up and sends another thrill through my body. “Beg me,” he whispers again.

  I’m so turned on right now I feel like I can’t do anything except lie here in a puddle of my own desire. I’d beg him to do anything right now. I want his cock so bad my mouth is watering. I can’t think of anything except the way his hand is gripping the base of his shaft and the way his fingers just aren’t enough for me now.

  “Please,” I whisper. “Please fuck me.” He growls again and I lick my lips. “I’m begging you,” I say.

  As soon as the words leave my lips, Aiden growls and shifts his hips. In one smooth motion, he takes his fingers out of me and plunges his cock inside me – from the tip all the way to the hilt. I gasp as my body stretches for him.

  My head falls back and Aiden rocks his hips back and forth. I hear my own moans as if they were coming from someone else. I’m not in my own body anymore. I’m watching myself get fucked by the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen with the most beautiful cock I’ve ever experienced.

  He thrusts himself inside me and every time his hips hit mine it sends a jolt of pleasure through me. I feel every inch of him. My hands claw at him, pulling him closer and deeper inside me as he drives his cock into me. His grunts send shivers through my body and I wrap my legs around his waist.

  I think my ankle hurts, but I don’t even know anymore. My whole body is alight with pleasure. My veins are full of fire. He braces his arm on the arm of the sofa above my head and drives himself into me a little bit deeper. I scream as the pressure in my stomach builds and builds until I k
now I’m going to come again.

  When I came with his mouth on my bud, I thought I was done. I thought that was as good as it gets. But now, as Aiden’s chest presses into mine, as his cock pushes deeper inside me and my walls grip down on his girth, I know I was wrong.

  Our bodies move as one and I sink my fingers into his shoulders. I push my hips up toward him as he fucks me harder and harder, pushing himself deeper into me. The pressure in my stomach builds until all of a sudden, it explodes.

  Aiden moans into my ear and I feel his breath on my shoulder as my body releases. My walls gush and his cock slides effortlessly in and out of me. My back arches and I wrap my arms and legs around him, moaning into his ear.

  He bites his teeth down on my shoulder as he pushes himself deeper inside me. My body grips him tighter, contracting around his cock as my orgasm rocks through my entire body. Aiden moans again, fucking me deep and hard until I feel him release inside me.

  He shivers and tenses. The muscles in his neck bulge and his eyes close as his cock throbs inside me. My own orgasm is starting to fade and I can enjoy the full sensation of his cock pumping inside me. I can feel everything. I gasp as he comes until he lowers himself down on top of me.

  Our hearts are thumping against each other. My chest is heaving up and down with every breath, and my whole body feels electric. Both of us are covered in a thin sheen of sweat, but it doesn’t matter. Nothing matters. The only thing that I care about right now is the pulsing of my body and the weight of his chest on top of me. I close my eyes and let out a breath.

  “Whoa,” I breathe. Aiden only grunts in response.



  I don’t know how long it takes me to regain control over my body. I lift myself up, hoping I wasn’t too heavy on top of her. I grab the condom and slide out of her, groaning as I stand up. Maddy smiles at me, wiping the hair off her forehead and sighing.

  “That was nice,” she says.

  “It was better than nice,” I reply with a grin. “I’m going to take a quick shower.”

  She nods and I walk toward the stack of clean laundry in the corner. I throw the condom out and grab a towel, heading out the door to the back of the cabin. The air is cold outside, and I rush toward the shower. I turn the water on as hot as it goes and stand under it, sighing in satisfaction. I close my eyes and stand under the hot stream, not moving at all for a few minutes.

  My body is still buzzing from my orgasm. I can still feel little thrills passing from my cock, through my stomach and I groan as I enjoy every one of them.

  I haven’t had sex with a woman in a long time, but even so – I know that was different. We moved together like we’d known each other our whole lives.

  I almost jump when I feel two hands circling around my waist. I turn around to see Maddy coming into the shower with me. I wrap my arms around her and tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

  “I’ve never showered outside before,” she says with a smile.

  “First time for everything,” I answer. I dip my chin down and kiss those irresistible lips of hers, letting my hand drop to the small of her back to pull her closer to me. The blood is heading toward my cock again already. Just having her near me is enough to make me hard.

  She turns toward the water and grabs the bar of soap on the shower ledge. She’s leaning on her good leg, and I wonder how she got all the way to the shower. She must have hopped here from the front door.

  She soaps up her hands and faces me, washing my chest in slow circles. I groan and close my eyes, enjoying the soft touch of her hands against my body. She turns me around, washing my back, trailing her hands down to my ass. She wraps her hands around me and slowly, gently, strokes my cock. The soap makes her hand glide smoothly over my cock and I groan as it starts to get hard again.

  “What are you doing to me?” I growl. I turn back around toward her and take the soap from her hand. It’s my turn to lather her up. I let my hands glide along her body, running my palms over her breasts and squeezing them gently before soaping up her stomach. I wrap my arms around her to wash her back, pushing her long hair out of the way. She runs her fingers along my spine as I wash her. My hands drop to her ass and I reach my fingers down to brush the lips between her legs.

  Maddy moans, moving her hips toward me. I squeeze her bottom and brush my fingers along her slit again, trailing them back up along the crack of her ass. She whimpers again and a growl rumbles in my chest.

  “You want more already?” I ask, pulling away from her. I rest my hands on her waist as she runs her fingers over my chest. The water is pouring down between us and the steam is billowing up. She drops her hand and grabs my cock, pulling it gently as it gets hard between her fingers.

  I drop my hand down her stomach and run my fingers through that little strip of hair above her slit. She moans as my fingers slide between her legs, and I groan as I feel how wet she is already.

  I’d fuck her right here, but I see her wince as she accidentally puts weight on her sprained ankle. Instead, I turn her toward the water and rinse all the soap off her body. I take her lips in mine and kiss her tenderly, wrapping my arms around her and enjoying the closeness of our bodies under the water.

  I rinse myself and turn off the water. The chill in the air immediately invades the shower and I smile as I watch Maddy’s nipples get hard right away. I run my thumbs over them and kiss her lips one more time. I grab the towel and wrap her in it, lifting her up and throwing her over my shoulder. She yelps and laughs.

  “What are you doing!” she exclaims.

  “You’re injured,” I answer, walking back toward the front door. My cock is hard and heavy between my legs already, and all I can think about is the wetness between hers. The cold air doesn’t bother me, nor does the fact that I’m completely naked. I carry her inside, ignoring the wet footsteps I leave all over the floor. I take her all the way to the bedroom and lay her down. She giggles as she lies back, the towel falling open to reveal her perfect body.

  She slides the towel out from under her and runs it over my body. I groan, loving the way she touches me. Finally, I can’t take it anymore. I reach over to the bedside table and take another condom out of the old box I keep there. I rip it open and slide it on.

  This time I’m not teasing her. I’m not waiting or asking her to beg me. I’m sliding my fingers along her jaw and kissing her deeply, and then sliding my cock inside her once again.

  I push it all the way in and she moans again, her walls stretching and twitching against my girth. I leave it there without moving, choosing instead to kiss her once more. She wraps her arms and legs around me and we move slowly, kissing and touching each other. We take our time, exploring each other’s bodies in a way that we rushed through before.

  When she comes, I feel it all. I feel her walls contract and I feel her body tense and then relax. I watch as her eyes close and her lips fall open. I kiss her again because no matter how many times our lips touch, I still can’t get enough of her taste.

  When I come, it’s not as intense as the last time, but it’s somehow more. My orgasm builds slowly and releases through my entire body. I empty myself into her and groan as she wraps herself around me even more tightly.

  We fall asleep with our arms and legs intertwined, with her head on my shoulder and my lips against her forehead. For the first time in years, I feel completely and utterly at home.



  I wake up with Aiden’s arms around me. My ankle is a bit sore, but I move it up and down and am relieved to find that I’ve got more range of motion than I did before.

  Aiden is snoring lightly in my ear. I turn my head to look at him and smile. Last night was as amazing as it was unexpected. He rescued me from the forest and took me home, and I enjoyed every minute of it. I never would have thought that getting stuck under a tree would be the best thing to ever happen to me.

  My thoughts drift to yesterday, to the moments before I slipped and fell to wedge
myself under the tree. I was stomping along the hillside, questioning everything about my job.

  I’ve always thought I was doing good work. I am one of the good guys, or at least that’s what I always tell myself. I’ve always thought that men like my father, who just extract resources from the land without a thought about the environment were the bad guys.

  This time, it’s different. This time, when the approved application to the Department of Environmental Conservation came through my email, all I felt was dread. All I still feel is dread. I’m starting to wonder if I’m on the wrong side of this battle.

  Even though my job is to make sure that my company complies with all the regulations, it’s not enough. We’re still clear-cutting large swaths of land to build a hotel that most people in the area don’t want. I’m one of the people that’s helping to do that. As much as I tell myself that I’m doing a good thing, that I’m protecting the environment from inevitable development – something inside me is starting to change.

  I’m not doing a good thing. In fact, I’m enabling my company to do this work. I’m not protecting the environment from them. I’m helping them to destroy these forests. Sure, if I wasn’t doing it, I’d be replaced in an instant with someone else who would. But my father’s words have been ringing through my head for two weeks now.

  Stay true to yourself.

  He told me he was proud of me, for going off and getting my environmental engineering degree. For pursuing my ‘passion’, whatever that is. Is this my passion? Making half a small town hate me all the while making a big hotel chain a bunch of money?

  This isn’t what I thought it would be. Environmental engineering, construction, conservation – none of it is what I thought it would be. I’ve come to hate the word ‘sustainability’, because it’s just one of those words that men in suits throw around that doesn’t actually mean anything.


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