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Page 7

by Andrea Wolfe

  As quickly as he arrived, he was down below again, spiraling his tongue against that tight bundle of nerves. I continued moaning as the room slowly began to spin. He parted me with his fingers now, pressing against my walls with artificial curiosity because he knew exactly where to go.

  His fingers against that button inside of me, my legs wrapped around his head and hand as if they were capturing him, doing their best to ensure he could never stop doing what he was doing to me.

  I couldn't hold out, his efforts barraging me with pleasure, pushing me toward sexual heights I'd never explored. "Let yourself go, Effie. Come for me."

  His request was too much for any amount of self-discipline. I came just like that, my toes curling, my back arching to new extremes. My muscles tightened in waves while my vision blurred. I called out his name, thanking him, damning him for spoiling me so much. I could never come back from something like this, could I?

  Jack's lips and tongue followed me through my climax, mirroring my intensity perfectly. When it had slowed, I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Holy shit," I said. I was filled with the need to reciprocate; to touch him as he had touched me.

  I repositioned myself on the bed and ran my hands down his front, caressing his cock through his boxers. It pulsed with every beat of his heart. I pulled the boxers down at once, revealing his hugeness, eyeing it hungrily. The size was a little intimidating, no lie.

  "Not tonight," Jack said. I didn't quite know what he meant.

  Suddenly, he pulled away, his hands digging in a drawer and then closing it. I heard the sound of foil tearing and then saw him rolling a condom onto that beautiful shaft of his. Seconds later, he was using his full weight to push me against the bed, dominating me with his superior strength. It was exactly what I wanted.

  "I'm going to make you come all over me," he said, his width parting me as the last word left his lips. I gasped, truly feeling how big his erection was. He was inside me now, pushing deeper, the initial pain so worth it due to what would come next. My walls flexed around him, stretching to accommodate his superior size.

  "Look into my eyes, Effie." He kept going deeper, reaching parts of me no man had ever reached. I could tell he loved that strain on my face, the tension as we fit our bodies together in the hottest way possible. I watched him dutifully, giving myself to him because I wanted to more than anything in the world.

  He started to rock his hips with aggression, with such carnal intent. It felt so good, so utterly divine. I let out tiny gasps now and then, my mind unable to form any real words at all. Our bodies were coated with sweat by this point, and I didn't care one bit. Jack didn't seem to mind either.

  "You're so tight, Effie. So perfect." The words just bounced off of me since I could barely process them.

  Jack's thrusts kept getting deeper and deeper, his cock almost falling out of me and then plunging all the way back in to the hilt. He was pressing against my g-spot again with each thrust, his shaft regularly brushing my clit.

  I usually had to wait a short while between orgasms, but I already felt a second emerging, one bigger than the first. Jack was moving quicker and quicker, perhaps realizing that he wouldn't be able to last much longer either. His unhinged behavior was definitely having an effect on my sensitivity.

  "I'm gonna come!" he snarled.

  When I felt him start twitching inside of me, time seemed to slow. In that moment, I was receiving all of his pent up sexual aggression, his lust reaching a climax inside my womb. Our bodies were slapping together so loudly, so rapidly. He had one hand under my back and one hand on my breast, controlling my body through his strategic touch.

  And then, I was there again—with him this time—the fireworks exploding behind my eyes. His groans became so much more desperate, his pace and intensity the perfect complement to my own.

  "Yes! Yes!" He was almost growling, his body overcome by pleasure. "Oh, God!"

  We were contorting our bodies together, locking ourselves in a position we'd never want to leave. Sex had never been like this for me before. This was something alien, something beautiful. Something I felt instead of understood. I didn't want it to die down, not now, not ever.

  Jack slowed with me, laying his head between my breasts after he was spent. "Oh, God, Effie. That was beautiful."

  "Thank you." It was all I could say.

  He eased out of me, leaving me with an unexpected feeling of emptiness. When he wrapped his arms tightly around me though, I forgot about it entirely. I found a comfortable spot for my head on his chest. He planted two small kisses on my cheek after I settled there.

  Literally exhausted, I passed out on this gorgeous, sweet, rich man's chest as if it were the best—and most expensive—pillow I'd ever rested my head on.

  Chapter 5

  "What the hell?" I groaned. My hair was in my eyes, the sunlight scorching and bright through the cluttered strands. "Why's it so early?"

  Jack was standing there next to the bed in a red silk robe. "I promised I'd get you home last night—but I slipped up. So this is the next best thing."

  I was suddenly very awake. "Shit! What do I do? I don't have my work clothes or anything."

  "Relax," he said. "You're so grumpy because it is super early."

  I grabbed my cell phone—there were still two hours before I needed to be at the office. I made one of those comically cliché whew! noises and relaxed. "I was really worried there for a second."

  "You know, you're so beautiful when you wake up. The sunbeams really make your skin glow."

  "Jesus, Jack, why don't you write a song about it?" As much as I acted as if it were a tacky thing to say, I really liked it.

  He laughed and smiled. "Don't put me on the spot. C'mon, let's take a shower. God knows how bad we need it."

  I was still naked under the sheets, although I didn't even remember getting beneath them. I instinctively grabbed for my clothes, but Jack placed a pink robe in my hand.

  "For guests," he said.

  "I'm so honored," I mumbled. Yeah, I was grumpy all right. Well, at least I'd be warm without having to get fully dressed.

  I stood up to put on the robe but Jack grabbed me before I could do it, giving me a great big hug. He gripped my butt with his hand and gave me a solid kiss on the forehead. "You're like a goddess," he said again. I felt his hardness pressing against my leg through his robe.

  "A goddess who desperately needs coffee."

  "After the shower. C'mon, Effie."

  I didn't even have time to put on the robe because he was already dragging me toward the bathroom. So I carried it. My need for caffeine subsided, at least temporarily.

  He led me into the bathroom, a gorgeous, marble-floored room with a double-headed shower. Actually, I had never even thought about that. We could stand in the middle together while individual streams of water kept us warm. Great! There was a separate bathtub too, one I couldn't wait to try out with him.

  The mirror was huge, and initially, I shied from it, not wanting to stare at my body in such unflattering light. But I forgot about all of that once Jack dropped his robe. God, he was so hot, even in my sleep deprived state. His muscles were perfectly toned, his butt tightening as he lifted the robe onto a hook. He reached for mine and I handed it to him.

  Although last night had happened, this was our first time being fully naked around each other in ample lighting. I tried to match his self-confidence—or was he just that comfortable around me?—but I figured it was still obvious that I was nervous.

  "Relax," he said.

  "Huh?" I would try to play it cool until I had no other options.

  "You're shaking, and that means one of two things—it's really cold in here, or you're nervous. If you're cold in this bathroom, I think I need to take you to the hospital."

  I started laughing, instantly forgetting my insecurities. Jack grabbed me and kissed me, his erection resurfacing the very second our tongues touched. The thought and sight of his arousal were waking me even more than c
affeine would have.

  We climbed into the two-person shower, spending more time hugging than washing. It was great to feel water from both sides. "Do you use both heads when you're in here alone?" I asked.

  "Only if I'm feeling wasteful," he said proudly.

  We playfully lathered each other up, his hands spending an incredibly disproportionate amount of time on my breasts and ass and running out of soap before he reached anywhere else Every circle with the loofa only served to make him harder. I thought about what he had done for me in the suite, how I felt as if we were currently uneven in terms of sexual giving and receiving.

  I reached down and stroked him slowly, pressing my breasts against his side. Gently, I pumped, trying to gauge his response. He seemed to freeze up in terms of shower responsibilities, overwhelmed by pleasure as his breath immediately quickened.

  "That's so good, Effie." He leaned against the nearest wall to support himself, his arm flexed and tensed. I watched as his abdominal muscles responded to my touch, tightening and then loosening as I worked.

  I did long, flowing strokes that were interspersed with more rapid movements against his engorged tip. And then, he reached down and stopped my hand. "I want those beautiful lips around my cock."

  "Jack, I'm just not that—"

  "Try it. You'll do great, I know it." His encouragement seemed to be authentic, not just a product of his lust.

  I was semi-inexperienced when it came to blowjobs. It had come up a few times in the past, but it was never a regular thing. Plus, he had touched me so perfectly, his efforts skilled far beyond what I was. It wasn't crazy, just new. I wanted to do a great job and that made me tense.

  But I simply couldn't say no to him—my body wouldn't permit that. I broke the spell of inaction and lowered to my knees, hungrily taking him into my mouth, sucking and spiraling along the head. His hips slowly rocked with me, as if he were fucking my mouth. His taste was intoxicating, the saltiness dancing along my taste buds.

  I traced along every vein, every ridge, every bump. His breath seemed to sync up with my movements as the water continued to spray us with warmth. I pressed his length against the roof of my mouth, toying with it while maintaining the pressure.

  I wanted to touch myself so badly, but I also wanted to give him the best I could, the two things mutually exclusive as I knew from experience. I resisted the urges no matter how strong they grew. This was all for him, oh yes.

  Jack's moans grew in intensity, climbing in volume as well. Whether I was great or not, he was definitely liking this. That made me feel good.

  "Oh God, I'm gonna come," he growled. Suddenly overwhelmed by my inexperience—and immense fear that I would somehow mess up this very raw moment—I pulled away and finished him with my hand. His cock twitched again and again as thick white ropes of semen shot out of him onto my chest. His body seemed to tighten up entirely, his muscles only moving as more of his seed emerged.

  "Oh God, Effie," he cried out.

  It was his sex, his pent up lust for me, spilling onto my skin. The water washed most of it away as soon as it hit me. I loosened my grip and slowed my strokes as he came down from his climax, trying to quit before he became hypersensitive. I knew about that part, at least.

  "You don't need to worry," he said suddenly. "That was perfect." He knew I had panicked, yet he had no complaints.

  I was burning between my thighs at that point, but I wasn't about to say anything. Knowing that I had made him feel so good was enough, even if my body was begging for more. This had been a gift, one that didn't require any reciprocation.

  But Jack pulled me up to his level and kissed me right away, pressing me against the shower wall, positioning my body just right. A few short minutes later, his brilliant fingers were against my clit and I was coming.


  I made it to work on time—the cab ended up having to sit outside while I haphazardly threw on some work clothes; thankfully Jack picked up the whole fare—and almost spit out my coffee when I saw the dollar-store greeting card sitting on my desk.

  In a fit of confusion, I ripped it open. There was a cat on the front, wearing a Santa hat. Beneath it, the card said "Meowy Christmas!" I choked back laughter. This was the polar opposite of the other gifts he had been giving me, the cheesiest card I had ever received. And it wasn't even Christmas. I excitedly opened it:

  Last night was terrific. Can we do it again Friday?


  My mind was blown. When had there been time for him to do this? I looked at the front one last time and enjoyed a final chuckle. He actually put his name this time, so I'd really have to make sure no one saw it.

  I hid the card under some random papers and tried to get to work, the events of last night still cooking my brain inside my skull like those anti-drug commercials they used to show on TV all the time. This is your brain on infatuation. Any questions?

  I shot Jack a quick text:

  Me: Thanks for the card! It must have cost you a fortune.

  Him: It was sitting here in a drawer. Lucky find, huh?

  Me: If I could hang it on the wall here, I would! ;)

  "Any word from Jack Teller about the Lexy Brown deal?" Sam was standing behind me at the desk, straightening out his shirt as he talked. I immediately dropped my cell phone to my lap. What was I doing? Trying to hide it? He had clearly witnessed my texting.

  "He hasn't—" I stopped before I said anything else. What was this, an interrogation? Was he trying to trick me or something? "I haven't heard anything," I said. "Is Lexy Brown the artist?" He had never mentioned her name to me, only referred to her as the artist. If I acted like I knew who she was, I might be putting myself in a bad place.

  "Yeah, Lexy's the one." He paused and looked off into the distance. "I sure hope we hear something soon. As you know, I—and this company—really need this deal."

  "I'm not even in charge of it," I pleaded. I felt like I could defend myself without raising too many red flags. I didn't have to play entirely dumb. "You just had me sit in for the meeting!"

  "True," he said. "Just keep me posted if you hear anything. Information moves quick in this business. If Jack stops by and I'm not here, I want to be the first to know about it."

  "Okay, Sam." I sounded flustered, understandably, given his tone and approach. Was it possible that he knew about Jack and me? The thought made my heart beat uncontrollably, almost as much as my memories from last night did—but in a very different way. I had expected him to scold me about texting on the clock; he didn't.


  He briskly walked back to his office. When he disappeared from view, I sunk back in my chair and let out an enormous sigh. Everything had been strange since that meeting with Jack, that incident of random chance that led to last night and the nights that would follow just like it. I didn't think I was ready for a committed relationship, but I wasn't about to draw any lines just yet, especially with my job possibly dangling from a thread.

  Could I actually lose my job over something like this? The more I thought about it, the more I realized I wasn't thinking clearly—but did I really want that? To think clearly? This felt like heaven, like a place I'd never been before. Sure, I'd had good moments in my previous relationships, but they hadn't compared to these in the least—and this was only the beginning.

  How could I take sides in a situation like this?

  Well, it didn't matter one way or another. I had no influence on Jack's decision, and he had made that very clear. I would just have to keep us quiet for now.


  I worked extra hard that day and the next, trying to be a model employee for Sam. Even if he had his suspicions about my activities outside of work—nothing that he could prove, of course—I wasn't going to give him anything that he could use against me on the job.

  God, I couldn't wait until Friday's end. I wanted to see Jack so bad, to spend some quality time with the man. I didn't even know what we were doing, yet I was satisfied with that vagueness. Whe
n five o'clock finally rolled around, I was already flying out of the office.

  "Don't have too much fun this weekend, Ms. Jacobs," Sam said. He gave me a weak smile, but it was a smile nevertheless.

  "Same to you, Sam."

  I headed home, fighting the heavy subway foot traffic as everyone made a mad dash to start the weekend. We were packed like sardines in that subway car. I really hoped we didn't crash, especially not with the car mere inches from overflowing.

  The trip turned out just fine.

  My phone buzzed in my purse after I got out of the subway. I left it, wanting to save the excitement until I got back into my apartment. But then my ringtone went off and I realized I definitely wanted to take the call.

  "Guess what we're doing tonight?" It was Jack. He hadn't even greeted me. Just straight to business.

  "Jack! Thanks for saying hi first."


  "We're going to Florida!"

  "Shut up. I'm taking you to your very first Broadway show!"

  "How do you know it's my first?" I asked.

  "Effie! Are you kidding me? Even if you have been to one, you've never experienced it from the best seats in the house."

  "Fine, I lied. But can we eat first? I'm famished." All jokes aside, my heart fluttered in my chest. This was going to be something special. My grumbling stomach was trying to steal the show, however.

  "We'll have a nice, fancy meal before the show. It's Once. You know it, right?"

  I had actually heard of it—and I wanted to see it on top of that!—so this would be great. "Yeah! That's so cool. I don't really know what to say."

  "Don't say a damn thing. Just get dressed. Wear that dress you wore to that stupid investor event. It'll be more fun this time. I'll be there to pick you up in forty-five minutes."

  I hung up with him and just smiled, realizing how nice all of this was. Things could be so confusing in the best way. A series of cosmic coincidences had led me to this point. I couldn't justify it any other way. Yet, despite the fact that it was incredible luck for me, things could still be so foggy. Not all of the answers were so clear—or apparent at all, really.


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