Bitter Sweet Kisses
Page 27
‘Sophie, we need to talk,’ Jeremy said and she could see they were all in big trouble. ‘Can you tell me what happened?’
‘In a minute,’ she replied, pushing Fadwa a little away. ‘Let them check you out. You need to get serious medical attention. I can tell he has hurt you. If you do that for me, I’ll speak to the nice policeman and we’ll take it from there.’
‘Is he dead?’ she asked, and suddenly Fadwa looked confused. ‘Did I kill him?’
Sophie glanced into the living room and noticed the zipping of a body bag.
That said it all.
‘Mummy will be home soon.’
Amelia was sitting on his lap, falling asleep after her tea. Her nose was runny and her cold was making her miserable, but he held the child close, rocking her to sleep.
Jonah couldn’t get his head around what had happened.
He tried to find out what was happening but knew Sophie didn’t want him to. The last thing he was going to do was leave her, so he sat and watched.
It was the reality of what Sophie did for a living which had sunk in that morning. She was speaking to the police; the ambulance men; making sure everyone was all right and acting very composed.
He had photographed the women a while back but now, the real extent of what she was facing hit home.
The feeling was of immense pride and fear combined.
At the time, when he went into the refuge home, he was only interested in being with one new mother.
His career now seemed futile.
The door opened and she stepped in looking exhausted.
‘Don’t move,’ she whispered, sighing at Amelia. ‘I’ll wash my hands and then pass her over.’
Walking to the downstairs bathroom, he heard the tap run and she returned, taking Amelia out of his arms. Sophie left and went up the stairs as he followed.
Placing her baby’s head on the pillow, and making sure there was eucalyptus oil on a tissue nearby, she then walked out of the room.
Sophie grabbed his hand and took him to their bedroom.
‘Soph, is he really dead?’
Jonah stepped back and couldn’t take it all in.
‘I have to shower. I’ve been at the police station and I need to clean up.’
Then she looked up into his eyes and he noticed the pain.
Something had happened.
Knowing not to ask, he watched her walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower. All her clothes were flung into the laundry basket and she washed her body.
Jonah sat on the toilet looking at her beautiful outline, wanting to touch and comfort, should she need it. Slowly she got out and dried her skin, moisturising her body as he put a towel robe out for her to put on.
‘I know it’s the afternoon, but I need a large drink,’ she said and buried her head in his chest. Jonah put his arms around her and gave a massive hug. ‘It’s a bit of a mess, to be honest.’
After she had settled on the sofa, Sophie sat in silence.
It looked like she was thinking it through.
‘Madison and Lorraine went see Fadwa this morning. One of her son’s, Hassan, called Pixie, Madison’s daughter, near hysterical. There was a plan to visit Fadwa next week to try and talk her into leaving her husband.’ She turned to look at Jonah. ‘He had been beating her. This time, the boy told Pixie he threatened to kill them, and their mum stepped in.’ Sophie took a deep breath, shaking her head from side to side.
‘Madison turns up,’ he added, as there was a nod in agreement. ‘Then what happened?’
‘The kids let her in and apparently all hell broke loose. The man was battering Fadwa, who was near unconscious. Madison being Madison went straight in as Lorraine got the kids out. Des had the car and he took them away. But it seems that Madison hadn’t taken into account Anan’s strength. He was going to strangle her and she thought she was going to die.’ Sophie started to cry, wiping her eyes on the sleeve of the dressing gown. ‘There are big red marks around her neck and it’s shocking.’ Taking a deep breath, she swallowed hard. ‘Fadwa, not sure how, managed to get a metal meat tenderiser and hit him again and again on the head, to make him stop. It worked.’
He didn’t know what to say; how to respond.
‘I’ve never seen a murdered man before,’ she continued, and her eyes started to well up. ‘It’s horrible.’
‘What about Fadwa?’
‘They’re questioning her but she is in the hospital, as they think she’s concussed. I got her a solicitor and Madison is being questioned. The boys are at the house and they only have some cuts and bruises. Unfortunately, that’s the last thing their father left them as a memory. I don’t know how I’m going to explain this.’ Sophie rested her head against his shoulder. ‘Fadwa would have been dead if Madison hadn’t gone to her home. I told her to leave him. I was sorting it all out so she could be safe for good.’
‘Soph,’ he whispered, wrapping her in his arms. ‘As long as you’re safe, that’s all that matters.’
She started to cry and he held onto tightly, seeing that she had been through the wars that morning.
‘What happens if Fadwa gets sent to prison? Or even Madison?’ Sophie gulped hard. ‘I have to help them. This is why I do what I do.’
‘I know I’ve said this before but you are amazing, the job that you do.’ The tears stopped and she looked up. ‘I’ll do anything to help. Even raise money for Fadwa if she needs bail. Anything.’
‘I love you so much,’ she said, stroking his face. ‘That’s a wonderful thing to say.’
‘And I’ve decided something.’
‘I don’t want to work with Harry anymore. He’s putting shit into my head and I need a clear one at all times.’ Jonah felt his voice shake when he said it. ‘I can see he doesn’t want you or me to be happy. I don’t want to feel ill at ease every time I mention your name, or if he mentions you.’
‘You don’t have to.’ Sophie sat back up and grabbed his face in her hands. ‘Not for me.’
‘It’s for me,’ he honestly replied. ‘I don’t know how long I could last without getting a meat tenderiser smashing his thick skull in, to be honest.’
Sophie was too tired to speak. Amelia had been up for two nights and even the cheerful Jonah was finding it hard to keep awake. Now she was at work trying to sort out the situation with Fadwa and Madison. ‘And that’s it?’
Madison sat in the meeting room after being given the third degree by the other senior team members.
They were sympathetic to her predicament. All the way through the meeting, Sophie couldn’t make eye contact. Even looking at the bruised neck made her angry, not at Madison, but at Fadwa’s husband.
‘You didn’t tell anyone else, did you?’ Sophie asked in a hushed tone. ‘They believe you but don’t you dare do something like that again. You could lose your job and so could I. We’re not vigilantes.’
‘He was going to-.’
‘Stop! You could have died,’ she said, watching Madison’s face crease as she burst into tears. ‘You fought for her and now she’s going to have to fight for her innocence. If anyone gets wind you were going there to break her out, that’s it.’
‘I know.’
Madison was wearing an old track suit and still looked shaken.
It had been a week after the event and things had calmed down, even her bruises. Fadwa was treated in hospital, but it was thought for her safety and the kids, she was moved to another safe house. It was far enough for no-one to get hold of her.
Her husband’s family were intent to push charges, but because of her injuries, Fadwa wasn’t due in court until the following week.
This time, in a brutal fashion, it had sunk into Fadwa that cruelty came not only from her husband but his family. When she told the police that his family came round and hit her in front of her own children after she returned to him; that was too much to stomach. She was now simply seen
as someone who had shamed his family name.
Her family was no better, other than her sister who rallied round and gave her support.
That’s how she got bail, with her help.
‘You’ve been signed off for a fortnight. I’d use the time wisely to recover, okay?’ Sophie put her hand out and touched Madison. ‘What you did was a brave and bloody stupid, but it was right. You had no choice. Go straight home and don’t speak to anyone.’
Doing as she was told, Madison got up and walked to the door. She turned and looked over her shoulder.
‘I know you’ve got a lot on your plate but I really appreciate you coming to help. I didn’t know what to do, you see. I panicked and then froze. You were the only person I could think of. Thanks, Sophie.’
‘It’s okay,’ she replied. ‘Just don’t do it again.’
Gathering her things and checking all the paperwork, Sophie left the building and went to pick up Amelia from the nursery.
Since the incident, she hadn’t felt too well and wanted to lie down. Her head was still reeling, mostly from stress. In particular, Harry was still stalling on signing the final paperwork regarding the adoption.
Plus she had told Jonah to hold fire with splitting with his agent until everything was sorted.
Sophie did wonder if this was another plan of Harry’s.
Getting out of her car after picking up Amelia, who was full of energy, she managed to get her into the house.
‘Mama, me want a cracker,’ she said, looking up at her. ‘Hungry.’
‘Okay,’ she said, smiling at Jonah’s handy work at putting her hair up. The poor child looked a mess as she re-did her hair before getting a snack. ‘There you go.’
Amelia went straight to her small table and chair, sitting down to eat her food. Putting a film on for her to watch, Sophie was about to put the kettle on.
There was a knock on the door.
She opened it and something was chucked at her feet, which made her jump.
Looking up, Onya was standing there; a furious expression slapped across her face.
‘Take the rest of his shit!’ she said angrily at Sophie. ‘Is he in?’
‘This isn’t the right time and you shouldn’t be here.’
Onya barged past and went straight into the house.
‘How dare you!’ she said, following her in. ‘You can’t come into my home uninvited and my daughter is here.’
Onya was staring at Amelia, who glanced over and smiled, before eating her cracker.
‘Mama, me like cracker,’ said Amelia and laughed at something on the television.
‘Can you leave?’ asked Sophie, seeing the woman stare at the little girl. ‘I’ll call the police, believe me.’
‘You’re a slut!’ Onya said, hissing her words under her breath as she turned to look down at Sophie. ‘Screwing Jonah and Harry at the same time.’
‘I could say the same for you, but the difference is, I never did,’ Sophie replied, grabbing the woman’s arm and dragging her back into the corridor. ‘Don’t you dare come to my house shouting the odds! I know you have no boundaries when it comes to good behaviour, but unlike you, I was never unfaithful to Harry. We know that’s not the same in your case with Jonah.’
‘It won’t last.’
‘It will.’
‘He only married you because he wants a piece of what Harry had. Taking on his wife and child, that’s what Jonah thinks will make him happy.’
‘Are you upset because neither one wants you?’ asked Sophie, not wanting to let this opportunity slide. ‘What sort of woman are you to watch a man hit a woman with a baby in her arms? You ran out screaming and didn’t even bother to call for help.’
‘I was shocked,’ she said angrily. ‘I’d never seen him like that.’
‘He didn’t want you, Onya. He wants Jonah more than you and I. You think Harry’s going to turn a corner and be a faithful man when it comes to relationships? Do you think he wants children? He doesn’t even want that little girl out there,’ she said, pointing towards the living room. ‘Jonah does.’
‘He’ll be screwing around like Harry did within the next year, mark my words. You think you can keep him interested? Jonah won’t want to be tied down to someone like you!’
‘That’s where you’re wrong,’ Jonah said, coming through the door. ‘What the hell are you doing in my home? I told you to keep away from me.’
Sophie felt a little dizzy and braced herself up against the wall. The lack of sleep wasn’t helping.
‘I hate you!’ Onya said, looking at him. ‘You can easily buy her a home but you couldn’t buy me one! Even give me an ounce of commitment, could you?’
‘I think you should leave,’ he calmly replied, putting his bag down. ‘And now.’
‘Dada!’ Amelia shouted, running out and hugging his legs. ‘Dada!’
He scooped her up in his arms and Sophie noticed Onya’s intense look of devastation.
‘Hey baby, daddy’s home,’ he said, kissing her forehead and looking at Sophie.
They could have passed for being biologically related, with their dark brown eyes shining from happiness.
‘I’ll never forgive you, do you hear? ‘This isn’t finished!’ Onya said, walking out and slamming the door.
‘Bang!’ Amelia said, putting her hands over her ears.
‘Are you okay?’ he asked, stepping closer and kissing Sophie’s forehead. ‘You don’t look well.’
‘I had a meeting with Madison this morning and got drilled by my co-workers,’ she said, feeling exhausted. ‘And then Onya pops out of nowhere. How did she get the address?’
Even as she said it, Sophie knew the answer.
Bloody Harry James!
‘Go and lie down,’ he said, stroking her hair.
‘If I find out that he gave it to her, I’ll wring his neck!’ she said, getting furious.
‘Lie down,’ Jonah said, kissing Amelia. ‘Leave my baby to me.’
Nodding her head and letting out a disgruntled sigh, Sophie walked up the stairs but she had a bad feeling regarding Onya, and how she stared at Amelia.
Something didn’t sit right.
‘I thought you wanted to talk business?’
Harry asked, flicking Jonah a quizzical look.
Natalie and Jonah were sitting in Harry’s office, trying to finalise paperwork.
‘This is work business. My personal business needs your co-operation also,’ said Jonah calmly. ‘Please, can you sign the adoption papers so we can draw a line under it?’
‘And you can draw a line under me?’ he asked, sitting back in his chair. ‘I thought we had an agreement, and now you bring her into my office.’
‘I want Natalie here.’ Jonah took in a deep breath. ‘I’m taking on other work that has nothing to do with you.’
‘That project in Sheffield regarding the mining village? Wasn’t it decades ago they closed down the coal pit?’ Harry laughed as if it was absurd. ‘For a left-wing magazine?’
‘It’s a Sunday magazine for a reputable paper. You’d have never got that for him,’ Natalie smugly replied. ‘There are only so many super models and celebrities he can snap.’
‘It’s good money!’ Harry sharply replied.
‘You’re not getting him the work he wants.’
‘I’m getting him some very lucrative projects, so don’t start shit stirring.’ Harry glared at Natalie. ‘Shouldn’t you have spoken to me about it?’
‘I’m the manager, not you.’
‘Is that what you call it?’
‘Guys, please?’ Jonah said, not wanting to get in the middle of one of their spats. ‘Natalie is right. You’re getting me gigs that are too far away from home. I don’t want to leave my family right now.’
‘Oh, that’s right,’ he said, smirking. ‘Your wife is now in the middle of some murder investigation by one of the battered wives she was looking after. What a healthy environment to bring up a child!’
Jonah looke
d at Natalie, who seemed incensed by the comment.
‘You would know about battered women,’ she replied, and Jonah knew what was going to come next. ‘Didn’t you thump your wife when she was holding your baby? I take it you’re on the side of the dead, wife beating, husband then?’
It was as if the office had been dropped into a large freezer.
That was how icy the atmosphere turned.
‘And Harry,’ continued Natalie. ‘Don’t try and wind up my client and his wife because you want to be petty. Sign their paperwork and let everyone move on.’
‘It’s got nothing to do with you!’
‘It has when it’s someone I care about,’ she sharply replied.
‘I can’t take this,’ Jonah said, shaking his head and standing up.
‘Where are you going?’ asked Harry, looking a little confused.
‘We can’t work together. You know what, Harry? She said you did this to her when we first met. Always putting her down and making Sophie feel bad. That’s the first sign of an abusive partner. Just you stepped it up a gear. I remember all the shitty things you said, and now I have to listen to you spouting that same old crap again. It’s disrespectful to me and even more to the woman I love.’ Jonah shook his head. ‘And you shouldn’t have given Onya my address. What did you intend to achieve there?’
Harry slowly got to his feet and the look was of hurt and anger.
‘She’s doing this, turning you against me. I said she would,’ came his response. ‘You’ll learn the hard way.’
‘It doesn’t matter if you don’t sign the final papers. Amelia is as good as mine. There’s nothing you can do.’
‘Can’t I?’ The look he gave Jonah was challenging.
‘Leave my family alone.’
‘They were my family once.’
‘And you didn’t want them. Remember?’
Turning on his heels, he stormed out of the offices knowing that’s not what Sophie wanted.
And right now, he had to put his feelings first as he couldn’t stomach Harry James.
‘Where’s Milly?’