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Saved Between the Sheets: An Anthology of Stories that Get to the Point

Page 22

by R. M. Walker

  * * *

  The first things I notice when I wake up is my cheek is cold and my head is pounding. It takes me a few moments but after focusing really hard, I get my eyes open and they are ground level with a concrete floor.

  No wonder my cheek is cold. What happened?

  I’m racking my brain, trying to remember when the car flashes before my eyes and I jerk up at the memory. I quickly realize my mistake when my head feels like it’s been hit by a sledgehammer.

  “I see you’re awake, my dear.”

  I spin too fast and end up slouched over on the ground with my eyes closed.

  Breathe, Lexi, just breathe.

  Once the pounding in my head lessens, I peer up to see a man standing about ten feet away from me. He’s looking at me in a way that gives me the creeps, his eyes undressing me.

  “Who are you and where am I?” I ask in a voice that hopefully sounds stronger than I feel.

  “Who I am isn’t important, but who you are, well, I am very interested in who you are,” he says in a smooth voice.

  My instincts are screaming at me not to trust this man but it’s almost like I’m compelled to tell him.

  “I’m Lexi Conrad,” I find myself saying and slam a hand over my mouth.

  “Oh, don’t worry, dear, your hand won’t stop you from answering my questions. You see, I have the power of compulsion, among other things, and you will be telling me everything I want to know,” he smirks before moving to crouch down in front of me.

  When he moves his finger to trail down my cheek, a feeling of revulsion flows through me and I try to turn my head but can’t. My eyes widen when I realize I can’t move at all, not even my pinky.

  “Ah, I see you’ve come to realize you can’t move, but don’t worry. I won’t hurt you…much. We’re just going to talk, and your answers will determine what happens next,” he says, tucking some hair behind my ear and then moving to stand.

  “You see, I’m curious. I was hoping to find one of the four in the car. They mess with my business so I’ll mess with them type thing, but instead I found you. It has been so hard trying to find something to use against them and you literally fall in my lap.”

  “I just met them last night, they mean nothing to me and I mean nothing to them. Sorry to bust that little bubble.” I snort.

  In a flash he’s before me and I feel a stinging on my cheek.

  “Impotent child, do not lie to me. They don’t bring women home, they’re careful, and it took me over a year to finally narrow down the area they call home. Why were you driving their car if you mean nothing to them?” he sneers out and walks back over to the window.

  “It’s call sex, Mr. Creepo. Although I imagine that’s not something you’re too familiar with if this is how you treat people. I sure know you aren’t doing it for me.”

  What the hell, Lexi, shut up before he kills you, or worse!

  “I can assure you I like sex just as much as the next person. I just have tastes that differ from most. Hmmm, maybe I should show you and then when I’m done with you, they’ll never be able to touch you again,” he tells me in a thoughtful tone.

  “That’s a hard pass from me,” I snap out.

  “I didn’t ask what you wanted, now stand,” his voice turns hard and as my body does his bidding, I’m truly terrified. He can do whatever he wants to me and I have no say, no control over my own body.

  “You seem to finally understand. You have no control here. If you do what I say, I’ll ease your pain and make it quick, but I will use you to get to them, to distract them.

  Something snaps inside of me. I may not have powers but I damn sure am not going to stand here and let him just use me. Not after the guys just used me. I’m done. I feel his hands on me and my mind screams NO. A feeling I’m not familiar with is building within me and the second I scream no in my mind, power unlike anything I’ve ever felt is flung out of me, knocking Mr. Creepo to his feet.

  “That’s impossible. You shouldn’t be able break my control, no one can!” He scoots away from me and I see a bit of worry in his eyes.

  He should be worried. He’s trying to use me and I am done feeling like I have that stamped on my forehead. My body is feeling all warm and tingly, making me look down.

  What the hell? I’m on fire, or maybe I’m not, but I’m definitely seeing myself on fire right now. I bring up my arms and turn them in front of me. Tiny flames are dancing over my skin, but I’m not getting burned. I have no clue what’s going on but as I feel Mr. Creepo clear his throat and try to stand up, I feel that powerful sensation build inside of me again.

  “You! I don’t even know you and you thought you could use me to get to them. Thought you’d distract them, or break them, or whatever it is you were thinking, but you thought wrong. They wouldn’t come for me and they won’t care that you took me, but I care. You, despicable man, are done using people.”

  The more I speak, the more I feel it, until it’s bubbling right under the surface and I feel like I’m going to explode.

  “I’m about to go Captain Marvel on your ass. You should be running.”

  Just as I say those last words he must see something in my face because he’s scrambling for the door. I don’t know if he makes it or not before I feel a calmness take over my body right before the power explodes.

  I let it out, all the anger, the fear, the frustration and the hurt. I just let it all out and once it feels like I have nothing left, the fire leaves me and everything goes dark. Exhausted from everything, I barely make it to the wall before sliding down and sitting on the ground. I lean my head back against the wall and just breathe. The smell of smoke assaults my nose and I know I need to get up, get out of here, and figure out where the hell I am and how I’m going to get home.

  One thing at a time, Lexi, get your ass out of this building.

  And so I do, I get up and put one foot in front of the other until I find myself walking through the only exit I can locate.



  Walking out of the building, I’m still in shock that I actually have powers and possibly killed someone. I guess I just needed a life or death situation, or high stress level, to bring them out. I don't even know what to do, it’s like I’m mostly numb. My first thought is holy shit, Kat is going to say 'told ya so' and then want all the details. If I'm honest with myself, my first thought is how much I want to tell the guys, and then his words come screeching back to my brain...

  We can't be with a norm, and not one of them had disagreed with what Mason had said. Assholes, the lot of them.

  If only they could see me now, I could revel in the fact that they tossed me away for nothing. But I won't call them. Let them think I'm still a norm. I want to be with a man or men who want me for me. They got what they wanted and so did I. Now I'll just get over them.

  Yea, if only my heart would get that memo.

  I look up and my steps falter. Standing right in front of me are Min, Rai, Chance and Mason, looking like they are ready to take on the world. I can literally see the electricity burning in Raiden's eyes.

  I don't know what to think about them being here, how did they even know where I was?

  "You asked me what my power was before and I distracted you. I get visions. I can see what might happen and I saw you were in trouble. In my vision you died, and that's why Mason said we couldn't be with you. We wanted to keep you safe, even if it was from us. Then tonight one hit me out of nowhere and we saw Jinx had you," Chance says in remorseful voice.

  He looks to the others before looking at me again and then Mason steps forward.

  "We're here to save you, little minx," he whispers, but I hear him nonetheless and I'm pissed all over again.

  "Well, as you can see I don't need saving, so you can go about your merry lives and forget you ever met me."

  I start to walk away from them when Min calls out.

  "Wait, baby girl, please."

  "Why? So you can tell me that we can be together
now because I have powers?" I look each of them in their eyes and then focus on Mason.

  "No. I won't be with men who can't see my worth. Powers don't make me special. God, you guys were the ones to drill that into my head over the weekend and then just because you had some scary vision you push me away, breaking my heart in the process. I just want to go home, take a shower, down a bottle of wine and sleep for a week. Without you."

  Mason flinches at my words but I don't care. He called me a good fuck and that's all I had been to him. I don't care if my words affect him because right now my heart feels like he deserves them.

  I don't realize I'm crying until Chance is in front of me, using his thumbs to wipe my tears away.

  "We fucked up and I know we could say sorry a million times and you wouldn't believe us but please, my feisty girl. Please, let us explain. Just please come back to the house with us. You can take a shower and have any bottle of wine in the house and then let us talk. If you still want to walk away after, we'll let you go," he says, searching my eyes. I can see the fear and desperation in his gaze. He's afraid I'll say no, which makes me say yes.

  "I take a shower alone and if anyone tries any sexy times or flirting, I'll throw a fireball at their balls."

  They each put a hand in front of their dicks and look sheepishly at me.

  "All right, boys, take me home." Before I could even think about what I've just said, I feel my body shutting down.

  "Catch her, she's about to pass out," Chance says and just before my vision blacks out, I see Mason’s hands catch me.

  Of course he'd be the one to save me from falling, are my last thoughts before I let myself drift off into nothingness.

  * * *

  I wake up in Min's bed. I know because it smells like him, there's a hint of leather, old books and coffee in the air. I slowly sit up and look around his room. He has shelves filled with books lining two walls with a desk in the middle of one wall and a nice reading nook in the middle of the other.

  At the foot of the bed is a single rose and a piece of folded paper. Reaching for them, I bring the rose to my nose to smell as I flip the paper open.

  We're sorry.

  PS- We think we're falling in love with you.

  PSS- We were idiots and Mason is an ass, give him hell but please come down and talk to us when you're ready.

  PSSS- Please, forgive us.

  PSSSS- You're a badass.

  PSSSSS- Little minx has claws.

  God if that doesn't make me want to smile. I can tell who wrote what and my heart wants to forgive them, but dammit, they hurt me. I need to let them stew a little. I can't let them think that they can hurt me again. I need to make them beg.

  I decide to take my time in the shower and then pull on one of Min's button-up shirts. I decide to go bare underneath. Not only do I not have any extra panties but I want to make them sweat. Min's shirt hits me just about mid thigh, so they won't know I'm naked at first.

  Giving myself a little pep talk in the mirror and pinching my cheeks to give them a natural rosy color, I take a deep breath in and then let it out, centering myself.

  Make them beg, girl, and then make them yours.

  I smile to myself and head downstairs, these next few minutes will determine whether I stay or go.



  Damn it I just want to go to her, but I know that if I do she'll leave and not give us another chance. I knew what Mason was doing the moment he spoke up and what she didn't hear was my fist hitting his face after she left. We all knew she was there and agreed for her safety we couldn't be in a relationship with her, at least while Jinx was still out there. But once he was dealt with, we'd find her, or at least that was the plan until Mason decided to be an ass and break her heart, making her think we all felt the same way.

  I take a deep breath and bring myself back into the present. She agreed to come back with us to talk. Now we just have to convince her that she is enough for us, with or without powers, and to give us a chance. Easy, right?

  I smirk to myself as I look around the room at the others. Chance is playing video games, trying to keep his mind off Lexi, Min is at the table reading...wait, is that Pride, Prejudice and Zombies? Damn, he has it bad. I shake my head and turn to look at Mason, who is standing by the sliding glass doors looking out at the pool. I wonder if he's thinking about that first night we had her here.

  He knows he messed up, just like I know he's clueless on how to fix it. I walk over to stand next to him and just wait.

  "I don't know how to fix this, Rai. Those words I said, I didn't mean them. I just didn't want her to die and I let my fear rule what I said. God, Rai, she's perfect for us. She can sit in silence and read with Min, she rivals Chance at that DC game he's always playing but doesn't make him feel stupid about it. She looks at you and her smile just lights up, and I bet if you were to ask her to cook with you she would and you'd have a blast. And for me, she tempers my assholeness. She doesn't take my bullshit or gives it just as good and damn if that doesn't make me want her more. But it's her soul, she radiates kindness and love while being a little minx. All this in one amazing package and I screwed it up. What do I do?"

  "You could not be an ass next time and just tell me the truth, Mason," we hear Lexi whisper from behind us.

  Mason whips around, his eyes wide in surprise to find her right behind us. I look to see that Chance and Min are smiling. Cheeky bastards knew she was there.

  "Does this mean you'll give us another chance?" Min speaks up, and I see hope flash in his eyes. Yea, we have it bad.

  "I'll think about it. But you have to promise to never push me away like that again. You see a vision about me, we talk about it. But fuck, Mason, if you ever break my heart like that again, I will not only char your balls but I will walk out that door and never look back," she states and puts her hands on her hips.

  "I think baby girl likes playing with fire," Min says, and then squints his eyes a second before lust fills them and he does that stupid thing Lexi seems to find sexy with his lips.

  I turn to look at Lexi and it's then I realize what she's wearing. She's in one of Min's satin button-up shirts that's unbuttoned enough to see the swell of her breasts. With her hands on her hips, it's hiked up the bottom of the shirt and holy hell, I don't think she's wearing underwear.

  I close my eyes as I feel myself get instantly hard at the thought of her bare under that fabric and have to hold back a moan. Her gaze shoots to mine and the little firecracker winks at me. Damn woman did this on purpose.

  I hear Mason before I see him and Lexi lets out a little squeak as he picks her up and backs her up against the wall.

  "You came down here in Min's shirt with not a thing on underneath and we're not supposed to touch or flirt with you? Little minx, now you're just being cruel." Before she can say anything in response, he's kissing her and I hope like hell she doesn't come through on her threat to our balls.



  When I realize she is down here in nothing but a button-up shirt, I lose it. Little minx knows what her skin does to me and to hell with her threat to my balls. It'll be worth it to feel her against me again.

  I pick her up and back up to the wall behind her until I'm nestled snug against her pussy. With her legs around my hips, I can definitely tells she's completely naked and hell if I don't want to bury myself in her right now.

  "You came down here in Min's shirt with not a thing on underneath and we're not supposed to touch or flirt with you? Little minx, now you're just being cruel."

  I don't give her a chance to respond, I crash my lips down to hers. How could I have ever said we couldn't be with her because she was a norm? There's not a normal bone in her body and as my passion rises so does hers, until we are fighting for control. My tongue licks her lips, seeking entrance, and she opens her mouth in a moan, which I gladly swallow. When her hands snake down and start to play with my belt, I move my hips to hold her to the wall and bring my han
ds up to unbutton the shirt.

  Once I get them all done, I open the shirt to bare her to the others’ gazes. I know they're watching and I want them to see her, too. She has my pants unbuckled and is taking my cock out and before I know it she's lining me up to her core. In one swift thrust I'm completely inside of her.

  "Yes," she whispers as she throws her head back against the wall and moans as I start a slow rhythm with my hips.

  "Look at me, little minx," I tell her, not stopping my ministrations.

  When she turns her head to look at me, I bare my soul. I kiss her with everything I am and put every ounce of I'm sorry into it. When we come up for air, I keep my forehead on hers and whisper I'm sorry.

  I almost don't think she heard me until three little words are spoken that break the dam around my heart.

  "I forgive you."

  At those words it's like my body has been unleashed and I pound into her. I feel her fingers dig into my skin and her heels on my ass and it just spurs me on. Raiden comes over and takes her mouth in a kiss while I keep thrusting, in and out. He whispers his apologies to her and I hear her forgive him and when he's done, Min and Chance take his place and do the same thing.

  I can feel her pussy start to pulse around me, letting me know she's close, and I lean down to take one of her nipples in my mouth. I bite down just as one of them starts playing with her clit and she explodes in my arms. She screams out my name and grips my cock so tight that I have no choice but to follow her.

  Once we've both come back down from one of the best orgasms of my life, I slowly pull out of her and she slides down my body until she's steady on her feet. She looks at me with a beautiful smile on her face and gives me a quick kiss before looking around the others.


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