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Saved Between the Sheets: An Anthology of Stories that Get to the Point

Page 29

by R. M. Walker

  “I don’t think you are in a place to make demands,” says the giant. Getting a closer look, I can see his brown hair falling in waves around his ears, with his eyes glowing the yellow of a cat, and it occurs to me that I should be more wary than I am.

  “I guess you’re taking the rough road, then,” I say, bringing my arms up and aiming the arrow right at his heart. Just because he isn’t a wolf, doesn’t mean that he isn’t working for them.

  “Wait!” he shouts, holding up his hands in a gesture of surrender. His arms are stretching his white t-shirt to the max, and something in my core ignites. Something that hasn’t happened in a while. I pause my shot but keep my arms up and ready.

  “Start. Talking,” I bite out. They are getting on my last nerve. I need to know why they’re here.

  “Ok, I’m Acalon, and these are my partners, Zolin and Tenoch. We are Jaguar Warriors from the Underworld Council. They sent us here to take care of some rogue wolves that are suspected of abducting witches for breeding,” he says, pointing to each of his partners. Zolin is on his left has golden eyes and a coat the color of a traditional jaguar, yellow with brown spots. He is huge, and I can see the powerful muscles in his chest. On the right, Tenoch’s coat is much darker than his partner. It’s a dark brown, almost black, the color mirroring a panther. His aqua eyes are shining with intelligence and curiosity.

  My eyebrows shoot up as I catch the last thing he says. “What do you mean breeding? And why send you now? I didn’t get any notifications that you were coming. Where is your ID? Show me your amber badges,” I demand. I’ve been requesting help for weeks from the Council, and all I have gotten is radio silence. Now out of the blue, three Jaguar Warriors show up —the elite branch of the Underworld's military.

  “We have reports saying the wolves are trying to breed to increase their population. Humans aren’t taking to the venom like they used to, something about too many chemicals in the blood, and so they are branching out to find other supernaturals that can handle their bite. Seems like witches are one of them.”

  “Where’s your ID?” I demand. His eyes flare at my tone, but I don’t give a shit. My bow is still focused on them, and with a twitch of my finger, all three could be dead on the ground before the first jaguar jumped.

  He slowly reaches into his pocket and pulls out a wallet. He flips it open, and I can see an amber badge with the U logo on it. No two badges are the same and the amber is magically created, these guys are legit. I lower my bow, counter the spell and place my arrow back in its quiver.

  Walking over to them, I extend my hand to Acalon. The two cats around him growl at my approach, but their mental link should assure my safety, either that or when they try something, my lightning magic will just fry them to death. It’s a great little built-in defense mechanism.

  “I’m Izel, but everyone calls me Izzy. I’m the lead protector of the Moonbeam Coven, well, the only lead. It’s a small coven, and we tend to keep to ourselves.”

  When our hands connect, a bolt of magic jolts me to my core, his power runs through my body and out into the jungle floor. It’s so intense that his animal comes to the surface, and my magic rises to meet it. It’s not unheard of for supernaturals of other races to mate, but it is very rare. A flare of hope runs through me, as I consider the man before me. I take a step back and survey the two jaguar shifters in front of me as well.

  A shimmer of light comes out of nowhere and what was once two jaguars, is now two impossibly beautiful men standing before me. Zolin is just as tall as his partner but has golden skin and beautiful butterscotch-colored eyes. His blond hair is tousled atop his head, and the golden eyes of his jaguar are still present.

  “Is this...?” he questions, turning to look at Acalon for the answer.

  “My coven has had inter-species pairings before. It’s not unheard of for us. I think it’s because of the magic we hold, however, ours is a bit different than normal witches. We have been blessed with natural magic for centuries. I believe it has something to do with us being descendants from the Goddess herself,” I say.

  “Can we...can we try?” Zolin asks, for Tenoch and himself. Both approach me, and one by one hold out a hand. I feel the same spark of magic that I did when Acalon took my hand. Their eyes blaze in amazement.

  Looking at the three of them together is starting to make me a bit dizzy. Acalon was beautiful alone, but the three of them together is like staring directly at the sun, so breathtaking it will burn your eyes. “We are Jaguar Warriors. We cannot have a mate,” Tenoch says. His long black hair reminds me of a night’s curtain. It shimmers in the moonlight. His aqua blue eyes make me want to fall into them, and with that last thought, I know I am officially a goner.

  “You may have chosen to be a warrior, but the gods have a different plan for us. It is your choice to accept it, however, we still have a job to do. My coven members need to be saved. They need our protection, and I will see those rogue wolves pay for taking them. You need to make the decision on whether you are willing to help me,” I say, staring at each one of them. The part of me that has craved for her mate is jumping for joy, but the rational part, the one where I know Jaguar Warriors are all about serving and protecting, understands this will probably not be.

  Chapter Two

  Walking back through the trees, I can feel the three beasts behind me, but we stay silent as we approach the village. My sentinels are standing guard at the gates, and I quickly give them the hand signal to allow the three warriors into our town. Coyotl, my second, comes out of the guard’s station with a quizzical look in his eyes. He has been my best friend since we were five years old, bonding over strawberries and our mutual hatred of bullies. Coyotl is a six-foot-tall umber-skinned Adonis with chocolate brown eyes and a smile that can set the world on fire. His muscles have muscles, and if he wasn’t my best friend and gay, I would be all over him like butter on toast.

  “Did you bring friends home to play with, Izzy? Can I have one?” he jokes, as he takes his appraisal of the guys. He may sound lighthearted, but I know the killer witch Coyotl is, and he’s sizing up these men, just as I’m sure they’re doing to him.

  Just as I’m about to reply, a growl erupts from Zolin, and I turn to find him with a snarl on his lips in a challenge. It’s answered by Coyotl’s hands as they ignite into his green flame.

  “Boys, calm your tits. Coyotl is my second in command, and my best friend. He will be helping us find the witches,” I say to the Warriors. “Coyotl, this are Acalon, Zolin, and Tenoch. They are Jaguar Warriors sent from the Underworld Council to help us get rid of the rogue wolf issue. Apparently, my requests have been answered.”

  “That answers one part of my question. The second is why did this cat have a bitch fit when you approached me?” Coyotl asks. His green flame still balanced in his hand, ready to defend me.

  “Oh, well…it seems we are fated mates as well,” I say sheepishly. No good way to say it, so I might as well spit it out.

  Coyotl’s perfect eyebrows raise so far into his hairline that I am pretty sure they disappear completely for a minute. “I’m sorry… did you say mates? All independent, fuck-everyone-Izzy has mates?” he says, clutching his chest and trying to keep the laughter that is bubbling up inside from pouring out.

  “You know what, Coyotl, forget it,” I say, as I walk right past him with my head high. I can hear him cackling like the twelve-year-old I know he is deep down.

  “Izzy!” he shouts behind me. I turn around to give him a redeeming chance, and he is still doubled over laughing. That fucker. I throw him the finger and turn toward the entrance.

  My command station and home are all rolled into one. Living quarters are on the second floor, but the ground level consists of the kitchens, tech rooms, and meeting areas. Our town only has around 5,000 people, so we don’t need much.

  I move toward the kitchen and make a pot of coffee. It’s around 2 am, but I don’t see us getting any sleep anytime soon. As I am pulling out the mugs, sugar, an
d milk, the rest of the men join me. The Warriors are carrying overnight bags that I hadn’t noticed before. I must have been a bit distracted by all their sexiness.

  “Where can we put our belongings?” Acalon asks, with a softer tone. I can feel his caution from here. He thinks I’m upset.

  “There are guest rooms upstairs. I’ll have one of the guys bring them up,” I say, turning toward Coyotl who doesn’t object to my command, but just types the instructions into his phone.

  A growl escapes from Zolin’s mouth, and we all turn our attention to him. I need to nip this right in the bud. “Oi, Zolin, you need to quit whatever territorial bullshit you have going on, right now,” I demand. I don’t need a fight in my ranks. I am The Protector for a reason, and it isn’t because I am the prettiest, Coyotl is definitely prettier.

  “Izel, my jaguar wants to claim you now, and there are so many other males in this building that he is becoming possessive. We need to go somewhere privately,” Zolin growls out. He looks as if he is going to lose control soon. His jaguar is pushing to the surface, and I can feel the magic in the air.

  “Are the two of you also feeling the same?” I ask Acalon and Tenoch. They both look unsure as to what they should say to me.

  “I’m torn, Izzy. We have lived this life for so long, it is all that we know, but to have a mate would be a blessing. To feel that connection with you and Acalon and Zolin, would mean everything to me,” Tenoch confesses. He has a bit of sadness in his voice, and I sense that he genuinely wants this.

  “I am having a hard time believing this is true. My jaguar is pushing for this mating, but my male side is skeptical. How can we meet our mate after all these years? How can this be true after just one touch? We need to speak with the council,” Acalon says, looking at his partners. A pain crushes my insides at the thought that he doesn’t want to be my mate.

  As ridiculous as this sounds, I have waited so long to find my mates. It is inevitable, once the magic has chosen there is no way of denying it. “Follow me.” I put my mug down on the counter and make my way over to the back of the building where the stairs are. Climbing up, I can hear the other three sets of feet following behind me. This is sudden, and part of me is aware of how strange it is, but after having come to terms with it never happening for me, I’m a little excited. Having a harem would mean so much more for my powers, so much more for this town, but they are warriors and jaguars. They took a vow of honor and service to the Underworld, I would just be in the way.

  We reach the top floor, and I lead them down the long hallway. At the end are my living quarters. Opening the door to the lounge, there are two big leather sofas with giant throw pillows. The television is mounted over the fireplace, and off to the side is my reading nook. A small library of books is shelved on the walls, and the most comfortable chaise lounge is right under the windows looking out onto the forest. This time of night, you can’t see anything but the outline of the trees and the moon, but at sunrise… the sky turns sherbet and the view is breathtaking.

  The rest of my suite is simple enough. I have a guest bathroom and small kitchenette on the opposite side of the big windows. My bedroom is located to the right, where I have my own ensuite with a gigantic tub and shower. I like to unwind after a hard day of training and soak my sore muscles, there is nothing like a good book and a soak in the tub.

  “Where will you have us sleep?” Tenoch says, a bit hesitant. He seems to be the more reserved one of the group.

  “There are two spare bedrooms down the hall there, you will have to share. Unless you want to go down and bunk with the rest of the guard. They have cots in the back for guests,” I say, matter-of-factly. It will kill me for them to leave, but I need to respect their space.

  “We will not be leaving our potential mate alone, unprotected and in a building full of other males. As much as I am unsure, my jaguar will not allow it,” Acalon growls out. His whole body is tense, ready for a fight. I can feel his energy, hot as fire. It races up my body and makes me think of what it would be like to have him naked. If he’s looking for a fight here, he isn’t going to get it. I am too used to all the alpha males in this coven.

  “First off, you’re right, we aren’t mates… yet. We are simply prospective mates, and secondly, I can protect myself. I have been doing so my entire life. I didn’t become the town’s protector by being a damsel in distress,” I retort. No male, mate or not, is going to tell me what I can and cannot do.

  “Acalon is being an ass, Izel, our jaguars are going nuts right now, and it is rubbing off on our male sides,” Zolin explains. He looks relaxed on the outside, but looking at him closely, I can see he is also a bit tense. His energy sends off frustrated vibes — sexually frustrated vibes. My body responds instantly. When they scent my arousal, I can see the shift in their demeanor. The air becomes thick, and my temperature rises. I feel a flash of heat, and then cool goosebumps form on my skin. I want this, I want them so bad.

  “So, then, you’re considering this? What about your Jaguar Warrior oaths? What will the Underworld Council say?” I ask in a rush. I know I am getting ahead of myself, but the excitement is bubbling over. I have waited to be mated for over 50 years. It’s a long time to be alone, even for a witch. Most of our kind find their mates when they are in their 40s. I’m over 100 and thought it was hopeless.

  “We… we can’t ignore this, Izel. It’s something we never saw for ourselves, but it’s here, you’re here, in front of us, and we need to acknowledge that. Finding a mate, especially after all these years, is extraordinary. I know I don’t want to give up this chance,” Zolin confesses. You can see the hope in his eyes. He wants this just as much as I do. When he stares directly at me, it seems like the world disappears. His gaze is penetrating, and it adds to my need. I lick my lips in anticipation, and without realizing it, I take a step forward. The reaction is immediate, and I think if I wasn’t so in control of my body and magic, I would have stripped right there for them.

  “Me either. I am still unsure where this is going to take us, but I need to have you. It’s all-consuming to my jaguar. We both need to taste you,” Tenoch says, clearing his throat, and pulling us all out of the sexual bubble we were just in. “I am just as amazed as Zolin is. The pull to mate is so strong it can’t be denied. This would mean so much to me.” We all turn then to Acalon and patiently await his response. He seems to be having a conflicting conversation going on internally, even if I know he is as turned on by all of this as we are.

  “I need to call the Council. They need to know what has happened before we continue. This may mean forfeiting our positions as warriors. Is this ok with the both of you?” he asks. Both guys nod their head in approval. My pulse quickens, and the tiny bit of hope I had before flares to life.

  Acalon reaches into his pocket and grabs his phone, stepping out into the hall to place his call. I am left alone with these two gorgeously sexy, god-like shifters in my living quarters, and it sinks in that anything could happen.

  “Do you um…want to get settled in? Or maybe a glass of water? I can make more coffee?” I ask, very awkwardly. Why does this feel like a date? Mates are supposed to feel natural with each other. Why is this weird?

  “No, I’d much prefer something a bit sweeter,” Tenoch responds, with a smoldering look that could melt my panties right there.

  Blushing, I turn away and cross the room to go to the kitchenette. It suddenly feels like the desert has taken up residence in my mouth. I pour myself a glass of water and drink it down as fast as I can swallow. Finished, I wipe my mouth on the back of my hand and find two sets of eyes staring at me.

  “Fuck, that was sexy as hell,” Zolin says. His eyes are ablaze with lust, and his energy is pulsing with his need. My eyes go wide, and I notice the bulging hard-ons they both are sporting. It was just a glass of water.

  Acalon walks in at that moment and must scent the tension. His lust mixes with the rest of us, and if something isn’t done soon, I am going to explode.r />
  “What did they say?” I practically shout. It feels like the Council is holding all the cards, and I don’t like it.

  “They said it is rare for warriors to find their mates, as the Fates usually change the course of their intended once they take the oath, so this must be a special bond that the Fates want us to have. There was a sense of glee from Counsel Braddock. He may be up to something, but for the most part, we are free to do what we wish,” Acalon says with happiness. Now that he has gotten his approval, he wants this just as much as the rest of us.

  Silence befalls the room, and the sexual tension increases a few levels. I’m now second guessing if I’m ready to sleep with these three men. We just met, even if my body doesn’t agree. My magic is pulling toward them like the tide coming to shore, but my brain wants more than just sex from my partners. I want a connection, something real. I need to walk away from them for a bit.

  “Right, well I am going to try to get some sleep then. It seems like maybe we can pick this up in the morning?” I ask, with reservation in my voice. It’s not the whole truth, but I hope that they take it for what it is — fear of this not being real.

  Acalon is so fast, I barely register him moving before he is on me. His body invades my space, as he threads his hands into my hair, and wrapping his large arms around my small frame. He bends down, gets into my face and hovers there for a quick second. All thoughts of confusion are gone, and my pulse shoots up to a thousand. He stares intently into my eyes before lightly pressing a kiss to my mouth, asking for permission. When I respond in kind, he loses all control. His lips are all over mine. His kiss is aggressive and strong. It takes my breath away while leaving a wet demand behind. My clit pulses and I try to wiggle to find some release. This kiss is everything, but at the same time, not enough. I want more. I pull him closer by his t-shirt, brushing my hands on his chest. All the muscles underneath are hard and sculpted and I can’t get enough of feeling his body on mine. I need friction, I need there to be fewer clothes.


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