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Saved Between the Sheets: An Anthology of Stories that Get to the Point

Page 45

by R. M. Walker

  I had downed two beers and was well into my third when a familiar voice met me on the dance floor, the deep raspy timbre shooting sparks of fire along my spine.

  “Hey darlin’.”

  Looking up, I caught Geron’s sexy smile. “Hey.”

  “You left me a little too early this morning,” he admonished, moving in close as a hand rested possessively around my waist. The other rose to brush along the contour of my cheek. “I didn’t like it.”

  “Waking up alone?” I made a clucking sound with my tongue. “I thought you were a big boy.”

  He chuckled lightly. “I assume all those moans of pleasure were confirmation.”

  I blushed as he lowered his head to steal a soft kiss.

  “Come away with me,” he whispered huskily, “I want to pick up where we left off.”

  The humor faded as I met his hungry gaze. A flicker of concern shone in the cerulean depths that he tried to hide. Was my melancholy that obvious?

  “Take me far enough to forget reality.”

  “Veronica, darlin’, what’s the matter?”

  I shook my head, refusing to answer. Nothing of my time with this man would be tarnished by my family name or the man who gave me life. Escape was all I wanted. Geron was quickly becoming my favorite distraction.

  He didn’t press for answers as his hand gripped mine, leading us through the maze of bodies until we exited the house. I had a moment of déjà vu when he clicked the fob on his car, and we drove away. It wasn’t Geron who stole a kiss the second we walked inside his apartment.

  I practically attacked the man, delighted when he pushed me up against the wall and his hands shoved my arms above my head, circling my wrists with a firm but loose pressure. He must have been able to taste the desperation on my lips because he growled low more than once as our tongues collided. His kisses devoured and consumed, skyrocketing my desire as my thighs clenched.

  Please let me feel lost in his touch.

  “Geron,” I moaned, “fuck me.”

  He hissed as I pulled a hand free and cupped his bulge, my eyes pleading for the pleasure I needed. I was picked up and tossed over his shoulder, one hand slapping my ass hard as we strode down the hall and into his room. We didn’t waste time with the careful seduction of last night. This was all need – raw, desperate, sinful. Every stroke of his tongue, every nip of his teeth left me wanting more.

  He threw me down on the bed with a wicked grin. “I’m going to fuck you hard tonight, V. Then you’ll be sure that aching soreness between your thighs tomorrow will be a reminder of the man waiting for you to return.”

  Climbing on the mattress, he crawled between my open thighs, tearing the last of my clothing free. The panties were in shreds and I knew at this rate I’d need to go shopping for more soon. His eyes feasted on my naked flesh, his fingers dipping into every hill, valley, and curve. I’d have bruises later from his grip but the idea of his mark on my body was an instant aphrodisiac.

  “You’re so beautiful. You take my breath away.”

  Without another word he lowered his head to part my lips with his fingers while his hot tongue circled my clit. Flicking it and then sucking the nub sharply into his mouth caused another loud moan to leave my throat and echo into the room. I couldn’t get enough as my fingers tugged at his hair. Shoving down his boxers, he worked my pussy with another few strokes. My head whipped side to side as the pleasure continued building in my core. I barely noticed when Geron lined up and entered me in one hard thrust. His cock speared me, my hips greedily moving faster, humping upward to receive every brutally sensual inch of his dick.

  Slamming into me over and over, he kept up the pace until I was screaming my orgasm, crying out his name. His forehead lowered to mine as our harsh breaths mingled and our hearts beat a unified rhythm. When he finally moved it was to secure me against his side.

  Geron didn’t want me to sneak away again. The words didn’t leave his lips, but I was certain of his feelings. Pulling my body flush against his chest, his arms surrounded me in a warm cocoon.

  “Stay, darlin’,” he whispered, his Scottish accent a little more pronounced than usual, “I need ye in my arms.”

  Yawning lightly, I wiggled my ass a little closer. “Just hold me all night, and I will.”



  The loud bellow of my father’s voice awakened me early the next morning.

  “I don’t care if she’s asleep. Get her up. Now!” He roared as my door opened, and a frazzled looking Vinny poked his head inside.

  “Your father wants to see you right away.”

  “I heard,” I mumbled, grabbing my robe and belting it around my waist. Padding my way across the room, I was almost to the door when it flew open and missed smacking into me by only a few inches.

  “What the fuck is this?”

  My father tossed a newspaper in my direction and I scrambled to pick it up, horrified when I saw a picture of me and Geron on the front page. The headline read “Heiress cheats behind fiancé’s back.”

  Shocked, I couldn’t figure out why my picture and that headline went together. “Why does it say fiancé?”

  He struck me across the head before I could move. The blow left my ears ringing. I fell to the carpet, darting flashes of light dancing on the edges of my vision as I cowered, completely confused. I knew he would be angry about Geron but beyond that I didn’t have a clue.

  “You were engaged a week ago to Sergei Ivankov.”


  “You can’t do that!” I yelled, forgetting the man I spoke to was ruthless and cunning and far beyond considering my wishes for anything.

  He grasped my hair and pulled me across the room as I fought his hold, shoving my body into the bathroom. In his cold black eyes, I saw nothing but pure evil.

  “Shower and make yourself presentable for the ball tonight. You will behave accordingly. If you step out of line at all, I will deliver you to Sergei early. Do not disappoint me again.”

  He yanked the door shut as I began to cry, sobbing harder as I lay against the cool tiles. I didn’t know how long I lay there but the chill finally forced me to move and I entered the shower, cringing at the pain in my scalp. For long minutes the warm water trickled down my body as the scene played over and over in my head.

  Why would my father want to marry me off to the Russian mob?

  I thought back to secret conversations and snippets of meetings I’d heard in the last few weeks. Something was wrong. I think my father was in debt to a different crime boss and he made a deal with the Russians. Perhaps I was thrown in to sweeten the deal. I wasn’t sure.

  At precisely eight p.m., my father opened the door and held out his arm. I placed my hand promptly but refused to look at him as we descended the stairs. It didn’t matter. He barely noticed the dress I wore or the effort I put into my appearance. If I was expected to act the part, I’d play it to the fullest. Hate filled my heart as I lifted my chin. I wouldn’t be his punching bag anymore.

  Our personal driver Phillip stood by the limo as we entered. He tried to make eye contact, but I pretended not to notice. The second I was free to leave my father’s side I was going to find a way to escape the party and contact my brother. Today was a hard lesson to learn. My father was never going to love me and every second I remained in that house brought me closer to sharing my mother’s fate.

  Enough was enough.

  The masquerade party was already underway as I entered the crowd and picked up a glass of champagne, scanning all the exits. Before I had a chance to leave the room, I was led to the dance floor and forced to endure the endless boring company of men who saw me as nothing but a prize.

  Every move I made was watched and scrutinized. Vinny stood off to the side and his team spread throughout the estate, securing the perimeter and dashing any hope I had of escape.

  Someone tapped my dance partner’s shoulder and cut in. I was about to make my excuses and retreat when Geron swept me into his arms.<
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  “We keep meeting at the worst times . . .”

  “I disagree, darlin',” he breathed huskily, “I'd say they're the best.”

  “Does that only include the minutes we’re naked?”

  His lip quirked upward in a lopsided grin. “Every minute counts but my cock is partial to the moments when your sexy body is on full display.”

  My gaze kept darting around the room as we danced, frightened that my father would emerge from the shadows. I caught Vinny’s eye and he frowned, shaking his head. I had to find a way to separate from Geron before my father spotted us.

  “Are you going to tell me what’s wrong or keep it a secret all night?”

  As much as I wanted to confide in him, it wasn’t the right time. “You need to leave.”

  He arched a brow, cupping my cheek in his hand. “I don’t scare that easily. Out with it.”

  Sighing, I figured he may as well know the truth. “Did you see the paper this morning?”

  Geron smirked, shrugging his shoulders. “Yes. I thought it was rather intriguing. You?”

  “My father didn’t think so.” I lifted a hand to the side of my head where it was still tender and winced. “He’s angry.”

  “What did he do?”

  Blinking, I couldn’t form a sentence that didn’t sound crazy. “It’s not important.”

  “Did he hurt you?” Geron’s voice was little more than a growl.

  “When doesn’t he hurt me?” The pain of that statement left an empty feeling in my stomach and I pulled away, running toward the exit and the ladies’ room down the hall.

  I knew Geron would follow me, but I didn’t think he’d enter the actual bathroom. Luckily, no one else was there.

  “Veronica, talk to me.”

  “We can’t do this here,” I answered, afraid the walls had ears. “I don’t trust this entire estate.”

  Geron nodded and led me from the room, dashing down the hall and turning a few times until we entered a hidden wing that led down into the servant’s quarters.

  “This isn’t ideal, but I think I know a place where we can talk.”

  We headed up another staircase and ended up in a ladies’ sitting room, located outside the main bedroom. “These rooms belong to the lady of the house. I saw her leave them earlier with her lover.” He pulled a little black box from his pocket and set it on a nearby table. “This will scramble any hidden communication devices.”

  Sitting on the edge of an ornately decorated bench, I told Geron what had happened over the last few days. He stood, raking his hand through his hair in anger when I finished.

  “I won’t allow any further abuse. You come home with me tonight.”

  I nodded, thankful he offered. “We can’t hide in here forever. My father’s security team is watching my every move and reporting back to him.”

  “No, we can’t but I also won’t leave you vulnerable. How long do you think we have before they come searching for you?”

  “Maybe an hour. I can’t say for sure. They’ll think I’m enjoying the party so that could buy us more time.”

  He stopped pacing and reached for my hand, pulling me up before him. “I want you, V. I want all of you.”

  My breath hitched in my throat and I threw caution to the wind. What if I was caught? What if I died? What if this was the last chance I had to spend with Geron?

  He gently touched my cheek, caressing the skin as his eyes met mine. “You’re mine. I’ll have you, any time I want. Anywhere I want.”

  The thought sent a jolt of excitement to my needy core.

  “But remember, I would never hurt you. Alright?”

  “I know.”

  His hand gripped my skull, tugging my head backward as his fingertips trailed along the delicate ridges of my throat. I swallowed, shuddering as those skilled hands slipped beneath the material of my dress. He cupped the globes of my breasts, grasping handfuls of my body as they roamed greedily over my flesh. My back arched and I moaned as my ass rubbed against the tented crotch of his pants.

  Geron hissed, scraping his teeth along the side of my throat until he began to suck and nibble on the lobe of my ear. “We were meant to meet, darlin’,” he rasped, clutching my body closer, “and I don’t intend to let you go without a fight.”

  My heart soared with those words even as I thought how silly it was to believe in love at first sight. Something about this man was different. He was every dream I’d ever conjured of my ideal man and at the same time he brought painful memories of my past to the surface. How could he be so similar to David? How could his touch ignite the same fire? Why did I keep thinking of a dead man whenever I was in Geron’s arms?

  Releasing me and backing away, his dark brow lowered until all I could focus on was the predatory gaze in his eyes. He prowled like a lion as he circled my body, clenching his fists as if unsure where he wanted to place them next. I kept perfectly still under his scrutiny, my chest rising and falling quickly.

  “I love all your curves,” he whispered seductively, “a woman should have them.” His lips grazed the underside of my jaw as he approached and hovered above my throat. “Every dip.” A kiss to my collarbone. “Every valley.” Another kiss pressed against the inward curve of my wrist as he lifted a hand. “Every last inch of your soft porcelain skin.”

  He stood behind me and grasped my hips, moving his own slightly against the curve of my ass. He dropped to his knees behind me and I gasped when his hands met my ankles and rose slowly along the outer edge of my calves and higher up until the material of my slinky crimson dress slid up my thighs and pooled at my waist. Geron ripped away my panties, the rending of fabric the only sound in the room except for my thundering heart. Two of his fingers slid between my folds, circling my clit as he sucked along the length of my neck. My hips rocked back and forth as my arousal increased and I grew wetter with anticipation, humping his fingers.

  “Do you want to come, darlin’?”

  My breathless cry couldn’t be avoided. “Yes!”

  “Not yet.”

  Geron knew exactly what he was doing, bringing me close to the brink and leaving my greedy pussy on the edge of orgasm. He applied just enough pressure to ensure I reacted but not enough stimulation to push me over. His fingers slid away, and I whimpered, needing his immediate return.

  “I want to dishevel my perfect little doll and make her oh so dirty,” he rasped, clutching at a handful of my hair and pulling it free from the perfect chignon at my neck. “I want to leave my mark on your flawless skin.”

  His mouth nipped, sucked, licked, and bit at my neck and shoulders until he slipped the thin straps of my dress down, fully exposing the heavy mounds of my breasts to the cool air. Spinning me around quickly, he held my body close as his lips lowered and his hot tongue circled my nipple, playing with the tight bud as my knees nearly buckled.

  “But most of all,” he continued, lifting his head to stare directly into my eyes, “I want to sink my cock inside you and hear that sweet pretty voice call out my name as I give you multiple orgasms.”

  My eyes widened as he removed his black tie and reached for my wrists, wrapping the silky material around them and tying in a knot. Geron checked to be sure I was secure, a possessive and darkly seductive gleam in his eyes. Tugging me over to a satin settee, he grinned wickedly as I was tossed over the arm and landed on my stomach. My dress was yanked down my thighs and laid carefully on the cushions in front of me.

  Clad in nothing but black thigh-high stockings, a garter belt, and jeweled heels I was exposed to the air and Geron’s lust filled gaze. My ass cheeks tightened with the delay as I squirmed, lingering in between satisfaction and release. The first slap of his hand was such a shock that I cried out the same moment another spanking hit the same cheek. Several more followed as heat rose to the surface of my skin. The sting was a pleasurable pain that I hadn’t felt before and I decided I liked the unpredictability of it.

  Geron must have grown impatient because he gripped my hip
s and pulled me down a few inches. I knew he was lining up his cock but screamed anyway when he entered me from behind. A hand slipped around my throat as he withdrew slightly and then rammed inside me again. I swear I could almost feel his dick hit my cervix.

  Plunging in and out deeply, he was relentless in his strokes. Pain and pleasure combined as my moans filled the air. He fucked me with wild abandon, and I enjoyed every brutal, hard thrust. The first night had been all sweetness. Last night and tonight, it was all raw dirty pleasure. We came at nearly the same moment. He pulled out and I felt the hot sticky streams of his cum as they coated my ass and lower back.

  Just as he promised, I was completely and utterly filthy.



  “Give me a minute to freshen up.”

  We had dressed after finishing our sensual little tryst, but I wanted a minute to clean up and catch my breath. Geron placed a kiss on the top of my hand and left me at the door.

  “Five minutes, V. No longer.”

  Maybe we shouldn’t have delayed in the mistress’s room, but I didn’t want to take back the last half hour. Geron was an expert lover and his touch was magical. My heart still beat a rapid rhythm as I thought of the way he had taken me. Such a naughty man.

  Heading toward one of the mirrored sitting areas, I grabbed the wipes from my clutch purse and cleaned all the vital areas. Once my makeup was refreshed and my hair back in its neat coil, I felt ready to leave. If anyone spotted me with Geron we could always say we needed fresh air after dancing. It wasn’t a lie that we had worked up a sweat.

  The door to the ladies’ room opened and shut as I stood back, waiting to see if it was another woman or Geron. I was wrong on both counts. A strange man stood facing me with a twisted grin. His dark eyes were almost cruel as they met mine, his hand flicking imaginary lint from his immaculate suit. Gold cufflinks caught the light as he stuck his hands in his trouser pockets. I could swear he was slightly amused or bored or both.


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