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Saved Between the Sheets: An Anthology of Stories that Get to the Point

Page 58

by R. M. Walker

  “Let us go, Ara. You don’t have to kill any more people. We can start over,” I said, though I didn’t mean it. The grief and anger in her eyes told me that she had lost her sanity years ago and wasn’t interested in fighting her way back from it.

  She snickered. “You’re heroes. You can’t help yourself. I understand that better than anyone. You’ll never let me go free. Everything would have been fine, but you just had to investigate Robert and Drew’s deaths. I knew we should have stopped after Drew, but we needed Daniel gone too.”

  Suddenly, the deaths of the CEOs made sense. “You needed their companies and their tech. Drew’s suit was created from polymers that made it practically indestructible. Robert could hack any communication system to spy on the entire city, and Daniel made cutting edge weapons small enough to hide within a battle suit. Let me guess, Houston convinced you to kill the heroes so that you would rule the city together, but in reality, he wanted to absorb all the companies, and use their combined tech to make himself invincible.”

  I saw a flash of fear in Ara’s eyes when I explained that Houston wasn’t just eliminating heroes to appease her suppressed hatred of Fist, he was becoming the ultimate villain with no one left to stop him.

  She quickly recovered and smiled at Halcyon. “He loves me,” she said confidently.

  Houston removed his helmet and smiled at Ara. “Ara told me about Fist’s cruelty and I knew that I had to help her. I can help the both of you as well. Join me and you can be a team again, except this time, you will have the support you so desperately crave. We can all be a family, just like Ara wants.”

  Seeing the way Ara looked at Houston with such love and respect, I understood why she had turned on us. Houston had convinced her that he cared about her. Ara was so desperate to be accepted by someone that she had fallen for his bullshit.

  Houston was obviously lying. He didn’t care about forming a team. He needed us gone for his plan to work, and he knew Javin and I would never stop pursuing him.

  “He’s using you, Ara. Can’t you see that? He’s turned you into his weapon. He doesn’t care about you,” I shouted.

  Ara flipped her purple hair over her shoulder and turned her back on me. “You’ll never understand what Houston means to me.”

  I rolled my eyes and assessed my cage for weaknesses. I had to find a way to break free before Ara and Houston decided which one of them would kill us.

  Javin suddenly popped to his feet and slammed his body against his glass cage, making Ara jump.

  “Let us go!” Javin shouted.

  Houston sighed. “I had hoped that you would join us, but I can see that you are as stubborn as Fist was. I tried to make him see things my way, but he wouldn’t listen.”

  I couldn’t believe that Houston had tried to convince Fist to help him take over the city, though I was a little surprised that Fist hadn’t agreed to help him. He had always been dangerously close to becoming a true villain.

  Seeing Houston walk towards his computer, I knew we were running out of time. Any number of gasses could pour out of the vents inside the cages to kill us both.

  “Ara! Listen, Houston tried to get Fist on his side. When that failed, he recruited you. That doesn’t sound like love, it sounds like you were option number two,” I said, playing on her insecurities.

  She ignored me and stared at a surveillance monitor.

  Javin continued to attack the glass, breaking various bones in the process, but he wasn’t making much progress.

  Examining the electrical field around my cage, I tried to manipulate the energy and pass through it. Each time I tried, I was shocked and forced to take a minute to recover from the pain. Trying a different tactic, I focused and went invisible. Using the natural energy field around me, I used it as a buffer between the electrical field and me. Forcing my way through the field, I screamed as my cells broke apart and frantically bounced around. I pushed through the glass and landed on the ground, dazed by the experience.

  “Houston!” Ara shouted.

  Houston took to the air and flew at me, but I was able to disappear and dive to the side in time to avoid him. I ran to the console and hit the release button for Javin’s cage, while Ara appeared conflicted as she looked at me, then Houston. She wasn’t sure if she should fight me or help Houston fight Javin.

  Javin ran at Houston and leapt on his back when Houston stupidly flew too close to him. Javin punched Houston in the back of the head and pulled Houston’s shoulders off balance, sending him head first into the glass cage wall. I left Houston to Javin and went for Ara.

  When I reached out to grab her, she burst into ice shards and flew at my chest. I looked around for something to use as a shield, but there wasn’t enough time to grab anything. Short on options, I allowed the ice to slide through my body. Feeling Ara’s molecules collide with mine, I screamed. My body tore apart and moved in different directions. I could see everything in the room and feel the air all around me. Unsure of what was happening, I tried to focus my mind and pull myself back together. It felt like I had broken into a million puzzle pieces and I didn’t know how to fit the pieces together.

  Remembering what Fist had said about calming my mind and slowing my breathing in order to control my power, I did as he taught me and focused on every piece of my body until the pieces knitted back together.

  Panting, I fell to my knees and found Javin sitting in front of me, calling my name.

  “Sayah! Speak to me! Say something!” he shouted.

  “Where’s Ara?” I asked.

  He shook his head, but didn’t reply. He took me into his arms and hugged me.

  “Where’s Houston?” I asked.

  “He’s not getting up for a while,” he said, motioning to Houston’s bloody body laying inside one of the glass cages.

  I looked around, confused. “What happened?”

  Javin’s expression was bleak. He wetted his lips and sat back on his heels. “Ara’s ice form went into you, but never came back out. You changed, Sayah. You were screaming one minute and the next you were breaking apart into a fine mist. I thought Ara had killed you. I didn’t know what to do. Then the mist came together and only you were left. Either you absorbed Ara, or you absorbed her power and accidentally killed her. How do you feel? Are you hurt?”

  I tried to move my arms and legs around, but everything felt weird. “I feel like gelatin. I don’t exactly feel solid,” I said, afraid of the implications.

  Javin looked over his shoulder and got to his feet. “We need to get out of here before Houston’s goon squad show up. It’s not safe.”

  I nodded and got to my feet. It took more effort than usual to walk, but I leaned against Javin and together we made it to the elevator. With Houston defeated, it was time to make an anonymous call to the cops explaining Houston’s devious plan of becoming an unstoppable villain who wanted to bring the city to its knees.

  * * *

  I rolled over in bed and lightly bit Javin’s arm. He was pretending to be asleep, but I knew better. I nudged his arm and he rolled over.

  “Oh, does my baby need some?” he smirked.

  I pouted and tore the sheet off him. His gloriously naked body was ready for me. I straddled his narrow hips and grabbed his erection. He groaned and shifted his legs so that I could play with his balls while teasing his cock.

  “I love mornings,” he chuckled.

  I laughed as I lowered myself onto his hard body. “Do you want it slow or fast?”

  He peered up at me and took my breasts in his hands. “Fuck me anyway you want, but I get to drive while you come.”

  Agreeing to his terms, I rolled my hips and stroked his long cock, easing myself into the perfect rhythm. He ran his thumbs over my nipples in time with my strokes, sending a chill up my back.

  For the past three weeks, Javin and I had explored every possible way to please each other and still we were finding new ways to drive each other wild. I was still in denial that I had the man I desired more than an
y other and that he wanted me in return.

  Increasing my speed, I threw my head back and listened to Javin’s soft moans. When he moved his thumbs faster over my nipples, I knew he was ready for more. I put my hand on his chest and bounced up and down, forcing his cock to hit me deep inside. Pleasure spiked and swirled until I lost all concept of time. Eager for more, I tapped his muscled stomach. Understanding what I needed, he grabbed my hips and thrust into my body at a dizzying pace.

  I held onto his arms and succumbed to the intensity between my legs. I screamed mindlessly as he rode me fast and hard, just the way I liked it. Unable to hold on, I let go of everything and clenched my core around his body tighter and tighter until he came with me.

  Dropping down onto the bed, Javin took my hand and kissed the back of it. “That was amazing,” he grinned.

  I propped myself up on one arm and traced the planes of his chest. “I never knew that I could be this happy,” I smiled.

  He kissed the back of my hand and sighed contentedly. “I knew I could be this happy, but I was afraid that you would marry some loser before I had the chance to tell you that I loved you.”

  “I’m glad that you didn’t give up hope.”

  He quickly kissed my forehead and popped out of bed. “We need to get the day started; otherwise, we will never leave this bed.” He stretched his back and looked at me expectantly.

  “You want me to do it again, don’t you?” I asked.

  He nodded and took a step back.

  “Fine,” I sighed. “Task master.” I grumbled as I got out of bed and stood at the foot of it.

  I closed my eyes and focused my mind. Instead of sliding through the floor, I broke apart and threw myself into the air. It still felt strange to be able to manipulate myself into water, but I refused to hide from my new ability. I felt terrible for what had happened to Ara, but I knew that she would have killed me if I hadn’t let the ice shards slide through me. It was a fair fight in the end.

  Javin had theorized that the electrical field had weakened my molecular code and allowed me to absorb Ara’s scattered molecules. We weren’t sure if sliding through a normal person, with or without an electrical field, would cause the same thing to happen, but we weren’t willing to test his theory. We decided that I needed to limit my proximity to high-powered electrical fields and avoid sliding through people, just to be safe.

  Together, we worked to get my new power under control so that we could use it to protect the city. We both decided that it wasn’t time to leave Crimson for a small town. Even though Halcyon was in prison and Ara was dead, the city was still without four heroes to protect it. Until more heroes could join the fight, we would continue to battle the constant stream of villains. Retirement could wait a little longer, until we decided to make our own little hero.

  About the Author

  Tabitha Barret is a Multi-Genre Romance author who lives in New Jersey with her husband, two children and four crazy dogs. She met her husband in Creative Writing classes in college, though it took a little convincing for him to ask her out. To learn about her other books, visit her website at

  Humble Beginnings

  An Operation Underground Origin Story

  Rae Tina


  Humble Beginnings

  Our favorite fairy operative, Illaria Strong, is back once again to give you a peek inside her personal life. However, things are a bit different this time. Indulge me for a moment as we go back in time to 1970’s Baton Rouge, where a lone Incubus protects the patrons of Club Brume one seductive soundtrack at a time. When Illaria gets word of the booming body count while on vacation in the bayou, her fun in the sun is cut short. After all, work always comes first.

  Get ready to see Illaria and James in a whole new light. Before she was the best agent the Underground ever laid eyes on, and before he was her best friend and partner, Illaria and James were just two supes in Baton Rouge trying to save the day the best way they knew how.

  **There is a scene that some would consider dub con. Some wouldn’t. Be warned.**



  Club Brume on a Thursday night was the place to be. Sure the working folk had to get up and be responsible the next day, but that never stopped them from coming out to hear me sing. Never stopped the ladies from wanting to come home with me either. As I sat in my private booth to the right of the stage, watching Marcie Ellis croon softly into the microphone, the club’s owner stepped up to my table.

  Éloi Baptiste had been a close friend of mine for a number of years, and Club Brume was his baby. Being a part of the small supernatural community in Baton Rouge, we looked out for each other, helped the other when we could. And from the look on my friend’s face, I’d say he needed help.

  “James.” His thick Creole accent played havoc on my senses. “It is good to see you tonight.”

  “Nowhere else I’d rather be,” I responded.

  Éloi’s light gray eyes glowed silver for a moment as they roamed my seated form. I was only too happy to return the favor. His trim muscles looked good in his gray button down and black vest combo, his black slacks slim and straight. I knew that if I were to stand, he’d be a few inches shorter than me, and if he were to turn around his ass would be tight and firm.

  When his gray eyes returned to my brown ones, my lips lifted in a coy smile. “Now, Éloi, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were checking me out.” I pushed a bit of seduction into my words, smiling internally as his eyes flared again.

  “Save your tricks for the humans, James,” he drawled. “There’s no need to use them on me.”

  “But with you, it’s much more fun.” As he fought his grin, I picked up my glass of bourbon and relaxed into the plush backing of the circular booth. “So what brings you to my table tonight, Cher? And while Mademoiselle Marcie is on.”

  “Marcie’s set ends in five, and I’m in need of those special talents tonight while you’re onstage.”

  “Is that right?” My brow rose on its own accord as my gaze discretely scanned the wide room. There was a reason that booth was solely mine, and it wasn’t because of the proximity to the stage. Although that was a bonus. No, it was because that booth was the only one with a perfect view of the rest of the club. But even with that perfect view, I wasn’t able to point out the disturbance that required my specialties.

  “Middle of the bar,” he whispered. “The big guy with his arm around the woman.”

  I swung my gaze back to the bar and the couple in question. With my heightened vision, I could see the veins on the man’s hands standing out in stark contrast to his pallid skin. With a closer look, I could see the slight shake to the woman’s hand as she picked up her glass.

  “Domestic?” I questioned.

  “Possible. He’s a regular, but I haven’t seen her here before.”

  “What’s he look like?”

  Éloi narrowed his eyes at me. “Does it matter?”

  I shrugged. “I guess not, but if I’m going to have an ungrateful womanizer sucking my cock, I’d at least like for him to be nice to look at.”

  “The night is young.” Éloi rolled his eyes as he turned away. “Perhaps he won’t be the one to suck your cock.”

  My cheeks began to hurt with the force of my grin as my eyes trailed him back behind the bar.

  Well then. This just got interesting.

  A few minutes later, Marcie ended her song and left the stage. As Le Bayou Boys continued to play softly on their various instruments, Éloi took to the stage, his lithe body moving seductively across the black tile. He took hold of the long black microphone, his slim fingers caressing the metal pole as he leaned in and spoke.

  “Good evening, ladies and gentleman. Please give another round of applause for the lovely Marcie Ellis!” A thick lock of his dark hair fell into his face. There was an audible sigh from all the ladies as he swept it back to join the others. “And now may I present, for your audible p
leasure, Mr. Fabián Gaston!”

  The applause was subdued for my stage persona, but compared to the reception Marcie received, the sound was deafening.

  As Éloi swept his hand out to the side, I stood from my booth. The applause continued as I walked across the room and over to the stage. He gave me a small nod as I replaced him in front of the microphone. With my best smile, I turned to face the audience.

  "Good evening, ladies and gentleman," I said to the sound of their applause dying. "And thank you, Marcie, for gracing us with your lovely voice this evening. Are you fine folks ready to slow things down for a minute?" Their hoots and whistles sang out as a resounding yes. "Well alright."

  I angled my body to face the back of the stage where the band still played their instruments in low tones. I gave the keyboardist a nod to start playing the set we'd been working on earlier in the week. As the drums took on a haunting quality, and the trumpet crooned to the night sky, the keyboard kept to the high notes, only venturing into the lower registers when my voice did the same. It was a beautiful merging of sounds as I sang of the pain of losing a lover. While it’d only happened to me once, many others couldn’t say the same.

  Being a supernatural, you learned to keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. You never wanted them to get the jump on you, or it could be your head. For me, there was only a small circle of people who I could say I had the utmost trust in, and one of them owned this bar.

  Éloi had been my introduction to the Baton Rouge supernatural lifestyle. As with most supernaturals, as an Incubi I didn't learn that I had powers until I turned eighteen. Unfortunately, unbeknownst to me, Incubi inherit their powers from their fathers, and mine left long before I was born. Apparently, that's common with Succubi and Incubi. After accidentally draining my girlfriend, I decided a change in scenery would be for the best. I ended up meeting Éloi completely by accident the first time I actively tried to feed. Let's just say it didn't go so well.


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