Quinn Family Romance Collection

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Quinn Family Romance Collection Page 25

by Cami Checketts

  Kaleb’s mouth widened. He shook his head and hugged her fiercely. “No! They can’t have you. No!”

  “Mees Jasmine? Meester Quinn?” Manuel called. “Time to go.”

  Jasmine pulled from Kaleb’s embrace and grabbed his hand. “It’ll be great. We’ll get Mack back, and I can take them down. Sutton and Griff will track me, and we’ll capture all of them. It’s no worries.”

  Kaleb stared at her as if she were insane. “No worries? I’m supposed to trade the love of my life for my brother and it’s ‘no worries’?”

  Jasmine went onto tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “You’re so cute when you’re all concerned like this. I’m sorry Mack’s in this situation, but I’m feeling great about this turn in our perp’s MO. Trust me. We’ll take them out easily now.” She tugged him toward the house, a spring in her step that hadn’t been there, ever. She was in love with the best man in the world, and soon she’d be able to fight and defeat some of the worst people in the world. People who threatened Kaleb and his family. Everything might turn out all right, as long as Mack was okay. She said a quick prayer that Mack wouldn’t be mistreated. The prayer both surprised her and made her happier. Maybe the angels in heaven didn’t hate her after all.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Kaleb was an absolute mess as they boarded the plane and headed for California. He didn’t understand how Jasmine could be so flippant about these criminals who had been trying to manipulate their lives, attempted to kill them in the house bombing, killed two people in the Balboa Park bombing, kidnapped his baby brother, and now wanted to exchange Mack for her. Did she not understand what was at stake here? How much he loved her? How much he loved his brother?

  She sat by his side, holding his hand, acting like everything was fine. The other security guys had given them some space, and Kaleb was more than ready to talk to her, cuss her out really. They’d been truly connecting an hour ago, and he thought she was finally falling for him, but she seemed to have no sympathy for the agony he was going through.

  She squeezed his hand and turned to him, her dark eyes sparkling. At least her voice was serious. “Tell me about Mack.”

  Mack. Kaleb hated the thought of someone hurting his little brother. As boys they’d teased and sometimes tormented each other, but the Quinn siblings loved each other and were fiercely loyal. Though Mack probably had the most muscle mass and was a tough offensive lineman for the Georgia Patriots, he was definitely the softest and most well-loved of all of them.

  “That kid. He’s so tender-hearted.”

  “More than you?” Jasmine’s voice was full of disbelief.

  “I’m not tender-hearted, I’m … in touch with my emotions.”

  She arched an eyebrow, and Kaleb had the insane urge to rip off his shirt and go chop down a redwood tree with an ax to prove how manly he was. Jasmine squeezed his hand. “Stop worrying, big boy, I think you’re amazing and tough. I just have never met someone as tender as you.”

  Well, at least she didn’t think he was an outright wuss, or she was too kind to say it to his face. She’d definitely changed over the past few days. He focused back on Mack. “We all terrorized each other as kids but Mack …” He shook his head. “The kid had these big, blue eyes and he was huge, even as a toddler. We called him the Tank because he was so chubby, and then we changed it to Mack truck as he hit teenage years and turned into pure muscle.” He closed his eyes and could still picture his little brother as a toddler, so fat and cute. Everyone fell instantly in love with him. “He’d stick his thumb in his mouth and just look at us with those blue eyes.” He shook his head. “We were definitely the craziest kids in the neighborhood, but we’d all melt for Mack. We’d do anything for him, even though he rarely asked. Most of the time we’d anticipate any need he might have and do it without being asked, just to have him say ‘thank you’ in his little voice.”

  He glanced at Jasmine and she was smiling tenderly at him. “I love that you had this idyllic childhood with a big family, siblings and parents that adored you.” She nodded. “It makes me so happy.”

  “And it breaks my heart that you didn’t.”

  She waved a hand at that. “Not the subject right now. So basically Mack was adorable?”

  “Yeah.” He frowned. “But he had a pretty bad speech impediment, couldn’t say his l’s. It really wasn’t a big deal, but he was so sensitive it shut him down. He stopped talking completely in grade school. I was in sixth grade when he was in first so Ryder, Colt, and I were all in the same school as Mack. We got in a lot of fights taking the kids out who teased him.”

  Jasmine laughed. “I love that. Bree used to try to protect me when we were little, but I’ve always been tougher than her.”

  Kaleb smiled, despite the anguish he was feeling. “I can’t imagine how cute you two were as children.”

  “Hey, I’m still cute.”

  “You’re not cute anymore, you’re exquisitely beautiful.”

  Jasmine laughed. “See why I say you’re a softy. Griff wouldn’t talk like that to anyone.”

  Kaleb rolled his eyes. “Griff wouldn’t know love if it smacked him in the head.”

  “Some woman is going to have to smack him hard to get him to fall, that’s for sure. But Mack plays for the Patriots so he must be tough like the rest of you.”

  “He’s definitely tough. I think he’s six-eight and three-hundred pounds, and none of it’s fat.”

  “Wow. I’d have a hard time taking him down.”

  “I doubt that.”

  She frowned. “That means there’s a decent team that kidnapped him, or they drugged him or something.”

  Kaleb nodded. “He could fight his way out of a lot of situations. We all loved him, but that doesn’t mean we didn’t thump him and teach him how to protect himself.”

  “Brothers.” She rolled her eyes.

  He smiled but all levity fell away as their situation hit him again. He clenched his free hand. “Jaz, I’m worried sick for Mack, but I’m also terrified to think you’d willingly go into this nightmare to free him.”

  “Don’t waste time worrying about me.”

  “How can you say that? I love you. Of course, I’m worried about you.”

  Jasmine patted his cheek. It reminded him of the first day he’d seen her at Ryder and Bree’s wedding, when she’d threatened to kill Ryder in his sleep if he hurt Bree. Jasmine had patted Kaleb’s cheek condescendingly when he questioned her. There was nothing condescending about the move this time, it was tender and sweet. It was amazing how far they’d come since then.

  “Thank you for worrying about me, but I thought you knew me so well by now.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “I’m going to have to brag about myself to get this through to you. No man can best me, except for maybe Griff and he’s on our side. I will go trade myself for Mack, and Sutton’s men will be all over the pier. Most likely they’ll capture all of the kidnappers, but if they don’t and I somehow get the chance to be taken,” she smiled, “it’ll all just be fun and games for me, Kaleb. They’ll realize quickly they captured the wrong woman, and these people will never threaten you or your family again.”

  “Jaz.” He pulled her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it. “They could shoot you before you can fight your way free.”

  She shook her head, still smiling an infuriating smile, as if he were a child who couldn’t understand. “I’ll be wearing a bullet-proof vest. It’ll be fine.” She laid her head against his shoulder and squeezed his hand. “I’m going to get some rest now. Some handsome man keeps making it so I can’t sleep at night.”

  Kaleb could not believe how unconcerned she was. He wanted to cuss her out even more now but didn’t know where to start. He released her hand and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closer against his chest. “I love you, Jaz. Please be careful … for me.”

  She glanced up at him. “I’d do anything for you, Kaleb. Thank you for loving me.” Then she rested her head again
st his chest and within moments was breathing slow and even.

  Kaleb’s heart ached. She still hadn’t told him she loved him, but he could sense she did. Yet she didn’t seem to be taking this kidnapping or her future role in it seriously at all. When they got to California, he was going to make Griff and Sutton intervene. They had to save Mack, but he couldn’t lose Jasmine, not when he’d finally convinced her to accept his devotion and kiss him instead of punch him.

  Chapter Eighteen

  When they walked into Sutton’s house, chaos greeted them. There were SEALs, security guys, intel guys and girls, FBI, police, Agatha, Liz, Sutton, and all of Kaleb’s family. Agatha, Liz, Navy, Bree, and Kaleb’s mom Eliza were cooking and serving food as fast as they could move. When they saw Kaleb and Jasmine, every one of the women dropped what they were doing and rushed forward. There was a lot of hugging, which Kaleb’s dad and brothers, except for Griff, joined in with, and lots of worried exclamations and fretting over nothing. It made Jasmine smile and feel like she was part of a family.

  After Bree finally let Jasmine go, Kaleb’s mom grabbed her. Eliza’s eyes were red-rimmed and her mouth was tight. “Sweet girl, you’re going to save my boy.”

  “Which one?” Jasmine asked.

  Eliza shot her a look. “Don’t you sass me.”

  Jasmine pressed her lips together to keep from laughing. She liked this lady.

  “I can tell by just looking at my Kaleb that he’s happy, and you’re good to him. Now Griff assures me we aren’t putting you in harm’s way by doing this crazy exchange for Mack.”

  “I’m not worried about it at all, ma’am. Mack will be hugging you within hours.”

  “Thank you, love. And you’ll be back hugging Kaleb?”

  Jasmine’s eyes darted to Kaleb, who was talking to his younger brother, Colt. A jolt of fear rushed through her. It had nothing to do with taking on sadistic kidnappers and everything to do with giving her heart away. Could she really do it? Commit to a man? Be part of his complete and loving family? Act like she was a normal woman capable of love and a stable relationship? Panic tightened her chest.

  Luckily Agatha converged on her so she didn’t have to answer Kaleb’s mom.

  “Oh, my beauty,” Agatha crooned. “Are you knackered? Do you need a kip or a spot of tea?”

  Jasmine smiled at her odd terminology. “I don’t need a nap, but some food would be lovely.”

  Agatha nodded and ushered her into the dining area. Kaleb and Colt met them there.

  “Kaleb Quinn as I live and breathe,” Agatha gushed. “You’re even more handsome in real life.”

  Kaleb smiled and shook her hand. “Nice to meet you, Agatha.”

  “Now why did I get stuck with the ugly, un-talented brother?” Agatha asked, winking at Griff as he walked by.

  Colt chuckled loudly at that. “They can’t all be as handsome as Kaleb and I.”

  Agatha grinned. “That is true.”

  “You can call me whatever you want, as long as you keep cooking for me, Agatha,” Griff said.

  She swatted at him. “Oh, you boys, you know I think you’re all so handsome. Well, nosh up.”

  “Thank you,” Kaleb said. “The food smells amazing.”

  She grinned and bustled away. Kaleb turned to Jasmine. “This is my brother, Colt.”

  Colt took her hand and kissed it. He was as handsome as all of the brothers and had the darker hair like Kaleb with the Quinn blue eyes. “I’ve already had the pleasure of meeting this beautiful lady.”

  “Bree’s wedding,” Jasmine said to Kaleb when his brow furrowed.

  “Ah.” Kaleb glared at Colt. “Now get your hands off my girl.”

  Colt arched an eyebrow at her. “Please tell me he’s just daydreaming up some song, and you haven’t really agreed to be with this loser brother of mine.”

  Jasmine shrugged. “Maybe I’m into sappy country singers.”

  “No,” Colt groaned. “You can’t be like all the women who swoon over his songs. You and I connected at Bree’s wedding.”

  “I barely remember speaking to you at Bree’s wedding.”

  Colt put a hand to his heart. “I’m talking about all the nonverbal communication. You were staring at me, and I was devouring you with my sapphire blue eyes. No words were needed.”

  Jasmine laughed. Kaleb wrapped his arm around her waist. “Go away, Colt.”

  “Hey,” Colt protested. “I haven’t seen my favorite brother in a month, and you’re shooing me away? That’s hurtful.”

  Kaleb rolled his eyes. “You can stay, if you stop flirting with my wife.”

  He was using the possessive terms liberally—my wife, my girl.

  “Sure. We can flirt without saying a word. Right, Jaz?” Colt gave her a smoldering glance.

  Jasmine laughed harder, knowing he was all tease. “I like this guy.”

  Colt sidled in closer. “How much do you like me?”

  “That’s it.” Kaleb pushed at Colt. “Go find someone else to flirt with.”

  “Come on, bro. There are like five women to fifty men here and all but Jasmine and Agatha are married.”

  “Oh, so I’m not special, it’s a lack of options?” Jasmine tossed her long hair over her shoulder and folded her arms across her chest.

  “You’re definitely special.” Colt grinned.

  “And she’s definitely married, to me.” Kaleb steered Jasmine away from him. “Sorry. He can’t help himself around beautiful women. Mama tried to beat it out of him, but there’s no cure apparently.”

  Colt laughed from behind them. “Nobody but you and Mama want a cure for all of this charm.”

  “Don’t leave me out,” Navy chimed in, setting down a platter of fish and chips on the table. “I’d love to cure your too-charming ways, little bro.”

  Colt wrapped his arm around her. “Naw, you love me just the way I am.”

  Jasmine listened to their banter as she and Kaleb filled plates with food. There was an underlying tension as they were all obviously concerned about Mack, but the love this family felt for each other overwhelmed her. They seemed to welcome her in without question; probably because they already loved Bree, but she worried it was too good to be true. Glancing at Kaleb, she knew he was too good to be true, especially for a girl like her, and definitely if the instigator was someone from her past.

  Kaleb did his best to stay close to Jasmine throughout the afternoon and evening, but she had to go to clandestine meetings in the secret security bunker under the house. He spent a lot of time with his parents and siblings, reminiscing about Mack, shedding some tears, saying prayers together. Was his brother being hurt even as they prayed? He couldn’t let himself go there.

  Griff came back upstairs before Jasmine did and pulled Kaleb aside, “What happened in Puerto Rico?” he demanded as only Griff could demand.

  “I fell in love with Jaz.” No reason to hide the truth.

  Griff shook his head, giving him the brotherly look of, you’re an idiot. “Didn’t I tell you to stay away from her?”

  “Hey.” Kaleb put up his hands. “I know you don’t think I’m worthy of her, but I will do everything in my power to make her happy.”

  Griff gave an unbelieving chuckle. “You think that’s what this is about? If you’re worthy of her?”

  Kaleb didn’t like his voice inflection. “Lay off, Griff.”

  “No. You’re too soft for a woman like Jaz. She’ll take my tender-hearted brother and she’ll break him in two. I’m only thinking of what’s best for you. You lay off, bro.” He stalked away, having exhausted his poorly-executed communication skills for the day.

  Kaleb watched him go, hating Griff’s misguided good intentions. He didn’t like the way Griff made him feel about himself or about Jasmine. They were right together. Kaleb knew it. Glancing back toward the stairs, he saw Jasmine standing there.

  “Hey.” He hurried to her. “When did you come up?”

  “I heard it all if that’s what you’re wondering.�
�� She stalked past him.

  Kaleb wasn’t doing this with her again. He wrapped his arm around her waist and escorted her through the main area, past his family and many people he didn’t know, ignoring all the speculative glances. He reached a patio door that led outside. Surprisingly, she let him guide her into the warm evening air. They had a couple of hours until the exchange was taking place. Several groups of men had already left to get into place at the street fair, pier, and Ruby’s restaurant and hopefully blend in and be ready to apprehend the kidnappers as the exchange was made. He should be trusting that these men would protect Mack and Jasmine, but he was feeling decidedly unsettled, and Jasmine and Griff weren’t helping matters at all.

  They walked across the grass until they were looking over the bluff down to the ocean below. Jasmine pulled from his touch and whirled to face him. “Griff’s right. I’ll destroy you, Kaleb. You have to see that.”

  Kaleb shook his head. “Griff’s an idiot.”

  “He is, but he’s a spot-on idiot.”

  “Don’t let him mess with your head.” He stepped closer to her and wrapped both of his hands around her upper arms. “You go tonight, and you save my little brother, and then you come back to me. You’re the one for me, Jaz, and no one can take that away from us.”

  Jasmine simply stared at him, her dark eyes unreadable. Kaleb pressed on because he had no choice. He loved her, and he wasn’t going to let that be destroyed, no matter what Griff thought or said.

  “I’m not going to let you go until you promise me you’ll come back to me and you give me a good, long kiss.”

  Jasmine jutted out her chin and glared at him. “I think I might beat you up instead.”

  Kaleb arched his eyebrows. “You could, but then you’ll just have to kiss it all better.” He gave her a cocky smile, that he wasn’t feeling at all. “I think you want to kiss me first.”

  “At least you got something right.” Jasmine flung herself against his chest, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him. It was a good, long kiss filled with desire and longing but not the promise of them forever like he wanted.


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