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Quinn Family Romance Collection

Page 67

by Cami Checketts

  “Please, Colt. I can’t live without her.”

  Colt guffawed. “Well you’d better figure out how. Stay away from my sister!” He hung up the phone.

  Holden’s heart plunged. That idea had backfired. He took a long breath and went to his rear windows, overlooking the ocean beyond. He would get through tomorrow’s show, and then he was banging down Navy’s door. She was going to talk to him and somehow, someway he was going to show her how much he loved her. Maybe if she knew the depth of his love they could work together to overcome Colt’s anger and Kim’s heartbreak. But more than likely she’d just reject him again.

  Navy spent the next week in a stupor of eating chocolate and then exercising it off. She tweaked her knee doing a twenty-mile run, five hundred lunges, and one hundred burpees on the beach on day six and had to stop punishing her body and try to assess how Holden could have messed her up this badly.

  Sitting on her couch with her knee elevated, wrapped, and iced, she flipped through movies on Netflix, then sorted through books on her Kindle, then stared at her phone and prayed desperately for Holden to call again. Maybe this time she would answer it.

  She had reacted too impulsively. She could admit that now. Would it really have killed her to let him tell his side of the story? Even though she was still angry with him, she acknowledged that Holden was a classy, mature guy. He wouldn’t have deliberately tried to tear down Colt, and if, after he told his side of the story, she was upset, then she could have walked. Why did she storm away so prematurely? She blew out a frustrated breath, knowing the answer. Because she was the mother bear and they never reacted rationally.

  Her phone buzzed in her hand and she jumped. “Holden!” But the screen flashed Colt’s picture. Ah, handsome and crazy Colt. Her little brother. She loved him so much, but he had completely screwed up her life this time and he didn’t even know it.

  “Hey, bro,” she muttered.

  “Navy! You will never believe who had the … nerve to call me.”

  “Who?” She pushed the ice off, stood and started limping around her living room, staring out the picture window at the stretch of beach across the road from her. It was no Holden Jennings mansion, but she liked her beach cottage.

  “Holden Jennings! He wanted to talk through the deal with Kim.”

  Holden had reached out to Colt? Why hadn’t he just come and banged down her door? Navy drew in a breath and admitted, “I fell hard for him, bro. He tried to tell me the story of what happened with you and his cousin, Kim Heathrow, and I flipped and stood up for—”

  “Sis? You need to back up. His cousin Kim Heathrow?”

  “Yeah.” Navy paused in her pacing to rip off her thumbnail and spit it out before saying, “I was too worked up to let him get the full story out but apparently she thinks you cheated on her and she’s been a mess ever since.” Even in her retelling she had to make sure Colt knew she was always on his side.

  Colt’s breath was coming so hard and fast Navy could hear it through the phone. “Navy … do you realize what you’re saying? They’re cousins?” His voice pitched up in excitement.

  “Yeah and he says he never kissed her.”

  “I didn’t say they were kissing. I knew she idolized the guy and then I saw him holding her in the restaurant foyer and I snapped. But Navy ...” Colt let out a little, and very unmanly, cheer. In normal circumstances, Navy would have capitalized on it. “I’ve pictured that night so many times and now, knowing that they’re cousins. ... I know he’s a private dude, but why didn’t she ever tell me they were related? Anyway, it could have been a big brother type of hug.” He whooped. “Do you realize what this means?”

  “No.” She was so confused at Colt’s reaction she didn’t know what to say.

  “I’ve got to find Kim and apologize.”

  “You’ve got to apologize?”

  “Yes! When I thought she was cheating on me, and with an enigma like Holden Jennings, I hurried to the restaurant’s bar, found a single girl, and asked her to be my date. We went to a booth and I flirted with her and cuddled up to her. I saw Kim and Holden approach out of the corner of my eye, and I pretended to kiss some chick whose name I didn’t even know. I thought I was proving to Kim that she couldn’t take me down by cheating on me first, but don’t you see? I’m the one who messed it all up.”

  “You messed it all up? Colt, you idiot. I’ve messed it all up too! I cussed Holden and stormed away, thinking I was sticking up for you! You acted like an immature snake and now I’ve lost the love of my life because I’m this crazy overprotective big sister and I couldn’t even talk it out with him for fear he’d slam you. Colt! I’m going to kick your butt when I find you.”

  “I’m sorry, Navy. I’m really sorry.” He sounded contrite but then he laughed and she would have throttled him if they were in the same room. “You’ve always given me such crap about dating a lot of women. Why did you stick up for me?”

  “I would always stick up for you, Colt. You’re my brother.”

  “That means a lot, but … Holden told me he loves you and can’t live without you.”

  Navy sucked in a breath but couldn’t verbalize a response. Holden said that to her brother?

  “Think about mama and dad or our brothers and their wives. They love us, but they put their spouse first. If you love Holden, you have to put him first.”

  “Mature words from the womanizer,” Navy forced out, but she felt their truth deep down. She had told Holden she would never put him first and that was wrong. Her mind was whirling with what she could do to take the words back, but she was terribly afraid she’d gone too far and the things she had said couldn’t simply be erased. Holden wasn’t her spouse but he’d told Colt he loved her and she definitely loved him. With the new light Colt had shed, she wanted to grovel at Holden’s feet, try to make things right, and proceed from there.

  Colt chuckled. “Maybe it’s time for me to finally grow up. And maybe it’s time for you to finally settle down.”

  “Maybe.” Navy couldn’t commit to anything until she talked to Holden. “What are you going to do?”

  “The thing I should’ve done five years ago. Find Kim and beg her to forgive me.”

  “Good luck.” She wondered how Kim would react to Colt showing up. Colt could charm a farmer out of his overalls so he probably had a better chance at reconciliation than Navy did with Holden.

  “Good luck to you too. Love you, sis.”

  The phone disconnected and Navy sank onto the couch in a stupor. She’d been in contact with Taya the past week and knew the Muscle Up finale was being filmed tomorrow. Ryan was recovering and was going to make it. Navy had wanted to be there to see everybody, but she’d had her agent give her regrets to Holden and the rest of the crew. It was just too painful to think about seeing Holden again. Yet now … did she dare show up? Would Holden want to talk to her or would he bar her from the premises? There was only one way to find out.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Holden straightened his Brioni suit and smiled at the live audience. The Muscle Up finale was almost over and it had gone fabulously. He had talked with Ryan before the show, the man had apologized, and they’d parted without hard feelings. Taya and Ollie were dating officially now. He was happy for them and it made him miss Navy more than ever.

  He had made his appearance on the live set and talked with each of the former contestants, given the hurrah, etc. The show host, Sawyer Klein, had given highlights of what had happened on Zack’s island, showing the footage Ollie had captured, and praised Holden as the hero, which was inflated. Ollie and Navy had been the real heroes, with Michael having some heroic moments as well.

  Holden smiled at Taya, Ollie, and Jorge who were off set and then focused on Ryan standing next to Alecia and Michael. They all looked good and healthy—Ryan and Michael in tuxes and Alecia in a form-fitting blue dress. They had survived together and he felt a connection to all of them, even Ryan. If only Navy could be here. Did everyone else notice the e
mptiness without her or was it just him?

  “And now it’s finally time for our sponsor, Holden Jennings, to announce this year’s Muscle Up grand-prize winner,” Sawyer hyped up the sentence and the crowd roared.

  Holden stepped forward. “Thank you, Sawyer.” He cleared his throat and glanced at Michael and Alecia’s expectant faces. Michael wrapped an encouraging arm around Alecia like a sibling and she smiled up at him. These two had matured a lot over the past week, and Holden felt even better about his decision. Would Navy be watching at home? He started racking his brain for something he could say that would let her know how much he loved her, that would soften her heart so she didn’t slam the door on his hand when he came knocking.

  “We’re changing things up a bit this year,” Holden started with.

  The audience leaned closer and low murmurs rumbled through the air but the people settled quickly.

  He held out two checks and didn’t drag it out. “Michael and Alecia are both winning a million dollars each.”

  The crowd erupted. Alecia gave a startled cry and ran at Holden, almost knocking him off his feet as she hugged him, crying and smearing makeup all over his suit. Michael was there too, pumping his hand and saying, “Thank you,” over and over again. Holden smiled and acknowledged their gratitude and was happy for them. It was a direct contrast to how miserable he was without Navy, but at least he could give Alecia and Michael this. He hadn’t thought of anything brilliant to say on screen to reveal to her how much he loved her.

  Alecia had finally released him to grab Michael and jump around for a ridiculous amount of time. Holden heard a stir in the audience. “Navy Quinn. Navy Quinn,” was being whispered over and over. He knew it. Everybody wanted Navy here as much as he did. Could she have possibly come? Holden strained to see around the people who were now standing up and turning.

  Navy appeared in the aisle of the audience. She looked beautiful and all lit up as she slowly approached the stage, wearing a stunning formal gown that was black and off the shoulder. Her long, blonde hair cascaded down her back. The dress fit her in all the right places. Holden couldn’t swallow past the lump in his throat. What he wouldn’t give to rewind time and somehow not mess up their relationship that fateful night. He shouldn’t have called Colt a liar, somehow been more diplomatic, and made it work. He should have shared everything about his family.

  Navy focused in on him. Her smile didn’t falter, but he read some uneasiness in her blue eyes. Michael and Alecia both ran down the steps and into the aisle. They took turns giving her hugs and gushing over how they had each gotten a million dollars. Navy responded happily, but her gaze kept flickering to Holden. He realized he had stood as if frozen for far too long, and some members of the audience were staring at him too. At least the cameras were all focused on those three.

  Sawyer went down the steps and offered his hand, escorting Navy up onto the stage.

  “To what do we owe the honor of your gorgeous face appearing tonight?” Sawyer Klein asked.

  Navy laughed but she didn’t even look at the famous man. Holden completely agreed with the compliment but he wanted to be the one bestowing it on her, not Sawyer.

  “I need to set some things straight,” she said.

  Holden’s heart was thumping faster than when he’d been flying across the ice in a game. Set things straight? He was equally prepared to have her rip his head off or fling herself into his arms. He prayed hard for the latter.

  “Such as?” Sawyer asked.

  Navy simply pumped her eyebrows and said, “You’ll see.”

  Sawyer chuckled behind her as she walked toward Holden. Was she limping slightly? He couldn’t unfreeze himself to either rush to her and hug her, or to back away so she didn’t slug or slap him. The stage lights made her glow, or was that just his own focus on her? He was completely lost in her gaze and didn’t care if she hit him, he was going to somehow get out an apology, go down on his knees, and beg her to give him a chance.

  When she reached him she looked him over. “Holden Jennings. It’s good to see you.”

  “Y-you too.” Sweat beaded on his forehead.

  “I was wrong and I’ve come to beg you to forgive me.”

  He blinked down at her. She was wrong? Why had she put him through the torture of waiting if she was willing to apologize this easily? “You couldn’t have answered my calls or come to my house?” Why did he say that instead of just pulling her close?

  Navy laughed and the audience laughed with her, but she was completely focused on Holden. “I got some new information, too late, and then I was afraid you’d turn me away. I thought if I had millions of people watching I could guilt you into forgiving me.”

  Holden shook his head and pushed out a breath. “Oh, Navy. All you had to do was show up. You didn’t even have to say anything. I’ve stayed up nights trying to think how I could have said things better, not made you mad.”

  Navy put her fingers to his lips. “I was in the wrong and I love you so I needed to make it right.”

  The audience oohed, and some clapped and hooted.

  “Say that again.” His heart was thudding hard and fast and he could not have cared less that millions of people were watching what should have been a very private conversation. He had kept his private life private for years, but the exposure didn’t matter to him anymore. All he cared about was Navy was here and … she loved him?

  Navy tossed her long, blonde hair. “What? I was wrong. You might never hear me admit it again.”

  The audience tittered with laughter.

  Holden grinned. She was officially the most intriguing and beautiful woman he had ever known. He could spend his life teasing with her, getting to know her, holding her. “No, the second part.”

  Navy eased in closer and rested her hands on his shoulders. He caught that intriguing lemon scent. “I love you, Holden Jennings.”

  The crowd started applauding loudly enough he remembered they weren’t alone, but he didn’t really care about keeping his life a secret right now.

  He wrapped his hands around her trim waist and thought his heart would burst. “I thought we didn’t know each other well enough and all that … other stuff.”

  “When it’s right, it’s right.” She lifted her shoulders and looked so appealing he swept her off her feet and against his chest.

  “I love you, Navy Quinn.”

  The crowd erupted. Luckily Navy was close enough he could easily hear her say, “And I love you back, Holden Jennings.”

  “And I love you more, Navy Quinn.”

  “Okay, it’s getting too silly. Kiss me so they can wrap up the show, then carry me away somewhere very private and kiss me a lot more.”

  Holden laughed. Oh, how he loved her. She arched up and took the lead as she softly kissed his upper lip and then his lower lip. “I love these guys too,” she whispered. Only he could hear her over the cheering crowd and that was just perfect.

  Their lips met and he lost himself in the connection for a few seconds. Then he swept her feet off the stage, cradled her against his chest, and started for the exit. “That’s enough of the public exposure. Time for the private session now.”

  “I’m in.” Navy’s hands slid around his neck and she clung to him.

  He carried her off the back of the set, away from the cheering crowd and down to the deserted Santa Monica beach where they had chosen to film the finale.

  “So you’re working for me again?” he asked, still holding her in his arms, not ready to let her go anytime soon.

  “Naw. I think you’re working for me now.”

  Holden grinned. “That sounds about right.”

  She pulled herself up closer and kissed him fully on the mouth. He’d take her as his boss any day. After several blissful minutes he let her slide to her feet, but held her close. “I’m sorry about everything with Kim and Colt.”

  “You had to go there already?” But her smile was teasing. “Colt was at fault. He had no clue you two were cou
sins and when he thought Kim cheated on him, he lost it and reacted horribly by kissing some girl he didn’t even know. Colt called me out on not putting you first.”

  “Hmm. Maybe I won’t be so ticked at Colt.”

  “Don’t do it. He’s my brother, but if we’re together, we can give him crap.”

  Holden laughed.

  “I’m sorry I was so unreasonable.”

  “And I’m sorry I didn’t share personal information with you.” He trailed a hand down her beautiful face. “What would you like to know?”

  “First of all, can we sit?” She pointed to a nearby bench. “I hurt my knee trying to exercise away your memory, after I downed copious amounts of chocolate.”

  Holden smiled and winced. He escorted her to the bench. “How bad is your knee?”

  “It’s fine. Just swollen from overuse.” She rubbed her hands together. “Now. Please share all your dirt.” The lights from the set glistened off her pretty face.

  Holden laughed. “Where to start … I was raised in Calgary. My mom has MS and she was humiliated when she got put in a wheelchair and lost her independence. That’s part of the reason I don’t allow anyone to know about my private life and I changed my name when I started college.” They could get to the other reason for his privacy soon.

  “Wow. You were serious about protecting them.”

  “They mean everything to me.” Especially since he had lost Callie. “My dad sold insurance and took care of all of us.”

  “Exciting career.”

  He smiled. “He enjoys talking to people, so it fits him. It paid for my hockey fees, so that’s all I cared about.”

  “Hockey was huge for you?”

  “Yes. I loved it, and after Callie died, it became my life.”

  “Callie?” Her brow squiggled.

  Holden blew out a breath. “My little sister. I was seventeen and she was fifteen. She only had her permit but she took my parents car without permission. She and her friend, Jamie, blew a stoplight, and a semi took them out.” He had never told anyone this and it was both freeing and hard. “It almost destroyed my parents’ marriage and sanity and is the main reason I’ve tried to keep the media out of my personal life. I don’t want to draw more attention to them.”


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