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Page 2

by Blair Grey

  Who I wanted to take down, anyway.

  I grabbed another round of beers and handed them out to the clamoring patrons lining my bar, only throwing a small glance toward the table where Jett was talking to a few other members of the MC.

  We made eye contact, and I gave him a flirty smile. It wasn’t much, but it was inviting, and it was enough to get his direct attention. He might be talking to the men who were at the table with him, but I could see in his face he was about done with the conversation and onto something more important in his mind: me.

  He had the predatory look on his face, making my stomach turn. It was clear what he wanted, and I knew I’d be giving it to him before the night was out. I tasted bile at the thought of it, and my stomach churned once more, reminding me how little my heart was really in that particular part of the plan.

  But, that didn’t matter. Revenge would be sweet, and in the end, it would all be worth it. I might not want to do what I was about to do, but as with the other women in the bar, I could put on a damn convincing show, and I would, too. I would convince this man I was yet another adoring fan who wanted him just as much as he wanted me.

  Little did he know he’d met his match, and he was about to play with fire. He might think he was the one with all the cards in his hand, but I could laugh at that thought. I was the one in control here, and I had motive to do it, too.

  I’d bring this man down, and I’d laugh when it happened. At least, that’s what I tried to tell myself. The fact of the matter was there happened to be a thrill that ran through me with the way Jett gazed at me.

  And, my heart skipped a beat when he started in my direction, too. There was something far deeper going on here, that was for sure. And while I knew it didn’t mean anything more than my plan was in motion, there was one thing I was grateful for in all this.

  There was no denying Jett Corbin was damn sexy.

  Chapter 3


  It wasn’t hard for me to find an excuse to make it over to the bar. Although there was a buzz running through the room with the excitement of our brother getting out of prison, that wasn’t the only thing I had on my mind.

  The girl behind the bar was working, and tonight I was going to talk to her. I already knew it wasn’t going to be hard to get her in bed. I’d decided from the first moment I saw her that’s what I wanted, and I always got what I wanted.

  But, there was the matter of sealing the deal that I had to take care of doing, and that was now on the top of my list. I was great with women, and I knew dozens of ways to get them to open up to me. I might be suave and charming, or I might just cut right to the chase.

  I could see this was going to be more fun than most. She was hot as Hell, which only ignited more predatory instincts inside of me, and I was eager to show her the magic of what I’d do.

  I’d learned her name from one of the other boys in the MC. With Callie’s apparent friendliness to the men who came through the bar, it wasn’t long before they learned her name. I might not have had the chance to talk to her yet and find it out myself, but that didn’t mean I didn’t know.

  And, it didn’t mean I would let on to her that I knew, either. I wanted her to eat out of my hand. I wanted to have her captivated and mesmerized, handing me all her information hand over fist. That’s how it always went with the women I had in my sight, and that’s how it would go with her. I already knew it because that’s how I decided it would be.

  Now, it was just a matter of setting the plan in motion.

  On my way over to the bar, there were several of the boys who called out to me. Everyone was talking about the fact we were going to be joined by our brother from prison, and I let them know I not only already knew about the fact he was coming home, but that I was also very much looking forward to it.

  With the other MCs, as well as the local law enforcement constantly on us, the more hands we had, the better. One man might not be much against a whole different MC or even the cops, but that was one more man we could use on our side.

  Not to mention, it always felt good just to have one of our own back on the right side of the bars. Whether he broke the law or not, he didn’t deserve to be in there in my mind, and I was glad to know he would be out and with the rest of us soon.

  It would be even more motivation to celebrate with a hot woman in my bed tonight – someone to not only alleviate the tension of need that had grown in my body, but someone I could impress with the sheer number of men I had at my beck and call.

  Not that I had to have much more to impress a woman, but still. The more I could throw out there, the better in my mind.

  I reached the bar, but I had to push my way to get to the counter itself. Normally, the other people in the bar would get out of the way for me and anyone else who was in the MC. And even then, those who were under me and several of the others would also move out of the way if they saw we were coming.

  But with how crowded the bar was tonight, the other patrons either didn’t care or didn’t notice we were there, and they were getting sloppy with their subordination. Of course, we didn’t have any real authority in the eyes of the city, but I still expected people to get out of my way when I was trying to get to the bar, and it was frustrating to think that these people clearly didn’t feel that it applied to them.

  However, if I was going to make a good impression on the woman running the counter, I would have to keep my comments to myself. No one liked that rowdy guy picking fights in the bar, and I didn’t want to deal with any of that drama when I would rather just take her home and rip her clothes off.

  Not to mention, with one of our brothers coming from prison that very day, the last thing we needed down at the bar was for the cops to show up and ask us what we were doing and whether we wanted any trouble. That might be fun for another night, but tonight, I had better things to do. Hotter things to do, that is.

  Callie was busy keeping up with the orders that were pouring in from around the bar. She had some help from the other bartenders and waitstaff, but being a smaller bar, there weren’t many other people on shift and much of the business fell to her.

  She was handling it beautifully, I had to give her that. And because the sight was so beautiful, I wasn’t at all disappointed I had to stand and wait for her to get to me.

  In fact, I nearly got the impression from her she was taking her sweet time doing it. She threw me a couple smiles and glances over her shoulder as she was slinging drinks around, but she didn’t give me anything more than a short hello when I stepped up.

  On any other night, if it had been any other bartender who was working, I would have called out for Randall, the cook, to come up front and grab me the drink I wanted. But, I was enjoying watching this woman work.

  Her delicate fingers flew over the bar, whipping up the drinks between pouring the beers and handing them out. She took the money and slid the tips in her pocket as though she’d been doing this her entire life.

  It made me wonder what else those hands could do.

  “I’ll be right with you,” she said over her shoulder when she had a free second. She was filling three pitchers of beer on tap, with the men who were leaning over the other side of the bar laughing and doing what they could to flirt with her as she worked.

  “Take your time, I’m enjoying the view,” I said suavely, watching with satisfaction as a blush flooded through her cheeks. She gave me another small smile, but she didn’t pursue the flirtation with me any more than she did with any of the other men at the counter.

  Of course, if this wasn’t her first time working a bar, then she already knew all the bells and whistles that came with the position. Of course she would spend her day being swooned over and flirted with. And, if any of the other boys in the bar were lucky, one might get to take her home with them on any given night.

  Any night that’s not to tonight, anyway, I thought. Tonight, I don’t care who else is in this bar. That woman is mine. Competition? Not here. Not for me.

bsp; She bent over, grabbing a few things from under the cupboard and quickly refilling the counter in front of her. She was efficient, I had to give it to her. But, it was the sight of her bending over that made me think of what I really wanted to do to her.

  I wanted to bend her over my bike. I wanted to feel her body writhing under mine. I wanted her tight pussy squeezing around my dick as I thrust myself in and out of her. I wanted to hear her moaning – to see the pleasure on her face as I took her to places she’d never been before.

  And, that was just the beginning. I knew how to please a woman, that was for sure, and I treated each one I took to bed with me as royalty. I might sleep with a lot and let them slide in and out of my life as easily as I brought them to bed with me then let them go the next morning, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to get the best I had to give.

  And damn, did I want to know what she had to offer, as well. Those lips, that tight figure, that ass – the thoughts and fantasies were rushing through my mind faster than I could keep up with, and my dick pressed against my jeans, reminding me that I was in the bar waiting for her to talk to me.

  There would be plenty of time for my cock to get involved later. For now, it was time to lay on the charm, thick and sweet. And, that’s what I planned to do once I had her full attention.

  “Sorry that took a minute. I got a rush on orders right when you walked in,” Callie said breathlessly as she walked over to me. She wiped her hands on a towel as she spoke, then tucked it in the back pocket of her jeans to be used later. Her chest rose and fell under her low-cut shirt, showing off her beautiful tits beneath that vibrant smile.

  Her bright eyes shone behind the makeup that had only started to smear with the sweat on her face, but the imperfection made her that much sexier in my book.

  “Don’t worry about it,” I told her. “I’ll take a whiskey and coke, double.”

  “Coming right up.” She smiled and hurried to get the drink. I saw my chance to introduce myself and ask her about herself, too. I wasn’t going to let on that I’d already asked around the room about her, or that I already knew her name. It would be far sweeter to hear it coming from her own lips with that bright smile I knew she had to give me.

  “You’re new,” I commented to open.

  “A couple weeks,” she said as she finished crafting the drink and handed it back to me.

  “How are you liking it?”

  “I like it a lot. It’s fast, and I get a lot of hours,” she glanced around. “It was hard to keep up with everything at first, but now that I’ve got the hang of things, I like it.”

  “Hard and fast and long, sounds like something you might like,” I winked.

  She flushed, and that smile I’d been hoping for crossed her face. She was about to reply, and I would ask her what her name was, when suddenly the door opened and a shout rang through the room. It was followed immediately with a cheer, and I whirled around from the counter to see what the commotion was about.

  Of course, it only took half a second before I realized it was more of the MC arriving. The vice president of the group, Blade, walked in followed closely by our Sergeant at Arms, Roman. But, it was our brother, Ryu, who brought the cheers from around the room.

  He'd just been released from prison, and he was home. Finally home. Not just back in Devil Hills, but he was back with the boys. We were that much closer to having the entire MC out from behind bars and together again. It was a good feeling, and one that would require more of my attention than just hanging around the bar and giving him a nod.

  So, I gave the slight gesture to Callie, turning on my heel and disappearing back into the crowd.

  I wasn’t done with her – not by a long shot. But for now, I had someone else to give attention to. And after what Ryu had been through, it was time to welcome him back into the club properly. He’d get his woman back, his position in the club back, and most of all, the rest of the club’s support back.

  It was a good night, that was for damn sure, and it wasn’t over yet.

  That girl behind the bar, well, I’d get her home. She’d be the icing on the cake.

  Chapter 4


  I’d braced myself for a much longer conversation with Jett, but as soon as the three men walked through the door, he was immediately done with our discussion and heading back to the table to join them. I didn’t know who those men were, but I knew they were part of the same MC.

  Once again, the vests and jackets were a giveaway of who belonged with who.

  My heart hadn’t yet stopped hammering in my throat, and I took a deep breath. There were still a few people coming up to the bar, and I knew I’d have to serve them before I could take a minute to catch my breath. It was a busier night than any of the others I’d worked, and I found it ironic Tom had me running the bar alone.

  Sure, some of the other staff would help with the drinks when they could, but for the most part, they were busy with the floor and serving the food. That meant it fell to me to take care of the drinks and the men hovering around the bar and waiting to be served.

  I kept the smile on my face as I went from patron to patron, but it was hard for me not to keep staring at Jett. Though that was the first direct interaction I’d ever had with the man, I had to admit, there was something about it I hadn’t expected.

  I wasn’t even sure what it was I had been expecting, but I knew it wasn’t the way it had just gone down, and with the pounding in my chest, my body was still trying to catch up with what was going on.

  Get a grip! You didn’t even talk! He was just asking how you like it, and you’re acting like he all but proposed to you! What the Hell is it about that guy that does this to your body? Can’t you see this is exactly what’s going to make this whole plan harder than it needs to be?

  On the other hand, can you really go through with this plan if you’re going to react like a giggly schoolgirl when you give him a drink and he asks how you like the job? Of course, he turned it into sexual innuendo, but what guy here doesn’t make a dick joke when he gets the chance?

  You could have stopped a car with how red you turned over that one! And, right in front of him, too! You’re going to need to get control over yourself if this is going to work, or you can kiss this entire plan goodbye.

  “I’m going to take five, but if you need anything while I’m gone, just grab Travis here; he can refill your beer,” I told the man who just handed me the money for his drink.

  He was the last of the rush, and I knew if I was going to take a minute for myself, I better do it now or I would be stuck running back and forth behind the bar the rest of the night. Of course, the tips would be insane after that night of work, but with the way I had just interacted with Jett – and the way I didn’t fully understand how my body was reacting to him – I knew I could use a breather.

  Travis normally took care of busing the tables and making sure the napkins and free bar food items were stocked up, but he knew how to make a few simple drinks and run the cash register. He was fine for a few minutes, and since Tom wasn’t anywhere to be seen, I headed out the back door.

  The one complaint I had about the bar was the fact I never got to take any breaks myself. All the people who smoked were able to take quick breaks to finish a cigarette or start another, but for those of us who didn’t smoke, well, we were stuck working the full shift without anything for a break or we would get our asses chewed out by Tom, the owner.

  But, if he wasn’t around, I would take quick break here and there to make sure I could maintain some form of sanity while on shift. It wasn’t much, but it helped, and I knew I definitely needed it after the interaction I’d just had with Jett.

  I sank down to a squatting position outside the back door of the bar. It was dark out, but the warm night still felt cooler than the heat inside the building. The noise of the people inside the venue, as well as those who were smoking around the front of the place, filled the air, but it still felt good to take a minute to myself

  There might still be chatter filling the silence, but it was quiet enough I could clear my head and try to analyze what just went down.

  What the Hell was that? If you’re going to seduce this guy and not end up like just another one of the women he takes home with him on a nightly basis, you’re going to have to calm down and act natural.

  He made you blush! And, what the Hell was that jolt that ran through your hand when your fingers brushed? He paid you, sure, but you spend all night brushing hands with the people in the bar; why did it have to be him of all people who made you feel like you’re the only girl he’s ever seen?

  I tried to slow my thoughts so I could think about them rationally, but it was difficult. It was hard for me to think about anything rationally with how close I was to taking the next step.

  I wanted to seduce that man. I wanted to get him in bed, and I wanted to sink my claws into him. I didn’t want to just be another woman he hooked up with and discarded the next day – as I was sure he did to most of the women he picked up. I wanted to be the one he wanted to see again.

  I was going to be the one he returned to. The one he couldn’t get out of his head. But, to do that, I had to be cool, calm, and collected. I had to be just as hard to get as he was. Sure, he was offering himself to me. I could see it in the way he looked at me, but he was doing it in such a reserved way, it was as though he wasn’t doing it, at all.

  I had to master that in my own life if I was going to make this work. He had experience, there was no denying that, but I was smart. I was sexy, brave, and I knew what I was doing. I was fueled with the hate for him and the entire MC, and though I didn’t fully understand why my body had felt that jolt when the two of us touched, it didn’t mean a thing.

  I was going to push through with the plan, I would get my revenge, then I would look back on this with a laugh.

  “Are you enjoying yourself?” a voice cut through the air, causing me to nearly jump out of my skin.


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