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The Dead Flash Series | Book 2 | Rebuilding

Page 3

by Crist, J. D.

  "Thank you," Sarah replied. "I promise that no matter what, we are all in this together. We won't let anything happen to Hope."

  Emily nodded and headed back outside. Usually, the fresh air would bring comfort to her, but today, her head was just too full. She walked back up the road and found Jessica. She explained the packs that Sarah wanted to make, and they agreed on what would be in each one. Emily left Jessica still feeling like she was in a daze. Emily didn't want to worry everyone with her uncertainty but knew she had to talk to someone.

  Hope was fast asleep on her back in her regular milk lunch nap. Emily would typically stay out and allow Hope to sleep in the carrier but today turned towards their home. She was happy to see Marley asleep on the porch. He woke as she walked up the stairs and stretched. He was tired after a playful morning. Usually, he would have rested here and came to find her after his nap. Emily stepped past him and opened the front door. Once they were inside, she took Hope upstairs and laid her in the crib as Marley curled up under it. Emily left the room and allowed the two of them to enjoy their nap.

  Once back downstairs, Emily felt the emptiness of the house begin to weigh down on her. She sat on the couch and allowed her mind to run wild. She saw images of Jeff find the walkies and getting in the gate. She saw Hope being taken by some unknown stranger. She saw the people that lived in Sanctuary crying and everything they worked for being taken away.

  Emily was pulled from her thoughts by a knock at the door. She composed herself as best she could and answered it. She was relieved to see Shawn standing on the other side. She stepped aside and allowed him to enter before closing the door once more.

  "Sarah just told me about the stations. I guess we are going to have a full day on Monday," Shawn smiled as he followed her into the living room.

  "I guess," Emily muttered.

  "She also told me about you having second thoughts. What's going on," Shawn asked as he sat down on the couch.

  Emily felt the tears she was holding back escape as she told Shawn everything, collapsing on the couch beside him. She told him how scared she was that they would let someone in that would hurt them and how their luck would have to run out sooner or later. Emily had no idea for how long she talked, but Shawn sat and listened without interrupting. When she finally finished, she waited for him to tell her what an idiot she was being. Instead, he simply pulled her close to him and wrapped her in a hug.

  Emily allowed herself to lay against his chest. She let the tears run until they came to a stop on their own. Shawn remained quiet, and Emily remained still.

  "You know, channel one was not really for security emergencies." Emily forced herself to pull away and look up at Shawn. "Everyone needs someone to talk to, especially if they have as much pressure on them as you. I hoped you understood that if you needed to talk, that's how you could always find me." Shawn smiled down at her.

  "Well, apparently, I missed that," Emily laughed.

  "Apparently," he replied. "I know you're scared. You would be a fool not to be. But we need more help to keep this place around for years to come. I can't promise that no bad people will find us. But I can promise that if they do, we will stand together. We are a family now, all of us. If the bad get in, we will throw them off the wall together."

  Emily searched for the feelings that drove her insane just a few minutes ago but couldn't find them. Shawn was right. They were a family now. Derick even filled the role of the mean drunk uncle that no one likes but tolerates because he's family. Emily nodded back at him and allowed herself to be swallowed by his embrace once more. Shawn leaned back on the couch, and the two of them sat until Hope began to fuss.

  Emily had no clue how long they had been sitting. She knew that Hope was the only person who could get her to move. Emily slowly lifted her head and looked at Shawn. He rubbed her on the back, and Emily stood and headed for the stairs. Emily could not help but smile as she climbed the stairs, remembering the comfort she had found after all this time. She would have never imagined that Shawn would be the source of it, but now she can't imagine it being anyone else.

  Emily opened the door to Hope's room and found the baby trying to crawl in her crib. Marley was awake as well and sat by the crib watching. Emily walked over and picked up Hope, embracing her in a hug. She then gave Hope a quick diaper change and headed back downstairs. She felt like a teenage girl at the thought of seeing Shawn again. Though she had only been gone a few minutes, she was excited to see him again.

  As Emily reached the bottom of the stairs, she looked towards the couch to find it empty. She quickly scanned the rest of the room and couldn't help the disappointment she felt that he was gone. Emily walked back to the couch and sat down with Hope. She then noticed the piece of paper on the table. Emily picked it up and read the words like a note passed to her in class.

  I had to go to another wall shift. Sorry to leave without saying goodbye. I'm still here. Remember, Channel 1.


  Emily placed the piece of paper back down on the table with a smile on her face. Hope began to fidget in her arms once more. Emily pushed the table towards the television and placed Hope on the area rug. She watched as the baby tried her best to crawl, and Marley encouraged her every movement. As most babies do, Emily waited for Hope to get frustrated and give up, but Hope refused. She continued for hours until her body grew tired, and she fell asleep.

  Chapter 3

  Emily spent Sunday at home with Hope. She checked in with everyone by walkie and explained that she was taking a vacation day. Everyone seemed to understand and even seemed proud of her for making this decision. She explained that she was available if there was an emergency though she knew none of them would be calling her. Emily spent the morning reading to and playing with Hope. She felt like she was alone in her world with Hope and Marley. They had just finished a book when Emily heard the radio spring to life.

  "Emily, security channel, please," Shawn's voice rang through. Emily clicked her walkie over to channel one.

  "Is there a problem?" Emily stated after pressing the button.

  "I just wanted to make sure you are okay. I haven't seen you since I left yesterday." Emily smiled at the memory of lying against his chest while he held her.

  "Everything is great. I just wanted to spend the day with Hope before heading out tomorrow."

  "So, our date is still on for tomorrow?" Shawn asked.

  "I'm not going to stand you up," Emily laughed. "I promise."

  "If you need anything, just let me know. You guys have fun, and I'll see you in the morning."

  "Will do," Emily responded and then turned the radio back to channel two.

  "What the hell is security channel, you guys?" Sarah's voice rang out.

  "I'll explain," Shawn responded. Emily placed the walkie back on her waist and took Hope upstairs for her nap.

  Once Hope and Marley were tucked in for their nap, Emily headed back downstairs. She took the time to clean up the house and do some dusting that she had been neglecting. Once she finished, she sat on the couch and thought for a while.

  The peacefulness she felt during this time was more than she could explain. Hope was getting to sleep in her bed, and Emily had time to keep house. Emily had been so focused on the town and making sure it ran smoothly that she was robbing her family of these moments. When Emily heard Hope begin to fuss to get out of bed, Emily decided that she would make this their new daily routine. Hope was no longer going to take her naps in the backpack but in her bed.

  Emily opened Hope's door to find her and Marley both awake and Hope trying to crawl again. Emily picked up Hope and soon had her changed for the afternoon. Once they were back downstairs, Emily placed Hope back on the floor for another crawling lesson. Hope was so close to getting it, and Emily didn't want to miss it while she was gone tomorrow.

  Hope rocked back and forth on her belly for a long time. Still, she never grew frustrated or angry. Her little face looked determined as Marley moved to lay next to her
. Hope looked at Marley as he began to do a dog version of an army crawl. Emily could swear it looked like Hope was studying him. Once Marley finished, he turned and faced Hope on the carpet. It took only a few minutes, and Hope began to pull herself forward towards Marley.

  As Hope reached Marley, Emily clapped and cheered while the two of them celebrated. Emily tussled Marley's ears as Hope let out joyful squeals. Emily could not believe what she just saw. Marley had seen what Hope wanted to do and taught her how to crawl. Once the celebration was over, Hope was on the move once more. She seemed determine to investigate every corner of the room. Emily remained seated and watched as Marley followed Hope. If Hope crawled too close to the table or even wall, Marley laid in front of it. Hope would become agitated when he blocked her path but soon would turn and go in a new direction.

  Emily always knew that Marley was a fantastic dog. He had protected, comforted, and guided her in more ways than she could count. However, even she could have never dreamed that he would have this much insight when it came to a baby. Emily continued to sit, watching her small family work their way around the room several times. Hope was beginning to slow down, and Emily realized that it was supper time.

  Emily made Hope a bottle and fed her while Marley went into the backyard. Marley came in just as Hope finished eating and began to eat his dinner. Emily took Hope upstairs and gave her a quick bath before dressing her for bed. When Emily entered Hope's room, she found Marley already lying under the crib. She knew he would stay here until she was ready for bed herself.

  Emily tucked Hope in for the night and headed back downstairs to feed herself. After supper, Emily headed upstairs for a long, hot shower. This was the most relaxing and rewarding day she could remember in a long time. Once Emily was dressed for bed, she went to check on Hope once more. Marley came out as Emily opened the door and headed for the master bedroom. Emily looked at the sleeping baby for a few moments and then followed. She crawled into the bed next to Marley and wrapped her arm over the massive dog. It did not take long before both she and Marley were fast asleep.

  Emily woke early the next day and quickly moved through the routine. Soon, the three of them were headed out the door into the town. Emily headed straight to the bakery, where she could already smell the fresh bread. As she entered the door, she saw that Julia was waiting for her.

  "Anything I should know?" Julia asked as she took Hope from Emily's arms.

  "Well, she's mobile now," Emily smiled.

  "Wow, she's starting young," Julia remarked while holding Hope.

  "With Marley as a teacher, nothing is holding her back," Emily laughed. However, she noticed Julia's face turned more serious.

  "Something wrong?" Emily asked.

  "I know you can let yourself in, but what if," Julia stopped her sentence short.

  "What if we don't make it back," Emily finished for her.

  "I've worried about it every time you leave," Julia confessed.

  "I've left behind the key to the gate each time," Emily smiled at her.

  "Where?" Julia asked with confusion.

  "Bobby knows he just doesn't realize it," Emily smiled back. "If I'm gone for more than a week, just tell Bobby that Hope needs a little luck. He will bring it to you."

  "I don't understand," Julia replied.

  "That's the point. I trust you with the clue because I know you won't ask him for it unless you truly believe that I'm gone." Emily smiled at her friend as she turned and headed out the door.

  Emily found Shawn waiting for her by the gate. He already had the stations loaded up in the bed of the pickup.

  "Figured we would do these first and work our way around to the lumber yard."

  "Sounds good to me," Emily replied. She walked upstairs and entered the code to open the outer gate.

  She watched as Shawn drove the truck with Marley in the bed out of the gate. She walked down the stairs and through the gate. Once outside, she opened the outer control panel and entered the code again to close the gate. She then joined Shawn in the cab of the truck. Once she was in, Shawn began to drive down the logging road.

  Emily watched ahead in silence, almost holding her breath. She hated passing by the old SUV every time she left. It reminded her of Jeff and how she destroyed the SUV to get away from him. It wasn't long before they passed by the SUV. Emily stared at it as they passed.

  "Maybe we should push it off the road," Shawn commented a few moments later.

  "No, one day I'll be able to let the pain of it go," Emily replied. "I won't know when that happens if it's gone."

  Shawn nodded in understanding and then focused on the road once more. They drove for a while until they reached the main road. The logging road was easy to miss as trees on either side blocked it. Unless you were looking for it, you would pass it without even realizing it. Shawn slowed the truck to a stop. This was one of the locations that Sarah had decided on for the stations.

  Shawn climbed out of the truck and took a shovel from the back. He set to work digging holes for the ground post on the stations. Emily gripped her crowbar and climbed out to join him. Marley jumped out of the bed of the truck and stood beside her. Emily kept watching the wood line while Shawn worked. It didn't take him long before he finished.

  "You mind giving me a hand?" he asked while walking back to the truck.

  Emily laid her crowbar on the truck seat and helped Shawn pull one of the stations out of the truck's bed. Once the ground posts were in the holes, Emily held the station while Shawn packed in the dirt around them. Emily then walked back to the truck and grabbed one of the packs that Sarah had packed. She removed the walkie and hung it on one hook and the bag of supplies on the other. Across the top of the station, Derick had painted "Sanctuary – A Place to Live Among the Living."

  Emily felt the butterflies begin in her stomach as she looked at the station. The thought of letting strangers in still scared her, but she knew it was the right thing to do. Emily felt a hand on her shoulder, and she turned to Shawn behind her.

  "It's going to be fine," he said in a comforting voice.

  "I know," Emily smiled back at him.

  She squeezed his hand and headed back to the truck. Marley jumped back in the bed, and soon they were on their way to the next location. They repeated the process three more times without incident. Soon, all of the stations were in place, and they were ready to head to the lumber yard. The day was already half gone, and they would need to move fast to make it home by dark.

  "Any other time, we would have seen a dozen of those bastards by now," Shawn commented as he started the truck. "But want one, and you don't see any."

  "I'm sure we will find more than we want in town." Emily felt confident in her statement. Shawn nodded in agreement and began the drive into town. Emily hoped he was right that the lumber would be loaded and waiting for them.

  As they made their way down the road, Emily spotted some walking towards them. She turned to point it out to Shawn but could tell that he saw them as well. As they grew closer, Emily could tell that the person was shambling, not walking. Shawn slowed the truck to a stop, and Emily could see the cloudy white eyes even from a distance.

  "It will be easier here than in town," Shawn stated as he climbed out of the truck. Emily reached for her door handle to follow. "I got this; you just wait there." Shawn shut the truck door and walked toward the zombie.

  The zombie was a well-dressed man and appeared to have been killed by the flash. Emily didn't see any tears or bites from where she was. She tried to imagine what this man could have been doing before it happened. Was he just passing through on business? Was he on his way to the Sanctuary?

  Emily's thoughts ended as Shawn hit the man in the skull with a small knife. Shawn left the knife and picked up the corpse from the ground. He carried it back to the truck and placed it in the bed. He then covered it with a tarp and climbed back inside. Shawn put the truck back into drive and started back towards the town.

  Emily watched the road as t
hey continued down. She felt the knot twist in her stomach as she saw the edge of town. She immediately started flashing back to the memories of Jeff and his gang blocking the streets. Then she saw herself in the cellar, standing in the group of men cheering as Jeff tried to force her into being his slave.

  Emily was pulled back to that present as Shawn took her hand. She turned to look at him and could tell that he knew what she was thinking. She allowed her fingers to intertwine with his and found strength in his touch. They passed by the dealership, and Emily managed to keep her composure.

  After a few more minutes, Emily saw that they were approaching the lumber yard. Shawn pulled in front of the building and stopped the truck. Emily felt Shawn release her hand as he climbed out of the truck. Emily joined him, her crowbar in hand.

  "We should check around back to see if there is a trailer," Shawn stated after looking at the parking lot for a few minutes.

  "I'll follow you," Emily replied.


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