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The Dead Flash Series | Book 2 | Rebuilding

Page 14

by Crist, J. D.

  Emily headed back outside to see that the sun was down enough that the lights were on. Most of the children were still up, but Emily knew they would be sent to bed soon. She made her way through the crowd and sat down at a table.

  “Did you manage to find time to eat?” Howard asked behind her.

  “I knew I forgot something,” Emily laughed.

  “June thought that may be the case. She had me put a plate together for you.” Howard set a plate on the table beside Emily.

  “Thank you,” Emily said, and Howard turned to head back over to June. She began to take small bites of the food and realized how hungry she indeed was. Emily began to eat so quickly that she was sure she was disgracing all queens. She finished and let herself relax in her chair.

  “Is it safe?” Shawn asked as he walked towards her.

  “What do you mean?” asked Emily.

  “Well, the way you attacked that plate, I was afraid you may turn cannibal on whoever was closest to you.”

  “Very funny,” Emily rolled her eyes at him.

  “I wanted to let you know that the kids are going to bed. Cole has some moonshine under lock and key in the truck to keep a certain induvial out of it. Would you like a little bit?”

  “Yeah,” Emily smiled at him. “But just a little bit.”

  “Right, I’ll get you a big glass,” Shawn teased as he walked away.

  Emily watched as the parents all took the children home and slowly returned. Once everyone was back, Cole opened the door to the truck and poured everyone a small glass of moonshine who wanted it. Shawn came back and offered one to Emily.

  “Have you ever had this before?” he asked as she took it.

  “Nope,” Emily said as she sniffed the contents. “But it smells like rubbing alcohol.”

  “That just means it’s good,” Shawn laughed.

  “Take it slow though, it’s very strong.”

  Emily followed his advice and took a small sip. Shawn burst out in laughter at the face she made. Emily tried to compose herself, but it took her a few minutes.

  “Yeah, going to go very slow with that.” Emily set her glass down on the table.

  “Just don’t walk away from it,” Shawn warned. “I guarantee that Derick will make sure that the glass is empty when you return.”

  “Understood,” Emily smiled.

  Shawn took a seat next to her, and they continued to sip on their drinks. Emily was only able to drink half of what Shawn brought her and ended up pouring the rest into Shawn’s glass.

  “You know I’m not going to let you work on the wall until three in the morning tonight, right?”

  “You think you can stop me?” Emily grinned back at him. She already had planned on heading up to the wall once the party was over.

  “First of all, you have had alcohol, and second you need sleep.” Shawn took another drink from his glass.

  “Sleep is not an option these days.” Emily felt herself saying the words but couldn’t stop them from coming out. “Every time I sleep for more than a few hours, I have that damn dream. I just can’t take it.”

  “What dream?” Shawn casually asked.

  “The one where Jeff is inside the walls, the town is burning, everyone is gone, and he has Hope.” Emily felt relieved to tell Shawn what had been bothering her finally. Yet, at the same time, she could not help but be embarrassed.

  “Where was I?” Shawn asked while still drinking casually from his glass.

  “You were just gone, like everyone else.”

  “Well, then you know it will never happen,” Shawn spoke. “For him to get in and get to Hope, I would have to by lying in the street dead. Hell, I think even my zombie self would try to kill him.”

  “It just feels so real when it happens.” Emily looked down as she spoke.

  “Then when it happens, radio me, and I will come to sit guard all night if I have to.” Emily looked up to see Shawn looking at her. “You can’t keep going at this pace, or you are going to end up killing yourself.”

  “I’m not trying to,” Emily sounded like a little kid as she spoke.

  “I know, it was scary as shit out there, and I’m not too big of a man to admit I have had my share of nightmares about it. Let me help you get through this, and then, one day soon, we will hunt down that bastard. We will become his nightmare.”

  “That would be fun.” Emily grinned at the thought.

  “By the way, you are a talkative drunk,” Shawn laughed as he spoke.

  “I’m not drunk,” Emily replied. “I think you’re drunk.”

  “Oh, I guess we will have to test it to see who’s drunk.” Shawn quickly finished his drink and stood up. “You game?” Shawn asked Emily as he held out his hand.

  “What are we doing?” Emily asked as she took his hand.

  “Well, drunks are notoriously good dancers.” Shawn grinned as he led Emily out into the open area.

  Emily knew as she was walking that perhaps she had drunk too much but wasn’t going to admit it now. It quickly became apparent that Shawn had no rhythm as he danced. Emily simply smiled and joined him. Emily lost count of how many songs played, but she and Shawn continued dancing. By the time the last song of the night played, they were holding each other more for stability than anything. However, both of them were laughing and were genuinely having a good time.

  After the last song, everyone still on the street clapped. Emily suddenly realized that she and Shawn were the only ones still dancing. Emily knew that she would typically be embarrassed but instead, she simply bowed and walked with Shawn back to the tables.

  “So, I can’t drink, but you all can make fools out of yourselves!” Derick glared at her from his chair.

  Emily straightened herself as best she could and turned towards Derick. Emily had plans to tell him that while they enjoyed the recreational drink, they didn’t do it every day. Emily also planned to call Derick an ass somewhere in her rant. However, when she turned and saw Derick was still in his gesture costume, she lost all of her thoughts. Emily couldn’t contain the laugh that escaped her mouth.

  “Derick, if you can stay sober and not break any laws before Hopes birthday, I will allow you to have a small amount of alcohol at events.”

  “Why would you do that?” Derick asked, and Emily could see that even Shawn was confused.

  “You stayed in that costume and were a part of our community. If you are willing to try, then I am willing to as well.”

  Emily turned, still laughing, and headed for the first chair she saw.

  “Don’t sit,” Shawn warned her as they approached the chairs.

  “But I need to rest,” Emily reached for the chair anyway.

  “Then let’s get you inside and in bed,” Shawn held her by the arm and guided her towards the house.

  “Are you telling me it’s my bedtime?” Emily asked as she walked.

  “Yes,” Shawn laughed. “It’s your bedtime.” Emily allowed Shawn to walk her inside and up to her room. “Are you up to changing your clothes?”

  “Nope,” Emily replied as she crawled into the bed. “Marley!” Emily yelled as she tried to get up.

  “You stay,” Shawn said as he pushed her back into the bed. “I’ll get him.”

  Emily watched as Shawn left the room, and a few moments later, Marley jumped into the bed.

  “Good boy,” Emily said as Marley laid down beside her.

  “You need anything else?” Shawn asked from the doorway.

  “Did you mean what you said about I could call you if the nightmare came back?” Emily could feel the fear of sleeping creeping over her.

  “Of course,” Shawn replied, taking a step into the room. “But if it’s okay, I was thinking about sleeping on the couch downstairs tonight.”

  “Are you trying to make sure I don’t sneak out?” Emily asked as she pulled the blankets up around herself.

  “Maybe,” Shawn smiled as he turned off the light and shut the door.

  Emily cuddled into the bed n
ext to Marley and felt herself relax. Emily closed her eyes and allowed sleep to overtake her.

  Chapter 13

  Emily woke the following day and was surprised that she didn't have a headache. Emily tossed back the blankets and sat up just as she would any other morning. She instantly regretted her decision. Emily considered laying back down as her stomach began to churn. Emily sat for a few minutes until it calmed down. She slowly stood and made her way to the bathroom.

  After removing her costume, Emily managed to drag herself into the shower and was surprised at how much the water helped her. While she still wasn't normal, she felt much better when she made her way back to the bedroom to get dressed. Once she was dressed, Emily turned to the bed and realized that Marley was not sleeping there. Emily scanned the room and noticed a note on her nightstand. Emily walked over and picked up the note.

  Hope woke early, and I wanted you to rest. I have both her and Marley downstairs when you are ready to come down.


  Emily smiled as she placed the note back down on the nightstand. Emily took her time making the bed before heading downstairs. She stopped at the bottom of the stairs and watched the scene unfolding in her living room. Shawn was sitting on the floor with the "Ugly Duckling" open. He was reading to Hope, who sat in his lap looking at the pictures. Marley was lying on the floor next to him and looked to be listening himself. Emily thought back to his costume and smiled at the thought of how accurate it was.

  Emily waited until after Shawn finished the story before she walked towards them.

  "Are you three having fun?” Emily smiled.

  "I think so," Shawn replied. "How did you sleep?" Shawn stood with Hope in his arms as he spoke.

  "Good, I didn't realize how tired I was. Thank you for helping out."

  "It's no trouble," Shawn smiled. "Maybe now you won't do any more late-night trips to the wall."

  "I might still do it, but I will let you know before I do. It's channel one, right?" Emily teased.

  "Well, I guess I'll have to take it. But at least now I know how to force you to get some rest."

  "Now that's cheating. Hand me, my baby, before you corrupt her too." Emily took Hope as she laughed.

  "She will be ready for lunch soon," Shawn smiled.

  "Lunch!" Emily glanced at the clock on the wall. She couldn't believe that it was a little after twelve. "How could you let me sleep so long!"

  "I told myself that one was the cut-off time," Shawn smiled.

  "Well, as long as you had set a limit," Emily laughed.

  "My wall shift is at one today. Otherwise, I probably would have let you sleep until tomorrow."

  "I didn't do my rounds today," Emily began.

  "Everyone is probably wondering if I have become a drunk who has started ignoring my responsibilities."

  "No, they all were proud that you took the day to rest."

  "You told them I slept away the day?"

  "No, I told them you took a vacation day. You remember those, don't you?"


  "You earned it," Shawn smiled. "Even if you had to be forced into it."

  "Didn't you have a wall shift coming up?" Emily desperately wanted to end this conversation.

  "Yes, ma'am. I'm heading out now, but I mean what I said."

  "I know, and thank you again for taking care of Hope and Marley."

  "Any time. Remember, channel one."

  "I will."

  Emily walked Shawn to the door and closed it behind him.

  "You ready for lunch?" Emily asked Hope as she walked towards the kitchen.

  Marley followed her and watched as she made Hope lunch.

  Once Hope finished her meal, Emily took her upstairs for her nap. Emily hated to have spent so little time with her today but knew that she had to let Hope rest. Once Hope and Marley were tucked in, Emily headed back downstairs to the study.

  She pulled out the ledgers and sat at the desk. Emily spent the next hour updating the housing ledgers and inventory lists, a task she failed to make time for. Once she finished, she also pulled out her journal and updated it as well. When she finished, she headed upstairs to see that Hope was awake and ready for round two.

  Emily did a quick diaper change and headed downstairs. Emily looked around the house and realized how little time she spent here. Everything was still organized and decorated just as Robert had left it. Other than then setting up the nursery, Emily had changed nothing. It was almost as if she was staying here until Robert got home.

  Emily made her way to the front door and headed to the store. Jessica was standing behind the counter, flipping through the pictures. Emily opened the door and walked inside.

  "I thought you were taking the day off?" Jessica raised an eyebrow as she spoke.

  "This is personal not official," Emily smiled. "I wanted to pick up some things for the house and see if the pictures are ready."

  "They are," Jessica grinned. "I assumed you wanted the town picture as well." Jessica handed Emily the pictures.

  Emily looked at them, trying to keep Hope from grabbing them. The first was Emily, Hope, and Marley. Emily smiled as she flipped to the entire town's next, followed by an original group picture. The last photo was of Emily, Hope, Marley, and Shawn.

  Emily knew when it was taken, and it was when they were waiting for the town to gather. They had been playing with Hope, trying to keep her happy until everyone was ready.

  "I didn't know you took this one." Emily looked up at Jessica.

  "I hope you don't mind. It seemed like the perfect moment, and I thought you would like to have it."

  "I love it," Emily looked down at the picture once more. "Do we have frames that these could go in?" Emily looked around the store as she asked.

  "No, but I could talk to Jose to see if he can make some."

  "If he can I would appreciate it." Emily looked around the store once more. "I'm going to look around the stores for a bit."

  Jessica looked at Emily and seemed both shocked and confused. Emily grabbed a cart and started to make her way through the store. She grabbed some groceries she knew she was running low on and headed back to the front.

  "Do we have any decorative type of stuff?" Emily asked Jessica.

  "Not much," Jessica admitted. "I have some stuff in the back that I found. Are you planning on redecorating?"

  "More like personalizing," Emily explained.

  "It's time to make it look more like my place instead of Robert's."

  "I get that," Jessica said. "I did the same thing with my apartment. The pictures will help but maybe putting a playpen downstairs for Hope and a dog bed for Marley. What helped me was rearranging things."

  "Thanks for the advice. I'll take a look at what's back there, and then I'll be back."

  Emily walked to the back and found one section of the shelf with decorative items. However, none of them spoke to her. She headed back to the front and allowed Jessica to add up the credits for the things she had.

  "Go ahead and add a dog bed and a playpen. I'll pick them up later."

  "You got it," Jessica smiled. "Isabelle came in while you were looking and said that Jose was already making her a frame so she would ask him to make more for everyone."

  "Great." Emily smiled as she handed Jessica her credit card.

  "I'll make sure to put four back for you," Jessica replied as she handed Emily her card back.

  "I appreciate it. Do you mind if I take the cart home and bring it back? I didn't quite think this out." Emily laughed, looking at everything and then at Hope.

  "Of course," Jessica smiled.

  Emily pushed the cart out the door and up the street to her house. It took her a few trips to get everything inside, but soon it was done. Emily put away the groceries and thought about what Jessica had said.

  Emily walked into the living room and looked around. She couldn't move the television as the stand was built into the wall, but everything else in here was moveable. Emily glanced into the s
tudy. It had always seemed odd to her to have the desk in the center of the room.

  "Aright, I got the little stuff you got big," Emily asked Hope. Hope stared around the room without making a sound. "Fine, I'll do it all," Emily laughed.

  Emily started with the couch and chairs. She pushed them further from the television and switched the lamps with the ones in the study. She then removed some of the art sculptures from the shelves and carefully stacked them on the couch. Emily headed into the office and began to carry the children's books to the shelves. On the top shelf, Emily placed the census books and the journals. It would be easier for her if they were in this room instead of the study.


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