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The Dead Flash Series | Book 2 | Rebuilding

Page 24

by Crist, J. D.

  "I hope you don't mind me using your dad's name. I didn't want to tell him anything true about Hope."

  "It's fine," Emily insisted. "I appreciate everything you did to protect her."

  "I may not be her dad, but I love that little girl," Shawn said with sincerity in his voice.

  "I know you do," Emily smiled.

  "So, I kissed you on Christmas Eve, and you said you needed more time."

  "Yes," Emily replied with hesitation.

  "But I get shot, and you don't need time anymore?"

  "Not exactly," Emily laughed. "It just didn't feel right to come running up to you saying, "I'm ready now."

  "Just so you know, I would have been okay with that approach," Shawn said in a groggy voice.

  "I'll keep that in mind moving forward," Emily smiled as she grabbed his hand. "You need to get some rest."

  "I don't want to," Shawn said, half asleep.

  "Why not?" Emily asked.

  "If I go to sleep, this will all be a dream."

  "I'll be here when you wake up," Emily reassured him. "I promise."

  Emily continued to hold Shawn's hand as she listened to him fall asleep. Emily slowly slid out of bed and motioned for Marley to stay. Emily tip-toed quietly out of the bedroom and downstairs. Emily didn't stop trying to sneak until she was in the study. Emily made her way over to the desk and turned the chair around. Emily revealed the computer and worked through the process of changing the gate codes. She knew Julia would be checking in the morning. Emily did not want to feel Julia's wrath in the morning for procrastinating.

  Once Emily had finished, she took a small slip of paper and wrote the gate codes down on it. Emily then made her way back upstairs to Hope's room. Hope was still fast asleep and didn't stir as Emily made her way over to the crib. Emily reached up and pulled the bandana down from the nail. Emily carefully tucked the paper into the folds of the bandana and returned it to the wall.

  Emily had considered changing her hiding place for the fail-safe but decided against it. Even if anyone had seen Bobby with the bandana, it was unlikely, they knew what was in it. They probably wouldn't count on Emily putting the codes in the same hiding spot if they did. Emily kissed Hope on the head one more time before leaving the room.

  Emily opened her bedroom door and slowly tip-toed her way back to the bed. Emily slid into the bed carefully.

  "Where did you go?" Shawn asked beside her.

  "I had to take care of something downstairs," Emily replied as she rolled over to face him.

  "So, I can't work, but you can?" Shawn replied.

  "That's right," Emily said in her most comforting voice.

  "I think I should be able to work if you are," Shawn said, still half asleep.

  Emily knew that he was out of it because of the pain medication. She also knew that there was a good chance that he would not remember any of this conversation in the morning. Emily reached over and found Shawn's hand on top of the comforter. Emily wrapped her fingers with his and laid silent.

  "You promise you won't leave again?" Shawn asked, barely loud enough for Emily to hear.

  "I promise," Emily whispered back. "I need you to go to sleep now."

  "I will, but only for you," Shawn replied.

  Emily laid in the dark for a while. She was almost afraid to move at all until she was sure that Shawn was in a deep sleep. Even as Shawn began to lightly snore, Emily continued to lay and look at him in the dark. While she couldn't see him clearly, her eyes had adjusted enough that she could make out his general features.

  Emily couldn't help but realize that Shawn was the polar opposite of Chad. He didn't care about looking a certain way or what his status was. The only thing he cared about was taking care of his family. He didn't care what sacrifices he had to make to do it or if it cost him his own life.

  Emily focused once again on the man that was lying beside her. Shawn was not only the type of man she needed but also the type of man she wanted in her life. However, they had fought and disagreed on some issues. But those issues boiled down to them caring so much for each other.

  Marley readjusted at the foot of the bed, trying to adjust to his new sleeping position. Shawn was a tall man, and there wasn't much room for Marley to lay below him. Emily moved herself to the center of the bed, closer to Shawn. Emily felt Marley move as he noticed the change of her position. Marley stretched himself out behind Emily and seemed to be much more comfortable.

  Emily finally settled in between Shawn and Marley. She could tell that it didn't take long for Marley to fall asleep behind her, and Shawn would not be waking up anytime soon. Emily closed her eyes, and for the first time in months, she did not fear she would have a nightmare. Instead, she focused on the kiss she shared with Shawn, both on Christmas Eve and that day, his arm around her as she took care of him and the feeling of his hand in hers as she laid in the bed. It didn't take long before Emily was fast asleep herself.

  Chapter 22

  Emily woke the following day and was happy to find Shawn was still asleep next to her. Emily slid her hand out of his and rolled over to see Marley was still behind her. Emily gently ran her hand through his fur, and Marley opened his eyes. Seeming to know she was trying to be quiet, Marley climbed off the bed gently, and Emily followed. Emily grabbed some clothes and made her way to the bathroom. Emily got dressed and put up her hair. Emily opened the bathroom door and saw that Shawn was sitting up, holding his shoulder.

  "I'll get you some water so you can take your medicine," Emily grinned at him.

  "I should head home and at least get some clean clothes," Shawn said as he began to stand.

  "At least wait and take your medicine and then we can go together," Emily said as she walked to the bedroom door.

  "You are not going to let me out of your sight, are you?" Shawn asked as he walked towards her.

  "Nope," Emily replied as she opened the door and walked to Hope's room.

  Hope was awake and ready to start her day as Emily opened the door. Emily made her way to Hope and quickly got her dressed for the day. Once Hope was ready, Emily headed downstairs and noticed that Marley was not with her. Emily walked to the kitchen and saw that the back door was open and Shawn was standing outside of it smoking.

  "Did you take your medication yet?" Emily asked as she sat Hope in the highchair and began getting her breakfast ready.

  "I decided to wait so you could see me do it," Shawn said as he finished his cigarette and walked back in with Marley.

  "Glasses are in the cabinet," Emily nodded as she walked over to Hope and began feeding her breakfast.

  Shawn grabbed a glass and filled it with water. Emily watched out of the corner of her eye as Shawn took two of the pills that Doc had given him. Shawn sat down and waited while Hope finished her breakfast. The four of them walked out into the early morning together and could see that Sanctuary was already awake and people were busy everywhere. Emily walked with Shawn, Hope, and Marley up the road towards Shawn's apartment.

  "Good morning," Doc greeted them as he came out of the clinic. "I was hoping that you would be coming out soon. How is the patient this morning?"

  "I was forced to sleep and take my medication," Shawn said, rolling his eyes.

  "Oh, poor baby," Doc replied in a mocking tone. "Emily, I wanted to talk to you about how you want me to handle the newcomers. Normally, if they show no signs of infection, we bring them in, but I get the feeling that won't be happening this time."

  "No," Emily replied. "For now, let's get their exams done. Anyone that is infected, we will find a way to separate from the others, but for now, they are all going to stay in quarantine."

  "I'll meet you there then," Doc smiled as he made his way to the open inner gate.

  "Was that open all night?" Shawn asked with concern in his voice.

  "Sam made sure there was a guard on it," Emily calmly replied.

  "Have you decided what you are going to do with all of them?" Shawn asked as they continued up the street

  "I think it's time I put together that council I talked about," Emily began. "I don't think I can make these decisions all on my own."

  "The final decision will be yours," Shawn said as they reached the door.

  "I know, but I still want help reaching that decision," Emily smiled.

  "I understand that," Shawn nodded as he stopped. "I promise, I'm just going up to change, and then I'll meet you at the gate."

  "Alright," Emily said with suspicion.

  Emily turned to head to the gate as Shawn opened the door and headed up to his apartment. Emily reached the gate and saw Doc was already taking people into the small clinic. Emily pulled the walkie from her waist and pressed the button.

  "Sam, are you available?" Emily asked.

  "I'm on my way to the gate," Sam replied.

  "I'll see you in a few minutes then," Emily said and then returned the walkie to her waist.

  Emily watched as Doc led a couple of women back to quarantine and brought a few more out.

  "Doc working his way through?" Sam asked as he walked up beside her.

  "He is," Emily replied as she turned to face him. "We have some big decisions to make."

  "You mean you have some big decisions to make," Sam corrected her.

  "I've thought it's time to set up that council I talked about when you first arrived."

  "Are you wanting them to help with the trials you were talking to Julia about?" Sam asked.

  "To start with," Emily smiled. "I wanted to ask you to be part of it."

  "I would be honored," Sam replied. "Who else do you want to ask?"

  "Julia, Shawn, Howard, Cole, Jaycob, Sarah, Jessica, and Doc," Emily listed. "What do you think?"

  "I assume you have a reason for each of them?" Sam asked.

  "Of course," Emily laughed. "Do you want me to list them?"

  "Nope," Sam laughed. "Do you want me to gather everyone so we can talk when Doc is done?"

  "If you wouldn't mind," Emily nodded.

  "Well, he made it easier," Sam said, looking behind her. Emily turned and saw Shawn walking through the gate.

  "I'll make sure he doesn't run off," Emily laughed. "Let's all meet at my house."

  "We'll meet you there in a little bit," Sam said as he walked out the gate.

  "You put him to work already?" Shawn asked as Sam past him.

  "He's going to gather everyone that I want on the council," Emily replied. "I'm in charge of you and Doc."

  "Lucky me," Shawn smiled back at her and wrapped his arm over her shoulder.

  Emily and Shawn stood together and watched as Doc continued to walk women to the clinic. After returning a woman and a young girl to quarantine, Doc returned alone.

  "That's all the women and children," Doc said as he walked towards Emily and Shawn.

  "How are they?" Emily asked.

  "The boys are well-fed, but all the girls and women are severely malnourished. All the girls and women have been beaten, and many of them raped. The mental abuse they suffered will last long past the physical."

  "I wish I were surprised, but it's about what I expected," Emily replied.

  "I know I need to examine the men, but I need to take a moment," Doc said, looking exhausted. "I know some of them did this, and I'm not sure I have the strength to be gentle right now."

  "Tell me about it," Shawn said through his teeth.

  "Let's all head back to my house, and we can figure things out there," Emily said.

  "One other thing, six of the women were surprisingly healthy. They didn't have any bruises or marks on them. They did claim to have been raped, but when they said it, it was like they were reading from a script."

  "That is strange," Emily agreed. "We will get to the bottom of it."

  Doc nodded in agreement as Emily turned and started back through the gate with Marley. Shawn and Doc followed Emily back to the house where the others were already waiting. Emily opened the door, and they walked inside. Emily ushered all of them to gather around the dining room table and then took a seat herself.

  "So, you want to know our opinions?" Cole asked, not being shy.

  "Yes," Emily replied. "There are people out there, and whether we allow them in or not will have an impact on everyone."

  "You said something about a trial-type process," Julia spoke up, leaning forward.

  "Yes, but I am unsure of how to do it," Emily continued exactly.

  "I think some of us are wondering why you would want us involved," Howard spoke up.

  "Some of you have an expertise that will be useful," Emily looked around the table as she spoke. "But I have come to trust all of your opinions, and that's what I need for this council."

  "Well said," Howard grinned back.

  "Well, we best get started," Sam spoke.

  They all sat around for hours talking about the best way to learn about each of the people that had returned and the trial process. Everything went smoothly except for how to handle those found to have been willing participants in the rapes.

  "We should line them up and shoot them," Sam asserted.

  "You want your son knowing that we just shoot unarmed people?" Julia argued.

  "No, I want him growing up knowing he's safe from people like that," Sam continued.

  "I can't say I disagree with him," Jacob spoke.

  "Why don't we just put them in a cell?" Howard offered.

  "We only have three, and then we all would be responsible for taking care of them," Sam replied.

  "If they are not contributing and still get our supplies, it defeats the purpose of the credit system," Jessica spoke up.

  "We could let them go," Julia suggested.

  "So, they can set up a new camp and start doing it again!" Cole spoke in disbelief.

  "Cole's right," Emily spoke up. "Letting them go is not an option, and I agree with Jessica that it wouldn't work keeping them as prisoners."

  "So, we kill them," Julia spoke. "But what if we get it wrong and they are innocent?!"

  "We will just have to take our time and be positive that they are not," Emily said.

  "I can't live with that blood on my hands," Julia said, looking away from Emily.

  "I'm not asking you to," Emily replied. "I would like you all to sit on the interviews with me and let me know what your opinion is. I will make the final decision, and the blood will be on my hands."

  "That's a lot of responsibility," Howard said, looking at Emily over his glasses.

  "I'm willing to take it," Emily replied. "I just want to know what each of you thinks so that I can feel confident that I made the best decision I could."

  "How will they be killed then?" Sarah asked.

  "Will it be by firing squad or hanging?"

  "To conserve ammo, I would suggest hanging," Shawn spoke with no emotion.

  "From a medical standpoint, I would suggest using the bullets. It would be more humane," Doc said, rubbing his temples.

  "I don't want them to suffer so we will take the loss of ammo," Emily said, agreeing with Doc. "I also think it would not be good for morale to set up gallows."

  "That I can agree with," Julia said.

  "We don't have to rush this," Emily said to them all. "We can take our time and repeat interviews if needed. We just need to make sure we do this as best we can."

  Everyone nodded in agreement as she finished.

  "Doc, are you up to finishing the medical exams today?" Emily asked.

  "I can," Doc nodded. "I will then put a list together of everyone, and we can begin the interviews."

  "You want to start them today?" Emily asked in shock.

  "I think we all would," Howard spoke. "It's making everyone uneasy having them in a holding pattern."

  "We do have one more thing to decide," Shawn spoke. "I know all newcomers were supposed to stay with Emily, but there are just too many. I think we need to decide on temporary housing inside for them."

  "I'm not sure that housing is the way to go until they sign the ledger,
" Jessica spoke.

  "We could ask for volunteers to take in some," Sarah offered. "It would give us a way to get to know them outside the interviews and report what we find."

  "I think that is the best way to go," Emily smiled. "Does anyone have any objections?"

  Everyone remained silent, and Emily took that as they agreed.


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