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Her Guardian Series Box Set

Page 27

by G. Bailey

  Jaxson takes my hand as Atti gets told off by Lucinda. I almost want to stay to see what happens, but Jaxson pulls me into the dining room.

  "I want to ask you something, but can you sit?" he asks me, looking nervous. It is the first time I've ever seen Jaxson nervous, it's just not like him.

  I take the seat he pulls out, and I sit down. I watch as Jaxson falls to his knees in front of me.

  "By the goddess, I ask you,

  To be your mate and give me the ability always to protect you.

  I will be yours, and you will be mine,

  Until the end of our time.

  I give you my heart and ask for yours,

  Will you be my mate?"

  The position isn't lost on me, and it’s the second time he has kneeled for me, the man who once told me he would never kneel for anyone. My heart pounds against my chest as I stare into his bright green eyes. The amount of love in them is overwhelming. I don’t need to think about it long. I know people say that distance makes the heart fonder, well it’s true. Being away from Jaxson has just taught me how much I love him, that time and distance have no effect on my feelings for him.

  "Yes, and I will protect you as long as I live," I whisper. Jaxson’s smile could have set the earth on fire as he lifts me up and kisses me. A wave of power and promise sweeps through me, making me dizzy. The words are filled with some magic.

  "The ceremony is to make me king, and I want you at my side as my new queen,” he tells me.

  "You’re sure?" I ask in a breathless whisper.

  "Yes, my mate," he says, his expression is filled with love and pride.

  "We are not mated yet," I grin.

  "We have exchanged blood and said the vows. We have to consummate the bond, but we are still linked either way, even if you decide to walk away or try and kill me for pissing you off."

  “You could try being nice and not pissing me off,” I suggest.

  “It’s not possible, and you like it,” he says and kisses me gently.

  "I like you, my Wolfman," I respond.

  "I like you, my little human," he kisses me gently. A kiss full of unspoken promises.

  "We must get ready, Anna has left a dress on my bed for you."

  "What if I said no?" I ask at the door.

  "I always get what I want, lass."

  "Doesn't surprise me, Jax," I laugh and walk out of the dining room. I don't see anyone as I walk to Jaxson’s room and find a long, dark-green dress on the bed. It has three slits across the ribs, and it looks tight. I put it on, and it sticks to all my curves. I’m lucky I’m getting a little more toned with all the training; my stomach is flatter than it’s ever been, and my body feels lighter. It doesn’t mean I’ve stopped eating chocolate cake every night, because I haven’t. No one is brave enough to refuse me chocolate.

  I look in the mirror, and it doesn't look too bad, just a little slutty. Alex would be proud.

  The dress hangs off both my shoulders, and I take my bra off because the dress is so well fitted, I don't need it and don't want bra straps showing. I end up taking my underwear off too because you can see them outlined in the tight dress. I'm glad I had flat, black shoes on that are hidden under the hem of the dress, anyway.

  My hair is down and reaches my backside now, which must be a vampire thing because it grows way too bloody fast.

  I'm just smoothing my dress down when the door opens, and Katy comes in. She squeals and throws herself into my arms.

  "You look so hot, like out of this world. A real queen for us," she whispers the end part.

  "You look lovely, too," I reply, looking at her small, green dress and black cardigan. Katy’s hair is cut short, stopping near her chin and falls straight. The effect makes her look a lot older.

  "I came to do your hair and makeup," she holds up a little bag and points to the only chair in the room. I pull it out a little, so she can get behind it and sit as she plugs in a hair curler.

  “We’ll do the makeup first, I think," she mumbles, and I stay quiet as she starts applying something to my eyes.

  "So, how does it feel to be a princess of the vampires and soon to be the queen of the shifters?" she asks me.

  "How did you know?" I ask her. I didn’t know she knew about Wyatt and me.

  "I've seen how you and Jaxson are together. There is no way that man isn't going to have you at his side. Harris told me about you being the girl from the prophecy. Just don’t destroy us all," she jokes.

  "Oh well, no pressure. If it helps, I don’t have any plans to destroy things or people," I tell her.

  “That’s a relief. I couldn’t see you hurting anyone, Winter. You’re so sweet,” she tells me.

  “I’m not that nice, Katy, but I’m not a monster. This whole prophecy is weird to accept,” I say, and I hear her going through her makeup bag.

  "What part?" she asks.

  "That I’m going to have more than one mate, for starters? That they are princes, and the other two princes in my life I have big crushes on," I reply.

  "It's weird because you are human," she says.

  "What do you mean?" I ask.

  "This is our way of life, Winter. I know humans don't share, and that's fine for them, but I believe love is infinite." She brushes foundation around my face.

  "I just..." I start, but I don’t know how to explain it.

  "You just don't know how your future is going to be?" She finishes my sentence.

  "They are all princes who will be kings one day. How am I going to move between them all?" I ask.

  "You believe in the goddess and her plan. You are her program, Winter," she tells me.

  "Why do you think that?" I ask.

  "My mother and fathers taught me about the goddess. It's said that the goddess that made the prophecy had four mates: a vampire, a shifter, an angel, and a witch. Something went wrong, and she was killed."

  "What do you think happened?"

  "I don't know, no one does. It was so long ago. All we know is that all her mates were killed on the same day. That she and her sister who made all the races, died on the same day," she tells me. A memory of a dream of Elissa dying flashes in my mind.

  "Where did you learn this?" I ask her and try to turn my head to see her. I open my eyes as she starts messing with my hair.

  "My mother has these old books, she said they were passed down through her family. There are lots about the goddesses’ sister in them, but only my mum can read them as they are in Latin," she says.

  "I need those books. I've been searching for anything on the goddess. It’s essential, Katy," I tell her.

  "All done, and I’ll get them for you. She would happily share them with our new queen and tell you anything you want to know," she says.

  "When did you get so mature?" I ask, while she’s curling bits of my hair. I stay quiet when she doesn’t reply, and I feel her pulling parts of my hair back.

  "Around the time my queen saved my life," she winks at me as she moves a few pieces of hair around my face and moves back. I stand up and stare at myself in the mirror. My hair is half up in a bun with bits braided and other parts twirling down my back. My face looks more defined like this, it's amazing.

  "Wow," I mumble.

  "Come on, hot stuff, I know a wolf that needs you," Katy laughs and opens the door.

  We walk down the corridor and the stairs, and at the bottom is a sight that makes my heart jump.

  Jaxson is standing in the middle of Atti and Dabriel. Each one of them is looking like kings of some fairy tale. Jaxson is impressive with his hair styled and wearing a green shirt and black trousers. Atti has on his crown and is wearing his cloak over his black shirt and pants. Dabriel also has a crown on, smaller than a king’s but still impressive, and he’s dressed in all white, as I’ve gotten used to seeing. Each one of them seems in shock as I stroll down the staircase.

  "Fuck me," Atti says, and Jaxson whacks him on the back of his head.

  "What Atti meant was that you look beautiful
, Winter," Dabriel says as he looks me over. A wave of heat is touching every part of my body where he looks.

  "Yeah that," Atti mumbles, and I look over at him as he stares at me.

  "My queen," Jaxson says as he steps forward and takes my hand in his.

  "That's a bizarre thing to get used to being called. I’ve just gotten used to the term ‘princess’," I tell him, and he smiles.

  "It must be," Jaxson nods and walks us out the door.

  My jaw drops, and I quickly remind myself to close it when I see all the wolves outside the cabin. There must be hundreds, maybe close to a thousand of them, all in wolf form with their heads touching the ground. They look like they are bowing. The driveway has been covered in little green lights in lanterns. They hang from the trees and off hooks in the ground to make a pathway for us to walk. We walk slowly down the driveway with Atti and Dabriel following us, until the path turns left and we walk up a little hill. I smile at a few little wolves sitting next to each other as they raise their heads a little as I walk past. A little grey one with both the tops of his ears missing nods at me before lowering his head. I wonder what happened to him, but I don't have time to think about it as we come to a large clearing at the top of the hill. The floor is made out of stone and carved with wolves in a large circle. I walk up three steps, and Atti and Dabriel stand like guards at the sides of the steps. Lucinda is positioned in the middle with five men behind her. I see Freddy–in his wolf form–next to a few wolves, and I look away quickly as Jaxson walks us up the rest of the steps. We stop before Lucinda, and she bows. When she talks, her voice echoes around the trees, like they are carrying her words as a blessing.

  "We have come here today to swear our allegiance to our new king and our new queen. Jaxson is the last of our royal line, and we ask the goddess to bless our new king. Every wolf here has sworn allegiance to you and your new queen. We will protect you as you protect us," she says, and one of the males behind her hands her a silver dagger. They are all large men, but one of them gives me a small, reassuring smile.

  She cuts a line down her hand and offers the knife to Jaxson. He accepts and cuts his hand, and as they hold hands, a wave of power hits us all. I fall to my knees as everything turns green. I hear a voice, but I can't make out what she is saying, only that it’s a woman. When it finally stops, I open my eyes to see Jaxson glowing, actually glowing a faint green. His eyes find mine, and he reaches for me. The moment his hand touches mine, a warm feeling surrounds me. Jaxson doesn't stop as he pulls me to him in a passionate kiss. Our lips meet, and the world blurs. I don't see anything other than Jaxson, his hands on my waist, our lips pressed together, and our minds focused on each other. The wolves howl loudly, the sound echoing through the forest. When we break away from each other, Jaxson grins at me before turning to Lucinda. One of the males behind her rushes to help her up, and she smiles at us.

  “The goddess has spoken, and this is your birth right," Lucinda says and accepts a box from one of the men. Lucinda opens it and pulls out a crown like no other. The green metal stretches around in dozens of twirls. There are four, dark-green, massive gemstones held by the crown. I can’t take my eyes off of the crown as I feel its power from here, so much like the crown the vampire king has. What is different about those crowns?

  Jaxson gets on one knee in front of Lucinda as she moves to hold the crown over his head.

  "The new king of the wolves, we welcome you," she says and places the crown on his head. All the gems glow brightly, and the wolves howl once more as Jaxson stands.

  He looks so much like a king, it's hard to watch without feeling like I’m in a movie. Jaxson looks powerful as he stands watching his wolves while they rejoice with their howls. I may not be able to understand the wolves, but their joy is evident, and it makes me smile widely. When his eyes meet mine, I nod in respect. I know how much he wanted to avoid this, but it's where he is meant to be.

  The rest of the night, I meet a lot of different wolves, some speak English and some only a little. I can see the difference in the number of females to males at the party. Jaxson never leaves my side. Atti and Dab stay close as well, as we dance and eat some food.

  "I want to take you somewhere," Jaxson says as we sway to the gentle music the band is playing.

  "Should I be left alone with the new king?" I tease him.

  "Yes, my queen," he says seriously, and I can only nod. I wave at Atti and Dabriel who laughs at something Atti says to him while they watch us. God knows what he said. Jaxson walks us off to the right of the party and through the woods. The sun is finally setting in the sky, and the forest seems so peaceful.

  "What happened when you and Lucinda exchanged blood?" I ask him.

  "Lucinda had exchanged blood with every wolf here, so I connected with everyone. I can feel all the nine hundred wolves that are bonded to me," he tells me.

  "That's a lot of pressure," I respond.

  "It's my job, I wouldn't deserve the title of a king if I couldn’t protect them. My grandfather was the last king, and he was a good man. Females can’t take the throne, and my mother only had me before she died. My aunt couldn’t have children, so I’m all that is left. I think it was meant to be this way; the power I was given at birth and the power I just got from the wolves. It all was given to me, so I can be the king they need," he tells me.

  "The goddess made a right choice then, I couldn’t imagine anyone better for the throne than you," I say and stop talking when I see the cliff we’re at. It seemed like years ago when we were last here, but I know it's only been a few months. No words are needed as we walk over.

  Jaxson moves us onto the smooth rock as I wrap my arms around him. He rests his chin on my head as his power lifts the rock and travels us down into the cavern. When he stops, I let go and look around. Nothing has changed since I was last here and, yet, so much has. Jaxson moves behind me as I stop to put my hand in the water.

  "I love you," he says in a whisper only meant for me as he kisses my neck. I arch myself into him as his hands sweep down my body. Jaxson pulls the zip on the back of my dress down until my dress falls off me slowly. Leaving me bare to him.

  "Jax," I say in a breathless whisper as he turns me to face him.

  "Tell me to stop, and I will," he says.

  "Don't stop," I reply. Jaxson’s light growl fills the cavern and my ears as he pulls me up to him. My legs wrap around his hips as he kisses me–a kiss that starts an inferno inside my body. Jaxson carefully lays me on the damp, soft floor of the cavern and leans back to pull his shirt off. The gentle, yellow light lets me see his large chest for a second before he’s on top of me. Our bodies are pushing against each other as we both struggle with our passion. Jaxson kisses down my body, stopping to make me moan like crazy as he kisses my breasts. His lips move slowly down my body until he finds my core. I scream out in pleasure as he devours me, just like the wolf I know he is. There's nothing sweet about how Jaxson takes me over the edge. It's all fire and passion like he is. He moves up my body before leaning back to undo his trousers. My eyes widen at the sight of his large, thick length as he kicks his pants off.

  Jaxson settles above me, and he looks down at me. "You’re mine, lass," he says against my lips before kissing me deeply as he pushes inside me. My back arches in pleasure as he fits perfectly. A slight sting of pain is lost in pleasure as he kisses my lips and fills me completely. Jaxson doesn't wait, and he instantly starts thrusting away, our moans filling the cavern.

  "I love you, Jaxson," I mumble again and again as we both lose ourselves.

  A burning pain fills my middle back as we both finish, making me wriggle and wrestle between the pain and pleasure filling my body.

  "It's just my mark, it will stop in a second, lass. I'm sorry, I forgot about it," he says as he pulls me on top of him. The pain from my back feels like it’s going to burn through my whole body. When the pain finally stops, I sigh as Jaxson runs his fingers over my skin where the pain was.

  "Can I see your
mark? I've never seen it," I ask him after a while.

  "Yes, I will never refuse you anything," he says.

  "Even your brownies?" I ask.

  "Well, if I have to, I’ll share them with you,” he says, looking worried, and I laugh. He grins at me as he sits us up. I sit on the ground as he turns so I can see his lower back. There's a wolf, made up of twirls at the bottom, and it's howling up at something. It's amazing and looks so real. I must have it on my back now, I wonder what it looks like next to Wyatt’s.

  "You need to go back with Atti, the necklace will hide our mating," he tells me. He doesn’t look happy about it.

  "I don't want to leave you, but I can't leave Wyatt," I tell him.

  "Have you told him yet?" he asks.

  "No, he’s been busy with his father," I respond. I’m sure he is avoiding me. Every night, I’m sure he waits until I’ve gone to sleep to come back, and in the mornings, he’s gone before I say a word to him. I see him sometimes watching me in training or the library, but he disappears if I get up. I don’t know what I’ve done to upset him.

  "I never wanted him to hate me. I never actually hated him for loving my sister. I'm glad she had a little happiness before her death," he tells me. I can’t help feeling a little jealous of Demi; she had Wyatt first and gave him a child. I know it’s silly, and it doesn’t take away from the sorrow I feel for Freddy, Jaxson, and Wyatt.

  "He did love her, he has always told me that. He stayed around this town to make sure you were safe. He may not admit it, but he loves you, too. You are like real brothers, blood or not. It never mattered, and I understand because I feel the same about Alex," I tell Jaxson.

  "I kept his son from him," he says, a hint of sadness in his voice. I know he didn’t want to, not really.

  "You didn't have a choice, Wolfman," I tell him.

  "I hope Wyatt sees it like that," Jaxson replies and pulls me to him. We kiss slowly as the sun sets in the sky, and the wolves rejoice at their new king with howls that fill the night.




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