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Her Guardian Series Box Set

Page 40

by G. Bailey

  She has on a long purple dress that is split in the middle showing off her stomach and the flower tattoos that cover it. The tattoos look like marks as they slightly move; they are lilies, I think, on blue vines. They also cover all of her arms and her shoulders as well. In the middle of her forehead is a weird symbol that looks like a half moon inside a circle. Her long, strawberry-blonde hair is braided and hanging over her shoulder. Bright yellow eyes meet mine; they remind me of a cat.

  "You look just like your mother. I never would have guessed you inherited her ability to dream-call," the woman says, her voice is soothing and sweet.

  "You knew my mother? And what is a dream-call?" I ask her. I try to move forward, but I can’t, my feet are rooted to the spot.

  "Yes, I knew her very well. She would call me often after we met,” the woman says, speaking fondly of my mother. “Dream-calling is rare. It's the ability to call people you want into your dreams or travel into theirs. Have you not had strange dreams before?" she asks me.

  "Of my dead grandmother and her sister," I reply.

  "You can call your family spirits? It must be easy for you. Have you called your mother yet?" she asks me.

  "I didn't know she existed until recently," I tell her, and she nods.

  "Isa will come if you call," she tells me. I’m not exactly sure I want to do that. I didn’t even know that I had wanted to call Elissa and see her past. I guess, in a way, now I did, but not at the start. So how did that happen?

  "I don't even know how I called you," I tell her. "Wait, who are you?" I ask quickly before she can answer.

  "My name is Lily, or at least my shortened name that you may use is. I am a Fray, or fairy, as you like to call us in your human words," she tells me. I fell asleep with Dabriel, thinking of fairies and how I wanted to know if they were real. I guess I got my wish.

  "Fairies exist?" I ask her. I realise how silly a question it is when she giggles. Her laugh sounds perfect.

  "Demons have invaded your realm, and you question if fairies exist, child?" she laughs.

  "Well," I say, and she laughs more. "Why would I call you?" I ask her.

  "You need my help, and you wish for a promise,” she tells me.

  "How can you help me?" I ask her.

  "The question is, will I help you?" she says and laughs.

  "Forget it," I mutter and try to pinch my arm. It only hurts, and I still don't wake up.

  "Demons can be killed with fairy-touched weapons," she tells me. The stories Dabriel found must be true. I snap my eyes to her yellow ones as she smiles.

  "When you realise how much you need me, only call, and we shall make a promise," she says.

  "Wait," I say when I see her walk away.

  "Goodbye, Winter, daughter of my friend," she says, and the world goes black as I fall backwards onto the yellow grass.

  "She’s awake," Dabriel’s voice flutters through my mind as I open my eyes. He is leaning over me while I lie on a bed. I sit up, feeling slightly dizzy. I’m not in a bedroom that I’ve seen before; it’s modern with black and white dressers. The curtains are grey and open, so I can see the mountains outside. It’s Atti’s house, and I think this is his room. The bed is huge, with a black headboard that I move back to and lean on. Atti and Wyatt are leaning by the wall, staring at me, and both of them look angry. I feel my hair being tugged and look up. I see Milo sitting next to my head on the headboard.

  He flies over to my shoulder and kisses my cheek.

  "No dream-call so far," he says.

  "What?" I ask croakily and sit up. Dabriel brings me a glass of water, and the room is silent as I sip it. I feel like I’m starving. The dizziness is from me needing blood, but I just fed yesterday, at least I think I did. Everything seems fuzzy.

  "So, you want to explain where you’ve been the last two weeks?" Wyatt snaps. I raise my eyes to his and put the drink down on the black side unit. Wyatt’s hair looks like he has just woken up, his skin is pale, and he seems angry. Our bond tells me he’s worried.

  "In bed?" I ask nervously, and he groans.

  "You’ve been sleeping for two weeks, Winter. The first trial is today, and I thought..." Atti says, and his words drift off. Atti runs his hands through his hair and comes to sit on the end of the bed. He rests a hand on my knee.

  “We were all scared. It’s no fun being this powerless around you,” Atti whispers in my mind.

  "The Sleeping Beauty act is getting old, and I'm going to get grey hairs at this rate," Alex says as she walks in the room. She jumps on my bed and gives me a side hug.

  “Sorry. It’s not like I asked to sleep for so long. I feel worn out,” I say honestly.

  "Milo told us you where dream walking, and we figured out the rest. Milo and Dab were sure that nothing bad was happening to you," Alex says. She’s dressed in tight jeans and a white cardigan over her vest top. Her long hair is up in a messy bun.

  "I saw a fairy, or dream-called her. She knew my real mother,” I say. Alex winces a little; it’s weird knowing that our mum kept this from us. Alex grew up at my side, and the same woman adopted us both.

  “Apparently, I've been calling Elissa into my dreams for years. It's a power of mine," I say.

  "Leigha picked up on it and understood it when Milo explained," Alex tells me. I forgot that Leigha could touch people and find out their powers.

  “Did you know Leigha and Harris are getting jiggy with it?” Alex whispers to me, not caring that there are three large, scary men glaring at her.

  “Jiggy with it?” Milo asks, and we both start laughing.

  “That’s not a sentence you need to know. Wait maybe you do, mini-demons must make new demons somehow,” Alex says.

  “Fire born,” Milo huffs.

  "We have a bigger fucking problem that includes my mate fighting for her life in two hours," Wyatt cuts in, and our laughter dies away.

  “I woke up just in time, then,” I say.

  “You haven’t trained, and we have no weapons that you can use on the Dentanus,” Dabriel says, shaking his head.

  "I best get showered and dressed," I say quietly into the tense room.

  "I need a second with Winter," Atti says, and everyone nods. Dabriel kisses me gently, whispering in my ear, "I will heal anything that happens today, but I know you can do this. Remember, I’m here for you," before walking out of the room. Wyatt just gives me a look—a look that promises that we are going to talk later—and leaves.

  "There's a leather outfit in the bathroom. Before you say ‘no’ to wearing it, you need to, it’s easy to move in, and you need to look strong out there. Jeans will not do that for you. There are also daggers that Jaxson made for you. He says good luck, and he loves you," Alex says, and I nod, feeling a rush of warmth at her words. She leaves, taking Milo with her, and Atti shuts the door.

  "Don't do this, not for me," Atti says, I can only see his back as he faces the door. I don’t need him to turn to know how angry and stressed he is.

  "Atti, I can't walk away from this," I say gently, and he turns to look at me. The grey, playful eyes I'm used to are now stormy and dangerous looking. At times, Atti can seem big and scary, yes, but dangerous, no. Now, he seems more dangerous by the day. Atti looks close to losing it, and I don’t want to see the after effects of that happening. I never realised how dangerous it is to fall in love, let alone with four powerful princes. Princes that will be kings; princes that could destroy the world if they lost me.

  "Not for this, for me. I love you, and I cannot lose you!" he shouts, his fists tightly clenched together. Atti’s hair is curled around his face, looking wild and unkempt.

  "And I love you, so I will fight for you!" I shout back, and he stomps over to me. I expected a fast and punishing kiss. Instead, his lips move over mine slowly, embracing me with every brush of his soft lips against my own.

  "Mine," Atti says as he pulls away to kiss down my neck, his hand holding the back of my neck as he steers the kiss exactly where he wants it.

nbsp; "Atti," I moan when his other hand slides slowly down my body, grazing my breasts. We kiss for a long time, with me sliding my hands around his chest and into his soft hair. My neck straining to meet every kiss because of how tall he is compared to me.

  "Soon," Atti says suddenly and pulls back. We lie close, both of us breathless and staring at each other.

  “I love you,” I say quietly, and he smiles a little.

  “I will always love you, Winter. I did from the moment I saw you. The moment you told me about those kitten knickers, I was a lost man,” he says, making me a chuckle a little. "I won't let you lose this, no matter what." Atti says, straightening out with a stern look replacing the carefree one I just saw.

  "Where has my playful Atti gone?" I ask, smoothing my hand down his cheek.

  "Not gone, just suspended," he replies gently.

  "Like you've been naughty in school?" I tease him.

  "I bet you were a naughty girl in school," Atti chuckles, and I grin.

  "Shame I didn't have you around to spank me," I reply as I wink at him, and he laughs.

  "I'm sure you are going to give me plenty of reasons to spank your pretty ass in the future," he tells me.

  "Perhaps I will," I giggle as Atti laughs. I walk around him, knowing he’s likely looking at my ass as I go to leave the room. I open the door and laugh as Alex falls on her butt.

  "Eavesdropping?" I ask, and she glares up at me.

  "She was," Milo offers and flies up off the floor to land on my shoulder.

  "I made you Choco Pops cereal this morning and then gave you a bath after you swam in it. Yet, you still snitch on me," Alex says.

  Milo just shrugs a tiny shoulder at her as she gets up.

  "You can take your pet back, he is a pest," Alex says, and I hear Milo laugh. He clearly doesn’t care about her insults.

  "You love Milo anyway," I say, and she looks at me with raised eyebrows as Atti walks past us all and goes downstairs.

  "I'm glad you and witch boy are happy again," she says when he has gone.

  "Thanks," I say with a slight blush.

  "I've said it once or twice before, but you are a lucky bitch," she says with a small grin, and I laugh. She isn't wrong.

  “If you take photos of all those guys topless and put them in one of those calendars, we would make a killing,” Alex winks.

  “It reminds me of that time we were in the university entrance, waiting for someone to show us around on our first day, and there was that hot guy,” I say, and she laughs,

  “Ah, I remember, I tried to take a sneaky picture,” she says.

  “It was so funny when the flash went off, and you shouted shit, dropped the phone, and then told him he was hot,” I laugh.

  “I did get his number though,” Alex grins. That she did.

  "That's the bathroom," Alex says and points at the door next to Atti’s bedroom. She looks at me for a second, her face instantly sobering.

  "I’ll be okay," I say, and she nods.

  "Atti told me what your mum said," Alex says quietly. I didn’t want to tell her, so I’m glad Atti did. I know she already guessed, everyone did, but it was only me that needed to hear it from the horse’s mouth, so to speak.

  "Mum told me a lot. There's a box at Jaxson’s with a letter from my father. I want you to read it, okay? Ask Jaxson, he’ll give you it," I tell her, and she nods.

  "Alright, but you are not mad at mum, right?" she asks.

  "No," I say, and she smiles slightly.

  "I don't care about the rules of this stupid fight, but I’ll personally pour water all over that witch if she hurts you," Alex says and hugs me gently.

  "Water?" I ask quizzically.

  "You know, that's how they do it in the Wizard of Oz. It might be a trick for the wicked witch," she says, making me chuckle.

  "She kind of looks like the wicked witch," I say, thinking of the witch in question.

  "Shower and then get your game on. You have a dragon to beat," Alex tells me.

  "Any ideas how I'm going to do that?" I ask her.

  "No," Alex says softly.

  "It's alright, I’ll think of something," I say.

  "I love you, Win," she says before she pulls me into a hug.

  "I know. I love you as well; you’re my sister and my best friend," I say. Alex pulls away and pats her shoulder with a look at Milo.

  "You bleed, demon stop," Milo tells me.

  "What? That doesn't make much sense," I reply.

  "You blood work," he says.

  "You know we need to work on your English or at least how to make sentences," Alex tells him and pats her shoulder again.

  "You work on food for me," Milo tells Alex, and I hold a hand over my mouth to stop the laugh from escaping.

  "Cheeky little demon," Alex says, and I wander into the bathroom, listening as she tells Milo off. There's a pile of black leather clothes and a belt with two daggers on each side. The daggers are silver and sharp. There's a small note on top with a J on it. I open it, knowing it's from Jaxson.

  "Fight this and come home," he says. Short and simple, yet it fills me with strength.

  I pull my shirt and underwear off before getting in the shower.

  How can I possibly think I can beat a dragon?

  This isn't a video game I can ask Freddy for tips on.

  After my mini freak out in the shower, I get out and dry off. I French plait my hair and twist it into a bun. I use the clips I find on the vanity and a headband, so it's held up tightly. I don't need my hair getting burnt off.

  The clothes are unbelievably tight but soft and easy to move in. They, unfortunately, show off my hips, but it doesn't look too bad now after weeks of training have changed me. I feel an ache in my teeth before they slide out, reminding me I need to feed. I glance at myself in the mirror. Everything about me looks different. Even if you look past the slight blue glow and the silver eyes I have going on, I still look strange. I don’t look human any more, my hair is too straight, and my face is too smooth.

  The door is opened behind me, and Dabriel comes in. He shuts the door and glances at me.

  "Wyatt said he felt your need to feed. Angel blood will make you the strongest you can be," he says. I’m a little shocked and nervous at his offer.

  "You sure?" I ask as he sits on the toilet, his legs spread widely, and he beckons me over.

  "Yes, I want this," he tells me. I hear I want you in my head instead of his words. Dabriel watches me closely, his wings hanging near his hips and gently fluttering.

  I move over to him, hooking my legs over his as he helps me get comfy on his lap, our mouths a breath away, just before he presses his lips to mine. I let him control the kiss until the need to feed becomes overwhelming. I move my lips away and kiss down his jaw as his hands tighten on my hips.

  I lick his neck before sinking my teeth into it. I don't know what heaven tastes like, I thought I'd come close to it by eating chocolate, but I was wrong. Dabriel tastes like I’d just drunk a glass of holy water right from heaven itself. He pulls me close as I feed, his hands pulling my core over the large bulge in his lap. The rocking sensation is overwhelming, and he doesn't have to do it more than a couple of times before I go over the edge. I break away to whisper his name, the pleasure taking over me.

  "I can't wait to have you do that again when I'm inside of you. I've waited for what seems like forever to mate to you, Winter," he says and kisses me.

  "Dab," I whisper, realising this was exactly what I needed: this release and peacefulness before the storm of the fight—one that has a high chance of me dying.

  "Winter, my blood will make you stronger. Or at least your vampire side," he tells me and kisses my lips softly again.

  "Thank you," I say, and he chuckles.

  "Don't thank me. I belong to you, I always have," he says and kisses me before he lifts me up as he stands. I slide down his body, feeling every hard and toned part before I step away in a daze.

  "Time to fight a dragon,"
I say, and he cocks his head to the side.

  "You’re scared," he says, and I nod.

  He runs his hands down my arms. "Didn't I already tell you that nothing will happen to you from now on? I will always protect you, Winter," he says. There is not a slight bit of doubt in his words.

  "I can't—" I start, and Dabriel puts a finger against my lips.

  "You are never alone, Winter. Don't be scared," he says, his words don't expect an answer as he presses his lips to mine.



  Atti flashes us all over to the arena when we are ready, and by this point, I would be lying if I said I wasn't terrified. Atti holds my hand, and Milo is on my shoulder as we walk across the massive arena.

  It looks like something out of Greece, with its sandy dirt floor. Hell, this place could be the copy of the arena they have there. It is made out of stone and rises high in the sky with thousands of seats. The stands are full to the rim with witches, all the light witches on one side and the dark on the other. It's easy to tell with their cloaks. There's a clear line between them of empty seats, and it's weird. The contrast of light and dark on each side is chilling. There are very few witches without their hoods up; they are such an antisocial bunch.

  There’s a large metal gate on one side–big enough to let a dragon out, I suppose. Right above it are a few raised platforms, one in which the queen sits. There are two witches, one on each side–both look like they want to kill me–with their hoods down. The one to the left has short, shaved, black hair, marks all over her neck, which look like spikes, and a small green snake curled around her arm as she leans on the throne. The other woman is just as pretty as the queen. She has an innocent look about her, but as I meet her dark-grey eyes, I know she is far from it. There’s just something off about her. Her long, white hair reaches the floor, and her pale-grey eyes remind me of Atti. She must be a light witch, and she also has her white cloak down. The queen isn’t wearing a cloak at all. No, she has decided to wear a transparent, black-net dress, which shows off her perfect body, barely covering her private parts. She has a disinterested expression until she sees Atti. It's clear how interested she is in him from one look as she runs her eyes all over his body. I glance at my hands when I see them glowing blue because I want to throw her off a high-rise building for looking at my Atti like that. Hell, my Atti? Screw it, he is mine.


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