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Her Guardian Series Box Set

Page 62

by G. Bailey

  “We won,” Atti finally says into the silence of the snow-filled, destroyed room.

  Yes, we did.

  “Is the castle safe?” I ask as Freddy’s wolf comes and places his head on Wyatt’s lap. Wyatt strokes his head as Freddy whines.

  “Yes, your dragon turned up, and the Fray created some tornadoes . . .”

  “Tornadoes and dragons . . . is anyone else alive?”

  “Yes, we saved a lot of people, and the demons are dead. Harris is leading some fighters to check the rest, and the angels are now healing everyone. We won,” Dabriel answers for me. I don’t respond as Wyatt gently tilts my face to his, and brushes his lips against mine. I feel nothing but relief and happiness through my bond from all of them.

  “It’s over,” I whisper, and everyone hears my words.



  “Where was I?” I ask as I finish feeding the baby in my arms her bottle of milk. I place the bottle on the bench next to me and carry on my story.

  “We won the battle against the bad king of demons, and the big dragon that lives in the mountains now killed the other bad dragons and demons here. There were many brave people lost in the war, but they will never be forgotten. Now, we live in peace, with cute little babies everywhere like you,” I tell Ella, as I rock her in my arms, and she looks up at me. Not that she understands a single word I’m saying, as she is two months old. I glance up at my home, the goddess’s castle, and see how it looks far better since the war. The dragons destroyed a lot of it, so we had to build again, but it didn’t matter to us. The only thing that mattered was the fact that most of the supernaturals got inside the castle and to the underground dungeons before the massive dragon fight. I wish I could say thank you to my dragon that won. He lives in one of the mountains around the castle, and we see him fly over the castle at times. He is like our protector now.

  The castle has been made more modern while we did the fixes it needed. There is a lot we had to deal with, like the humans who now hunt our kind or anything that seems supernatural since the war. The governments have an order to kill any supernaturals they find, but our witches send out messages to any stray supernaturals to come here and we will keep them safe. I hate that our people can’t be safe everywhere anymore, but it’s not something I can change. We have the witches’ city back, after a long time of building new wards around it and safely removing the humans who found the island.

  “I doubt the stories of how the war was won are the best kind of baby story to help my daughter sleep,” Alex says as she walks over to me. I glance up at my best friend as she laughs at me.

  “I didn’t know what to say to a baby. Everyone keeps handing me babies and expecting me to know what to do.” I laugh as I hand over her daughter to her.

  “Well, auntie Winter, maybe try fairy tales next time,” she says. I guess that makes sense.

  “Like the big bad wolf?” I joke, and she laughs.

  “Speaking of wolves, your mates want you. They’re waiting outside the castle,” she says, and I stand up from the bench I was sitting on.

  “Alright,” I say and kiss her cheek before walking back through the newly planted trees that lead to the castle. My mates are sitting on the bottom steps. Wyatt is laughing with Jaxson over something, and Dabriel is looking at something on Atti’s phone. For the first few months after nearly losing Wyatt, I never let him out my sight. I kept all my mates close as we rebuilt everything we lost in the war. I wasn’t happy that Wyatt died for me and that my other mates knew, but then, I was prepared to do the same sacrifice for him. In the end, we all love each other that much that we want to make sure we all live. I don’t see how that can be considered a bad thing. I look over to see Dabriel straighten up, his eyes going white like he does when he has a vision. I run over and stop in front of him, all of us silent as we wait for him to come back from the vision. When his purple eyes come into focus, he looks down at me, and I take his hand in mine.

  “Adelaide,” he whispers, and I frown at him.

  “Who is that?” I ask, considering it’s an unusual name, and I think I would remember it.

  “The Fray you will meet. I saw you shaking hands with her and someone else saying ‘this is Adelaide,’ and then what looked like a portal opened,” he tells me.

  “How did you know she is the Fray child?” I ask him, hoping for any way to get out of this vision being right.

  “I could see her aura, it was so red and bright. It looked just like a Fray’s, and I doubt a portal would open for anyone other than the royal,” he tells me, and I nod, letting him pull me into his arms. I feel sick at the idea of Lily being anywhere near Adelaide, even if I don’t know her. I have spoken to many of the Fray that survived the wars, and they all speak only of her cruelness. They say she is an insane queen that is touched by the God of Death, but I don’t understand their gods enough to make sense of that. All the Fray are slowly losing their powers now, and they say it is what they want, but I still feel sorry for them.

  “We will worry about the promise another day, we can’t do anything about it now,” I say after a long pause, and he sighs.

  “That is true,” he leans down and gently kisses me.

  “I heard you all wanted me?” I ask, and he smiles.

  “We found something and want to show you,” Atti says and links my other hand in his. We walk around the castle, where we pass the outside training area. Freddy and Nathaniel are training, both of them circling each other with swords. Mich and Josh are watching from the sides and drinking water. It’s good to see them all together, all friends. It’s like what my mates had with each other growing up.

  “They have gotten close since the war. Freddy told me that Mich, Josh, and Nath saved him, and that’s how Mich ended up getting hurt in the war,” Wyatt tells us. Wyatt and Freddy have gotten closer, too, and I couldn’t be happier to see that change come about. Freddy actually calls him Dad since the war. I think losing Wyatt for that brief time made Freddy realise how much he actually loves Wyatt, but he wouldn’t admit that out loud to us. Stroppy teenage hormones and all that. Josh waves as we walk past, and I wave back. I was sad to learn of Lucifer’s death in the war, and I’m keeping my promise to bring Josh up. I moved him into Freddy’s room, and now he is part of my family, despite the fact Josh doesn’t speak to us much, and I have no idea what he is.

  “So, why are we going into the woods?” I ask, trying to distract myself as we take a path into the woods to the left of the castle, where I have never been before.

  “It’s a surprise,” Atti laughs.

  “You know I don’t like surprises, unless they are chocolate-covered,” I say, making them all laugh, but I’m being deadly serious. A chocolate surprise is always a good one. We walk around the woods for a little while before we get to a lake that is hidden within the trees. You couldn’t see it from the castle before, but now that some of the trees were burnt down, the sun is shining down on the lake, and it’s really beautiful here. I think it’s the calmness of the water and the way it feels like you’re away from the world here.

  “It’s beautiful here,” I comment, looking up as Dabriel pulls me to his chest.

  “You remember that vision I had of us all by a lake, and Freddy was much older? The one I told you about once,” Dabriel asks me.

  “I remember. Was it here?” I ask, knowing that Dabriel said he felt complete in the vision. Much like I do now with all my mates when war isn’t chasing us, and we have our lives to enjoy.

  “Yes, and I didn’t tell you something about that vision,” he says, and I pull away a little to look up at him.

  “What was it?”

  “You. You were pregnant in that vision, Winter,” he tells me, and I lean up and kiss him, knowing we will have our future we fought for. It was worth all this. I lean back and catch a glance of three figures in white dresses floating in the middle of the lake, feeling their love from here.

  This was my fate and my future, with all my

  The End.





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  About the Author

  G. Bailey is a USA Today bestselling author of books that are filled with everything from dragons to pirates. Plus, fantasy worlds and breath-taking adventures. Oh, and some swoon-worthy men that no girl could forget. G. Bailey is from the very rainy U.K. where she lives with her husband, two children and three cheeky dogs. And, of course, the characters in her head that never really leave her, even as she writes them down for the world to read!

  Please feel free say hello on here or head over to Facebook to join G. Bailey's group, Bailey's Pack!

  (Where you can find exclusive teasers, random giveaways and sneak peeks of new books on the way!)

  Bonus epilogue scenes

  “Ella! Get back here right now!” I hear Alex shout nearby, and I get up off my desk after signing another letter of acceptance to the castle school. I look over to my bed, seeing Milo snoring on the pillow, empty Oreo packets all around him and crumbs everywhere. Wyatt is going to try and kill him, again. I walk to the door with a chuckle, holding it open just as Alex stomps past me, her hands on her hips and long red hair moving around her like it’s alive. Or just as angry as she looks.

  “What has your daughter done now?” I ask, trying not to chuckle as Alex stops, throws her hands up in the air dramatically, and groans.

  “You don’t even want to know. That girl is ten, and acts like she is a teenager already!” she exclaims, locking her eyes with mine. "Plus, her vampire speed is ridiculous. We can never catch her, she's faster than everyone!"

  “Why don’t I find our daughter, and have a word with her?” Drake says as he walks to us, pulling Alex to his side and kissing the top of her head. She smiles up at him, still as in love with each other as they have always been.

  “We should both go, team work and all that,” Alex says, patting his chest and he laughs. Fatherhood suits Drake, it makes him more like a human, less cold. Even though he is still definitely an old vampire, and still acts that way sometimes

  “Good luck with that, I’ll see you later,” I say with a low chuckle. Still shaking my head, I walk past them and down the corridor. A few teenage witches and a wolf are scrambling down the hall, but stop to bow to me. Pulling my black jumper tighter around myself, I smile and nod at them before continuing on my way. It’s freezing today, and I have a feeling snow is coming soon. I’ve gotten sort of used to the bowing, but it’s still a little weird for me. At least I don’t do the awkward wave anymore. I walk past an open balcony, seeing Atti standing there, staring out while the wind blows his shoulder length blonde hair around him. We’re on the witches’ island where the castle is still being re-built, and the royal supernatural school for all has just opened. It’s been a long road to get the witches’ island back, and get a good ward up to protect the island and its inhabitants. I walk over, stopping next to him, and he wraps a giant arm around my waist, pulling me to his side.

  “Everything is so peaceful here, you wouldn't know all the troubles that plague our people by just looking from up here,” he comments, and I follow his gaze to the island. Half the land is covered in tents, and small trees have been planted across the island. Many witches and shifters need to be close to nature, so the trees were beneficial for them. The other side of the island is fully built, with multi-coloured houses. It looks almost exactly like it did before it was destroyed, but with one major difference. All races live here now, and as well at the goddesses’ castle. There is no species divide, and several hundred new half borns have been born over the years. Including my godson Zane, Harris and Leigha’s oldest son. They have three children now, and it doesn’t seem like they are going to stop having children anytime soon. Leigha is an amazing mother, and Harris has never looked so happy.

  “The hunters are continuing to get stronger and more aggressive. Perhaps it's time we find a permanent solution for dealing with them, before they become even more of a threat to us. I’m getting worried. I don’t like that we had to leave the pack lands because of their attacks,” I say. I hate the reports of the hunters' assaults, but the bodies that keep being brought to me and my mates are heartbreaking and unacceptable. Human hunters have become a strong, destructive force since the war. They were initially created after the destruction in Paris. The humans demanded their governments took action and wanted to make sure supernaturals were controlled. At first, they would just arrest supernaturals, and we would break them out, bringing them to the castle. But now, they are out of control, indiscriminately killing any supernatural they find without a second thought.

  “We should make a plan with the council. Freddy, Josh, Nath, and Mich are more connected with the human world than we are now. It is probably best we ask their advice, and try to find a solution that doesn’t bring about a war with the hunters,” Atti comments, lifting my hand and gently kissing the back of it. The moment his lips touch my skin, a blinding flash of white fills my mind, and I feel myself falling without any control and Atti shouts my name.

  “Josh, are you in here?” I ask, walking into his room after knocking, but not hearing any reply. Josh is sat on the floor, his head in his hands. Everything in the room is burnt to a crisp. Only the burn patterns, outlines of where furniture stood can be seen. All that is left of the wardrobe and bed are piles of dust.

  “Josh…” I utter quietly, wondering what the hell happened in here. Eventually it dawns on me–it might have been his change. He turned sixteen today, and we have all been expecting some kind of change to happen soon. Freddy and the rest of his friends all developed their powers recently. He doesn’t move when I speak, but a large pair of wings spread out from his back, hovering in the air. They are striking, almost a glossy black colour, and they match perfectly with his black messy hair.

  “Stunning, they are just stunning Josh,” I breathe as I try to step closer, but he holds up a shaky hand.

  “Don’t. I don’t want to hurt you and I’m worried I will. I can’t control the blue fire,” he begs me, his voice cracking and anxious. I shake my head, ignoring his warning, walking further into the room. I kneel down on the floor in front of him, not touching him, but still close enough that he knows I’m there for him. He needs me, and I won’t run away, that’s not who I am.

  “Look at me Josh,” I tell him firmly. He looks up, his glowing blue eyes meeting mine. I suddenly realise what he is, and I think he knows too by his nervous expression.

  “You’re half demon, and half dark angel,” I say, needing to make sure he understands.

  “I’m a monster,” he mutters, and I frown. I pull him into a hug, holding him close even when he stiffens and doesn’t return the hug.

  “If you’re a monster, then so am I. Whatever part of us that is demon, doesn’t control us or make us evil. You have a choice, you get to decide. I’m here to help you,” I say, meaning every word. The demon side of me never made me evil, never changed who I am, and it won’t for him either. Not with me and my mates to guide him.

  “I never really had a mum, not one I can remember anyway. Can I call you mum?” he asks, his voice so quiet and unusual for him. Josh is a cocky little arsehole according to Jaxson, Freddy, and well, everyone at the castle. Yet I know there is this different side to him, an uncertain and kind side that he doesn’t reveal to everyone. It’s all a front, to make sure he doesn’t get hurt again. He lost his mum, his dad and his half siblings hate him, so he protects himself in the only way he knows how.

  “I’ve been your mum for the last four years, even when you argue with me, even when you eat my chocolate, and that will never change,” I say honestly. It’s been the same with Freddy. “Now let’s get out of here, and go to celebrate your change.”


  “Yes, celebrate. Besides, you know I will kick anyone’s ass if they dare say a bad word about my son,” I say, and he laughs.

  “Okay, mum.”

  “Winter? Winter come back to us,” Dabriel’s voice quietly urges me. I manage to blink my eyes open, feeling cold and exhausted. Really exhausted.

  “What happened?” I ask with a croaky voice, and Dabriel slides an arm around my waist, helping sit me up. Atti doesn’t say a word, just sits silently at my other side looking stressed. Jaxson and Wyatt storm into the room, slamming the door open so hard it falls off the hinges, and crashes to the floor.

  “What the fuck happened, lass?” Jaxson demands. Every word is a growl, but I know it’s only from worry. He storms to my side with Wyatt going to the other, placing his hand on my leg, comforting me by just being here.

  “Dab? We heard Winter passed out and was glowing, but nothing else,” Wyatt asks him.

  “We, I, don’t know. Why don’t you tell us what happened in your mind, Winter, and then we can try to figure it out?” he asks me, and all of them stare at me expectantly.

  “Couldn’t you just heal me, and find out?” I blurt out. I don’t really have a clue what just happened.

  “I tried, but until you woke up, a blue ward was surrounding your body. It was blocking me from healing you. I was powerless, and I don’t like it,” Dabriel explains to me. “Now what happened?”

  “It was a memory from years ago, when Josh first got his demon powers and his wings. It was like I was me, back then, reliving it. I had no control over what was happening. It wasn’t like my dreams I used to have before the war. Those were always like I was watching from the outside,” I explain, making them all look confused.


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