45. Mintz, “Bin Laden’s Finances Are a Moving Target”; “Report on Bin Laden’s Activities, Wealth,” Al-Watan Al-Arabi; William Hall, “Output in Afghanistan Doubles,” Financial Times, 31 January 2000, 2.
46. Salah Najm, “Osama bin Laden, the Destruction of the Base,” Al-Jazirah Space Channel Television, 10 June 1999 (This interview was conducted in December 1998 but not broadcast or published until the following June); Gosh, “Laden to Talibanize Kashmir with Heroin Money”; Barbara Crossette, “Afghan Heroin Feeds Addiction in Region, UN Reports,” New York Times, 1 March 2000, A-6.
47. Shekhar Gupta et al., “India’s Most Wanted Family,” India Today, 15 April 1993, 40–41, 49, 51.
48. “Complicity of Dawood Ibrahim Confirmed,” Sunday Observer, 4 April 1993, 5; “Three Pakistani-based Dons behind Delhi Bomb Blasts,” All India Radio Network, 18 June 1996.
49. Gupta et al., “India’s Most Wanted Family”; Riyad Alam-al-Din, “Cash Couriers Linked to Bin Laden,” Al-Watan Al-Arabi, 4 February 2000.
Chapter 4
1. Bernard Lewis, “The Roots of Muslim Rage,” Atlantic Monthly (September 1990); Abd-al-Bari Atwan, “Interview with Saudi Oppositionist Osama Bin Laden,” Al-Quds Al-Arabi, 27 November 1996, 5; “Interview (Written) of Osama Bin Laden,” Ghazi Magazine, 20–27 August 2000.
2. “Declaration of Jihad against the Americans,” Al-Islah.
3. “Transcript of Bin Laden’s October [2001] Interview,” CNN.com, accessed 5 February 2002.
4. Amin Malouf, The Crusades through Arab Eyes (New York: Shocken Books, 1984), 29, 51–52.
5. Ranstorp, “Interpreting the Broader Context and Meaning of Bin Laden’s Fatwa,” 325; Najm, “The Destruction of the Base.”
6. See “World Front for Fighting the Jews and the Crusaders, Statement No. 4.” Al-Hayah; “Nida’ul Islam Exclusive Interview with Osama Bin Laden: Of Jihad and Terror, the New Powder Keg in the Middle East,” Nida’ul Islam (Internet version), 15 (October/November 1996); John Miller, “Exclusive Interview with Osama Bin Laden,” abcnews.com, 28 May 1998.
7. “Usama Bin Ladin, Letter from Qandahar,” Associated Press, 16 March 1998.
8. See Robert Fisk, “U.S. Airstrikes: Bin Laden Will Take His Revenge,” Independent, 21 August 1998, 1, 2; Peter Arnett, “Osama Bin Laden: The Interview.” CNN/TIME IMPACT: Holy Terror (Internet version), 11 May 1997.
9. Najm, “The Destruction of the Base”; “‘I Am Not Afraid of Death.’ Osama Bin Laden Talks about the Embassy Bombings, the Strikes on Iraq, and His War on America.” NEWSWEEK.com, 4 January 1999.
10. “World Front for Fighting the Jews and the Crusaders, Statement No. 4,” Al-Hayah.
11. Bruce James, “Middle East: Arab Veterans of the Afghan War—Trained Forces in Waiting,” Jane’s Intelligence Review 7, no. 4 (April 1995): 175–79; Emmanuel Sivan, “The Holy War Tradition in Islam,” Orbis 42, no. 2 (Spring 1998).
12. “Declaration of Jihad against the Americans,” Al-Islah; Mir, “Interview with Osama Bin Laden”; Abd-al-Bari Atwan, “America’s Harvest of Blood,” Al-Quds Al-Arabi, 10 August 1998, 1.
13. Atwan, “American’s Harvest of Blood,” 1.
14. “World Front for Fighting the Jews and the Crusaders, Statement No. 4,” Al-Hayah; Rahimullah Yusufzai, “World’s Most Wanted Terrorist: An Interview with Osama Bin Laden,” abcnews.com, 28 December 1998; Bakhit Ullah Jan Hasrat, “Osama Bin Laden Denounces U.S.-Sponsored ‘World Order,’” Pakistan, 9 January 2000, 1.
15. “Speech by Osama Bin Laden,” Al-Jazirah Satellite Television, 7 October 2001.
16. “Declaration of Jihad against Americans,” Al-Islah; “Bin Laden’s Statement: Circumstances and Implications,” Al-Islah; “Osama Bin Laden, Letter from Kandahar,” Associated Press; Robert Fisk, “Arab Rebel Leader Warns British: ‘Get Out of the Gulf,’” Independent, 10 July 1996; Yusufzai, “World’s Most Wanted Terrorist”; Advice and Reformation Committee, “Communiqué No. 19: The Saudi Regime and the Recurrent Tragedies of the Pilgrims,” 16 April 1997.
17. “World’s Most Wanted Terrorist: An Interview with Osama Bin Laden,” abcnews.com.
18. Arnett, “Osama Bin Laden: The Interview”; “Declaration of Jihad against the Americans,” Al-Islah; Fisk, “Arab Rebel Leader Warns British: ‘Get Out of the Gulf.’”
19. Atwan, “Interview with Saudi Oppositionist Osama Bin Laden”; Advice and Reformation Committee, “Communiqué No. 19.”
20. Arnett, “Osama Bin Laden: The Interview.”
21. Atwan, “Interview with Saudi Oppositionist Osama Bin Laden”; Mir, “Interview with Osama Bin Laden”; Arnett, “Osama Bin Laden: The Interview”; Atwan, “America’s Harvest of Blood”; Mubarak al-Mubarak, “The Difficulty of Admission to Universities and the Domination of the Security Obsession: Severe Crisis Facing Saudi Arabia, Necessitating Speedy Reforms,” Al-Quds Al-Arabi, 30 August 2000, 18.
22. Arnett, “Osama Bin Laden: The Interview.”
23. Mir, “Interview of Osama Bin Laden.”
24. Miller, “Exclusive Interview with Osama Bin Laden.”
25. Yusufzai. “World’s Most Wanted Terrorist.”
26. Najm, “The Destruction of the Base.”
27. Mir, “Interview with Osama Bin Laden”; Ghulam Mohammad Khalid, “The U.S. Agenda and the Islamic Revolution,” Jasarat (Internet version), 10 October 1999.
28. Al-Abd al-Karim and Ahmad al-Nur al-Nur, “Interview with Saudi Businessman Osama Bin Laden,” Al-Quds Al-Arabi, 9 March 1994, 4.
29. “Declaration of Jihad against the Americans,” Al-Islah.
30. “Osama Bin Laden: Letter from Kandahar,” Associated Press.
31. Lewis, “License to Kill.”
32. “Life and Religion,” Al-Jazirah Satellite Channel, 22 April 2001.
33. John Kelsay, “Islam and the Distinction between Combatants and Noncombatants,” in Cross, Crescent, and Sword. The Justification and Limitation of War in Western and Islamic Tradition, ed. James Turner Johnson and John Kelsay (New York: Greenwood Press, 1990), 200; Kelsay, Islam and War, 97.
34. “Text of the World Front’s Statement Urging Jihad against Jews and Crusaders,” Al-Quds Al-Arabi.
35. Ibid.; Johnson, The Holy War Idea in Western and Islamic Traditions, 156, 158, 160.
36. Khaled Abou el-Fadl, “Holy War versus Jihad (Review),” Ethics and International Affairs 14 (2000): 133–40.
37. Ranstorp. “Interpreting the Broader Context and Meaning of Bin Laden’s Fatwa.”
38. Huband, Warriors of the Prophet, 49.
39. “Declaration of Jihad against the Americans” Al-Islah.
40. Ahmed Khalid, “Report Notes U.S. Attempt to Arrest Osama Bin Laden,” Friday Times, 30 July–5 August 1999, 3; Alberto Gaino, “Ndrangheta Arms for Terrorists,” La Stampa, 27 November 1999, 32; Riyad Alam-al-Din, “Report Details Plan to Hunt Bin Laden Too,” Albania, 11 March 2001, 2; Rose Tamay et al., “‘High-Powered’ Firearms Flood Abu Sayyaf Camp,” Philpino Star Ngayon (Internet version), 23 August 2000.
41. Yusufzai, “World’s Most Wanted Terrorist.”
42. Johnson, The Holy War Idea in Western and Islamic Traditions, 115–16, 122; Muhammad Abu-Khudayr, “Shaykh Yasin to Al-Ra’y Al-Amm: Spilling of All Israeli Blood Is Lawful,” Al-Ra’y Al-Amm (Internet version), 20 December 2000.
43. Johnson, The Holy War Idea in Western and Islamic Traditions, 122, ix, 185.
44. “Declaration of Jihad against the Americans,” Al-Islah.
45. Ibid.
46. Atwan, “Interview with Saudi Oppositionist Osama Bin Laden.”
47. “Text of the World Front’s Statement Urging Jihad against Jews and Crusaders,” Al-Quds Al-Arabi.
48. Atwan, “Interview with Saudi Oppositionist Osama Bin Laden.”
49. “Excerpts from Ayman al-Zawahiri’s book Knights under the Prophet’s Banner,” Al-Hayah, December 2001, serialized in twelve parts.
50. Robert Gwyn, “Dispatches,” Channel 4 Television Network, 20 February 1997.
51. “Text of the World Front’s Statement Urging Jihad against Jews and Crusaders,” Al-Quds Al-Arabi.
52. “Bin Laden Urges Jihad and Expulsion of U.S. Forces from Gulf, Praises Prince Talal Bin-Abd al-Aziz’s Recent Statement,” Al-Quds Al-Arabi, 23 March 1998, 4; “Osama Interview: Not Up to Him to Call for Holy War,” Takbeer, 5–12 August 1990, 22; “Osama Urges Muslims to Help Afghans, Wage Jihad,” Nation (Lahore Edition; Internet version), 10 April 2001; Kathy Gannon, “Bin Laden Tells Youth to Train for ‘Holy Wars,’” San Diego Union-Tribune, 12 April 2001.
53. Mark Bowden, “Tracking Bin Laden 1 Yr. since the Bombing,” Philadelphia Inquirer, 8 August 1998, A-2.
54. Jamal Ismail, “Al-Jazeerah, Bin Laden, and I,” Al-Zaman, July 2000.
55. Miller, “Exclusive Interview with Osama Bin Laden”; Darraz, Osama Bin Laden Recounts.
56. “Interview with Sa’id Aburish”; Mary Anne Weaver, Portrait of Egypt: A Journey through the World of Militant Islam (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1999), 261.
57. “Declaration of Jihad against the Americans,” Al-Islah.
58. Ibid.; “Bin Laden Warns against U.S. Plan to Eliminate Afghan Arabs,” Al-Quds Al-Arabi, 15 April 1998, 1; Najm, “The Destruction of the Base.”
59. “Declaration of Jihad against the Americans” Al-Islah.
60. Milt Bearden, “Making Osama Bin Laden’s Day,” New York Times (OpEd), 13 August 1998, A-19.
61. Dunn, “Osama Bin Laden: The Nature of the Challenge”; Jason Burke and Harinder Baweja, “Target … India,” India Today, 4 October 1999, 54; Mufid Abd-al-Rahim, “Al-Watan Report on Osama Bin Laden,” Al-Watan Al-Arabi, 26 March 1999, 20–23.
62. Atwan, “Interview with Saudi Oppositionist Osama Bin Laden”; Jamal Mahmud Ismail, “Bin Laden Urges Attacks against U.S., UK Interests,” Al-Sharq Al-Awsat (Internet version), 25 December 1998.
63. Najm, “The Destruction of the Base.”
64. Steven Emerson, “Abdullah Azzam, The Man before Osama Bin Laden,” Journal of Counterterrorism and Security International 5, no. 3 (Fall 1998): 27.
65. Najm, “The Destruction of the Base”; Ismail, “Al-Jazeerah, Bin Laden, and I.”
66. “Osama Bin Laden, Letter from Kandahar,” Associated Press.
67. Najm, “The Destruction of the Base.”
68. Rahimullah, “World’s Most Wanted Terrorist.”
69. Miller, “Exclusive Interview with Osama Bin Laden.”
70. Ibid.; Shaykh Kamal Khatib, “Osama and Shamil in the Confrontation of the Drunk and the Philanderer,” Sawt al-Haqq wa al-Hurriyah, 5 November 1999, 4.
71. Al-Abd al-Karim and Ahmad al-Nur al-Nur, “Interview with Saudi Businessman Osama Bin Laden,” Al-Quds Al-Arabi, 9 March 1994.
72. Tariq Seed, “Bin Laden Calls for Holy War against Jews, Christians,” Pakistan Observer (Internet version), 2 September 2000.
73. “From Noor ud Din Zangi to Osama Bin Laden,” Ausaf, 4 March 2001, 4.
74. Malouf, The Crusades through Arab Eyes, 1, 66; “The Will of Abdullah Azzam, Who Is Poor to His Lord,” Azzam Publications Web site at http://panther.netmania.co.uk, April 1986; Palestinian Information Center (Internet version), 7 November 1999.
75. “Declaration of Jihad against the Americans” Al-Islah, 2 September 1996.
76. Abdul Sattar, “Osama Urges Ummah to Continue Jihad,” News (Internet version), 7 May 2001.
77. Atwan, “Interview with Saudi Oppositionist Osama Bin Laden”: “MIRA Bulletin No. 253,” Movement for Islamic Reform in Arabia (Internet version), 19 February 2001.
78. “Osama Bin Laden, Letter from Kandahar,” Associated Press.
79. Ibid.; Mir, “Interview with Osama Bin Laden”; Huband, Warriors of the Prophet, 103; Eric S. Margolis, War at the Top of the World. The Struggle for Afghanistan, Kashmir, and Tibet (New York: Routledge, 2000), 94; Ahmad Muwaffaq Zaydan, “Bin Laden Thanks God for U.S. Destroyer Bombing,” Al-Hayah (Internet version), 4 November 2000, 1, 6.
80. “Interview (Written) of Osama Bin Laden,” Ghazi Magazine; Ejaz Haider, “Pakistan and Hezb’s ‘Surprise Move,’” Friday Times (Internet version), 28 July–3 August 2000; Lt. Gen. (ret’d) Javid Nasir, “The Cease-fire Implications,” Nation (Lahore edition, Internet version), 1 August 2000; “A Tightrope Walk,” Times of India (Editorial; Internet version), 1 August 2000; “Hizbul Mujahedin Ceasefire Angers Compatriots in Afghanistan,” AFP, 24 July 2000; Manoj Joshi, “Indian Home Ministry Welcomes Announcement of Cease-fire by Hizbal Mujahedin,” Times of India (Internet version), 25 July 2000.
81. “World Front for Fighting the Jews and the Crusaders, Statement No. 4,” Al-Hayah.
82. “Osama Bin Laden, Letter from Kandahar,” Associated Press.
83. “New Offer for Bin Laden,” Al-Islah, 3 March 1997, 1.
84. Raymond Close, “Hard Target: We Cannot Defeat Terrorism with Bombs and Bombast,” Washington Post (Op-Ed), 30 August 1998, C-1, C-5.
85. Yusufzai, “World’s Most Wanted Terrorist.”
86. Najm, “The Destruction of the Base.”
87. “World Front for Fighting the Jews and the Crusaders, Statement No. 4,” Al-Hayah.
88. Mark Macaskill et al., “Straw’s Dilemma: The Home Secretary Has Been Called to Act after Bakri Wrote Bin Laden Supporting Terrorism,” Sunday Times (Internet version), 5 September 1999.
89. Ibid.; Kelsay, “Islam and the Distinction between Combatants and Noncombatants,” 201, 205; Kelsay, Islam and War, 65.
90. “Life and Religion,” 22 April 2001.
Chapter 5
1. “Osama Bin Laden, Letter from Kandahar,” Associated Press.
2. Miller, “Exclusive Interview with Osama Bin Laden.”
3. “Nida’ul Islam Exclusive Interview with Osama Bin Laden,” Nida’ul Islam; “The Will of Abdullah Azzam,” Azzam Publications Web site.
4. Atwan, “Interview with Saudi Oppositionist Osama Bin Laden.”
5. Dunn, “Osama Bin Laden: The Nature of the Challenge,” 24–25.
6. Ranstorp. “Interpreting the Broader Context and Meaning of Bin Laden’s Fatwa,” 324; Kelsay, Islam and War, 95–97; Johnson, The Holy War Idea in Western and Islamic Traditions, 71, 115.
7. “Nida’ul Islam Exclusive Interview with Osama Bin Laden,” Nida’ul Islam; “Interview (Written) of Osama Bin Laden,” Ghazi Magazine.
8. Atwan, “Interview with Saudi Oppositionist Osama Bin Laden.”
9. Ibid.; Cherif Quazani, “The Bin Laden Mystery: An Investigation into the Man Who Has Defied America,” Jeune Afrique, 7 September 1998, 54–57; Johnson, The Holy War Idea in Western and Islamic Traditions, 62; Wa’el al-Ibrushi, “Interview with Abu Hamzah al-Masri,” Rose al-Yusuf, 28 October 2000, 56.
10. Khalid Khalil Asaad, Osama Bin Laden: The Whole Story, trans. Ahmed M. Ibrahim, n.p./n.d., 24.
11. Ranstorp, “Interpreting the Broader Context and Meaning of Bin Laden’s Fatwa.”
12. Robert Fisk, “Muslim Leader Warns of New Assault on U.S. Forces,” Independent, 22 March 1997, 1.
13. Yusufzai, “World’s Most Wanted Terrorist.”
14. Shiraz. “May 1998 Interview with Bin Laden Reported,” 10.
15. “Declaration of Jihad against the Americans,” Al-Islah.
16. Duran, “Cairo: A Torrent of Frightening Disclosures.”
17. “I Am Not Afraid of Death,” NEWSWEEK.com.
18. Lieven, “Nasty Little Wars,” 69.
19. Ranstorp, “Interpreting the Broader Context and Meaning of Bin Laden’s Fatwa”; Atwan, “Interview with Saudi Oppositionist Osama Bin Laden.”
20. David Leppard et al., “The Global Terrorist,” Sunday Times (Internet version), 7 February 1999; “Battalion Churns out Disinformation,” Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 2 November 1999, 1; Abdallah Ould Mohamedi, “Interview with Mohamedu Ould Slahi,” Al-Sharq Al-Awast, 22 February 2000, 3; Kathy Gannon, “Suspected Terrorists Enjoy Taliban’s Protection,” Washington Times, 11 March 2000, A-8; Nabil Sharif-al-Din, “The Afghanistan of
the Caucasus: Bin Laden and Ibn-al-Khattab in Dagestan,” Al-Ahram Al-Arabi, 9 October 1999, 32; “Commander of the Foreign Mujahedin in the Caucasus,” Islamic Observation Center Web site (Internet version), 10 September 1999; “Unattributed Biography of Bin Laden,” Frontline Online; Carlotta Gall and Thomas de Waal, Chechnya. Calamity in the Caucasus (New York: New York University Press, 1998), 108; Lieven, “Nasty Little Wars”; Carla Power, “Chasing a Man, Fixing a Nation,” Newsweek International, 29 January 2001, 60; Najm and Al-Ayyash, “Report Views Bin Laden Operations, Counterterrorism Efforts.”
21. Monshipouri, “The West’s Modern Encounter with Islam.”
Chapter 6
1. “Closer Look: Portraits of Osama Bin Laden,” Time Daily (Internet version), 31 March 1999.
2. “Unattributed Biography of Bin Laden,” Frontline Online; Lally Weymouth et al., “Pieces of the Puzzle,” Newsweek, 18 December 2000, 48; John F. Burns, “Yemenis Say Saudi Man Is Top Suspect in Cole Attack,” New York Times, 13 December 2000; John F. Burns, “Remote Yemen May Be Key to Terrorist’s Past and Future,” New York Times, 5 November 2000, A-1.
3. Al-Karim and Al-Nur, “Interview with Saudi Businessman Osama Bin Laden”; “Declaration of Jihad against the Americans,” Al-Islah.
4. Khalid al-Hammadi, “Yemeni Tribes Condemn the Hunt for Bin Laden,” Al-Quds Al-Arabi, 6 November 1999, 1.
5. Jane Mayer, “The House of Bin Laden,” New Yorker (12 November 2001): 54–56, 61–65.
6. “Unattributed Biography of Bin Laden,” Frontline Online.
7. Najm, “The Destruction of the Base”; Bin Laden group Web site, http://www.saudi-binLaden-group.com (this Web site has disappeared from the Internet).
8. “Bin Laden Family Businesses Scrutinized for Ties to Terrorism,” Le Monde (Internet version), 23 September 2001.
9. Bin Laden group Web site, http://www.saudi-binLaden-group.com; John K. Cooley, Unholy Wars: Afghanistan, America, and International Terrorism (London: Pluto Press, 1999), 188.
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