Through Our Enemies' Eyes

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Through Our Enemies' Eyes Page 50

by Michael Scheuer

  79. Margolis, War at the Top of the World.

  80. Mir, “Interview of Osama Bin Laden”; Fisk, “Anti-Soviet Warrior Puts His Army on the Road to Peace.”

  81. “Unattributed Biography of Bin Laden,” Frontline Online.

  82. Najm, “The Destruction of the Base.”

  83. Hyman, “Arab Involvement in the Afghan War”; Margolis, War at the Top of the World.

  84. Timmerman, “This Man Wants You Dead.”

  85. Darraz, Osama Bin Laden Recounts.

  86. Mahmud Sadiq, “Cairo Combats Islamists Overseas,” Al-Watan Al-Arabi, 28 May 1999, 4–6; Weiner, “Blowback from the Afghan Battlefield,” 52– 55; Davis, “Foreign Combatants in Afghanistan,” 327–31; Xavier Raufer, “Investigation into Terrorist Multinational,” VSD, 3–9 September 1998, 16–23.

  Chapter 8

  1. Margolis, War at the Top of the World, 90.

  2. Masud, “The Arabs and Islam.”

  3. “Interview with Sa’d al-Faqih,” Frontline Online; Sanobar Shermatova, “Islamic Sword-Bearer,” Moskovskiyo Novosti 4 (31 January 1999), 14.

  4. Ibid.

  5. “Interview with Milt Bearden,” Frontline Online.

  6. Fisk, “Anti-Soviet Warrior Puts His Army on the Road to Peace.”

  7. “Unattributed Biography of Bin Laden,” Frontline Online.

  8. “Expel the Mushikireen from the Arabian Peninsula,” Abdullah Azzam Internet home page.

  9. Fisk, “Anti-Soviet Warrior Puts His Army on the Road to Peace.”

  10. “Expel the Mushikireen from the Arabian Peninsula,” Abdullah Azzam Internet home page.

  11. “Unattributed Biography of Bin Laden,” Frontline Online; “Nida’ul Islam Exclusive Interview with Osama Bin Laden: Of Jihad and Terror, the New Powder Keg in the Middle East,” Nida’ul Islam; Burns, “Yemen Links to Bin Laden Gnaw at FBI on Cole Inquiry.”

  12. Sue Lackey, “Yemen: Unlikely Key to Western Security,” Jane’s Intelligence Review 11, no. 7 (July 1999), 24–29; Fisk, “Anti-Soviet Warrior Puts His Army on the Road to Peace.”

  13. Atwan, “Interview with Saudi Oppositionist Osama Bin Laden.”

  14. “Expel the Mushkireen from the Arabian Peninsula,” Abdullah Azzam Internet home page; Raufer, “Investigation into Terrorist Multinational”; Frank Smyth and Jason Vest, “One Man’s Private Jihad,” Village Voice, 25 August 1998.

  15. Amba, “Saudi Militant’s Wish: To Die Fighting America.”

  16. Michael Georgy, “Saudi Dissident Bin Laden Seen as a Serious Threat,” Reuters, 25 February 1997.

  17. “Interview with Sa’id Aburish,” Frontline Online; Rashid, Taliban, Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia, 133.

  18. Georgy, “Saudi Dissident Bin Laden Seen as a Serious Threat.”

  19. “Interview with Sa’ad al-Faqih, Frontline Online; Nawaf E. Obaid, “The Power of Saudi Arabi’s Islamic Leader,” Middle East Quarterly 6, no. 3 (September 1999): 51–58.

  20. Ibid.

  21. Timmerman, “This Man Wants You Dead.”

  22. Amba, “Saudi Militant’s Wish: To Die Fighting America.”

  23. “Interview with Sa’d al-Faqih,” Frontline Online.

  24. Wright, “Saudi Dissident a Prime Suspect in Blast.”

  25. Tariq Masud, “Desert Storm,” New Republic, 28 December 1998.

  26. Wright, “Saudi Dissident a Prime Suspect in Blast”; “Osama Bin Laden, Letter from Kandahar,” Associated Press.

  27. Bernard Lewis, Foreign Affairs, November/December 1998, 15–16.

  28. “Interview with Sa’d al-Faqih,” Frontline Online; Fisk, “Muslim Leader Warns of New Assaults on U.S. Forces.”

  29. “Americans Are Paper Tigers,” Der Spiegel, 17 August 1998.

  30. Ibid.; “Nida’ul Islam Exclusive Interview with Osama Bin Laden,” Nida’ul Islam; Advice and Reformation Committee, “Communiqué No. 19: The Saudi Regime and the Recurrent Tragedies of the Pilgrims”; “MIRA Bulletin No. 253,” Movement for Islamic Reform in Arabia.

  31. “Americans Are Paper Tigers,” Der Spiegel.

  32. Ibid.

  33. “Unattributed Biography of Bin Laden,” Frontline Online; “Biography of Osama Bin Laden,” Islamic Observation Center.

  34. “Biography of Osama Bin Laden,” Islamic Observation Center; Obaid, “The Power of Saudi Arabi’s Islamic Leaders.”

  35. Fisk, “Muslim Leader Warns of New Assaults on U.S. Forces.”

  36. “Nida’ul Islam Exclusive Interview with Osama Bin Laden,” Nida’ul Islam; Ahmed al-Huni, “If Faysal Were Alive,” Al-Arab Al-Alamiyah, 31 October 2000, 1.

  37. “Declaration of Jihad against the Americans,” Al-Islah.

  38. Ibid.; “Unattributed Biography of Bin Laden,” Frontline Online.

  39. “Biography of Osama Bin Laden,” Islamic Observation Center; “Interview with Sa’d al-Faqih,” Frontline Online; Dickey, “Making a Symbol of Terror”; Atwan, “Interview with Saudi Oppositionist Osama Bin Laden.”

  Chapter 9

  1. Fisk, “Arab Rebel Leader Warns British: ‘Get Out of the Gulf.’”

  2. “Unattributed Biography of Osama Bin Laden,” Frontline Online.

  3. Salamat Ali, “Cause and Effect,” Far Eastern Economic Review, 23 May 1991, 24.

  4. “Unattributed Biography of Osama Bin Laden,” Frontline Online.

  5. Najm, “The Destruction of the Base.”

  6. Ikram Sehgel, “Osama Bin Laden Syndrome: Freedom Fighter or Terrorist?” Nation (Lahore edition, Internet version), 29 August 1998; “Unattributed Biography of Osama Bin Laden,” Frontline Online.

  7. “Interview with Sa’d al-Faqih,” Frontline Online; Cooley, Unholy Wars, 222; Yusufzai, “World’s Most Wanted Terrorist”; Raufer, “Investigation into Terrorist Multinational.”

  8. “Secrets of the Worldwide Campaign Chasing Osama Bin Laden,” Al-Watan Al-Arabi.

  9. Al-Karim and al-Nur, “Interview with Saudi Businessman Osama Bin Laden,” 4.

  10. “Secrets of the Worldwide Campaign Chasing Osama Bin Laden,” Al-Watan Al-Arabi.

  11. U.S. State Department, “Fact Sheet on Osama Bin Laden”; Macleod, “The Paladin of the Jihad”; Paul Hoi, “Bin Laden, the Moneyman behind International Terrorism,” Berlinske Tidende, 9 September 1998, 8; Feuer, “Jihad, Inc.: The Bin Laden Network of Companies Exporting Terror”; “Part One of a Series of Reports on Bin Laden’s Life in Sudan,” Al-Quds Al-Arabi (Internet version), 24 November 2001, 13.

  12. Feuer, “Jihad, Inc.: The Bin Laden Network of Companies Exporting Terror”; Shermatova, “Islamic Sword-Bearer.”

  13. James Bennet, “U.S. Cruise Missiles Strike Sudan and Afghan Targets Tied to Terrorist Network,” New York Times, 21 August 1998; “Sudan Financier Monopolizes Exports,” African Economic Digest, 29 August 1994; Samia Nakul, “Sudan and West at Odds over Terrorism Charges,” Reuters, 5 July 1995.

  14. Fisk, “Anti-Soviet Warrior Puts His Army on the Road to Peace.”

  15. “Unattributed Biography of Osama Bin Laden,” Frontline Online.

  16. Rizq, “Jihad Unilaterally Won Over Bin Laden, While the Group Was Content with Financial Support”; Mark Bowden, Black Hawk Down. A Study of Modern War (New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1999), 110.

  17. Leppard et al., “The Global Terrorist.”

  18. Bennet, “U.S. Cruise Missiles Strike Sudan and Afghan Targets Tied to Terrorist Network”; Tim Weiner and James Risen, “Long Running Dispute on Sudan Marked Counterattack Plans,” New York Times News Service, 21 September 1998.

  19. Guido Olimpio, “Saddam’s Latest Challenge: Refuge for Osama Bin Laden,” Corriere della Sera (Internet version), 17 September 1998; Guido Olimpio, “A Secret Pact with Bin Laden, the Terror Shaykh,” Corriere della Sera (Internet version), 28 December 1998, 7.

  20. Douglas Waller, “Inside the Hunt for Osama,” Time, 21 December 1998, 32; Paul Mann, “Bin Laden Linked to Nuclear Effort,” Aviation Week and Space Technology, 12 October 1998, 58.

Waller, “Inside the Hunt for Osama.”

  22. Mufid Abd-al-Rahim, “Bin Laden’s New York Activities,” Al-Watan Al-Arabi, 20 November 1998, 18–22.

  23. Dickey, “Making a Symbol of Terror.”

  24. Abd-al-Rahim, “Bin Laden’s New York Activities.”

  25. “Report on Bin Laden’s Activities, Wealth,” Al-Watan Al-Arabi, 23–28.

  26. Daniel Pearl, “In Sudanese Bombing, ‘Evidence’ Depends on Who Is Viewing It,” Wall Street Journal, 28 October 1998.

  27. “Report on Bin Laden’s Activities, Wealth,” Al-Watan Al-Arabi.

  28. Steven Emerson, “Unholy War,” New Republic, 14 and 21 September 1998, 22–23.

  29. Frank Smyth, “Culture Shock,” 22–25.

  30. “Secrets of the Worldwide Campaign Chasing Osama Bin Laden,” Al-Watan Al-Arabi; Rizq et al., “Osama Bin Laden, a Millionaire Financially Supporting Terrorism in Egypt and Saudi Arabia.”

  31. “Bin Laden Trained Ugandans,” New Vision, 1 September 1998, 1; Feuer, “Jihad, Inc.: The Bin Laden Network of Companies Exporting Terror.”

  32. Adil al-Jawjari, “‘Terrorist’ Bin Laden Returns to Yemen,” Al-Watan Al-Arabi, 20 March 1998, 32–34.

  33. Ibid.; Lufti Shatarah and Hammid Munsir, “Twenty Jihad Organization Members Arrested in Yemen,” Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, 28 December 1992, 1, 4.

  34. “Report on Bin Laden’s Activities, Wealth,” Al-Watan Al-Arabi.

  35. “Murky Information from Source ‘CS-1,’” Der Spiegel, 19 October 1998; Bonner, “Seeking Bombs? No, Wife, Arab Suspect Tells FBI,” A-4.

  36. Weiser, “U.S. Says It Can Tie Bin Laden to Embassy Bombings”; John J. Goldman, “Accused Was Businessman, Not Terrorist, Lawyer Says,” Los Angeles Times, 4 May 2001.

  37. Bonner, “Seeking Bombs? No, Wife, Arab Suspect Tells FBI”; “Saudi Arabia Denies Citizen Told U.S. of New York Bomb Plot,” AP-Dow Jones, 3 August 1997; “Weekly Says Bin Laden Financial Manager to Testify,” AFP, 8 December 1998.

  38. David S. Cloud, “U.S. Officials Charge Bin Laden and Aide with Conspiracy in Embassy Bombings,” Wall Street Journal, 5 November 1998, A-6; Al-Ayyash and Najm, “Behind the Scenes of the American Strike against Bin Laden’s Secret Cells.”

  39. “Secrets of the Worldwide Campaign Chasing Osama Bin Laden,” Al-Watan Al-Arabi.

  40. Salahiz, “Leader of ‘Afghan Arabs’ Killed in African State”; Al-Ayyash and Najm, “Behind the Scenes of the American Strike against Bin Laden’s Secret Cells.”

  41. Hamoud Mounassar and Mohammed Attar, “Yemen Hostages Recover from Horrific Slaughter for Four Friends,” AFP, 30 December 1998.

  42. Al-Ayyash and Najm, “Behind the Scenes of the American Strike against Bin Laden’s Secret Cells.”

  43. Al-Qaysi, “U.S.-Yemen-Bin Laden Relations,” 24–26.

  44. “Americans Are Paper Tigers.” Der Spiegel; Al-Qaysi, “U.S.-Yemen-Bin Laden Relations”; Vick, “Assault on a U.S. Embassy: A Plot Both Wide and Deep”; Al-Ayyash and Najm, “Behind the Scenes of the American Strike against Bin Laden’s Secret Cells.”

  45. Leppard et al., “The Global Terrorist.”

  46. Al-Jawjari, “‘Terrorist’ Bin Laden Returns to Yemen.”

  47. Leppard et al., “The Global Terrorist.”

  48. Weiser, “U.S. Says It Can Tie Bin Laden to Embassy Bombings”; Vick, “Assault on a U.S. Embassy: A Plot Both Wide and Deep”; “The Saudi Islamic Opposition ‘Advice and Reform Commission’ Headed by Shaykh Osama Bin Laden Has Announced the Opening of an Office in London,” Al-Quds Al-Arabi, 8 August 1994, 1.

  49. Vick, “Assault on a U.S. Embassy: A Plot Both Wide and Deep”

  50. Al-Ayyash and Najm, “Behind the Scenes of the American Strike against Bin Laden’s Secret Cells.”

  51. Bonner, “Seeking Bombs? No, Wife, Arab Suspect Tells FBI.”

  52. Michael Grunwald, “Bombing Suspect Alleges He Was Bullied into Confession,” Washington Post, 4 September 1998, A-1, A-9; Leppard et al., “The Global Terrorist.”

  53. “Bin Laden Took Advantage of the Situation,” Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, 3.

  54. Al-Ayyash and Najm, “Behind the Scenes of the American Strike against Bin Laden’s Secret Cells.”

  55. “Press Report on Presence of Osama Bin Laden and ‘Afghan Arabs’ in Yemen,” Al-Watan Al-Arabi.

  56. Rizq, “Jihad Unilaterally Won Over Bin Laden, While the Group Was Content with Financial Support,” 26–27.

  57. Jeff Gerth and Judith Miller, “Terror Money: A Special Report; Funds for Terrorists Traced to Persons, Gulf Businesses,” New York Times, 14 August 1996; Cathy Canares and Cynthia D. Balana, “Spy Chief Claims Info on Bin Laden in Mindanao,” Philippine Daily Inquirer (Internet version), 25 August 1998; “CIA Report on Bin Laden’s Filipino Links,” Al-Sharq Al-Awsat; Al-Jawjari, “‘Terrorist’ Bin Laden Returns to Yemen”; “el. Ma.,” “Osama Bin Laden in Tirana Offices,” Gazeta Shqiptare, 4 November 1998, 12; “Al-Alfi Claims Qatari Connection to Egyptian Militants,” Al-Ahram Weekly, 13 January 1998; “Secrets of the Worldwide Campaign Chasing Osama Bin Laden,” Al-Watan Al-Arabi.

  58. Gamal Essam al-Din, “El-Alfi Claims Doha Connection,” Al-Ahram Weekly, 8 January 1998, 3.

  59. “Osama Bin Laden: Muslims Who Live in Europe Are Kafirs,” Rose al-Yusuf, 9 December 1996.

  60. Al-Jawjari, “‘Terrorist’ Bin Laden Returns to Yemen.”

  61. Cynthia D. Balana, “Is the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency Involved in the Terroristic Activities Here of the Abu Sayyaf,” Philippine Daily Inquirer, 18 April 1995, 1, 11.

  62. “Unattributed Biography of Osama Bin Laden,” Frontline Online.

  63. “Confessions from the Last Leader of the Jihad Organization,” Rose al-Yusuf; “Eyewitness View of Bin Laden’s Camps,” Terrorism and Security Monitor (September 1998).

  64. “A Revealing Trove in Afghanistan,” New York Times (Editorial), 19 March 2002.

  65. Ranstorp, “Interpreting the Broader Context and Meaning of Bin Laden’s Fatwa.”

  66. For short discussions of the nature of urban warfare during the Afghan jihad, see Scott R. McMichael, Stumbling Bear: Soviet Military Performance in Afghanistan (London: Brassey’s, 1991), 34, 59, and Yousef and Adkin, Bear Trap, 142–57.

  67. Salah, “Secret of the Relationship between al-Zawahiri and Bin Laden.”

  Chapter 10

  1. Fisk, “Anti-Soviet Warrior Puts His Army on the Road to Peace.”

  2. Miller, “Greetings America: My Name Is Osama Bin Laden.”

  3. Mark Matthews, “Bombing Probe Slowly Traces Tortuous Path of Terrorism,” Baltimore Sun, 18 October 1998, A-1.

  4. Mir, “Interview of Osama Bin Laden.”

  5. Darraz, Osama Bin Laden Recounts.

  6. Miller, “Greetings America: My Name Is Osama Bin Laden.”

  7. Atwan, “Interview with Saudi Oppositionist Osama Bin Laden.”

  8. “Secrets of the Worldwide Campaign Chasing Osama Bin Laden,” Al-Watan Al-Arabi; “A Strange Sudanese,” Le Point; James Risen, “Bin Laden Was Target of U.S. Raid Plans since Spring,” New York Times Web site, 6 September 1998; Radio Monte Carlo, 30 December 1992.

  9. U.S. State Department, “Patterns of Global Terrorism, 1992,” Washington, DC, April 1993, 20.

  10. Shiraz, “May 1998 Interview with Osama Bin Laden.”

  11. Shatarah and Munsir, “Twenty Jihad Organization Members Arrested in Yemen,” 1, 4.

  12. Ibid.; “Report on Egyptian Fundamentalists,” Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, 18 July 1999, 6; “Press Report on Presence of Osama Bin Laden and ‘Afghan Arabs’ in Yemen,” Al-Watan Al-Arabi.

  13. Cloud, “U.S. Officials Charge Bin Laden and Aide with Conspiracy in Embassy Bombings,” A-6.

  14. Michael Grunwald, “4 Followers of Bin Laden Indicted in Plot to Kill Americans,” Washington Post, 8 October 1998.

  15. Mir, “Interview of Osama Bin Laden.”

  16. Grunwald, “4 Followers of Bin Laden Indicted in Plot to Kill Americans.”

  17. Khan, “
Osama’s Narrow Escape, Camp Hits Reported.”

  18. Bowden, Black Hawk Down.

  19. Khan, “Osama’s Narrow Escape, Camp Hits Reported”; Benjamin Weiser, “Papers Shed Light on Informer’s Role in Terror Inquiry,” New York Times, 23 December 2000, A-26.

  20. Miller, “Greetings America: My Name Is Osama Bin Laden.”

  21. “Bin Laden Urges Jihad and Expulsion of U.S. Forces from Gulf,” Al-Quds Al-Arabi; “Bin Laden Warns CIA against Attempts to Arrest Him,” Al Majd, 4 August 1997, 1.

  22. Mir, “Interview of Osama Bin Laden”; Miller, “Greetings America: My Name Is Osama Bin Laden.”

  23. Ibid.

  24. Ismail, “Abu Hafs al-Masri: I had Nothing to Do with What Happened to the Americans in Kenya.”

  25. Khamran Khan, “Palestinian Unveils Osama’s International War against U.S.; Bombing Suspect Says His Men Hit Targets from Somalia to the Philippines,” News, 19 August 1998; “Osama Bin Laden, Letter from Kandahar,” Associated Press.

  26. James Bruce, “Middle East: Arab Veterans of the Afghan War—Trained Forces in Waiting,” Jane’s Defense Weekly, 1 April 1995; Raymond Burgos, “Mindanao Cops Have Photos of Saudi Tycoon,” Philippine Daily Inquirer (Internet version), 25 August 1998; “RP Tightens Security on Terrorist Target,” Philippine Daily Inquirer (Internet version), 25 August 1998; “Philippine Forces on Alert after Killing of Muslim Extremist Leader,” AFP, 19 December 1998; Andrew Phillips and Barry Came, “The Prime Suspect,” Mclean’s, 24 January 2000, 27.

  27. Salahiz, “Leader of ‘Afghan Arabs’ Killed in African State.”

  28. Rizq, “Jihad Unilaterally Won Over Bin Laden.”

  29. Julian Bolger, “Vengeful Islamic Guerrillas Threaten British Troops Bound for Bosnia,” Guardian, 28 November 1995, 2.

  30. Bruce, “Middle East: Arab Veterans of the Afghan War—Trained Forces in Waiting”; U.S. State Department, “Patterns of Global Terrorism, 1994,” 17– 18; “Reports on the Escape of Fundamentalists to Iraq for Fear of Being Arrested. Jordan Government Source: The Afghan Arabs to Washington Is Premature,” Al-Quds Al-Arabi, 20 December 1999, 7; “Bombing Suspects’ Organizations, Ties Detailed,” Al-Bilad, 4 May 1994, 5; “Fresh Arrests among Jordanian Afghans,” Al-Bilad, 4 May, 1994, 4; “Indictment for January Bombing Case Details Plans, Tactics,” Al-Dustur, 8 July 1994, 5.


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