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Ruins of Majesta: Vol. 2.1 Creatures and Cupcakes

Page 34

by Taj McCoy El

  A kobold in dark metal breastplate greaves and bracers over black leather armor entered the tent. A small glowing mace hung from his right hip, but his three-fingered left hand rested on the sword hilt he wore on his left side. He let the cloth fall back into place across the entrance, his eyes taking in the two men. They finally turned fully to Halsh.

  “Who iss thiss Halshhh?”

  “The kobold’s sibilance was not as pronounced as Caltura’s making it sound more like a strong lisp than a snake. This made Malcipher chuckle. Grimmog turned his eyes back to Malcipher while Halsh reported.

  “Found him trying to sneak into camp.”

  He said found instead of captured. Interesting. This made Malcipher chuckle again.

  “Iss there sssomething funny?”

  “Only your incompetence. I assume that you are Grimmog?”

  “Who are you and why are you in my camp?” Grimmog asked with a growl.

  “We’ll get to that. But do you know how poor your security truly is? Unless you have twenty shadows rangers patrolling your flanks at all times your camp is woefully underprepared for what is to come. Your personal guards have no passwords and I’m sure you have a changeling or two in your company. High alchemist Caltura would be very disappointed by your leadership.”

  Grimmog took a step back and pulled his mace free. He pointed it at Malcipher’s face.

  “Identify yourself or die!”

  “That’s much better but a bit too late.” Malcipher’s tattoo glowed, and Grimmog winced and shielded his eyes. The ropes fell from Malcipher’s wrist, and he stood up to tower over the four-and-a-half-foot tall kobold.

  The kobold fell to a knee, one fist supporting him. Halsh mirrored the pose.

  "I was sent here to lead you and your men. As for who I am, I will hold onto that information until I set up a new chain of command and have bound the changelings to myself. Do you understand your position?”

  “Yesss.” The kobold’s spittle flew when he spoke as if the words hurt to speak them.

  “Good.” the tattoo dimmed. “For now, you may call me Lieutenant. If I deem you worthy of being in my command, you shall learn my name.”

  “Yesss, lieutenant,” the kobold said with a growl.

  Malcipher squatted down in front of the kobold and lifted its chin. Their eyes locked.

  “You do not have to like me. That would actually be better as I have no need of friends. But what I will demand of you is subservience and loyalty. Make no mistake, your life is in my hands and since you have yet to prove your worth to me or shown me loyalty you are less than an insect beneath my heel.”

  The kobolds eyes left Malcipher’s filled with pain and understanding.

  “Now, gather your leaders and have them meet me in my new tent.”

  “Yesss Lieutenant. Where is your tent?”

  “Wherever your tent … was.”

  The hair on the kobolds neck rose and it barely suppressed a growl.

  “Since this is the first time we are meeting, I’ll forgive that bit of insubordination. Make sure it doesn’t happen again.” The tattoo flashed quickly making the kobold wince and drop his head.

  Malcipher stood, stretching his arms and twisting his spine as if he had just climbed out of bed fully rested. He looked back and saw Grimmog still kneeling.

  “Are you still here? I gave you orders.”

  Grimmog hurriedly climbed to his feet and exited the tent. He heard the kobold literally bark orders and the feet that scurried to complete them.

  This is easier than it should have been. Limited NPCs, what a waste of time. I’ll have to see what I can do about that.

  He looked to Halsh. “Would you mind showing me where my tent is?” he said with a smile.


  “So, this is the plan. Tomorrow we all go to the woods and capture the chickens. If we don’t get them all we watch the coop so that none of them escape. We want to capture, NOT KILL, all the chickens tomorrow so that we can limit our guard duty if possible. Anyone involved will get the reputation bonus with Driskel and some silver at least. Am I missing anything guys?”

  “beep- Not that I can see. -boop”

  “Seems good to me.”

  “Fine, any objections from the knockers? Remember, this is up to you if you want to help. If not, you get what you put in—nothing.”

  “Moy boys and oi will definitely be there.” this was met with growls and mumbles, the knocker equivalent of a grand huzzah.

  “With that settled let’s talk about tomorrow’s early morning torture session. We should probably skip it in lieu of the workout we’ll be getting.”

  “Oi happen to disagrees with that conclusion. When we’s took ya in we promised to shape ya up. If there’s one thing we knockers ‘ave learned the ‘ard way is to never go back on your word. That’s how we woinded up loike this in the first place. So, training will go on but we’ll condense it for toimes sake.”

  “But that just means it’ll hurt more!” Mephi exclaimed.

  “Probably. But the results are worth it. And loike oi told’yas this is gonna hurt youse more’n me.” He got a few evil chuckles out of the room. One particular knocker stared at Mo grinding his fist into his palm.

  Yikes! forgot about that guy.

  10.7 Return of the Rötten

  Mayah stood in her new lab. It contained the highest level of cadmod that was commercially available it dwarfed her in her cinder block warehouse space. It was all digital, but it gave her the ability to stretch her analog wings. She was surrounded by multiple bluescreens and holotables. Holo projectors hung from the rafters and her comfy nest lay off to one corner. There was a ton of empty space still to be used but that’s what the cad mod was for.

  On three holotables floated the image of the drone from different angles. Next to those were circuit diagrams showing which circuits had been rendered useless and which were under the drone’s controls.

  Finally projected from the ceiling was the probe that Attactus was creating to infiltrate the drone in her pod. It floated in the middle of space and Mayah marveled at its intricacies. She had made notes and sent them to the designer of the probe. A mysterious engineer only labeled “D.”

  D was all throughout the reports except for the medical team’s files. But there were many requests from her as an active member of the tech and engineering team.

  “Prime are you sure you can't track down who this D is? I would really love to talk with them.” … so I can pick their brains to the bones and swallow their knowledge whole.

  “That would be a negative. D is active and that is all the information that I am allowed to share.”

  “Poo…” Mayah turned back to the probe. Her upgrades were labeled in orange and streamlined the design. She was submerged in thought when Prime interrupted her.

  “There are only two minutes left before you return to Majesta. Do you wish to send any last-minute correspondence?”

  “Just send them my full notes.”

  “Task complete.”

  “Prime send a private message to D for me. Tell them that I would love to hear what they think about my additions.”

  “Task complete.”

  “Okay I’m ready. Just send me to the blackness to wait out the final seconds. I need to get my game face on.”

  “As you wish.”

  Instantly the world blacked out. Mayah could still see herself but there was nothing else to see. She took a deep breath. Wondering where she would be teleported to since she lost the dungeon.

  A small pinprick of light blossomed into a message screen with character sheet attached.

  You have died.

  You have lost 20% of total XP.

  Level Down

  Level Down

  Level 18

  3784/4441 XP

  657XP till next level

  Your Stat and Attribute points for the lost levels have been reclaimed.

  You have lost 1 platinum and 436 gold 73 silver and 2 copper />
  “Shazzit! I needed that, she grumbled”

  Would you like to re-enter Majesta? Y/N?

  Mayah angrily selected yes and felt her body swirl as if it was in a whirlpool and felt the ground solidify under her feet. She was standing next to the bind point of the dungeon.

  “Why am I still in the dungeon?” Mayah muttered.

  “Because I’m awesome!” Grax replied.

  Margaret rushed her and swept her up into her arms. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

  Mayah tried to breathe through the nose that Margaret was smashing into her bosoms. Mayah reached up and pat Margaret to reassure her. Margaret finally released the hug and stared at her.

  “So, what crazy, god-awful plan did you come up with to get yourself killed?”

  “First things first, Mags. Why are we still in the dungeon?” She looked at Grax who had the biggest cheese eating grin.

  “That would be me, your royal cupcakeyness.” He made a low bow. “All hail the cat who saves dungeons!”

  “So, that means you were here when I died.”

  “Yep, right here.” He pointed to the spot next to the bind point that Mayah had just left. “Logged in got a notification that you were under attack and before I could even get into yonder cave you had been dispatched by a cranial slime. But I did save the dungeon.”

  His expectant smile made Mayah realize she didn’t have a gift for him and now he was extra deserving. The shadow vision goggles she was working on weren’t finished, and they were fundamentally flawed. But the smile on his face was so greedy and that it didn’t sit right with her. Mayah glared at him. Trying to figure out what to say and only her manners saved her.

  “Thank you Grax.”

  He quickly responded with, “You’re welcome. You can thank me with gifts.” He held out his paw. “Gifts now please.”

  Mayah growled and decided that the best offense was a good defense. She said, “We’ll get to that later.” and turned to ignore the covetous the kitty.

  “So, Margaret, what god awful plan did I come up with? Well I took Vergie and the rötten into this new section of the duskrass. It went from awful to awesome, and then to god-awful when I discovered a new dungeon portal. I went to recon the place and the door closed behind me. Had to try and fight my way out. Came across a real nasty that choked me out and sent me for respawn.”

  “Oh no, dear. I’m so sorry.”

  “And you’re sure it wasn’t some random trash mob? It wasn’t your first encounter in the dungeon, was it?”

  Mayah’s eyes burned into the kitty

  “Just asking.” Grax smiled knowingly. “By the way, what are ‘the rötten?’” Grax asked making furry air quotes.

  “Oh, they’re my new animal companions. Riker, Deanna, where are you?” She looked around the clearing and heard no squeaks or chitters. She quickly checked her minimap. The blue dots of her rötten were still in the skull cave.

  “Flarfing fig nuggets. They’re still trapped in clacker’s alley. You guys up for a rescue mission? Gotta save my buds.”

  “What’s going on?” Margaret asked.

  "I died while I was in the cave and my companions are still there. We gotta go get them. Gear up! It’s time for a night mission.”

  She pulled out the whip and filled it’s charge then activated it briefly. It sparkled in the darkness and drew Grax towards it like a moth to flame.

  “Gifts now please?” he mewled pleadingly.

  “Your gifts aren’t finished but we’ll get to that soon enough.”

  “So, you had time to make a light whip but no time to make apology gifts?”

  “Two whips—but the first one was horrible failure. I had to start from scratch. Used up a bunch of my extreeeeeeeeeemely valuable time.”

  Grax resorted to the beg eyes.

  “I’ll get to it ASAP, I promise.”

  Grax’s beg eyes hardened into a glare. “You better.”

  “Will you please go back to snubbing me? We need to save my buds.”

  “Fine, fine.”

  “I’ll clear the path you and Mags split the watch. Shouldn’t take us too long with my new weed wacker.” she hefted the whip. “You ready?”

  “Yes dear.”

  “… Always”

  “Then let’s get to it.”


  They arrived at the portal stone to clackers alley and everyone got their key. The boulder rolled back showing the skull rising from the ground.

  “That is just ominous,” Margaret whispered.

  “It’s supposed to be. About fifty feet in is a trigger that’ll shut the door so I’m just gonna call them from here. I don’t care what happens I’m not going back in there until it’s time to clear it.”

  “What’s got you so spooked?” Grax asked wryly.

  “Yes dear, this is not like you at all.”

  “The thing that killed me. It was a horrible way to go.”

  “Afraid of a little ole slime, are ya?”

  “When we go back in, we’ll find one for you to solo and see what you think of a little ole slime.”

  “And by solo, I’m assuming you mean to fight alone.”

  “There ya go Mags. it’s all coming together for ya.” Mayah gave the happily blushing necromancer a high five.

  “Traaaaash Mob!!! Killed by a tu-uh-uh-rash uh-mob!!!!” Grax began singing

  “Shut up cat.”

  “Make up your mind is it snub or pay attention? This is why snub is my default. Plus, Tuh-raaaaash Mob!!! Tu-uh-uh-rash uh-mob!!!!”

  Margaret clonked him over the head with her bow.

  “Ow lady, that’s no purse.”

  “Nope! This has better aim.” She showed him the serving of knuckle sandwich he would get if he didn’t pipe down.

  “Fine I’m quieting.”

  Mayah hollered down the throat of the skull and prayed that Riker and Deanna could hear her. Margaret and Grax relaxed by the portal stone waiting for any reaction. She Hollered for at least ten minutes but when she checked her minimap the blue dots hadn’t move.

  “They’re not moving. I wonder if they can hear me?”

  “Maybe you should yell louder.”

  “Thanks, Grax. I think I’ll do just that.” Her fingers reached for the medallion hanging at her neck.

  “Oh no…” Grax winced.

  Mayah faced the empty cavern.

  I wonder if this will draw aggro or just echo down the tunnel. I don’t even know if I can make words while screaming. Guess there’s only one way to find out.

  She triggered the necklace and over the course of three seconds she managed to form the word “Riker.” Any angry mother would have been proud of that feat. it would have reached the ears of screaming children playing in the creek out in the back forty with ease.

  The sound echoed loudly from the mouth of the skull multiple diminishing waves. With her throat burning Mayah studied her map and saw the rötten finally stir on the minimap. Thank god for that.

  They moved in an erratic path across the screen towards her. Sometimes they were very close together and sometimes they separated. As they came closer to the entrance Mayah could hear the clonking sound again. Except there were a lot more of the noise than she had heard before. It sounded like a bamboo wind chime factory in a hurricane. Mayah pulled out a club light, activated it and tossed it as far into darkness as she could.

  “Oooh, what’s that? And can I have one?” Grax stepped up next to her.

  “Hush up. Can’t you hear that?”

  “Yes, and I would feel much better if I had my daggers.”

  “Ssss…” she inhaled. “My bad.” She pulled the daggers from her inventory and tossed then to Grax.

  “The rötten should be in the light soon. Mags, do not shoot anything that looks like a rat until I say so, okay?”

  Margaret nodded. Suddenly two dark furry forms ran through the circle of light and exited into the darkness on the side closer to the trio. Margaret had an arrow
drawn and gave it a little extra pull but was waiting for Mayah’s signal. The clonking was also getting noticeably louder as it echoed out of the depths.

  Two furry faces ran out into the open air bounding towards Mayah. It was a slow-motion reunion scene as Deanna and Riker seemed to vault towards Mayah across the small clearing. She scooped them up in a furious hug and then screamed in pain flinging Deanna out of the embrace.

  Grax drew his sword and Margaret targeted the rötten.

  “Stop!!!” Mayah screamed as she put herself between Deanna and her friends. She turned to the rötten who was dusting herself off and looking irritated, pointed a finger and sternly said “Soft fur.”

  With an irritated squeak Deanna’s fur unbristled, Mayah snatched her up and began smooshing the rötten to her face.

  "I am so glad you are both okay. Do you have any injuries?”

  Riker began squeaking and then put a paw on Mayah’s cheek, then pointed to the tunnel. Mayah turned her attention back to the open skull. Both of her friends were facing the opening as well. The clonking was on the edge of thunderous, and they could see nothing. Onward the sound came its hollow reverberations unrelenting in its timbre.

  Grax pulled out both of his swords and stood ready. Mayah put the rötten on her shoulders and armed happiness. The rötten scurried into the hood and looked over each of Mayah’s shoulders. Margaret hadn’t unstrung her bow in the first place and was looking down the tunnel.

  Hollow clonks that came with the rhythm of summer rain falling on tin roofs, rapidly grew in volume and intensity. it was as if someone had filled a stadium with dryers, and then filled those dryers with bamboo and small stones.

  “A storm is coming,” Grax growled deeply. “It’s got cold, lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll’s eyes.”


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