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Link (Dragon Riders MC Book 1)

Page 15

by Savannah Rylan

  “You mean…”

  I nodded. “Yep. That's exactly what I mean.”

  He whistled lowly. “That’s risky as fuck, Link. And bold. Even for you.”

  I shrugged. “It’s the only thing we can do to make sure they never step back into this town again.”

  “Joanna might be able to help us with that, though. You know, her being a lawyer and all.”

  I grinned. “That’s exactly what I’m thinking.”

  “It would sure as hell put her career on the map, too.”

  “If we can pull it off.”

  He paused. “You think we can pull it off?”

  I shrugged. “Worth a shot.”

  And that was the truth. Anything like this was worth a shot. Especially if it would benefit all of us for the long-term future.

  All we had to do was figure out how the fuck to catch Skeleton in the act of distributing all of his shit at once.



  “And you trust them completely?” Hope asked.

  I set her bag down in the room she chose. “Yep. I really do.”

  “And you think they’ll keep their word? You know, about me having privacy at night?”

  I paused. “That, I’m not so sure of.”

  Hope froze. “That’s the only reason why I agreed to do this in the first fucking place, Jo.”

  I furrowed my brow. “Now, settle down there. I know you’re on edge and I know this is scary, but biting the hand that’s trying to help you isn’t going to do you any good.”

  “What? So, now I’m indebted to them?”

  “Uh, yeah. I’d say a bit.”

  She sighed. “Link promised me privacy at night.”

  “And I know he’s going to keep that promise. But there are ways to make sure you’re safe without someone being in this clubhouse or even in the vicinity of it.”

  Her eyes cased the walls. “Are there cameras in this place?”


  “Jo, are they going to watch me piss or something?”

  My God, what she must’ve been through. “No. There aren’t any cameras.”

  “Then, how are they going to keep an eye on me?”

  “It’s not about keeping an eye on you, Hope. It’s about making sure no one gets into the clubhouse to get to you in the first place.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “What do you know?”


  “You’re talking like you know something. And you’re already moved in with Link anyway. What do you know? What has he told you?”

  Damn it. “Hope, do you trust me?”

  “Not when you hide shit from me, no.”

  I placed my hands on her shoulders. “I need you to listen to me, okay? Now isn’t the time to be fighting against us right now. You're not alone in any of this, even though you feel alone. Okay?”

  “I don’t trust them, Jo. Not like you do, anyway.”

  I squeezed her shoulders. “I know. And I don’t expect you to. But I’m asking you to give them a chance to earn that trust from you. They’re going to be watching your ass, after all. Bringing you food. Toiletries. Things you’re going to need all the way out here. You’re safe, and no one is going to be hovering over you while you sleep. You’ve got my absolute word on that.”

  Her eyes watered. “Promise?”

  I cupped her cheeks. “With everything I am.”

  I drew my sister in for a hug and held her while she cried. She clung to me, her tiny body trembling as her tears soaked my shoulder. I looked up and tried to blink back my own tears. I held her as tightly as she held me, hoping to squeeze all of the fear and hopelessness out of her body. And as we stood there in the only bedroom in this entire place that had absolutely no windows, I sent up a silent prayer.

  Lord, please make this work.

  “I’m going to come visit as often as I can,” I said.

  She sniffled. “Promise?”

  I kissed the side of her head. “Promise, promise. And I’ll come with treats. You’ll never hurt for doughnuts out here. That, I can assure you.”

  She giggled. “I miss eating doughnuts with you.”

  I pressed her out in front of me with my hands. “And I’ll bring that full-fat milk with me, too.”

  “Oh, that’s always the best with piping hot doughnuts.”

  I smiled. “You’re not hurting for modern amenities out here, too. I mean, there’s no cable or internet. But you are going to have phone service and Link’s already hooked up a video game system.”

  “Video games?”

  “You can also watch movies on it. I’m preparing to stock you up with the good ones I know are your favorites.”

  Her eyes lit up. “Like Beauty and the Beast?”

  I nodded. “And the remake. Also, every Jumanji movie and remake out there.”

  She gasped. “Can we get the Marvel series, too!? I’ve missed so many movies and I love them so much.”

  I grinned. “You just want to watch Loki, don’t you?”

  “Hey, my downfall is always going to be a nice bad boy.”

  “He has to be nice to you, though. That’s the key.”

  She nodded. “Well, when I find one of those that isn’t Link, I’ll let you know.”

  I shot her a playful glare. “Yeah. Since he’s off limits.”

  Link’s voice sounded in the hallway. “Sounds like you two are having a lot of fun back here.”

  Hope and I turned to face the doorway as his massive form appeared.

  “Got the gaming system hooked up. Bowser’s bringing over some games, but I think that’ll be more for the guys’ entertainment than anything else,” he said.

  Hope paused. “I’m pretty sure they should be more focused on my protection than video games.”

  Link chuckled. “You don’t know Bowser. It’s mostly for him. He actually can’t concentrate without his hands being occupied with something. ADHD, and all that.”

  I licked my lips. “Wait. Can you play games without Wifi out here?”

  Link snickered. “My men will create a hotspot in a moment in order to use that thing if it’s necessary. You don’t have to worry about them.”

  Hope held up her finger. “And yet again, I iterate that this isn’t a time to be playing video games.”

  Link nodded. “And you have my word that they won’t be played unless it’s absolutely necessary. Or unless this place is completely locked down and there’s no chance of someone getting to you.”

  I looked over at Hope and studied her face. And when she nodded, I knew we were in the clear.

  “Okay. I can understand that. I mean, I fidget with my hands to help me with anxiety. So, I’m sure that’s not much different. And I wouldn't want your guys to be on edge or anything,” she said.

  Link nodded. “I’ve also got some movies already stocked. A few romantic comedies, a few action movies. A couple of Joanna’s favorites.”

  I lifted my hand. “And I’ll bring more.”

  Hope drew in a quick breath. “The rest of my stuff is going to be here soon, right?”

  I heard a voice out in the hallway. “Just waiting for you guys to stop talking so we can bring it in!”

  The three of us laughed as Link stepped off to the side. One by one, guys filed into the room. Dropping a bag and taking a good look at Hope. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her close. I didn’t want her to feel as if she were on display. But I didn’t like the way some of the guys looked at her.

  Including one of them that I was pretty sure had “V.P.” stamped across the front of his jacket.

  “Why are they staring?” Hope whispered.

  I leaned into her ear. “Because they haven’t seen you yet. Can’t protect you if they don’t know what you look like. It’s okay. I’m right here.”

  I eyed the V.P. man hotly before he finally tore his gaze away from her. I didn’t like that. Not one bit. But Link had given me his word that none of these guys would touch my sister. Not li
ke that, anyway. And I trusted Link. I trusted his judgment with his guys. So, I took to reassuring Hope while shooting them all piercing glances.

  Just in case one of them decided to get funny with her.

  “All right. That was everything on the list,” Link said.

  Hope sniffled. “Thank you guys so much. Really.”

  Link nodded. “You picked a good room here, too. It’s centrally located. No windows, so there’s no threat there. Tactically, it’s the perfect spot in this entire place.”

  Hope nodded. “It’s why I chose it.”

  “Oh, here. Before I forget.”

  I watched Link reach around his body and remove a gun from behind him. He handed it to Hope as I stepped off to the side, and I watched her work that thing like a professional. She ejected the magazine and counted the bullets inside of it. She popped the chambered bullet out of the top of the gun before shoving it back into the magazine. She turned it around, studying it with her own eyes. And as Link laid multiple magazines down against her mattress, she popped the one in her hand back into the gun.

  “I appreciate this. Thank you so much,” Hope said.

  Link nodded. “That’s one of the guns I usually issue to my men on patrol. But it’ll serve you well out here. Are you familiar with shotguns?”

  She nodded. “I am.”

  I furrowed my brow tightly. “You are?”

  Hope slowly looked over at me. “I did what I could to survive, Jo. And one of the things I did was learn about guns.”

  I didn’t even want to know more than that. Just hearing that little bit made me sick.

  “Well,” Link said as he interjected, “there’s also a shotgun stashed in the pantry of the kitchen. The ammunition’s on the orange shelf behind the flour. You can’t miss it.”

  Hope slid the gun behind her back. “Pantry, orange shelf. Got it.”

  “The shotgun is a two-pump chump. Much better for close-range than far-range. But I’m sure you already know that.”

  “A reminder doesn’t hurt.”

  I took Hope’s hand. “Do you need anything else? I mean, other than the movies and stuff I’ll bring over later?”

  Her eyes danced between mine before she shook her head.

  “No. I’ve got what I need. I’ve got clothes, toiletries, some laundry detergent, and food. I’m going to be okay out here.”

  I sighed. “I don’t know if I’m ready to leave you yet.”

  I brought her back in for one last hug before Link practically pried me away from her. I knew she’d want to take some time to get settled in and familiar with the place. But worry and fear already crept up the back of my throat. Link ushered me through the winding hallways of the clubhouse. Guiding me closer to his bike outside. And as we stood at the front door, I peered over my shoulder.

  Watching as my sister smiled at me.

  “Love you to the moon and back,” she said.

  My eyes watered. “Love you to the stars and beyond.”

  The front door closing was the most heart-wrenching sound I’d ever heard. I wasn’t ready to let her go. I wasn’t ready to be so far apart from her again. But I had to let her settle in. I had to let Link’s guys take it from here. He ushered me to his bike, and we climbed on before I slid my helmet over my head.

  Then, I heard his voice in my ear over the Bluetooth microphone.

  “I promise, we’ve got this.”

  I sniffled. “I know. But she’s my baby sister.”

  He cranked up his bike. “She’s lucky to have you.”

  I wrapped my arms around him. “And I’m lucky to have you.”

  He chuckled. “I love you, JoJo.”

  I rested my head against his back. “I love you too, Link.”

  “Got anyplace in particular you need to be right now?”

  “Nope. Not today.”

  “Then, I think we’re very overdue for a nice ride.”

  “Anything is wonderful if you’re around, handsome.”

  With another chuckle filling my ear, he pushed off down the road. The sprawling wooden clubhouse fell quickly behind us as I closed my eyes. I drew in Link’s warmth. I clung to the leather of his jacket. A few more bikes struck up behind us, ready to make their leave as well. I wanted to ask him so many questions. Like, who was taking the first shift. And how they had worked out watching the cabin at night. But I also knew I needed to trust Link.

  So, I held my tongue.

  “This is going to be a long road, isn’t it?” I asked.

  The ground gave way to pavement as Link eased us out onto the road.

  “With the Golden Jags after all of us? Yes. But you have my word that you and your sister are safe. Now that you’re with me? Nothing else matters except your safety.”

  “I’m worried about your safety too, Link.”

  “I know. And I’m a big boy. I can take care of myself.”

  “Just promise me we’ll all make it out of this.”

  “I promise you, JoJo. I swear on my parent’s lives.”

  And as we blazed a trail down the road with the wind whipping around our bodies, I let that be enough. I forced my mind to fall blank as the vibrating of the bike’s engine tickled my thighs. I drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. As nothing but trees, bushes, and open fields passed us by, I let his words tumble around in my head. I let Link’s voice bring me comfort. I let his actions fill me with trust. I let his words be enough to settle my soul in order to enjoy the ride.

  Because a war was coming. I felt it in my bones. And eventually, I’d have to make a choice. To stand up for the people I loved or to uphold a law I swore to abide by at all costs. But as I held tightly onto the only man in my life I’d ever truly loved, I already knew the decision I’d make.

  Because my love for Link was a love for the ages.

  And no law of this land would ever come between that.

  Turn the page for a sneak peak at the next book, Bowser!

  Sneak Peak at Bowser

  “Aye, Knuckles!”

  He looked up from the bar. “What?”

  I snickered. “You greet anyone else as harshly as you greet me?”

  “Got a problem with it?”

  I shrugged. “Not if you’ve got the books I need.”

  He grumbled to himself as he dipped down behind the bar. The past few weeks had been a doozy on all of us. Knuckles, included. Not only was he in charge of half the bars we owned as a crew, he was also responsible for balancing the books. Knuckles was our numbers guy. He didn’t like that we called him as such. Not as ‘tough’ as he wanted to be known for. But, his numbers were impeccable every single time.

  Even though I went over them.

  Every. Single. Time.

  “Here,” he said.

  Knuckles dropped a stack of books on the bar before he yanked a rag off his shoulder.

  “Try not to hurt yourself with those numbers now,” he murmured.

  I smiled. “Ah, and finally we have words other than ‘what’, ‘uh huh’, and ‘yeah’.”

  He grumbled to himself, but I didn’t catch what he said. It never bothered me, anyway. Out of all the men in the Dragon Riders, Knuckles was one we could all count on. He was there when we needed him, he never said ‘no’ to a decent-enough proposition that made him money, and he always kept his mouth shut. I mean, unless someone stepped on his toes.

  I saw that happen once.

  And it ended in bloodshed.

  “Thanks, Knuckles!”

  “Yeah, yeah,” he murmured.

  With the beginning of the week came the beginning of my weekly responsibilities. Mondays were centered around traveling to the bars we owned in our area in order to check in on things. Then, I had to head back to our command center bar, the Iron Horse, and look at all of the security feeds. Every bar had one. And while I could watch them in the individual bars, I enjoyed watching those tapes as well as going over Knuckles’ numbers for the month.

  Then, I set up everyone to get paid.

  Every week, the same shit: numbers, books, bars, and beers. Inventory had to be ordered and overtime had to be paid on time. Direct deposit routing numbers had to be double-checked because one of our bars had an oddly-high turn-over rate with bartenders and waitresses alike. I still hadn’t figured out why that damn bar tore through employees so quickly.

  Still, it brought us in a lot of money. So, I jotted that issue down for another time.

  Another week.

  Another month, before I dealt with it.

  “Hey, Bowser.”

  I sighed. “Make it quick, Sly. What’s up?”

  “Got another waitress that quit on me.”

  “Did you hit on her?”

  “Nah. Too thin for me.”

  I chuckled. “Did you otherwise make a pass at her that could’ve been misconstrued as you wanting her pussy?”

  “Uh, see my prior answer.”

  I peered over my shoulder. “Did you stop scheduling her because you didn’t want to look at her?”

  He paused. “I mean, she put in for two weeks of vacation. Might as well give it to her now.”

  I sighed. “Sly, you can’t hire, fire, and decide not to book someone. The bars have procedures for a reason. Don’t make me regret putting you in charge of this damn bar. It’s already got the highest turnover rate with--.”

  “I know, I know. She’s a bitch, though, dude. She slapped me in the middle of my bar a few nights back.”

  I blinked. “And you didn't fire her, then?”

  He grinned. “You know I like ‘em feisty.”

  I think I found the issue with the bar. “You’ve got a month to show me you can retain the same staff week after week. And if you can’t? Knuckles takes over your bar, too.”

  “He’s got enough shit on his plate.”

  “And he’ll have more if you can’t get it together. Don’t make me regret this.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Fine. Okay. I’ll go apologize.”

  “Yes. Go apologize, then let her know that assaulting the owner of the bar won’t be tolerated. Then, fire her.”

  “I can do that, too.”

  “And for fuck’s sake, Sly. Don’t sleep with her!”


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