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Elven Accord

Page 11

by Daniel Schinhofen

  Becky’s shiver told him exactly how much she liked that idea. “I’d better finish playing with Mousie before you join me, then.”

  Hand slipping between Becky’s thighs, fingers tracing down the inviting valley, Alvin leaned in close to her. “Who says I’m going to let you have time to play?”

  A muffled moan came from Becky as she bit into Kuro’s shoulder to muffle herself, which made Kuro let out another squeak. “Gothy… please,” Kuro pleaded from under her.

  “Looks like Mousie needs it almost as bad as you do,” Alvin said as his fingers found just the right spot to get Becky moaning with each rub.

  “Hero, you’re mean…” Becky managed with difficulty. “Please, let me go play with my toy for a bit.”

  “Please, Hero,” Kuro added from under Becky.

  Alvin was interested in Kuro’s reaction. “Don’t move, Gothy,” he whispered as he moved over and kneeled next to Kuro, looking in her eyes. “What do you want, Mousie?”

  Kuro’s eyes were full of need. “Gothy… I need her to use me.”

  “I want to use her myself,” Alvin said simply. “Just as you belong to her, she belongs to me. Would you feel right stopping her from playing with you, if you had a toy of your own?”

  Kuro looked away from him, her face falling. “No.”

  “Good answer, Mousie,” Alvin said, gently reaching out to rub her head. She brought her gaze back to him and he saw fear, revulsion, and desire warring in her eyes. “Good girls get rewards, don’t they?”

  “Yes?” Kuro said, hope filling her eyes.

  “They do. I’ll let you have Gothy, but it comes with a price,” Alvin said softly.

  “What do you want of me?” Kuro asked as the hope faded and worry filled her eyes once more.

  “Gothy is going to take your spot, and you will bring her to orgasm with your mouth while she does the same to me. You are to keep your eyes on me as much as you can.”

  “Yes,” Kuro said with a touch of breathlessness.

  “Gothy, change places with Mousie,” Alvin said.

  They exchanged places quickly, Becky laying on her back with her head hanging off the bench, while Kuro knelt and began to pleasure her. Meeting Kuro’s eyes, Alvin leaned over Becky as he fed her her favorite treat, a sigh of pleasure escaping him as her talented mouth engulfed him. Kuro’s eyes dilated partially as he laid his head on Becky’s pelvis, an inch or two from where Kuro was licking her.

  “You’re a very good girl, Mousie,” Alvin said as he watched her intently. “Did you like it when she put you in your special case after playtime?”

  Kuro nodded, not missing a beat as she continued to give Becky pleasure. Becky moaned around Alvin’s shaft, sending vibrations to his core and making him gasp.

  “You enjoyed her holding you last night, too, didn’t you?”

  Kuro nodded again, plunging her tongue deep into Becky’s slit. Alvin watched her, a smirk coming to his lips. “Did you enjoy cleaning her after I filled her?”

  Kuro moaned loudly, her eyes dilating further as she tried to inhale Becky’s dripping sex. The vigorous assault on her caused Becky to clamp her legs around Kuro’s head, even as she began to gag on Alvin’s length.

  Grunting as he tried to hold off his own orgasm, Alvin could see Kuro’s conflicted desire growing. “When she cums, you can cum, Mousie, and you will cum with the full knowledge that I wanted to watch you.”

  Pulling his hips back as far as he could, he paused for a moment. Once Becky had caught her breath, he began to facefuck her, all the while keeping Kuro’s eyes trapped with his. “Here it comes, Gothy,” Alvin grunted as he felt the dam break. A tide of semen filled Becky’s mouth, and she tried to swallow it all down.

  Becky came a moment later, the combination of the assault on her sex and Alvin giving her what she wanted pushing her over the edge. As Becky started to flood Kuro with her juices, Kuro clamped her mouth down on Becky’s clit, her own orgasm starting. Eyes twitching, she held contact with Alvin and she rode it out.

  Finally done, Alvin pulled away from Becky’s suckling mouth with a shudder. Sinking to the floor beside the bench, he gave Becky a smile and kissed her cheek. “Good girl, Gothy.”

  “I want more,” Becky murmured to him. She sat up to find Kuro huddled on the floor, shaking from her aftershocks. “So cute,” Becky murmured, reaching down to stroke Kuro’s hair. “Come on, Mousie. Time to get some real play in.”

  With shaky arms, Kuro levered herself up and got to her feet with help from Becky. Looking at Alvin with confused eyes, Kuro was led by Becky out of the shower to dry off. Alvin watched them go with a pensive look.

  Wonder if I went too far? Alvin thought as he got to his feet. Shaking the thought off, he took his time cleaning up. When he left the shower, he listened, but didn’t hear any sound. Once he’d dried off, he made his way to the dungeon. Kuro was bound to a mobile table set up next to the spanking bench. She was gagged and blindfolded as Becky used a flogger in her left hand, and a crop in her right. Kuro’s body had a number of small bruises where Becky had marked her.

  “Gothy, are you going to be a bit?” Alvin asked.

  “Almost done, Hero,” Becky said as she gave Kuro a few more strikes with each toy. Stepping back, Becky smiled at her handiwork. “I really enjoy having my own toy.”

  “I’ve been meaning to ask,” Alvin said as he put his arms around Becky from behind. “That first night, she did consent to being treated like this, correct?”

  “Yes,” Becky murmured. “She knew she’d been bad, and when I asked if she was ready for her punishment, she readily accepted. That was when I found out that the Queen’s Elves do similar things to those who are bound to them who incur displeasure. Kuro was raised to accept this as punishment, and as sometimes happens, she has found that pleasure can be found this way, too.”

  “I was worried you might have just used her,” Alvin said, “which would have made it abuse.”

  “No, Hero. I wouldn’t do that,” Becky said quickly. “Once I knew she liked this kind of play, I used the collar to make her tell me her needs and limits. She doesn’t like it when blood happens, so I do my best to make sure that I don’t break her skin.”

  “Okay,” Alvin said, kissing at her neck. “Now it’s time to play with my gothic temptress.”

  “Hmm, yes,” Becky murmured.

  “Move the table over in front of the padded bench,” Alvin told her. “You’re going to please her while I play with you.”

  “Yes, Hero,” Becky said, quickly getting Kuro positioned.

  Once Becky was ready and buckled to the bench, Alvin leaned against her back. “No orgasms until Mousie has three, Gothy,” Alvin said, positioning himself to bring the flogger down across Becky’s upper back.

  Alvin took his time, making sure each blow was light enough to not cause real damage as he covered Becky’s back and thighs with strikes. After each hit, he would gently run his hand over the area, murmuring calming words to her. Anytime Becky started to flag in her attentions to Kuro’s sex, Alvin would use his bare hand to swat her across the ass and tell her to focus.

  Alvin wasn’t sure how long he played with them, but eventually, Kuro finally released for the third time. As soon as she did, Becky cried out, her long overdue orgasm finally coming. Putting the flogger away, Alvin went to Kuro and unbuckled her, taking the gag away. Leaning down, he whispered in her ear, “Go clean your Matriarch up, Mousie.” She got off the table and crawled under Becky.

  Grabbing a crop, Alvin went back to the table. Gagging Becky with the same one Kuro had just been wearing, he began to land stinging blows on her ass with the crop. Kuro startled backward at the first blow, but seeing the caring smile on Alvin’s face, went back to her task. Each blow made her flinch for a bit, until she was able to ignore them.

  Becky’s eyes were rolling in her head as Alvin and Kuro played with her. A hazy happiness settled over her as the sting faded and she drifted on a cloud.

  “Cum ag
ain for me, Gothy,” the words barely intruded on her daze, but her body responded immediately.

  Kuro lapped up the fresh offering with eagerness, hoping her Matriarch was pleased with her. Alvin started to put things away and get Becky undone. He knelt down next to Kuro as he unbuckled Becky’s legs.

  “Mousie, Gothy was using a suitcase for you. Did you want to go into that tonight, or would you rather join us in the bed?”

  Kuro looked up with a torn expression for a long moment, before the single word came out, barely audible. “Bed.”

  “You know where it is. Go get it ready for me to lay Gothy down,” Alvin said softly as he stood up.

  Kuro got to her feet and, with wobbly steps, headed for the bedroom. Alvin waited a moment for her to leave before putting his lips next to Becky’s ear. “Ready to snuggle with your Mousie and be held by your Hero?”

  “Mmm,” Becky mumbled, reaching out for him with one hand.

  Carefully, Alvin got her into his arms and carried her to the bed. Kuro was leaning against the wall and had the blankets pulled back. Placing Becky onto the bed, Alvin got her situated and stepped back. “This is your spot, Mousie,” he said, patting the bed next to Becky.

  Kuro gave him a hesitant look, but climbed into bed dutifully. Becky’s questing hand quickly found Kuro and pulled her into an embrace. Alvin chuckled as he pulled the blankets up over them. Going around the bed, he climbed in and snuggled up behind Becky.

  Becky was snoring long before Alvin finally found sleep. Sharing is caring, Alvin thought as he drifted to sleep.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Alvin woke to the sound of voices and the smell of food. Rubbing his eyes clear, he found himself alone in bed. He turned over and saw both women, wearing only aprons, in the kitchen. Becky was teaching Kuro how to cook.

  Alvin just lay there watching them. The differences were obvious and appealing in their own ways: thick and juicy versus slender and flexible. Many men would kill Alvin to be where he currently was, he had no doubts about that.

  After a few minutes of watching them, a thought finally ticked over in his head. The game was supposed to have changed all over again this morning. Alvin sighed in exasperation, catching Kuro’s attention. Becky followed her gaze to see Alvin lounging in the bed.

  “Just going to lay there and watch us?” Becky asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “It’s a compelling sight,” Alvin said as he finally started to get up. “I mean, yin and yang in almost every way.”

  Becky’s smile faltered for a second, but Alvin shook his head. “Silly Gothy,” Alvin said as he went to her. “I told you the other day, and I will keep telling you: you are what perfection looks like to me.” Pulling her into a hug, he kissed her softly.

  When they broke the kiss, Becky was flushed. “You make me feel… so awkward sometimes.”

  “Yeah, I know,” Alvin smiled. “I see you both had a shower already, so I’m going to go grab one myself.”

  “We should be done with food by that point,” Becky told him. “We’ll get dressed so Jarvis can fill us in on what’s changed.”

  “Sounds like a good idea,” Alvin said as he headed for the bathroom.

  He didn’t even look at me once he got out of bed, Kuro thought as Alvin walked away. An angry spark burned in her chest for a moment… Jealousy? I’m not jealous of Matriarch Gothy, am I?

  Becky turned back to see the conflicted look on Kuro’s face, and an evil smile curled up her lips. “Feeling a bit left out, Mousie? Wanted to feel those arms around you, did you?”

  Eyes snapping to Becky, Kuro looked around. “No, of cours—”

  “Truth only,” Becky said firmly.

  “Yes… and I don’t know why,” Kuro hissed. “He is male, he is evil.”

  “Hero is certainly both of those things,” Becky said, coming to stand at Kuro’s side as they continued to fix breakfast. “He would look at you more if you weren’t so fearful and hateful of him. You’ll have to earn the right to feel his love, though.”

  “I don’t want that,” Kuro said, but the words seemed to twist as she said them.

  “Conflicted on what you want,” Becky said with a knowing nod. “I know what that feels like, I’ve been there. You’ll come around in time.”

  Kuro remained silent as she stirred the eggs in the pan. I don’t want him touching me… I don’t want… his arms holding me, his lips kissing me. I’m no mewling child. I don’t need a man to make me feel. Kuro kept her thoughts bottled tight as she focused on the food in front of her.

  Twenty minutes later, they were done eating. Alvin was washing the dishes while Becky got another pot of coffee going. Jarvis retrieved the two bags that held the items he had separated to either keep or sell.

  Once everyone was back at the table, Jarvis cleared his throat. “As you know, the world changed again last night. This time, there has been a complete overhaul of major components, affecting every world. Natives of each world received knowledge of the changes via dreams. Rulers of the different worlds know how to create kiosks, and will no longer be as limited. These kiosks can still be connected to a player’s network by the player or an Envoy from a settlement. Before you ask: Envoy is a job, a very dangerous job, much like Trader will be.”

  “Everything changes?” Alvin asked bluntly.

  “A complete overhaul. This is part of what they have been working on, but they were waiting on feedback from above regarding which way to take the system: more realistic or more game-like. Feedback from the viewers indicated a strong desire for more game-like, so this is the system we will be stuck with.” Jarvis sipped at his coffee, grimacing. “Note to self, tea is better than coffee.”

  “Damned Brits,” Becky snickered.

  Ignoring the jab, Jarvis continued speaking. “Armor is different. The base idea of absorbing damage stays the same, but the way it covers the body changed. A slot system has been implemented. It will be easier to explain if you pull up your character information.”

  Alvin did as Jarvis suggested, looking at an older style character sheet with slots for equippable gear. Slots for the head, torso, legs, hands, and feet, along with five slots for accessories. At the bottom, it showed a number of spots for bags. He currently had three open slots, with two more slots greyed out.

  Examining each spot, he found his normal clothing filling the regular slots, and his duster and Kevlar taking up two of the accessory spots. It didn’t show any of his undergarments on the page. The very top of the page held outfit tabs: only one was lit, while the others were greyed out.

  “Okay, I can see it. What does it all mean, Jarvis?”

  “It should be fairly self-explanatory. The slots for clothing are not clothing, but armor. If miss were to put her horns back on, it would provide armor to her entire head again. If she put on the horns and the cap, only one of them would be in her head slot. The other would go into one of her accessory spots, so both would give her armor to her head.”

  “So we can stack armor by using the accessory spots?” Becky asked puzzled. “That seems broken as hell.”

  “Then you wouldn’t be able to equip anything else to the accessory spots, like glyphs,” Jarvis said simply. “They will probably be balancing the system for some time, but this is going to be the rough framework it all resides on. Currently, if you have multiple spots covering the body, incoming damage will eat through the appropriate accessory items before your equipped armor.”

  “How does that work if we have normal clothing we want to wear?” Becky asked.

  “You can wear any clothing you want. It is purely decorative, and will go away with a focused thought. Your equipped armor will be displayed over it, as will any accessories you have. In your case, your armor is your clothing, so it isn’t a problem, but clothing with upgrade slots is no longer available. They wanted to separate armor and clothing completely, so when you aren’t geared up, you could wear anything.”

  “What about our clothing having pocket slots?” Becky aske

  “They still work as intended. If you put your jacket into your corset, it leaves the accessory slot. When you bring it back out, it will equip into a slot if you have one open. Otherwise, it will be decorative clothing only and have no effect on your defense. They figure most people will stop using the pocket runes for clothing or armor, since bags have been settled.”

  “The bag spots?” Alvin said, using that to segue to the next subject.

  “As you can see, there are a total of five bag slots available. These bags become soul bound, and you are stuck with them. I would suggest only using large scale bags with ample storage, because if you want to remove them, you will need to buy an item from the store. It isn’t cheap… for most people. The bags exist in a quasi-pocket dimension; they just give you space to store things, and stop being physical bags once you link them. If you unlink them, they become physical bags, with any item in the spots associated to that bag.”


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