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Elven Accord

Page 39

by Daniel Schinhofen

  “We worked a bit better, but once Mousie moves in front we’re still holding shots, which means more of them get to her. We’re getting better, but it’s going to take a while to be perfectly in synch with each other. The extra Brawn for all of us makes a big difference in close combat.”

  “I tried to hold back. The two guns worked well to start, but once I go to my blades, it is hard to think about switching back. I will work on that. Gothy is correct about the Brawn.”

  “Okay, the Brawn was good. We need to train more, and Mousie is going to try and switch up weapons when she can. Does that cover all of it?”

  “Yeah,” Becky said, stretching. “How about we take a break, then try a little vehicle combat situation? Like the dragon at Hawthorne?”

  “Ugh, that’s going to suck,” Alvin said. “We still experience some pain in the simulation... the idea of being roasted alive is not fun.”

  “Then don’t get us roasted,” Becky said as she headed for the door. “We should also upgrade the other two rooms and let some of our gear start repairing.”

  “Good point,” Alvin said as he summoned the pad to hand.

  Chapter Fifty-two

  When he woke the next morning after a day of training, a fabulous meal of lobster tails and filet mignon, and sex with both women, Alvin felt he could take on the world. Becky was curled up to his left, snoring. He smiled and got out of bed to take care of bodily needs.

  “Hero, may I come out now?”

  Turning back at the bed, his smile grew wider. Triggering the shutters and opening them noiselessly, he saw Kuro near the door of her cage. “Morning, Mousie. Did you sleep well?”

  “Yes, I did. It’s silly, but I do like my bed even though I could have slept with you two last night.”

  “We all have our own peculiarities,” Alvin said, opening the door for her. “You won’t ever open the door yourself, will you?”

  “No, not unless there is desperate need,” Kuro said, sliding out and coming to her feet next to him. “It is my place with you and Gothy.”

  “How about a shower?” Alvin asked, putting his arm around her waist. “I haven’t had the chance to have you all to myself in there yet.”

  A slight shiver ran down her spine, “If that is your desire, Hero.”

  “We’ve come a long way very quickly, Mousie.”

  “I had Gothy to help me,” Kuro said, walking with him to the bathroom.

  “She can sweep you along with her desires if you let her,” Alvin chuckled.

  “I know, but it led us to this, and I find being with you both has me feeling warm and content all the time. Even when we were facing down the forest, I was sure we would survive because you were both there with me.”

  “Damn, that sets the bar a little high,” Alvin said. “We’re not going to walk away unscathed all the time, especially when we get back to earth. The things and people we fight have the same weaponry or better that we have.”

  “I’ve become aware of that with the training room,” Kuro agreed. “It will be challenging, but as long as you’re both there, I shall be happy.”

  “Go get the water started. I’ll be in to join you shortly.”

  “I’ll be waiting,” Kuro said, letting her eyes linger on him as she entered the shower. By the time he joined her, Kuro was covered in soap and standing by the middle bench. “I’ve been waiting, Hero. I’m going to clean you now.”

  Alvin smiled, “I take it the bench is for me?”

  “Please, lay down?”

  Alvin did as she asked, laying on his stomach and waiting. A few heartbeats later, Kuro’s smooth, soap-slick skin was against his as she used her body to rub him. Closing his eyes, Alvin relished the contact with her. Not that long ago she would have bolted from the shower, but now, she was as eager for this moment as he was.

  Need to thank Gothy for giving her this idea... though she might be mad that Mousie did it to me before her, Alvin sighed happily and enjoyed the moment.

  “Turn over,” Kuro whispered in his ear, pulling herself from his back.

  Alvin did so, aware of his cock standing tall and proud. “You’ve gotten me all worked up, Mousie.”

  “I see,” Kuro said, lathering more soap on her chest. “I’ll take care of it as soon as you’re clean, Hero.”

  “Taking after Gothy all right...” Alvin murmured as he watched her build the suds on her breasts.

  A pleased smile settled on Kuro’s lips as she leaned over him, her breasts inches from his chest. “Thank you. I consider being like Gothy a high compliment.”

  Alvin closed his eyes, reveling in the sensation of the high, firm peaks of Kuro’s breasts rubbing slowly across his torso. When she got to his groin and pushed them together as best she could, he raised his head.

  “I’m not endowed like Gothy, but I can still try to do this,” Kuro said, squeezing her bust around his shaft and working him over with her slick skin.

  “Different, but still wonderful,” Alvin said, reaching down to gently stroke one of her ears.

  Pulling her head back after a small moan escaped her, Kuro shook her head. “No, this is me pleasing you. Please let me finish before you distract me?”

  Chuckling, Alvin smirked, “For now.”

  Kuro didn’t try to get him off, wanting to just excite him more before she finished rubbing him down with the soap. The moment she finished with his feet, she brought warm water down on him from the rain head above the bench, using one of the wands to quickly clean herself up as well.

  Hanging the wand back up, Kuro knelt in front of him, deftly taking his cleaned shaft in hand. “Now it is time for a pre-breakfast snack.”

  Alvin’s cock stiffened more in her hand. “Sounds good to me, Mousie. Come up here and let me do the same.”

  Eyes sparkling, Kuro straddled him with her sex over his face, taking his length into her mouth as he began to lick at her. Both of them were lost in the pleasure they were getting and giving.

  Feeling his balls tighten up after minutes of Kuro’s mouth working him, Alvin slapped her ass and pulled his own mouth away from her. “Stop.”

  Collar tingling, Kuro resisted the control momentarily, then finally let him out of her mouth. “Why? You were so close.”

  “Because I want more of you,” Alvin said as he gently disengaged her from him. “Ride me, Mousie. I want to feel you taking me deep inside of you until we both lose control.”

  Breath catching, Kuro climbed atop him, putting the tip of him into her ready slit and easing herself down his length, letting out small whimpering squeaks. Alvin watched her while taking slow deep breaths, feeling her tight tunnel slowly accepting him inch by inch. When she finally had him fully inside of her, her eyes were glazed and he was breathing faster.

  Hips rotating in a tight circle, Kuro eased a few inches out of him and sank back down. Her squeak of pleasure was accompanied by his moan when she had him fully seated again.

  Bringing his hands up to her hips, Alvin lifted her up and pulled her back down fast onto him. Eyes widening, she met his gaze, “Hero…”

  “My Mousie,” Alvin whispered as he took control of her waist. “I wanted you to ride me, but I can’t help it. I need you, now.”

  Mouth opening when Alvin lifted her and slammed her down again, a moan came out instead of a squeak as she gave herself over to him. “Then take me, Hero. I belong to you and Gothy.”

  Spurred on by her surrender, Alvin began to pump her light and lithe body up and down his shaft, entirely grateful they had upgraded their stats yesterday.

  “Now that is a wonderful thing to behold,” Becky said from the doorway. “Sharing is caring, and I’m glad to see you two are comfortable to have fun without me. I was worried that you might not.”

  “Help me, Gothy,” Alvin grunted as he increased the speed at which he pummeled Kuro’s sex. “Nip her ears and fondle her perky tits.”

  “As you command, Hero,” Becky said, gliding over to do as he asked.

  It was
n’t long after that when Kuro’s sex gripped him tightly and a guttural sound of pleasure came from her as she climaxed. Alvin tried to join her, but Kuro’s passage had clamped down so tightly he couldn’t manage to cum.

  “Fuck, too tight,” Alvin gasped as he kept slamming her down onto him, wanting to finish but unable to. Eyes squeezed shut, Alvin waited for Kuro’s orgasm to end.

  Becky watched them, enthralled, while she kept nibbling at Kuro’s ears. Letting one of her hands leave Kuro’s breasts, she moved down Kuro’s body and began to rub her clit.

  Her back arched and Kuro’s eyes snapped open then rolled back into her head as her orgasm, which had been abating, climbed even higher. “Gothy… Hero…!” she managed to gasp out before she slumped in Gothy’s arms.

  The second orgasm made her painfully tight to Alvin, and his face contorted in a mixture of pain and pleasure as his cock was all but crushed by the tight passage he was buried in. When Kuro passed out, his delayed orgasm was finally possible, and he ground Kuro’s hips against his as spurt after spurt of his cum filled her.

  Panting when he finally finished, he opened his eyes to find Becky staring down at him with her own lust-filled gaze. “Thank you, Gothy. Come here and give me your pussy. I’ll get you off.”

  Easing Kuro down onto his chest, she walked around and lowered her dripping sex to his lips. It wasn’t long before Gothy’s thighs clenched around his head as he brought her to orgasm. Becky’s moan of pleasure was enough to rouse Kuro, who was still impaled on Alvin’s mostly flaccid member.

  “Morning, Gothy,” Kuro mumbled. She sat up and shuddered as Alvin’s cock twitched inside her.

  “Morning, Mousie,” Becky said, leaning forward to kiss her. “Did you enjoy having Hero all to yourself?”

  Kuro looked down, “I didn’t—”

  “It’s not a rebuke,” Becky cut her off. “I meant what I said when I walked in.”

  “I would never wish to come between you,” Kuro said quickly.

  “You never will, Mousie. I’m his, and you are ours.”

  “Our relationship might stumble here and there, but it will never fail,” Alvin added. “Now let’s tag team Gothy and then get her all clean.”

  “As you command, Hero.” Kuro said, slipping herself free of his shaft.

  “Oh, I like this idea,” Becky said as she stepped back to let Alvin up. “Who gets my front and who gets my back, hmm?”

  Chapter Fifty-three

  After a wonderful breakfast, they returned to the inn. Captain Steelheart and a squad of guards were waiting for them in the lobby.

  “Captain, we’re ready,” Becky told the guard.

  Steelheart’s brow furrowed as she looked at Becky, then at Alvin. “Did you change something?”

  “Yes,” Becky grinned. “Are you ready to take us before the Queen?”

  “Follow me,” Steelheart said, still trying to puzzle out what had changed about them.

  The guards fell in around the group, forming a protective circle around them. It was only a short walk to the castle gate, which opened as they approached. The grounds and gardens were still just as lovely as they had been a week before, a fact that all three of them enjoyed as they drew closer to the castle.

  At the castle doors, Steelheart saluted the two guards in ornate armor standing outside. “I bring Matriarch Gothy and her two aides,” Steelheart announced.

  “They are expected,” one of the guards replied, “take them directly to the throne room.”

  Saluting again, Steelheart waited while the guard rapped on the door. One of the two doors opened, and the Captain led them inside. Beside the door, the same ancient light-skinned Elf waited. When they passed the threshold, the Elf closed the door and went back to his small table and chair.

  Steelheart didn’t wait, marching down the hall toward another pair of double doors. Two more guards were posted at these doors. Neither of the guards spoke as the group approached, but one did open the door, allowing Steelheart to march right on past.

  Alvin, Becky, and Kuro changed their clothing as they entered the room. The black stone of the throne room tried to drink in the light from the plethora of candles and torches that lit the hall, but it failed against the sheer illumination from hundreds of small flames.

  The room was filled with people conversing in soft voices. As they walked through, the voices fell silent where they’d passed. Alvin could feel the hush that had settled over the room by the time they came to a halt a dozen feet from the throne.

  The Queen was wearing a white gown with lace, hinting at all of her curves but managing to not show anything improper. The neutral expression on her face made Alvin’s hackles rise. At the foot of the dais, Wintersbreath and Skyfall stood facing the group, both wearing ornate leather armor.

  Steelheart came to a stop near the lowest step of the dais, just ahead of Alvin, Becky, and Kuro. Going to one knee and bowing her head, she spoke, her voice carrying the length of the room, “Your Majesty, I have brought the demons as you asked.”

  Becky curtsied, mirrored by Kuro, while Alvin bowed from his waist. The Queen’s eyebrow twitched and whispers drifted up from the nobles until she raised her hand to silence them.

  “Very good, Captain Steelheart. You are to stand by for the inquiry,” the Queen said. “Welcome back to my hall, Matriarch Gothy. I’m glad to see you have returned unscathed from the Death Wood.”

  “Thank you, Your Majesty. We failed in the task you gave us, but we accomplished something much more in its stead.”

  “Champion Wintersbreath has informed me that I lost a handful of towns on my border with the Death Wood. Hundreds of my people have perished, and were forced to rise again to do the bidding of the necromancers. What do you have to say for yourself?” The Queen’s tone held disapproval and scorn, and a murmur went through the nobles.

  Becky’s eyebrows went up and her pleasant demeanor shifted to anger. “The necromancers were well into a long-held plan to wipe out your border before we even showed up, Majesty. All three towns would have been lost before we got there if not for the speed of our vehicle. As it was, we gave at least the people of Meiraholt a chance to flee.”

  “My Queen,” a voice called from the throng, “may I speak?”

  “Matriarch Deatheyes, come forth,” the Queen said. “Your town was one of those lost. How is it that you are here amongst us?”

  “When the town fell under an onslaught of dead beasts, I was put into one of their vehicles, along with Matriarch Iceblood. As Meiraholt fell, the demons stayed at the gate to buy time for the civilians that survived the attack to flee.”

  “Matriarch Iceblood, come forward,” the Queen commanded.

  Matriarch Helina Iceblood came to stand beside Deatheyes. “You called for me, Majesty?”

  “What of your town?”

  “It fell during the second attack,” Iceblood replied. “The first was like any other; a hundred or so animals that were easily pushed back. For the second attack, though, the undead beasts numbered in the thousands.”

  A gasp of horror went up from the assembled nobles. The Queen waited before raising her hand, and the crowd fell silent. “Continue.”

  “We sent word to Meiraholt as soon as we knew what was arrayed before us. The response was led by Champion Wintersbreath and Matriarch Gothy. When we left the burning town behind us, forced to flee, we were able to note that three necromancers had been arrayed against us.”

  Another loud murmur sprang up from the assembled nobles, and the Queen looked to Skyfall. Skyfall tilted her head back and whistled loudly, immediately cutting off all conversations.

  “Three necromancers and thousands of beasts?” the Queen asked Iceblood with cold eyes.

  “Yes, Majesty. I escaped with Champion Wintersbreath in the vehicle Matriarch Gothy possesses.”

  “They took you back to Meiraholt. What transpired next?”

  “A scouting party was sent to Melinaholt. It was completely ruined.”

��Two of my towns were lost in a single night?” the Queen asked, turning her eyes to Wintersbreath.

  “It would have been three, Majesty, but Matriarch Gothy provided us with weapons never before seen to hold off the first attack on Meiraholt, and the second attack the day after. The third day, all the forces of the forest came for Meiraholt; thousands of undead working as a cohesive whole. They used packs of grezles to break the gates at Melinaholt and Helinaholt. Matriarch Gothy thwarted them during the first two attacks, but for the third attack, the necromancers were waiting. When Matriarch Gothy went out to defend the walls, they attacked her vigorously, driving her further from the town. Once she was far enough away, they used the grezles to break the gates.”


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