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Collision Course

Page 20

by Julie Trettel

  “Macie already ate. She’s putting her pj’s on now.”

  I looked at the time. “It’s still early.”

  “Yeah, but apparently the triplets wore her out last night. Mary Alice still doesn’t sleep through the night. Let’s just say any thoughts of a baby sister or brother are temporarily suspended.” She laughed.

  I stopped and looked down at her stomach. The thought hadn’t even crossed my mind. I had missed the days of seeing her swollen and round carrying my child.

  “Baine? Are you okay?”

  “Would you want more kids?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. We got it pretty perfect on the first try, I think.” She grinned, and then shook her head. “This was the first time you even considered this, isn’t it?”

  “We haven’t been cautious. Could you be?”

  She shrugged. “I guess it’s possible.”

  She nearly brought me to my knees with her nonchalant acknowledgment.

  “Relax Baine. It’s not very likely. I’ve been on human birth control since Macie was born. I would need to go off that if we decided we wanted more kids.”

  “Why are you on birth control?”

  The thought of her with another man was like a knife stabbing me through the heart.

  She laughed. “I was seventeen when I got pregnant with her. Even though I was never with anyone else, I didn’t want to ever risk being caught off guard like that again.”

  “I’m sorry, O.”

  “Don’t you dare say that. She’s the best thing I ever did.”

  I hugged her and kissed the top of her head. She brushed against my arm and I winced. My new tattoo was still a little tender.

  Olivia stepped back with scrutiny then carefully lifted my sleeve to reveal the bandage.

  “This was your necessary errand?”

  I nodded happily.

  Macie walked in while my sleeve was still up.

  “You got a new tattoo?”

  “I did.”

  “Don’t you think you have enough already.”

  “Hush your mouth, short stuff. There’s no such thing. I am extremely picky about what I adorn my body with though.”

  “Can we see it?”

  I pulled my shirt off and Macie’s eyes widened as she looked between her mother and me. “You sealed the bond?”

  “Yeah we did, last night.”

  She squealed and hugged us both.

  “Watch the arm,” I warned her.

  She pulled back with her hands on her hips. “Well, let’s see it. Is it another stripe?”


  I carefully pulled back the top of the bandage.

  Olivia gasped. “Is that my signature.”

  “Yup. I don’t want there to be any doubt of who’s mine.”

  Macie grinned and nodded. “That’s pretty cool, papa bear.”

  I pulled it off the rest of the way and for once my motormouth daughter was stunned silent.

  “That’s my name,” she whispered.

  “I tried to get him to write it around my little finger, but Cole thought it would look better here.”

  Macie hugged me. “You claimed me, too.”

  “Absolutely, short stuff. You are mine.”

  She had tears in her eyes when she finally let go of me. I looked up and Olivia was crying too.

  “Aw, come on. None of that. I don’t do tears. That’s where I draw the line.”



  I could still remember my first day of Kindergarten. It wasn’t that long ago as I am only in the second grade now. I’d been so nervous and yet I knew everyone at my school already. This time I didn’t know anyone and it was in the middle of the school year.

  Baine took off work to take me to school. Nothing like having your parents walk you in to your new class. I’d taken to calling Baine papa bear because he had somehow gotten more protective of Mom and me in the few days since they bonded.

  We were all still adjusting. It had been just me and Mom for so long. Living with a man was weird. Still, I loved having him there. He was fun and let me get away with stuff Mom would never allow. That was our little secret though. He was trying to do his best for me so I knew it was only a matter of time before that changed. I planned to enjoy it while it lasted.

  “You ready for this, short stuff?”

  “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

  We checked in with the principal first. She told me my teacher would be Ms. Heather, but she was out on maternity leave for a few more weeks so Ms. Shelby would be my substitute until then. I was happy to hear it. Shelby hadn’t mentioned it, but then she probably didn’t realize I was a second grader. I was sure I was going to be the smallest kid in class once again.

  I knew that just meant I had to hold my head a little higher and not let it show that it bothered me.

  “Oscar, are you free for a few minutes?” she asked.

  I turned and grinned, happy to see a familiar face.

  “Hi, Oscar.”

  “Hey, Macie.” Then he looked back towards our principal. “What did you need? I was just dropping off attendance.”

  “On your way back to class, could you please show Macie to Ms. Heather’s class?”

  “Yeah, sure. Come on, Mace.”

  Mom and Baine started to follow. I turned to them. “Um, could we say bye here?”

  “You don’t want us to walk you to your classroom?”

  I shook my head. “No offense, but being the new kid is hard enough as it is.”

  “Sure thing, kiddo,” Baine said.

  I was so relieved even though I could see I had upset Mom. Still, this was wolf territory, and I knew I was already the oddball on top of being the new kid.

  Baine leaned down and whispered. “Just remember, bears are way cooler than wolves. Don’t let them give you any shit.”

  I giggled. “Language,” I mouthed to him.

  He rolled his eyes.

  Mom hugged me. “I’ll be here to pick you up as soon as the bell rings. Just come right here to the office until we sort out pickup and everything, okay?”

  I nodded and lifted my chin as I walked into the hallway. Once I was out of their view I stopped and took a deep breath. “I can do this,” I whispered to myself.

  Oscar nudged me. “Your dad’s right. Bears are definitely cooler.”

  “Easy for you to say, you’re a wolf. Everyone here’s a wolf.”


  “What does that mean?”

  He shrugged. “My biological dad is a tiger. My mom doesn’t think I know it, but I can hear as well as any wolf.”

  “But your mom’s a wolf?”

  “Yup. So at least you know you’re a bear. I don’t really know what I am.”

  “Oh. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. We can’t control what our spirit animal is. Grandma says only God can do that.”

  I nodded. “Sounds like something my grandpa would say too.”

  “Having Shelby for a teacher will help you adjust. You like her, right?”

  “Yes. She’s very nice. I stayed at her house the other night.”

  “So, see? Plus, Zander’s in that class too.”

  “He is?” I perked up knowing I would have a friend in my class.

  “Yup. You’re going to be fine, Mace.”

  “Thanks, Oscar.”

  He stopped in front of a door and knocked before peeking in. “Ms. Shelby, you have a new student today.” He put his hand on my back and gently pushed me into the room. “This is my friend, Macie.”

  He didn’t have to say that, but from the whispers and excitement in the air I felt like maybe it was cool that he did.

  “Macie. I didn’t realize you’d be in this class,” Shelby said.

  I just smiled.

  “Please take the seat next to Penelope. You can share her book for now. I’ll pull you one over lunch.”

  “Thank you.”

  I took the seat she pointed
to. I was glad she didn’t make me introduce myself or anything. The girl turned and glared at me. I knew we weren’t going to be instant friends.

  “Macie comes to us all the way from Colorado and I hope you all welcome her. Remember class, we’re all friends here.”

  Penelope sniffed the air around me. “You smell funny,” she whispered.

  “Penelope, that’s enough.”

  “I heard she’s not even a wolf,” a boy two seats back said.

  “So?” I said. “You’re just a kid. You’re not a wolf yet.”

  “Class that’s enough.”

  A sunk down in my seat when Shelby gave me a disappointed look. For the rest of the morning, I kept my head down and tried to shrink even smaller than I already was.

  When we were dismissed for lunch, I could hear the whispers of my name. Several kids even pointed in my direction. My cheeks felt like they were on fire, and I was ready for the day to end. I didn’t ever want to come back to this school.

  I brought my lunch, so I went straight to the table I was directed to. I sat on the end. I didn’t expect anyone to sit with the smelly new kid. I knew I didn’t stink, but they all smelled weird to me too. I wanted to cry, but I knew it would only be worse if I was the smelly new crybaby. I wasn’t going to give Penelope and her friends the satisfaction.

  When we’d taken a bathroom break on our way to the lunchroom, they had ganged up on me and I knew they were trying to make me cry, but I refused. Mom said that stubborn streak came honestly from my dad. I didn’t know what that meant before, but now that I knew my father, I understood what she meant. I didn’t want Baine to be disappointed in me. He hated when Mom or I cried.

  I took my food out, afraid one of them would comment on my lunch too. I stared down at it not wanting to make eye contact with any of them.

  When a tray landed on the table across from me, I jumped and looked up. Zander sat down and gave me a smile. He was taking pity on me and somehow it made me feel even worse.

  “Don’t listen to any of them, Mace. You don’t stink to me. I think you’re cool.”

  I smiled. “Thanks, Zander.”

  The tone of the whispers changed around me, and I could feel all eyes on us, but somehow, I didn’t feel so alone.

  He sipped his chocolate milk and took a bite of his cheeseburger, then he pushed his tray to the side and pulled out a pencil and piece of paper from his back pocket. He wrote something, folded it up and passed it to me.

  I stared at it and then looked up to him. He grinned and nodded down to it. I slowly opened the paper and read it.

  Wolves, even future wolves, have good ears. Will you be my best friend?

  I smiled and nodded, then carefully folded the paper back and stuck it in my pocket.

  No one bothered me in school again after that and everyone wanted to be my friend just because I was best friends with their future Alpha. I would never forget what Zander Westin did for me that day, not that he’d let me.


  If you loved Baine & Olivia’s story, just wait, there’s so much more! Next up is Tarron.

  You can preorder your copy of Technical Threat today!

  If you are new to this series, You can go back and start from the beginning with Grant and Taylor’s story. Fierce Impact is available now and free on Kindle Unlimited.

  And if you are new to this Paranormal Romance World, I highly recommend jumping to Kyle Westin’s story in One True Mate.

  All books in this series, and in this PNR world are always FREE with KU!

  Keep going for more information on awesome Julie Trettel books.

  Dear Reader,

  Thanks for reading Collision Course. This is my first official bear shifter book and I loved to hear from you about it through any of the links below. If you enjoyed Baine and Olivia’s story, please consider dropping a review. It helps more than you know. And be on the lookout for Tarron’s story. Technical Threat releasing April 8, 2021.

  For further information on my books, events, and life in general, I can be found online here:








  With love and thanks,

  Julie Trettel

  And check out these great books by Julie Trettel!

  The Compounders Series

  The Compounders: Book1




  Westin Pack

  One True Mate

  Fighting Destiny

  Forever Mine

  Confusing Hearts

  Can’t Be Love

  Under a Harvest Moon

  Collier Pack

  Breathe Again

  Run Free

  In Plain Sight

  Broken Chains

  Coming Home

  Holiday Surprise

  ARC Shifters

  Pack’s Promise

  Winter’s Promise

  Midnight Promise


  Westin Force

  Fierce Impact

  Rising Storm

  Julie also writes these All Ages Series

  Check out more great books by Jules Trettel!

  Armstrong Academy

  Louis and the Secrets of the Ring

  Octavia and the Tiny Tornadoes

  William and the Look Alike

  Hannah and the Sea of Tears

  Eamon and the Mysteries of Magic

  May and the Strawberry Scented Catastrophe

  Gil and the Hidden Tunnels

  Elaina and the History of Helios

  Alaric and the Shaky Start

  Stones of Amaria

  Legends of Sorcery

  Ruins of Magic

  Keeper of Light

  Fall of Darkness

  About the Author

  Julie Trettel is a USA Today Bestselling Author of Paranormal Romance. She comes from a long line of story tellers. Writing has always been a stress reliever and escape for her to manage the crazy demands of juggling time and schedules between work and an active family of six. In her “free time,” she enjoys traveling, reading, outdoor activities, and spending time with family and friends.





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