Search for Contentment
Page 13
Contentment, wherever life finds you, is key to success, and in the quietness of it, God unfolds a rich satisfying life.
It was in the spring of the following year when the judge pronounced his final sentencing to the kidnappers, murderers, thieves, and drug dealers.
Melanie and Trevor left the courtroom together.
“Are you all right?” Trevor asked.
“Yes. Justice is served. We can’t ask for more.”
“Would you like to join me for a scrumptious peach cobbler at Bessie’s Diner? She makes the best in all of Georgia.”
“And you’ve tasted peaches everywhere in Georgia?” Mel asked.
“My business gets me around.”
“If she warms it up and adds a scoop of ice cream – dripping the flavor of French vanilla all over it – then you have yourself a date.”
After they settled across from one another at an outside café table, and placed their order with the waitress, Trevor spoke. “Are you enjoying living back at the Baxter Estate with your father?”
“Enjoying is a debatable description. Father and I are reconciling and slowly accepting one another’s dreams and lifestyle. He didn’t do anything to my mother that she didn’t welcome or allow, so I have jumped off the suicide bandwagon and moved on. His heart grieves for Drew, so we have that in common.”
“But I did produce enough doubt with the jury to lead to a lighter sentence,” Trevor said.
“You did an excellent job. Thank you. Should I expect your bill in the mail, or is this one of your freebies?” she asked playfully.
“This will not be counted as a debt between us, my dear.” That mischievous sparkle came into his eyes again. “Although you are filthy rich and can afford my services.” He chuckled when she waved the diamond ring under his nose. “Ah, yes. Consider it one of your wedding presents from your soon-to-be husband.”
“I’ve lost count of your gifts to the bride.” She reached for his hand inched and grinned. “Whatever shall I give the groom in return?”
“Your presence is all the present I require,” he said. “And don’t leave me standing at the altar for all of Georgia to see.”
“Aha, is that a bit of pride I hear?”
“Possibly. And one more thing.”
“The list is growing.” The waitress set two mountains of dessert in front of the couple. “Oh, my. This is huge,” Melanie exclaimed.
“And delicious.” Trevor took his first bite. “Try it.”
She took a spoonful of the peach-fest he’d ordered and smiled. “Mmm…very good.”
His eyes clouded over with a love-mist that she was beginning to recognize as the onset of their relationship deepening into another level. Suddenly serious, he continued with his list. “The other thing I eluded to is that when you pledge your love to me, let it be for the rest of our lives. That is worth more than all the gold we own together, including what the bad guys didn’t get.”
She squeezed his hand. “Forever together, my love.” She scooped another bit of peach cobbler and held it high in the air. “If you keep feeding me like this, Mr. Knight, I won’t be able to fit into my wedding dress.”
“Ah, yes – the dress,” he smiled. “I don’t care what you wear. It’s enough that you will soon be all mine,” he said, his boyish grin playing with her heart. “Never suspected the Good Lord had such a fine woman as yourself included in His plans for me. You are well worth the wait.”
“If he hadn’t taught me the value of being content in all things, I probably would have fouled His game plan and doomed you to another year of lonesome bachelorhood.”
“Yes – a double victory indeed.” Trevor settled back in his chair. It’s nice to have Chrissy settled in her own place just down the street from us. And starting the Georgia School of Medicine was a bonus,” Trevor said.
“She is starting to find good places to use that money she so hated before,” Melanie said. “I am thrilled she is moving on. Climbing the ladder in the medical field is her calling, and Chrissy will make a fine doctor someday.”
“Chelsea is blessed that her sister presented a helpful word to the court on her behalf. Five years behind bars should mature the spoiled girl and hopefully give her a new lease on life.”
“Do you think with Drew?” Melanie asked. “He’s smitten with her, and she claims not to have led him down the garden path for financial gain. Perhaps they’ll follow us down the aisle when they’re released.”
“We shall see. God is still in the miracle business, and we shall hammer the heavens on their behalf.”
The limousine stopped at the door to her childhood home, and Trevor jumped out of the vehicle before the driver had time to do his job. He offered his hand, and when her feet were securely planted on the cobblestone entranceway, he pulled her into his arms.
“One final kiss before you say, I do?”
“One final kiss before becoming man and wife,” she teased. “I am eager to see how long it takes for the newness to wear off.”
“Never! I plan on surprising you with new beginnings every day of our life.”
“That is a tall order, Mr. Knight,” she said, as she snuggled tight against him.
“You will be the first priority on my to do list, every day.” He leaned in to claim her lips, and all the world fell into perfect peace and harmony.
Saturday dawned sunny and hopeful. An entourage of skilled beauticians rushed in and out of Melanie’s suite, creating the picture-perfect bride. By two o’clock, her father promptly appeared at the doorway and whistled.
“Trevor Knight is one lucky man,” he said as he lifted her hand and kissed it lightly.
“I am blessed to have found him. Knowing Trevor has given me a whole new lease on life – with you, with my career, and with God. Contentment for wherever life finds you, is key to success, and in the quietness of it, God unfolds a richly satisfying life.”
“Wise words, daughter. Have I told you lately how proud I am of you?”
“Yesterday, but you’re making up for tomorrow when I shall no longer live under this roof. I will miss you, Father, and the new relationship we’re building.”
“Nonsense. I’m thirty minutes down the road. I’ll expect you and your husband for meals often and Christmas and Thanksgiving.”
A voice from the door interrupted. “The car is ready, sir. It’s time to leave.”
Trevor took his place beside his best man at the front of the small gospel church. Life had taken him on a whirlwind these past months, and he couldn’t wait to bring his new bride home to Knight Manor to live happily-ever-after. But first, he’d planned a honeymoon – two months of unadulterated joy sailing abroad, during which time they would bask in each other’s wants and needs.
Crowds gathered on both sides of the aisle. Family, friends, church members, co-workers, and colleagues assembled to hear the couple commit to their vows. Trevor had never met a single woman who moved him as Melanie had, and he had never once considered life as a married man – until now.
The music started up, and Chrissy led the way down the burgundy carpet. Trevor wished her parents were alive to see her now, all grown up and reaching for the stars. She was a vision of loveliness in a simple spaghetti-strapped, turquoise dress that flowed with majestic ease to the floor. Shiny, red toenails stuck out from a pair of casual sandals. Trevor chuckled to himself. The girl hated heels, and Melanie would have let her wear a burlap sack down the aisle if she’d asked. The ordeal they’d suffered together had bonded them as friends for life, and Trevor could not be more pleased.
When she took her place at the front, the music changed to the traditional wedding march. He recalled all of the practice runs and waited with bated breath for his bride to enter the sanctuary from her position in the foyer. When she did, he could not contain his excited gasp.
Melanie appeared to float angelic-like on the arm of her father, and the melodious beat of the tune played havoc on his heightened senses.
The dress was magical, with its details of pearl and lace. The top was form-fitting but the skirt cascaded with layers of satin and elements of intricate embroidery at the waist. A netted train stretched downward from the tiara perched upon her up-do of endless curls.
Spellbound, Trevor hid the sight in his heart to recapture the vision of purity from his treasure chest of memories for the rest of his life.
Trevor’s adoring eyes sought hers and held them captive the entire trip down the aisle. They might as well have been the only two people in the room. Hers was the only voice he heard as she recited her vows to love him forever. In a single moment, his entire existence stood in awe to mark the day his life changed.
When Pastor Jamieson introduced Mr. Trevor and Mrs. Melanie Knight to the waiting congregation, the crowd roared, “Kiss her!” and threw rice at the couple who rushed down the aisle on their way to begin their new lives together.
In response to the cheering, they obliged their guests by stopping midway. Trevor drew her within the circle of his arms and gladly complied with the congregation’s request for a sweet kiss.
The End
From the Author
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Book 4 in the Georgia Peaches Series
Heart of Mercy by Tanya Eavenson
She runs a homeless shelter.
He lost everything in a Tennessee fire.
To one, hope is a gift. To the other, a lie. To both, it’s what binds them.
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