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RIOT (America's Sweethearts Book 2)

Page 1

by KL Fast






  1. Special Agent Colt Masterson

  2. Mina McShane

  3. Colt

  4. Mina

  5. Colt

  Epilogue One

  Epilogue Two

  About the Author


  Other Books By KL Fast

  About the Author


  Other books by MK Moore

  Riot (An America’s Sweetheart Short Story)

  By KL Fast & MK Moore

  © KL Fast & MK Moore 2019 Flirty Filth Publishing.

  All Rights Reserved

  By the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for brief quotations used in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  The use of actors, artists, movies, TV shows and song titles/lyrics throughout this book are done so for storytelling purposes and should in no way be seen as an advertisement. Trademark names are used editorially with no intention of infringement of the respective owner’s trademark.

  This book is intended for adults only. Contains sexual content and language that may offend some. The suggested reading audience is 18 years or older. I consider this book as Erotic Adult Romance.

  ASIN: 9781095331903

  Cover created by KL Fast

  Created with Vellum

  Dedicated to the girls who know what they want and know how to get it. This is for you.

  *Riot is an exaggerated tale of the hotness that is the Secret Service.

  Sorry ladies, Colt only serves Mina.

  Mina McShane, Secret Service code-named Riot, is out of control.

  Colt Masterson protects her with his life. Riot control has never been so sexy.

  Mina knows just what she wants and that's Colt.

  She'll give him everything.

  He'll take it all.

  Loving the headstrong daughter of the President of the United States, who happens to be your boss, is the easy part.

  Protecting her is harder.

  #SmutOnSmut #SorryNotSorry



  November 3rd, 2020

  O ne hundred and twenty days ago, my entire life changed. I

  met the family who would be under my protection for the foreseeable future. My charge was a seventeen-year-old girl named Mina. Her Secret Service code name is Riot and fuck if she doesn’t cause some kind of scene wherever she goes. Earlier this evening, her mother was elected to be the leader of the free world and the great state of Mississippi is celebrating, hard. Mina is the exact opposite of her twin sister, Mila.

  I feel like a sick bastard, but Mina makes my cock hard and I don’t know what to do about it. I would never do anything to jeopardize my career or Mina, but fuck if I don’t want to throw it all away for her. I am counting down the days until her birthday, a little less than a month so that I don’t feel like a creep, but it’s only a matter of time before she’s mine.

  Currently, Mina is trying to steal alcohol while her sister calmly tries to talk her out of it. Like I said night and day. Mina has the softest looking hair I’ve ever seen. It’s has a dirty blonde tint and it smells like coconuts all the time. She is plump and perfect. Her tits look like they will be more than a handful and her ass? Fuck I want to sink my teeth into that ass. She’s my ideal woman. She looks soft in all the right places. I watch as Mina manages to snag the bottle of vodka off the bar. She leaves Mila standing there, shaking her head. Bottle in hand, she heads out to the balcony of her parent’s plantation. I follow behind her at a discreet pace. My job is not to tell her right from wrong. I just protect her.

  “Masterson?” I hear through the static in my ear. I touch my finger to my earpiece. “Riot’s location?” My shift supervisor’s gruff voice rings clear.

  “I’m on her,” I reply tersely. Poor choice of words. Once outside, I see her sitting on a bench, drinking the vodka like a pro.

  “I knew you’d come,” she says quietly without looking up.

  “I’ll always come,” I say stepping towards her. I am slipping into dangerous territory and I know it. She giggles and hiccups and it’s just about the cutest fucking thing I have ever seen.

  “Promise?” she asks. Normally, she is casually dressed in jeans and an ironic t-shirt, completing the look with a pair of slide-on Vans, but tonight is a special occasion. She is wearing a curve-hugging knee-length, long-sleeved black dress. Tonight, she is wearing little ballet flats that make her look even shorter than she actually is, somehow. She looks like a princess in the glow of the porch light. She looks like she doesn’t have a friend in the world. I don’t think she does besides Mila.

  “Promise. How’d did you know it was me?” I ask, sitting down next to her on the bench. I crowd her, but even so, she moves closer to me.

  “It’s always you.” I smile at her words.

  “What’s wrong, princess?”

  “Princess? I like the idea of being someone’s princess,” she says wistfully before taking another sip from the bottle. “I’m being rude. You want?” Oh, I want but not the vodka.

  “No thanks, I’m on duty. Tell me what’s wrong.”

  “I want what I can’t have,” she says. I watch her fingers play with the hem of her dress. She seems nervous, but also strangely confident.

  “That’s pretty cryptic,” I reply dryly.

  “I think it’s pretty self-explanatory, RC.” This isn’t the first time she’s called me that, but I haven’t yet asked what it means.

  “Obviously not.”

  “Well, maybe I am not ready to talk about it yet,” she says taking another pull from the bottle. At this point, I go ahead and take the bottle from her, setting it on my opposite side. Our fingers touch and I growl involuntarily. She gasps and rips her hand away from mine. “I wasn’t done with that, mister,” she says giggling some more. My already hard cock gets impossibly harder. I am about to burst through my inseam. My cock is raw from the number of times I’ve jerked it to the thought of my plump princess. It should be illegal, in fact, it is but I don’t care. I’m going straight to hell, but I am pretty sure she’ll be right by my side. She gives off that “ride or die” vibe.

  “That’s fine, I’ll be right here waiting for you,” I say and immediately regret it. She bursts into a fit of laughter that has me steadying her because she is about to fall off the bench.

  “That’s a song. An old ass song, but a song nonetheless.”

  “Watch your mouth. Good girls don’t talk like that.”

  “What gave you the impression that I am a good girl?”

  “You’re right. Nothing has.” She frowns and I don’t like that.

  “I can be a good girl though. A very good girl.”

  “Yeah? I am sure you can, Mina.” In all these months, that’s the first time I’ve said her name out loud. I’ve been a professional, calling her Ms. McShane all the way. But Mina is just about the sexiest name I’ve ever heard. From somewhere inside the house, I hear her mother calling for her.

nbsp; “Damn,” she says standing. “I should go. Gotta be a dutiful daughter,” she says putting on a fake smile. I stand and do the unthinkable. I put my hand on her soft cheek. Her hand raises and rests on mine. My fingertips finally touch the silky strands of her hair and I am done for.

  “You should go in, princess. Have a good night,” I say, my voice rough. She backs away from me, but our hands are still connected. She continues to back away until she is almost at the door. When she turns to walk through it, I call out, “What does RC mean?” She turns, looking back at me over her shoulder. Her blonde curls surround her face. Fuck, she’s beautiful.

  What would a beauty like her want with a beast like me?

  “Riot control.”



  Secret Service code name: Riot

  I t takes everything in me not to turn back around, throw my arms around him, and beg him to never let me go. I was serious when I told him I could be a good girl and fuck does he make me want to be one.

  I have fallen madly in love with the big brute. He is six-five, tanned, has light gray eyes. He always comes to work cleanly shaven but at the end of the day, he has the sexiest five o’clock shadow. I can’t wait to find out what it feels like between my thighs and those smoldering gray eyes looking up at me while he does it. Believe me, if I have any say in it, it will happen. I swear to God I could have a fucking orgasm just thinking about it.

  I feel myself blush and take a deep breath before I walk back into the house. The Election Night festivities are drawing to a close. My mother is the President-Elect of the United States of America and every move I make from now on will be in the limelight. My sister hates people, so she’s hiding, but I don’t have that excuse. I’m the social butterfly.

  “Mina, where have you been? I was worried.” My mother asks as soon as I walk in. Oh fuck, I hope she doesn't smell the vodka on my breath. I only took a few sips and I don’t feel tipsy or anything so I should be fine, I tell myself as I walk over to her and give her a hug. She knows that deep down, I fucking hate these things and while I am more outgoing than Mila, I fucking hate being in a crowded place.

  “Hey, mom. I am doing okay. I needed to get some fresh air it was a little too much.

  “Okay baby, if you need anything find me or dad and we’ll have Colt take you upstairs.” Hell, I wish he would take me anywhere. I pull back from her and give her a smile.

  “Thanks, mom, I will let you know.” Someone calls for her and she kisses my cheek before walking away. I make my way through the crowd and make my way to the bar. “Can I get a sparkling water, please?” I ask the bartender.

  “Sure thing.” When he brings me it to me, I tell him thanks. Turning around, I see that Colt is close enough to protect me if anything goes wrong but far enough to not hear me. He smiles at me, that double dimple smile that makes my pussy wet and my knees weak.

  Oh God, his smile is everything and it’s just for me. I have noticed that he never ever smiles while around anyone but me. He is all head nods and “yes, sir” and “no, ma'am” however with me, I get those smoldering eyes and those pearly whites that I want all over my body. Marking me, making it known that I am only his.

  I smile back at him, but his face goes dark. I instantly know there is another man next to me. He might not be telling me how he feels yet but he sure as fuck gets even more growly when another man gets anywhere close to me.

  “Hey, gorgeous. Can I buy you a drink?” I turn to look at him.

  “No, thanks I’m not old enough besides it’s an open bar.” I say rolling my eyes. He scoots even closer to me, getting in my personal space. I try to move over a little, but I am right next to the wall. “

  That's okay doll, I won’t tell anyone.” I scrunch up my nose trying not to gag at the stench coming from his mouth. He is really fucking drunk, if his breath is any indicator.

  “No, really. I am okay,” I say, trying to walk away but his hand lands on my arm before I can move away from him. I try to pull away from him, but his grip is tight. Before I can even say anything, Colt is in front of us. Colt is so much bigger than the guy. His hand engulfs the other guy’s hand. He looks up at my mountain of a man with wide eyes. He actually looks like he is going to pee his pants. Colt leans in closer to him.

  “If you ever touch her again, I will rip you apart. You never fucking touch what is mine,” he says in a deadly calm voice. The guy goes to open his mouth, but Colt squeezes his hand hard making the guy whimper. “I don't want to hear a motherfucking word come out of your mouth. Nod your head if you understand.” The guy nods his head, my man stands up straight and let’s go of his hand. “Good. Now get the fuck out of here.”

  Sweet baby Jesus, that was the sexiest thing I have ever seen. He fucking called me his. My pussy instantly soaks my panties. The guy practically runs away. The minute he is out of sight, Colt turns to me, his gray eyes have darkened. He looks pissed. With anyone else, he’d scare the shit out of them if he was looking at them the way he’s looking at me right now. They would run for the fucking hills, but I know he would never hurt me.

  “It’s time to go, Mina,” he says calmly. Go where? I’m already home. Well, my childhood home. In a few months, we are moving to DC and to our new lives. I huff.

  “Where the fuck too?” He can’t just claim me then send me away. He steps closer to me yet still not close enough.

  “If you don’t want me to kill someone tonight, you will walk your ass upstairs and go to bed.” While his voice is calm, I can tell he is at war with himself. He has a look on his face that I know all too well. I see it every day. It's the look of wanting something that you can’t have.

  “Fine. But don’t think I am forgetting that you called me yours.”

  “Trust me, Princess, I have no doubts about that.” I brush my hand against his chest as I walk past him, he goes stock still and inhales sharply.

  My eighteenth birthday better hurry the fuck up because I am fucking done waiting for my beast.



  T his has been the longest three months of my life. Mina has made it her mission in life to drive me fucking crazy. She’s been wearing tight shirts that do nothing to hide her full tits and big nipples that are begging for my attention. Fuck if she doesn’t wear skin tight leggings with no panties to tease me. She always finds a reason to bend down in front of me and I see the puffy lips of her pussy.

  I swear to God; she is trying to make me die from the blue balls she causes. On Monday she almost broke me. She came out of her room in nothing but a silky pink nighty that stopped right below her ass. Now, it’s Tuesday and thank fuck it’s her birthday in five minutes. Five long ass minutes. That might as well be an eternity.

  I don’t plan on leaving her tonight. I took a double shift so no one would interrupt us. She is about to be all mine. At exactly midnight, she walks into her room right out of the bath and lets her towel drop. She is standing there in front of me, all pale skin and long hair, without a care in the world. I almost drop to my knees and weep at the sight of her beauty.

  “Your sweet body was made for mine, Princess,” I rasp out as I walk further into her room shutting the door behind me. I take off my coat and put it on the chair next to her door. I've long since lost my tie.

  “I need you, Colt,” she says walking to me. She runs her hands over my chest. I pull her into my arms and take a deep breath. Fuck, all of my life I have never felt like I belonged anywhere. Not in the Marines or even in the small town I grew up in but the minute she is in my arms I feel whole. For the first time in my life I can breathe. She sighs and leans into me. “You know I love you, right?” she says looking up at me. Fuck, she's the one standing here naked, yet I feel like the vulnerable one.

  “You have no idea how much I fucking love you, Mina.” Her eyes well up with tears. I lean down and kiss her like I have been dreaming of doing since before I should have. She moans and wraps her arms around my shoulders. I grab her by the wai
st and walk us to her bed. When I move to set her down, she wraps her legs around my waist and pulls me even closer to her. It’s like she is afraid I will stop. As if I ever could.

  I turn and sit us on the chair right next to her bed. My hands still on her hips. She bites my lip, not hard enough to bleed but enough to sting. I growl and grab her hair in my fist and pull it back. She gasps, her beautiful violet eyes look at me with so much love and need it makes my cock leak.

  “Don’t hold back on me, RC. I want it hard and rough. I want you to leave your mark on me,” she growls and grabs my shirt, yanking it open. Buttons go flying everywhere. She drags her fingernails down my chest, rubbing her wet pussy against my slacks.

  “Fuck, Mina.” I look at her a little in shock over how feisty she is, but it really shouldn't have surprised me. I am turned on as hell. I let go of her hair and run my hands up her side. “Baby I need to get your tight cunt ready for me before I can fuck my fat cock inside of your little pussy hole,” I say, pushing my hips up she whimpers. “Now get your fucking ass on the bed and spread those thick thighs of yours. I want to see what’s mine.”

  “Make me,” she says sassily. I growl and stand up, tossing her on the bed. She squeaks and lands in the middle. “Now spread those thighs,” I demand. She sits up on her elbows and runs her eyes over my naked chest.

  “Holy shit, RC you look like you are carved out of marble.” Her skin is flushed, and her breathing picks up. She does as I ask. I quickly shed the rest of my clothes and when my cock springs free her pouty lips open in an O.

  “Yeah, you definitely are going to need to break me in before that thing will fit inside of me.” She looks at me with wide eyes. I grin.

  “Riot, nothing besides my cock is going inside that tight cunt of yours. Then I am going to fuck you until you’re so full of my come that there is no way you won’t get pregnant.” She moans and her legs spread even wider. I crawl onto the bed, grabbing her leg I kiss her ankle. Then I kiss my way up to her knee then do the same to the other.


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