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Angelic Nightmare

Page 3

by H G Lynch

  "I know a guy,” Reid said mysteriously and she smiled.

  She leaned forward and kissed him chastely on the lips. "It's lovely. I'd ask how you knew I'd like it, but you wouldn't give me a straight answer, would you?” she whispered in his ear.

  He chuckled and shook his head. "Nope.”

  Sitting back, she placed the vial on the coffee table, and saw Sherry had fetched a narrow, tall crystal vase half-filled with water. Ember stroked the whiskery tendrils before placing it neatly in the vase. Sherry was grinning, bouncing in place, holding a wide, rectangular box wrapped in shiny blue paper. "Open it! Open it, open it, open it!” she thrust the box at Ember excitedly.

  Ember laughed as she tore off the paper, and pulled the lid off the white cardboard box. Inside the box, settled in a bed of red crepe paper, was a swath of black fabric. Tentatively, she reached down and stroked it, and felt the unmistakable smoothness of leather. Then a memory came back to her, of a day months ago, not long before they started at Acorn Hills, when Sherry had dragged her shopping and she'd fallen in love with a pair of gothic leather jeans — Yes, very tacky biker chic, but she adored them. Already grinning from ear to ear, she delicately picked up the fabric and unfolded it. Ricky was watching with amusement, which meant Sherry had, of course, already told him what it was. Reid, on the other hand, was curious as a cat, his head tilted as he watched her.

  Sherry squeaked, "Do you like them?"

  Ember nodded, standing up to hold the jeans up against her, "I love them.” The black leather was sleek and sexy, with a thin silver chain hung from the belt-loops. Reid let out a low whistle behind her and she turned to see him holding up another scrap of fabric. A matching waistcoat, with a set of silver fangs embroidered on the breast.

  Ember's mouth fell open, and Sherry giggled. "Go try it all on! Go! Now!" The green-eyed girl shoved her out the door and down the hall to the bathroom.

  Ember stripped off in the bathroom and pulled on the leather clothing, the black waistcoat striking against her red t-shirt. The jeans were skin-tight at the thighs, and loose at the calves, the chain jingled musically when she twirled to admire herself in the long mirror. It all fit perfectly and she wondered where the hell Sherry got them.

  She stepped out into the hallway and Sherry clapped, her happy smile plastered to her face, and Ember shook her head indulgently. "You're chuffed with your work, aren't you?”

  Sherry nodded.

  Ember laughed. "To be honest, so am I. Thank you, so, so much!” She hugged the taller girl.

  "Hey, do we get to see the results, too?" Ricky called down the hall.

  Both girls rolled their eyes.

  Sherry linked her arm through Ember's, and dragged her down the hall. Ember gave in with just a token protest.

  The boys were having a whispered conversation when the girls walked in, but it was abruptly ended when they caught sight of Ember. She felt a blush crawl up her face at the way Reid was looking at her. Okay, so she always blushed when he gave her such intense stares, but this was on a whole new level.

  Ricky grinned. "Nice work, Sherz. You look great, Ember, really,” he complimented.

  She just smiled and nodded, flipping her hair over her face slightly. She peeked up at Reid through the loose strands. "What do you think?"

  He licked his lips as his eyes made lines down her body, "Um, where—” he paused to clear his throat, his voice rough, "where are those black high heels you brought?” he asked.

  Confused, Ember answered, "Under the wicker chair in the back room. Why?"

  But he was gone before she'd finished talking. Ricky was shaking his head and laughing, and Sherry had released her grip on her arm.

  A second later, Reid was back, carrying her high heels. He held them out to her. "Put them on,” he instructed, and she finally got the picture.

  She shook her head. "I'm going for gothic, not biker slut.” She put her hands on her hips.

  His eyes were so blue they practically glowed. "Please,” he whispered.

  She shook her head again, biting her lip because she couldn't stand it when he did that. It was too adorable.

  His eyes darkened. "I'm begging you.”

  Her eyebrows shot up. He's actually begging, she thought with an inward laugh, Should I...? She took the high heels reluctantly and sat to put them on, fastening the little buckles. She stood and adjusted the chain around the belt-loops, and turned to face him. And then hoped Ricky and Sherry weren't paying any attention to him. Since her back was to them, she couldn't tell, and she gave Reid a slight, seductive smile, and all but heard his fangs pop out. She spun on her heel to face the others. "Sherry, exactly how slutty does this look?” she asked.

  Sherry shook her head. "Not as slutty as you think actually. It kind of suits you.” She seemed to be telling the truth as well, which only made it worse.

  Ricky chuckled. "I think you ought to take the heels off before Reid—” he started, but the sudden sound of the door to the living-room slamming shut him up. Ember jumped and whirled, and Reid was gone.

  She frowned. "What—” she began, but closed her mouth, blushing furiously when she heard the patter of the shower along the hall.

  Of course, Ricky and Sherry both found it hilarious.

  "What do you bet that water's ice cold?" Ricky joked.

  But she was thoroughly embarrassed. "Okay, taking the heels off. But I really do love the outfit, Sherz. Thank you.” She gave the green-eyed girl another hug, before she went to her room to change.

  Once she was back in normal clothing, the leather garments tucked neatly into her suitcase, she returned to the living room and asked, “So, is there cake?”


  Sherry frowned as she looked out the window at the downpour of rain. She rubbed her arms, her skin felt funny. It felt like she was outside in the rain, like there was water running over her arms and down her neck, but she was inside. She knew she was inside, she knew there was no water on her. But every time she touched her skin, she expected to feel a stream of water, or a drop of moisture sitting there.

  She’d known it would rain, just like she’d known it would rain every other day for the last two weeks. Ever since she’d died and Cris had brought her back. She could feel the weather in advance. It scared her. She didn’t even want to imagine what might happen to her if there was lightning storm on the way. She didn’t want this, didn’t want to be like this…but at the same time, it was exciting.

  She’d wanted to be more than human, and now she had it, for better or for worse.

  “What’s wrong, Sherz? You look like there are spiders tap-dancing down your spine.” Ricky came up behind her by the window and wrapped his arms gently around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder. She bit her lip for a moment, considering telling him, and rejected the idea.

  “No. Just watching the rain.”


  Ember was watching the little bird from her swing, observing the yellow tips of its wings. And then something came streaking out of the trees and pounced at the bird. Fortunately, the bird darted away in a flutter of wings just before the attacker could grasp it. Ember turned her eyes to the surprise attacker and gasped. The attacker halted, turning its amber eyes toward her cautiously. Ember was amazed, and wished like mad that she had her camera with her, but she'd left it inside.

  Standing in the grass of the park in front of her, was an adorable fox. She hadn't even known foxes roamed here. Squirrels and hedgehogs, bats and all manner of avian wildlife, yes, but never foxes. Yet, here was one. A gorgeous little red fox, his coat the colour of cinnamon and his tail so soft and fluffy-looking she was tempted to reach out and stroke it. Instead, she stayed perfectly still, barely breathing. She knew foxes could be possibly very dangerous if they attacked, but something about this one seemed...gentle. It regarded her warily, half-circling in front of her. She smiled at the fox admiringly, as if it could understand. It really was a beautiful animal. And awfully cute, too. It was so close now she coul
d see its little black nose twitching as it sniffed the air.

  The fox gazed at her for a moment longer and then, much to her shock and awe, sat down in front of her, near enough to pet. It reminded her of her cat, the way she would sit and stare forever until Ember patted her and gave her attention. It was an incredible thing to see a wild fox do it. Yet, it didn't look so wild. She didn't move anyway, scared she might frighten it away. The fox continued to watch her serenely with those amber eyes, but it crept forward just a little. Holding her breath, Ember waited, trying to relax. Then the little creature bumped its nose against her knee, an adorable gesture that she was familiar with. All the animals she'd had common contact with did the same thing when they wanted petted. So, unthinkingly and instinctively, Ember reached out slowly. The fox didn't growl or try to bite her, so she inched her hand closer. She expected it to run any moment now, but it didn't. Her fingertips touched surprisingly soft, fine red fur, and she smiled helplessly. Her heart was fluttering and she had to bite her lip to keep from squealing in excitement. The little fox was so cute and friendly, she could almost imagine it as a pet. Almost. She would never try to tame and keep a wild animal, though. They were meant to be free to roam as they pleased.

  The fox nudged its head up into her hand and she reflexively stroked it gently. If foxes could purr, she imagined this one would be doing so now. It nearly appeared to smile, its amber eyes half closing as it rubbed its ears against her fingers.

  "Hello there, little foxie. Aren't you very friendly?" Ember whispered to the animal, knowing it didn't understand. She giggled, finding a warmth and peace with the fox the way she did with all animals. "You're very tame for a wild animal. I think I want to give you a name...or do you already have one?” She didn't feel silly talking to the creature as if it understood; she had always felt comfortable like this with animals, wild or otherwise. Then the fox bobbed its head up and down, almost like it was nodding. She knew she was silly to think that, but she smiled anyway, cheered by the ridiculous thought that it could understand her and respond. To her surprise, the fox got up and padded away to the trees. Ember sighed, frowning in disappointment. She'd wanted to talk to the fox for a little longer. It was so sweet and cute.

  She was about to go back inside when the fox appeared again, this time pawing over to her with something in its mouth. Now that was really bizarre. It dropped what it was carrying to the ground at her feet and she picked it up. It was a stick. About an inch in diameter, and clearly chewed on, but there were letters amongst the teeth marks. She peered closer and managed to make out the semblance of what appeared to be a name. Hiro.

  "Huh. Is that your name?” she asked the fox, wondering slightly about her own sanity. Was she dreaming? Hallucinating? The fox nodded again and she held the stick out to it. It took it carefully in its mouth and trotted off again.

  When it came back, Ember watched it carefully, seeing the way it walked, the way its eyes flickered around, the way it swung its tail languidly. It stopped at her feet and she smiled, "Hiro. A fox with a name, and who understands English. Hm..." Considering for a moment, she stroked its fur lightly, letting her mind relax until she felt the unfurling of her mind-limb. She controlled it as deftly as she would her real arm, and it seeped from her skull in a wire-thin stream, into the fox's head. The fox immediately whimpered, yelped and recoiled, backing quickly away from her with an almost fearful glint in its eyes. She was instantly repentant, "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I've never looked into an animal's mind before, but you just seem so...human." The fox looked at her for a while before inching closer again, and resting it's head on her knees, it's eyes fixed on her warily, a silent warning not to try to probe it's mind again. She didn't, instead settling for stroking it, scratching it's ears, talking nonsense and chatter to it until the sky started to get dark.

  "I'm sorry, but I have to go now. My friends will be wondering where I am,” she told the fox softly, and it moved away. It watched her as she stood and brushed off her jeans to cast off stray fox hairs. She patted it gently once more. The fox made an adorable, almost inaudible yelping noise and she smiled. "Goodbye Hiro.” She had the odd urge to curtsy to the little fox, so she did. Putting one leg in front of the other and bending her knees, holding her coat ends out like she would a skirt. She giggled, shaking her head at her own silliness, and retreated inside. What an odd birthday it’d been so far.


  "Hey Emz. Have fun sitting in the park?" Ricky asked from where he lounged in the armchair near the TV in the living room.

  Reid peered around his own armchair, the one with its back to her, and sniffed the air delicately. "You smell like leaves and dirt and some sort of animal. Were you rolling in the forest or something?” He grinned.

  She laughed quietly. "No. I was conversing with a fox,” she said happily, giggling when Reid's eyebrows shot up.

  Sherry gave her a funny look from her corner of the sofa, where she nestled with Ricky. "Are you losing it again Emz?” she asked, half-amused, half-concerned.

  Ember waved a dismissive hand to wave off her concern, "I'm fine. The fox came right up to me and I just talked to it. Nothing I don't do with my own cat.” She smiled, and Reid shook his head amusedly.

  "You continue to astonish me, you know that?” He held out a hand to her and she took it, slipping onto his lap and snuggling against his chest. Right then, she couldn't have been happier. This was what she wanted her whole life to be like.

  Soon, Ricky and Sherry went to bed, leaving her and Reid alone. He turned her around in his grasp and looked down at her under his lashes, his eyes blue as sapphires. He laid a hand against her cheek, sweeping back a few damp strands of her hair. “You smell good,” he whispered. “Like strawberries and cream.”

  “It’s my body wash.”

  “No, you always smell that way. Even when you’re all sweaty and dirty.”

  Ember giggled. “Thanks…I think.”

  Reid smiled, his fingertips stroking the curve of her ear. It was a strange sensation, ticklish and seductive. Her heart was racing, her stomach her in knots as he bent his head toward hers. He teased her, pausing with his lips just an inch from hers, moving away slightly every time she tried to catch his mouth. Soon, she was hot and agitated, impatient with need. She wished she’d put on something sexier than her fluffy pyjama bottoms and tank-top.

  Finally, sensing her impatience, Reid crushed his mouth to hers. Her fingers curved around his shoulders, holding him close as she reached up on her toes to meet him better. Suddenly, Reid’s tongue darted between her parted lips, stroking over one of her fangs, sending lightning spearing through her body, and the kiss took on a whole new edge – it wasn’t just hot, wasn’t just a kiss; it was searing and ragged and frantic, burning her right down to the bone. She gasped against his mouth, and he made a soft sound in the back of his throat. His fingers knotted more tightly in her hair briefly, and then he untangled his hands and slid them down her back, pressing her breathlessly, crushingly close against his body, and she knew — she just knew— that this time it wouldn’t end with her coming to her senses and pulling away, or him tearing himself away because he couldn’t stand the heat anymore.

  This time she wanted everything he had. She wanted to give him everything she had.

  And just as she thought it, Reid broke the kiss. He leaned his forehead against hers, his breathing as uneven as hers, though he didn’t need to breathe, and for a second he just stood, holding her, with his eyes closed. She felt her heart hammering crazily into her ribs, every part of her on fire, her bruised lips tingling and an ache deep inside her making her tremble.

  Reid’s eyes flicked open, and he looked at her under his dark lashes, strands of golden hair caught in them. His eyes were very, very dark — blazing with the same inner fire she felt. His gaze searched hers, looking for something, and she knew he found what he was looking for — what she wanted him to see — when he shuddered suddenly, letting out a shaky breath. “I love you,” h
e breathed, “I love you.” He said it so quietly, roughly, with a desperate edge, as if he were trying to put every ounce of emotion into the words to make her believe it.

  She believed it. She whispered back, breathless, “I love you, too. I love you, Reid.”

  He smiled; a quick, blinding smile. And then he kissed her again, and it was reckless and dizzying and so, so expert that Ember’s knees went weak and she had to dig her fingers into his shoulders to keep from collapsing.

  Oh God, she thought distantly as every nerve in her body burned like tiny, tiny stars inside her skin.

  Reid slid his hands down to the hem of her t-shirt and tugged it up, breaking the kiss for just long enough to pull her shirt off and toss it to the floor. He grabbed the bottom of his own t-shirt and whipped it off, and she had just a second to admire the shape of his body, from broad shoulders to narrow hips, and the ridges of muscles in between. Then his lips claimed hers again, like a predator falling on prey, completely dominant, completely overwhelming.

  Smoothing his hands down her hips, he turned her with him and the backs of her knees hit the edge of the bed. With a gasp, she tumbled onto the mattress, and he came down on top of her, barely breaking the kiss. Terrifying nerves beat at Ember’s stomach as he slid his fingers to the button of her jeans, his lips moving down her throat to her collarbone. She stared at the ceiling, panting, thinking, I can’t believe I’m about to do this, I can’t believe…

  Reid’s thumb peeled back the edge of her jeans from the open button, running right along the top of her panties, and her stomach muscles jumped at his touch. She closed her eyes as he placed a tiny, tender kiss on her jaw, and she bit her lip so hard she tasted blood from where her fangs sliced it.

  “I love you,” he said again, quietly, against her jaw, as he slid off her jeans.


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