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Two Different Worlds Box Set

Page 15

by Donna Raider

  Mika leaned down and kissed her soft lips. She couldn’t even remember how many years she had searched for what she had with Leah. Her heart clung to Leah fiercely, her and Richie. She realized, more than ever, how much a part of her the mother and son had become.

  They finished their wine, and Mika moved Leah away from her gently. “Why don’t you go upstairs and take a nap? I must spend some time at the church. I need to prepare for tomorrow’s service.”

  “Please, don’t leave me alone tonight,” Leah pleaded softly.

  Mika knew Leah was more disturbed by yesterday’s attack at the mine than she had let on. “I’ll pick up a change of clothes and be back as quickly as I can,” she promised. “Please, get some rest.”

  Mika watched Leah ascend the stairs, her hips swaying sensuously. The desire to follow her was strong. Mika stood mesmerized, unable to take her eyes off the brunette…

  “Like what you see, Priest?” She smiled down at her.

  Oh, yes, Mika thought. Leah truly knew how to push her buttons…and her snaps and her zippers.

  Pulling the mansion door closed behind her, Mika sucked in as much cold air as her lungs could hold and held it. Gradually her heart rate returned to normal. She exhaled slowly, trying to calm the shaking she felt. Addicted, she thought, I am seriously addicted to Leah Anthal, and it is only getting worse, Mika, she told herself as she thought about living with Leah for the rest of her life.

  Mika stopped by the diner and asked Naomi if she could whip up a shepherd’s pie for her to pick up in about an hour. “If you just get it to the point where I can pop it into the oven, that will be so appreciated,” she said, smiling.

  “I don’t think you need to try to impress her with your cooking,” Naomi laughed. “Where you’re concerned, Leah is head over heels in love anyway.”

  Mika blushed. “I would never try to trick her. I just want her to wake to a home-cooked meal she didn’t have to cook herself. She is resting, so I thought I would have dinner ready when she wakes.”

  At the rectory, Mika picked up her notes for tomorrow’s sermon and packed her pajamas and attire for the services. She silently thanked Amber for the SUV as she put her bag in the passenger’s seat.

  The shepherd’s pie wasn’t quite ready when Mika got to the diner, so Ruth poured her a cup of coffee. She eyed the priest solemnly and said, “I am so glad you are here for Leah. She deserves someone like you. If you hadn’t walked into the diner the night you arrived, I am not sure she would still be with us. Emily’s betrayal was the last straw in a monstrous haystack of betrayals.”

  “I thought you were involved,” the priest said honestly.

  “I was,” the brunette answered, hanging her head. “But unknowingly. No one in town knew Emily was sleeping with Leah. They kept it a secret. Emily couldn’t get up the nerve to out herself and the Wicked Queen to her parents or the town. Leah was Emily’s dirty little secret. Delilah suspected it and constantly harped on what an awful person Leah was.”

  The thought of anyone being ashamed of the beautiful, loving woman she planned to marry turned the priest’s stomach.

  “I had no idea about Emily and Leah. I would never have known if Leah hadn’t walked in on us.” Ruth shook her head sadly. “But karma has certainly bitten the Samson family in the butt. Leah would easily win any popularity contest in this town. You two are the town leaders.

  “When you first arrived here, Emily was so smug when she realized you were falling for Leah. She said as soon as the town found out the parish priest was sleeping with the mayor you would be run out of town on a rail. You are extremely strong in both your faith and your honesty. When you announced from the church pulpit that you were engaged to Mayor Leah Anthal, and you promised there would be no use of carnal knowledge until you were married, everyone began rooting for you and Leah. I know for a fact that you have kept that promise.”

  Mika wanted to ask her how she knew for certain but didn’t want to interrupt her narrative.

  “Emily would give her right arm to have Leah back. Now Delilah and Samson do everything they can to endear themselves to Leah. After Leah saved the town from whatever was in the mines, I heard Delilah tell Emily she wished things had worked out between her and Leah. I thought Emily was going to strangle her mother. Delilah’s disapproval was the biggest obstacle to their relationship. That and Delilah convinced Emily the town would turn against her.

  “I just want you to know, Priest, that I think you are one hell of a woman.” Ruth nodded emphatically. “One hell of a woman.”

  “One shepherd’s pie is coming up,” Naomi called from the kitchen.


  No lights were on in the mansion when she returned, so Mika knew Leah was still sleeping. She let herself in with the key Leah had given her long ago and headed for the kitchen.

  She preheated the oven and put the pie in to cook, setting the timer. She sat at the end of the counter, going over her notes for tomorrow’s sermon.

  Leah woke to the most delicious smell. It smelled like shepherd’s pie, one of her favorite dishes. She rarely made it because she always ate too much. Richie loved it, too. She realized she hadn’t eaten much in the last two days. She was starving.

  When Leah opened her bedroom door, she realized the tantalizing aroma was coming from her kitchen. Quietly descending the stairs, she gasped as she saw the priest sitting at the breakfast bar, reading. Her profile was breathtaking. The light overhead seemed to spotlight Mika, giving her an ethereal glow. Strands of thick blonde hair fell forward onto her forehead, and her lips slightly moved as she read. She loved Mika’s full, sensuous lips.

  “Something smells divine.” Leah moved toward her as if pulled along by the aroma of the food.

  Mika openly stared at her as she approached. Leah had slipped into something more comfortable for her nap. And sexier, Mika thought. Her hair was slightly tousled, and she had on no makeup. She had never looked more beautiful.

  “Why are you staring, Priest?” She smiled, watching Mika from under hooded eyes.

  Mika swung around on her stool, making it possible for Leah to stand between her knees. Leah put her arms around Mika’s neck and kissed her, as if to say, Our love knows no boundaries.

  “I have never seen you look as beautiful,” Mika breathed. “Without makeup you look very young, so vulnerable,” her voice dropped an octave, “and desirable.”

  “If we accomplish nothing else tonight…” Mika kissed her softly, loving the feel of her lips. Oh, God, she feels good. “We will set a wedding date.”

  “Yes,” Leah said, her voice husky with desire. “Yes.”

  Mika pulled Leah so tightly against her, it took away her breath. Mika kissed her softly, intending to feel only her lips. Leah nibbled at Mika’s lower lip and ran her tongue between her lips. Mika pulled her in, exploring her tongue, then asking for admittance to her mouth. Mika slowly moved her lips against Leah’s and explored her mouth with her tongue, running it along her beautiful white teeth.

  Leah slowly unbuttoned Mika’s blouse, then slid her arms around the priest, pressing harder against her. Mika realized the only thing between them was the thin veil of her negligée and a bra. “Just for this night, Mika, please be my lover?”

  “Umm…I don’t think so,” Mika teased. “You always kill your lovers.”

  Leah pulled back from her just enough to gaze into blue eyes. “And my husbands.” She looked at Mika darkly.

  Mika jerked involuntarily as the truth of their banter hit her like a runaway freight train. “I guess Emily Carver is the only one to escape your bed alive.” She frowned.

  “Emily had sense enough to run. You should too,” Leah said bitterly.

  Both were upset about the turn their conversation had taken. Leah pushed away from her, but Mika held her close. “Unless I am gravely mistaken,” she spoke soothingly, “I’m the only one you have chosen to marry.”

  Leah collapsed against Mika, sobbing uncontrollably. “I love you so much,
so desperately,” she whispered. “I understand that you have concerns.”

  “Not concerns.” She grimaced. “I’m dealing with an emotion I have never felt before: jealousy. It upsets me to know that I am not the first to share your bed.”

  Leah hung her head. She wasn’t ashamed, just concerned that Mika was hurting. The priest was her innocent. “You will be the last. I promise,” she whispered.

  Mika held her, stroking her back and gently kissing her lips. How could anyone be ashamed of loving her? Mika’s heart ached as she thought of the sheriff keeping her a secret. “I am so proud that you will be my wife. I want the world to know how much I love you.”

  Leah kissed her, a long soul-searching kiss that both aroused Mika’s passion and calmed any doubts that may have crept across her mind.

  The timer on the oven buzzed, jerking them from their immersion into one another.

  “Prepare to be amazed.” Mika grinned. “Go sit down in the dining room.”

  Leah was pleasantly surprised to find the table impeccably set for two. Although it was a small thing, she found herself pleased that Mika knew the proper way to set a table. A small thing, but somehow so important to her. How did I get so lucky? she thought. She is perfect in every way.

  Their dinner conversation was light and entertaining. Mika laughingly admitted that Naomi had made the delicious shepherd’s pie, but that she had made the salad.

  Mika insisted that Leah rest in the study while she cleared the table and cleaned the kitchen. “If you don’t mind,” Leah smiled, “I’d rather stay in the same room with you.”

  “I don’t mind.” Mika looked at her longingly. “I hate it when you’re out of my sight.”

  Mika poured two glasses of wine and then led her to the study. “Are you up to talking?” she asked gently.

  She nodded her head tentatively, dreading their upcoming conversation.

  “So,” Mika began hesitantly, not knowing where to start, “the mind show you provided me looked like it began in another universe and ended up here.”

  “Not another universe,” Leah spoke solemnly, “another time—another world. I guess the best way to explain it is that all the Bible stories you have ever read are somewhat steeped in truth.

  “There was a point in time—almost three thousand years ago—when I was the sole ruler of Judah.” She continued, thinking how ridiculous her story sounded. “For six years I participated in the most depraved debauchery imaginable.

  “I unknowingly made a pact with the Devil for inhuman powers. I worshipped pagan gods and cursed your God—now my God. He tired of my perversions and self-indulgences. He banished me to this place in time but allowed me to keep my powers. You know I have powers unknown to most humans.

  “I was as miserable and feared here as I was in my realm until I adopted Richie. He brought love, laughter, and purpose to my life. Emily had given him up for adoption at birth. It was a closed adoption, so I had no way of knowing Richie was the grandson of my archenemies, Samson and Delilah.”

  “Delilah and Samson were condemned to eternity here?” the priest asked incredulously.

  “Yes.” Leah smirked. “They have always thwarted everything I have tried to accomplish. They dubbed me the Wicked Queen, and I guess I tried to live up to the name. I was truly horrible.”

  “And the confessions I’ve heard from the townspeople, they are true,” Mika exclaimed, astounded by the madness of it all.

  “Yes,” she said emphatically. “The night you walked into the diner, I was about to burn it all to the ground, kill everyone in this town, including myself. You saved me. You saved my soul.”

  “Richie?” Mika asked incredulously.

  “No, not Richie. I could never hurt Richie. The town and I would have simply ceased to exist,” she explained. “He and Emily would have found themselves in the middle of the woods with no memory of the town or its inhabitants. They are both of this time.”

  “When you leave in the morning,” Leah said with a smile, “take this with you. Read it. It will answer most of your questions, except anything from the Wicked Queen’s point of view.” She handed Mika an ancient Bible.

  Mika smiled. “Okay. Now, can we move on to more important things?”

  Leah studied her for a long time, not speaking. She had shared the horrors of her life with Mika. The things that had tortured her dreams and most of her waking hours for as long as she could remember. Things that would have sent anyone else screaming and running from her presence in abject terror. Mika waved them aside as if they weren’t important, saying they had more important things to discuss.

  “Like setting the date for our wedding. How about the first of June? That will give me time to make sure Gloria is settled and comfortable with overseeing things. Richie will be out of school and can stay with Emily. Can you take off two weeks the first part of June for our honeymoon?”

  “June will be just fine.” Leah smiled her beautiful smile that always drove Mika crazy. The one that said, I have something in store for you, Priest.

  “May I announce it in church on Sunday?” Mika kissed her gently.

  “Of course. Do you think you can take off the entire month of June?” Leah asked in her sultriest voice. “We will have a lot to make up for on our honeymoon. Two years to be exact.”

  The thought of making uninterrupted love to her for a month sent a fire raging through Mika. The fact that a month was her idea made it even more desirable, if that was possible.

  “We can get married in the church. Gloria can officiate. We can hold the reception in the church community hall,” Mika planned. “Is that okay with you?”

  Leah moved from her seat on the sofa and settled herself on Mika’s lap, leaning her head against her breast. “It all sounds amazing,” she said softly. “Like a fairy tale.”

  “Or a match made in heaven.” Mika smiled.


  “Mom, I’m home,” Richie shouted as he closed the door.

  “I am in the kitchen, sweetheart,” Leah answered him.

  “What smells so good?” He sniffed the air as he hugged his mother.

  “Apple bran muffins.” She smiled as she removed the muffins from the pan and placed them on the serving plate. She held one out to him, knowing he would sneak it when she wasn’t looking.

  “Um, you’re the best cook in the world,” he grinned. “And the savior of our town. Everyone is talking about how you killed the things in the mines. What were those things, anyway?”

  “They were demons.” She tilted her head slightly. “I’m not a savior, Richie. I’m a witch, and I am not ashamed of it anymore.”

  “You should be proud of it, Mom.” Richie bowed his head. “I was so wrong to ask you to stop using your magic. Magic is only as good or bad as the person using it, and I know you are good. I’m sorry I ever doubted you.”

  “We both know I haven’t always been good.” She grimaced. “But I am now.”

  “So does Mika know about you now?” The boy watched her eyes. “Everyone said she was right there with you as you battled the demons.”

  “Yes,” she exhaled softly. “I told her everything, all about being the Wicked Queen. She knows all about my past.”

  “And…” Richie raised a questioning eyebrow. He was afraid to hear the answer. “Does she still want us?”

  “We are getting married June first. Mika is making the announcement in church on Sunday.” She smiled at the look of joy that spread across her son’s face.

  “I am so happy for us, Mom.” He hugged her for a long time. He was happy that he was back where he belonged.


  “I am going to make our big announcement today.” Mika kissed Leah softly. “I would very much like you to be there. You will be okay. No lightning will strike you. I promise.”

  “I’d rather not.” She frowned. “I’m just not comfortable with it yet.”

  “I’m going to feel pretty foolish, announcing our wedding plans without my betrothed at my sid
e.” Mika grinned. “Maybe you could come just for the announcement. I can make it before dismissing the congregation, so you won’t have to sit through my boring sermon. The three of us can go to lunch at the diner afterward.”

  “Okay,” Leah agreed. “But no pomp and circumstance, please. You know how I hate that.”

  “I promise.” Mika kissed her again, a long, slow kiss, feeling every movement of her soft lips.


  Mika announced that they were getting married on June first. The congregation applauded and cheered. Everyone was rooting for the couple.

  Richie may have been the happiest of all. He stood with the priest, greeting the church members and thanking them for attending the services. The boy beamed as people told him how lucky he was to have Leah for a mother and now the priest for a stepmother. He wholeheartedly agreed with them.

  Leah had ducked out the back door and was waiting for them when they reached the diner.

  “That wasn’t too bad, was it?” Mika leaned down for a kiss.

  “No,” she smiled shyly, “it was nice. I stood in the back and listened to your sermon. Very interesting; not boring at all.”

  The Samson family entered the diner and immediately asked Richie to join them. The boy shot Mika a help me look and the priest stepped in, explaining that they were in the middle of a mini planning session over lunch.

  “What can we be planning?” the boy asked as his grandparents and Emily seated themselves several tables away. “We need to look like we are doing something.”

  Leah moved her hand slightly, and Mika felt a weight appear in her inside jacket pocket. She pulled out several travel brochures. She gave Leah a quizzical smile and handed the brochures to Richie. “Your mother is responsible for planning the wedding, so it is our responsibility to plan the honeymoon.”

  “Cool,” exclaimed Richie as he began perusing the brochures. “Wow! There are a lot of neat places to go. Can I go with you on your honeymoon?”

  The priest gulped and was thankful when Leah entered the conversation.


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