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Two Different Worlds Box Set

Page 41

by Donna Raider

  “Lucky bastard,” growled Emily.

  “Yeah,” sighed Ruth.

  CHAPTER 27 - Budget Meetings

  They had been married almost three years, and Mika still dreaded city budget week. The council met for a week in mid-September to set a budget for approval in October. Although it gave her a chance to catch up on things demanding her attention in the church, she hated that Leah’s budget meetings usually ran until after midnight.

  Mika and Richie enjoyed the bonding time and often had frank talks about things the boy wasn’t comfortable discussing with his mother.

  Richie was with the band practicing for their performance at homecoming. Mika was proud of her son. At fifteen, Richie excelled in athletics and was the quarterback for the Junior High Football team. He was an honor student and was determined to be a doctor. He was active in the church and was a wonderful example for youngsters who looked up to him. Almost every sentence he uttered now ended with, “If I had a car.”

  Mika’s cell phone dinged signaling the arrival of a text message. Her face brightened as she saw her wife’s name.

  Leah: I miss you!

  Mika: So much.

  Leah: These idiots just voted to take an hour break for dinner. That will just make these meetings run even longer past midnight. Going to the diner in fifteen minutes. Meet me there.

  Mika: On my way.

  Mika hated that the dinner break would make the meeting run later but was thrilled at the prospect of seeing her wife.

  She was already in their booth when Leah walked into the diner. A brilliant smile graced Leah’s face as she walked toward Mika. Dear God, I love her, Mika thought as she rose and strode to meet her.

  “Mayor, we had hoped you would dine with us,” the sheriff gestured toward the tables that were arranged so the council members could dine together.

  “Sorry, Sheriff,” the priest smiled, “If you are going to add an hour to your meeting, I get to have dinner with my wife.”

  Emily scowled and slumped down in her chair.

  “I ordered for you,” Mika placed her hand on the small of Leah’s back and guided her to their table where two cups of hot coffee waited for them.

  The warm pressure of Mika’s hand on her back sent a tremor through Leah’s body. As they reached their table, Leah turned and clutched the front of Mika’s shirt in her fist, pulling her down to her for a much-needed kiss. Every council member wanted to be in the couple’s shoes at that moment.

  “From her reaction, I assume dinner was the sheriff’s idea.” Mika caught her wife’s hands and kissed her knuckles softly as they took their seat across from one another.

  “Of course,” the mayor hissed. “I have to find a way to make these meetings end at a decent hour. They are exhausting. Come back to the meeting?” she asked hesitantly. “They are open to the public. Just having you there will make it better.”

  “I’d love to,” Mika smiled. “It will give me a chance to observe my beautiful wife in action.”

  Leah blushed and ducked her head. She never tired of Mika calling her my beautiful wife. She wasn’t sure which word she liked best: beautiful or wife. Actually “wife” won by a landslide.

  “I am afraid there isn’t much action in these meetings,” she said dryly. “But, maybe later, at home, you can experience your wife in action,” she added in that low sultry voice that made Mika’s body stiffen in anticipation.


  “We will begin with the sheriff’s budget proposals for next year,” the mayor started the meeting quickly.

  As Emily rattled on, Leah looked around at her six council members. Delilah, who was now school superintendent, was beaming ridiculously at her daughter. She was still trying to figure out why no one would approve her requested funding for a bird sanctuary. Ruth was yawning and making faces at the mayor. Leah tried not to look at the tall brunet, afraid she would laugh. Levi represented the mining district and was already nodding off to sleep. Mother Superior was flipping thru the agenda to see how much longer the meeting would last. Amber smiled and rolled her eyes when the mayor made eye contact with her. Legion was scowling because his proposal for an adult bookstore had been voted down in the earlier half of the meeting. ­­Kathryn was there as the deputy mayor.

  Kathryn was working out beautifully. The woman was a natural politician and an excellent attorney. She had bonded with Amber and the two intelligently discussed the various issues presented to the council.

  Leah always prevailed on items that mattered to her. Amber, Ruth, and Levi always voted her way, while Delilah and Mother Superior usually formed a voting bloc. Legion was the wild card, only voting when it would benefit him. If there was a tie, the mayor simply broke the tie, voting for what she wanted. After the incident at the mines, Levi had become her staunchest supporter, much to Delilah’s chagrin.

  Leah’s phone lit up, and she saw a text from her wife.

  Mika: You really should button those two top buttons. Emily can’t read her proposal for trying to look down your blouse.

  Leah: The two top buttons are for you, darling.

  Mika: Honestly, I can’t even think for trying to look down your blouse.

  Leah smiled mischievously as their eyes met.

  Leah: Bad priest.

  Mika: Good wife.

  Leah: Very good wife.

  Mika: I can be bad for you.

  Leah: I think you need to be spanked.

  Mika: Oh, yes, please, Your Majesty.

  Leah chuckled aloud when she read Mika’s last text.

  All eyes turned to her, and Emily stopped in the middle of her presentation.

  “That was interesting,” the mayor addressed the sheriff, trying to cover up the fact that she had no idea what Emily had just said. “I wasn’t aware of that.”

  “You weren’t aware that you were re-elected mayor by an overwhelming landslide,” the sheriff raised a quizzical eyebrow.

  “Madam Mayor,” Ruth jumped in to save her friend, “this meeting has gone on so long I can’t even concentrate on what Emily is saying. I move we adjourn for the night and take this up in tomorrow’s meeting.”

  “I second,” Levi roused from his sleep.

  The motion passed, and Leah closed her notebooks. “Let me put these in my office,” she smiled at her wife, “and we can go home.”

  Mika leaned down and whispered to Ruth, “Thanks, I owe you big time.”


  The priest visited with Kathryn, Ruth and Amber as the other council members left the room. Mika noticed Legion heading for the elevator instead of out the front door. When her wife hadn’t returned in fifteen minutes, she excused herself. “I better check on Leah. She’s taken longer than I expected.”

  Mika didn’t wait for the elevator to return to the ground floor. Taking the stairs two at a time, she quickly arrived on the floor where the mayor’s office was located. The door to Leah’s office was open, and she could hear arguing between Legion and her wife. As she stepped inside the doorway, she realized that Legion had a strangle hold on her wife from across her desk.

  “I don’t care if you are married to a priest, Your Majesty,” the wretch hissed, “You have a contract with me, and you will honor it. Find a way or else.”

  Mika instantly caused a deluge of water to pour down on the man. The force of the water washed the imp to the floor causing him to lose his magic grip on Leah. Mika threw a bubble around Legion and stepped from the room so the man wouldn’t see her.

  Leah sprang into action, walking around her desk, she waved her hand, drying the water from her carpet, and then eyed Legion trapped in the bubble. The pawnbroker was drenched and looked like a drowned squirrel. He was still sputtering from the cascade of water that had engulfed him. She nodded and the bubble began to fill with water until it was just beneath the man’s chin. The fiend screamed and cursed her from inside the bubble. She was relieved to find he was powerless against her wife­’s manifestation.

  “Don’t ever touch me agai
n,” she growled, “I should drown you right now you miserable little rat.” She opened the double windows in her office and floated the raging imp outside and down to the street. She burst the bubble, and Legion crumbled to the pavement, instantly beginning to freeze in the cold night air. He waved his hand and dried himself then disappeared in a cloud of black smoke. He was exceedingly distraught that the witch’s powers seemed to be increasing tremendously. They were becoming stronger than his own.

  “Want to tell me what that was all about?” Mika pulled Leah into her arms. She shook her head, no, avoiding looking into Mika’s eyes. She moved deeper into Mika’s protective embrace and laid her head against her breast. They stood like that for a long time until she regained her composure. “I believe I promised you a spanking,” Leah smiled coyly.

  “Um, yes,” Mika said hoarsely, resting her chin on top of Leah’s head so she wouldn’t see the worried look on her face.


  As always, they awoke in each other’s arms the next morning. Mika looked at the clock. “Honey, we have overslept,” she whispered in her ear.

  “I told Odette I wouldn’t be in until after lunch,” Leah said huskily, pressing herself closer against Mika. “I am yours to do with as you please, for the next four hours.”

  “Sometimes I just want to dance down the street singing Leah Cross is my wife,” Mika laughed. “You make me happy.”

  Leah could feel the pent-up energy in her wife and welcomed it. “The feeling is mutual, darling. By the way, where is our son?”

  “Isaac’s house.” Mika answered as she trailed kisses from Leah’s neck to her soft breasts.


  Ruth sat down beside Leah as she took their order. “I’m tired,” she eyed the mayor enviously. “I don’t know how you do it. I don’t think you slept at all, did you?”

  “We…” Leah was at a loss for words as the wolf tapped her nose.

  “Don’t even bother making excuses,” Ruth grinned. “The nose knows. Your usual and lots of coffee.”

  The couple nodded.

  A horrified look crossed her Mika’s face as she leaned across the table. “Are you okay?” she asked, her voice thick with concern. “You must be exhausted. I’m the world’s worst wife. I am sorry. I should have let you sleep last night. I…”

  “As I recall,” the mayor raked her white teeth across her full bottom lip, “I was the aggressor last night.”

  “But I should have…”

  “Denied me,” Leah leaned toward her wife. “I don’t think so.”

  “Thank heaven tonight is the last night of the budget week,” Mika grimaced. “You can sleep all weekend. Richie and I will do all the cooking and cleaning.”

  “You definitely know the way to a woman’s heart,” Leah laughed. “What do you have planned for this afternoon?”

  “As you know, I’m on your agenda tonight about the women’s shelter,” the priest reminded her. “I think I’m the last item on the agenda, so I have no idea what time to be there.”

  “We are starting at three today,” Leah frowned. “The last night is always the longest night. We will take a quick dinner break around seven, then work until we finish. Maybe you could have dinner with me and then sit in on the rest of the meeting.”

  “That will work out perfectly,” Mika smiled. “I have a meeting with Gloria at four. Then I can meet you for dinner.”


  Mika was sitting in the diner when the council members began straggling in. Legion arrived before anyone else and spied the priest sitting alone. He swaggered to Mika’s booth and sat down. As he had done every time, he had encountered the priest, he sniffed, but could find no evidence of magic. The witch was indeed growing more powerful on her own.

  “Mr. Legion, to what do I owe this honor?” Mika scowled.

  “I just wanted to say that I am so sorry you and your wife are unable to have children,” the imp simpered.

  “Those things happen,” Mika shrugged. “It really isn’t any of your business. Honestly, I can’t imagine being any happier. Leah and Richie are the only family I need.”

  “Oh, every woman wants her own children. You know the fruit of one’s loins and all that. I could help,” the slimy man leaned toward Mika. “I have my ways.”

  “Magic, you mean?” the priest shook her head no. “I believe you are the one that always says magic comes with a price. I shudder to think what the price would be for a child.”

  “Well, not always,” Legion’s words slithered from his lips.

  “I am a woman of God,” Mika smiled humbly. “I don’t engage in magic.”

  “And yet you are married to the most powerful witch in the entire universe,” Legion declared mockingly.

  “Yes, well, she has her ways, and I have mine,” the priest nodded. “I feel confident she can do anything you can do.”

  The doorbell announced the entrance of the council members. Darkness covered Leah’s face as she saw Legion sitting with her wife.

  “Legion, I believe you are sitting in my place,” she growled at the man. “Why are you talking to my wife?”

  “My, my, lovey, aren’t we touchy tonight,” Legion smirked. “I was just telling Priest Mika how lucky she is to be married to the most powerful witch in the universe.”

  “My wife is none of your concern,” Leah bent to eye level with the imp, “Don’t ever approach my wife again. Do you understand me? Now move.”

  When Legion gave no indication of moving from their booth, Leah waved her hand, and he suddenly found himself transported to a chair outside on the cold patio. No one should be able to do that to me, he thought. Enforcing his contract with her might be more difficult than he’d thought.

  “What did he want?” Leah demanded as she slid into the booth.

  “To help us have a baby.”

  Leah glared at her wife. “What did you say?”

  “I told him I was sure you could do anything he could do,” Mika almost cringed at the look of despair in Leah’s eyes. “I know that is entirely your call, and I am okay with that. Here isn’t the place for this discussion anyway.”

  “There is nothing to discuss,” Leah snapped.

  “I ordered the chicken stew for us,” Mika changed the subject. “It smells great.”

  “I…” Leah hesitated. “Nothing in this world would make me happier than to have our baby. I just can’t.”

  “Hey,” Mika caught Leah’s shaking hands in hers, “It’s okay. I’ve told you before. It’s not a deal breaker,” she smiled her sincerest smile. “You and Richie are enough for me.”

  “Hot stew is coming up,” Ruth served them while Naomi took care of the rest of the council. “Where did Legion go?”

  The couple shrugged and picked up their spoons.

  “The last week of next month is the bowling tournament,” Mika grinned at her wife, as Leah tormented her with spoon antics. “Everyone is going to be trying to take the trophy away from us.”

  “Just let them try,” Leah grinned, thankful that Mika always seemed to understand her, even if she didn’t know what was going on.


  The final segment of the council meeting went quickly. Legion didn’t show up for the final items. Mika presented her request that the council consider establishing a women’s shelter. She noted that the church would provide half the cost of the construction if the city could pay the other half.

  “We’re housing two battered women at the church, and I know Mother Superior is housing five, with children, at the convent. Neither of us has the facilities to adequately care for women and children,” the priest pointed out.

  “I’m sure the town folks will help us with the actual construction,” she added.

  “Amen, to that sister,” Levi commented. “I move we accept Mika’s proposal and approve the funds to build the shelter.”

  “I second,” Mother Superior added.

  The item passed five to one, with Delilah still whining that a bird sanctuary was needed m
ore than a women’s shelter.


  True to her word, Mika had insisted that her wife simply lay in her arms and go to sleep. “There’s something else I’d rather do,” Leah whispered as she snuggled into the warmth of her.

  “Just be still,” Mika chuckled. She gently stroked Leah’s back and soon heard the sounds of soft slumber as she relaxed.


  Mika awoke first the next morning and slid silently from their bed. She knew Leah would chastise her for leaving her alone in their bed, but she wanted to put on some coffee and cook breakfast for her.

  Mika was pouring a cup of coffee when Richie joined her. “I have hot cocoa, too,” Mika grinned at her son.

  “You are the best,” Richie laughed as Mika added whipped cream to Richie’s favorite drink. “Where’s Mom?”

  “Sleeping,” the priest answered. “Budget week always takes a lot out of her. She’s exhausted. How was band practice last night?”

  “We broke up early,” Richie shrugged. “You know Isaac’s dad remarried about two years ago. The lady that owned the dry cleaner. You officiated their wedding.”

  “I remember,” Mika nodded. “Nice folks. I liked her from the second day I arrived here. She dry-cleaned my clergy outfits in one day.”

  “They had their baby last night,” the boy said in awe. “Mika, he is tiny. Isaac and Mary are excited. We stopped band rehearsal when she went to the hospital. Isaac’s dad was so out of it. We all went with him just to make sure he lived through the delivery. I was hoping we could visit them in the hospital today.”

  “Of course,” the priest smiled. “I need to bless him.”

  The boy tentatively eyed Mika. “Are you and Mom planning on having any children?” he asked shyly.

  “Would you be okay with that?” the priest asked her son, sincerely concerned with how the boy would feel about a sibling.

  “Oh, Mika,” Richie’s face lit up like a Christmas tree, “I would so love to be a big brother. I could take him everywhere with me if I had a car. I could teach him the things you have taught me, and…”

  “Whoa,” Mika laughed. “What if it is a girl?”


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