Sun Kissed

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Sun Kissed Page 12

by Anna Samuels

  After Ella had returned to her room, I got changed and lay down on the bed. As I drifted off to sleep, I thought of Seren, and the look on her face when she had nearly told me she loved me. I felt the warmth in my heart bursting at the seams and wondered how on earth we were going to find a way of staying together once this holiday was over. No matter what it took, I knew I was willing to do it though. Lying there, with only the moonlight for company, I knew I loved her. It was there, inside me, without any doubt or hesitation.

  The following morning, I slept in a little later than normal and then got up and dressed for breakfast. Once I had rounded Ella up, we headed down for breakfast and ate together at our designated table. Neither Seren or Danny were around and so when we finished, we headed back to our rooms together.

  ‘What do you want to do today?’ I asked Ella, as we reached the rooms.

  ‘I don’t know…Danny said he had more to show me around the cove but I don’t want to just assume he’s free all the time. I’m sure he has other stuff going on too.’

  ‘Yeah, I know what you mean. Well, do you want to go to the beach with me for a walk?’ I suggested. ‘We can have a little explore and then when we get back Seren and Danny might be around.’

  ‘Good idea. It’s such a beautiful day!’

  ‘Okay, come on then. Let’s go.’

  Ella and I wandered down the steps from the hotel to the beach and then walked along the soft sand. We took off our sandals and made our way along the shore before heading back along the sea wall and over some rocks to another little inlet of beach.

  The whole area was beautiful and I couldn’t help myself thinking how happy I would be to stick around the place a little longer. It truly was a haven of relaxation and peace. The natural setting made me feel settled deep inside and it reminded me of happier times.

  ‘What about a walk back through the village?’ I suggested, pointing over to where the array of houses were nestled in the countryside which overlooked the cove.

  ‘Yeah, good idea. Danny says his Grandma lives in the village too.’

  ‘Yes, she does. I’ll point out the house to you. Seren told me all about her. She’s just lost her husband-Danny’s Grandad, so they’re keeping a close eye on her.’

  ‘Yeah, he said. It’s so sad. Danny seemed gutted. I think he had a good relationship with his Grandad.’

  ‘Yes. It’s very sad. Seren said her Mum is really finding it hard.’

  ‘It’s good they’re both around for her then,’ Ella commented.

  We walked up through the village, pausing to look at some of the most picturesque cottages. As we headed up the curving road, we came across Seren’s parents’ house and were both surprised to see Seren and Danny in the garden with an older woman.

  As we walked up towards them, Seren noticed us and waved us over.


  ‘Hello!’ I smiled, walking up. ‘Hey Danny.’

  ‘Morning Abby. Hey, Ella,’ he grinned. ‘Fancy seeing you here.’

  ‘We’ve just had a nice walk,’ she told him, smiling up at him winningly.

  ‘Nice,’ he commented. ‘We’ve been visiting with my Grandma.’

  ‘Abby, Ella-this is my mother, Faith. Mum, these are the guests I was telling you about-Abby and Ella.’

  ‘It’s lovely to meet you, Mrs…’

  ‘Hope,’ she replied. ‘But please call me Faith. Everyone does. I hear you’re staying at the hotel, Abby? How do you like it?’ she questioned.

  I smiled at the warm, older lady. She looked like a woman who had been through a lot lately, with worn tired eyes, however I could see the kindness behind them. ‘I love it,’ I told her. ‘You have a wonderful, beautiful business, Faith. I’m completely besotted with the hotel, the cove and everything about it,’ I gushed.

  ‘You’re too kind!’ she smiled, beaming with pride.

  ‘Well, I’ll leave you to it,’ I told them. ‘Ella and I were just exploring the village.’

  ‘Oh really? Well, if you ever want a tour with a little history attached, I’m the one to do it!’ Faith told me.

  ‘Actually, that would be lovely!’ I smiled, liking the older woman.

  ‘How about now? Seren and Danny were just on their way and I’ve got time on my hands.’

  ‘I’d love that,’ I smiled. ‘Ella? Are you going to come-or do you and Danny have plans?’

  Danny looked over and Ella. ‘I wanted to ask if you’d like to come out on the boat again. I could take you a little further afield if you’d like to? Mum said she’d put us up a picnic from the kitchen.’

  Ella smiled, clearly very happy. ‘I’d love that, Danny. Thanks so much.’

  ‘Alright then! Well, Abby-I’ll catch you when you get back. Come and find me, okay?’ she murmured.

  ‘I will,’ I said, smiling up at her.

  She nodded and then glanced from her mother to me one more time before leaving. I said goodbye to Danny and Ella and told her to stay in touch by text.

  Left alone with Faith, she beckoned me into the house so she could get her walking shoes.

  ‘Come on in, dear…come on. You’re most welcome…’

  I smiled, stepping into the beautiful home. ‘This is a gorgeous house, Faith. I’m so taken with everything about Sunset Cove,’ I admitted.

  ‘That’s good to hear, honey-because from what Seren tells me, she’s taken quite a liking to you!’ she chuckled.

  I gaped at her. ‘You know about us?’

  ‘Yes,’ she smiled, sitting down to tie her shoes. ‘But even if I hadn’t beforehand, I would do by now. The way you look each other, dear-it’s obvious. I had that once…’ she murmured, looking down at her hands, which shook slightly. ‘Sadly, he’s gone now.’

  I sighed, and went to sit beside her. ‘Seren told me. I’m so sorry for your loss, Faith.’

  ‘Thank you, sweetheart. You’re very kind. It’s hard to talk to people about right now…and it’s so raw for Seren and Danny that I don’t like to upset them. He was a wonderful man, my Tommy.’

  I smiled at her. ‘He was? I’d love to hear about him.’

  She looked over at me, gratefully. ‘Thank you, sweetheart, but you don’t have to do that. I don’t need to take your time up with my woes.’

  ‘Oh, don’t be silly. I’d love to hear everything there is to know. And he’s Seren’s father! I want to know all I can about her…she means a lot to me,’ I admitted.

  She nodded, scanning my face with interest. ‘Yes…I can see she does…and you’re different to the last one…there’s something about you…’ she said, softly.

  I smiled at her. ‘How did you meet?’ I asked, gently.

  She sat back against the sofa, and smiled over at me. ‘Ah! Well; it was many moons ago…’ she began.

  I settled down onto the chair more comfortably and started to listen.

  It was two and a half hours later when I finally returned to the hotel. Faith and I had got on like a house on fire and had chatted freely for a long time. We never made it out for our walk but I had promised to go back later in the week so she could give me her tour of the village with history attached.

  When I reached the hotel, I went the long way round and headed into reception to look for Seren. Sure enough, she was there at the front desk, tapping away on the computer.

  ‘Hey!’ I smiled, walking up to the hatch.

  ‘Hey gorgeous!’ she replied, her face brightening with pleasure. ‘Where’ve you been all this time? Surely not walking for more than two hours?’

  ‘No,’ I said, ‘in fact we didn’t even leave her house in the end,’ I told her. ‘We ended up chatting for ages-I lost track of time.’

  ‘Chatting? What about?’ she asked, looking slightly concerned. ‘Not me, I hope!’ she said, laughing with nervousness.

  ‘No,’ I smiled. ‘Not much anyway. She wanted to chat about your Dad…and it was nice to get to know her and spend some time with her.’

  She stared at me, looking surpri
sed. ‘Wow…’

  ‘I think it was good for her to talk to someone who’s not grieving right now…she doesn’t want to talk to you or Danny in great depth right now because she thinks it’ll upset you too much.’

  She nodded. ‘That’s understandable.’

  ‘I liked her, Seren.’

  She smiled at me. ‘I’m glad…Mum’s important to me, so it would be so nice if the woman I’m seeing got on with her!’

  I laughed. ‘Yeah…absolutely!’

  ‘So, anyway…how about we spend some time together now?’ she suggested. ‘I’ve missed you so much…even though we’ve had blips of time together…’

  ‘I’d love that,’ I smiled. ‘And the kids are off exploring-so we’ve got the freedom to do as we please.’

  ‘And what would you do, ideally?’ she questioned.

  ‘Hmm,’ I murmured, scanning her face. ‘I would like to make the most of the fact we have time alone-but also do something out and about…’

  ‘Good idea. Well, how about we go upstairs for a bit and then after we’ve had ‘some alone time’ we can go out for a picnic or something nice. It’s a gorgeous day out there!’

  ‘That sounds amazing-if you can spare the time away from here?’

  ‘Yes, it’s fine,’ she told me. ‘I’ve got my deputy in now so as long as I’m back by six to do the dinner service, we’re all good.’

  ‘Great,’ I smiled. ‘I’ll go and grab a bag.’

  ‘Okay. Well, I’ll hand over to Sandy and then meet you upstairs in the apartment?’ she suggested. ‘You can come through reception and go on up once you’re ready?’

  ‘Okay, will do. I’ll be there in five minutes,’ I promised.

  ‘See you soon then, gorgeous,’ she grinned.

  I headed off quickly down the corridor and reached the hotel room rapidly. I threw some essentials into a beach bag including a bikini, towel, sun cream and shades.

  When I was done, I tidied myself up before heading back down to reception. Letting myself through, I went up the stairs and went into the apartment. Seren was sat waiting for me.

  Chapter 15

  Dropping my bag at the door, I headed over to where Seren sat on the sofa.

  ‘Hello there, gorgeous,’ she grinned.

  ‘Hey,’ I smiled, straddling her lap and sitting before her ready and wantonly.

  ‘You look stunning,’ she smiled, her hands encircling my hips.

  ‘So do you,’ I told her, ‘but then you always do…’

  She smiled up at me. ‘How does something like this happen so quickly?’ she asked, shaking her head in wonder.

  I scanned her face, searching for the answers that lay there. ‘I don’t know…but it has,’ I said, in a near-whisper.

  ‘Does it scare you, Abby?’ she questioned.

  ‘Yes,’ I admitted. ‘Does it scare you?’ I asked.

  ‘More than anything.’

  I nodded, understanding completely.

  ‘But for now…let’s not think too much. I just want to feel,’ she murmured, gently.

  ‘Me too…’ I said, lowered my mouth to hers.

  ‘In fact,’ she said, lifting her mouth from mine momentarily. ‘I got prepared for you before you arrived,’ she said, reaching for the zipper of her fly.

  I lowered my gaze and saw a tell-tale shape of an item of pleasure. I smiled up at her. ‘Oh, I see!’ I grinned, undoing her fly and zipper.

  Seren eased her fingers under my skirt and inside my panties, which were soaked from arousal. Her slick fingers rubbed me hard as her mouth captured mine for a breath-taking kiss. As her tongue found mine and danced wantonly with it, I rubbed myself down onto her hand, feeling my clitoris burning with desire. The hard length of the toy underneath me aroused me, and I rubbed myself up and down on it as well.

  Shifting slightly, she pulled the dildo out from her jeans and positioned it for me. I shifted position and as she pulled my panties aside, I sat down hard on the length of it.

  ‘Ah,’ I moaned, as intense pleasure filled me all over.

  ‘Feel good?’ she asked, gripping my hips.

  ‘Oh my God…’ I groaned, ‘so good.’

  I couldn’t help beginning to move, rocking my hips back and forth on her lap. The toy slid in and out, setting up delicious motion inside me as I worked myself upwards towards orgasm.

  Seren found my clitoris with her thumb and circled against it rhythmically. The dual pressure was too much and I exploded with a cry of pleasure and came hard and fast.

  Slowing my movements, I then collapsed down against her shoulder, holding her close against me. Seren wrapped her arms around me and held me tight. I drowsily rested against her soft shoulder for a while.

  When I could next move, Seren eased us up and took me to the bedroom she kept. Stripping off naked and then removing my clothes as well, we moved to the bed kissing and touching intimately.

  Seren’s hands were everywhere, stimulating every single inch of me. I moaned and writhed in her arms, returning her kisses and touching her too. As we made love to each other yet again, in every which way, I felt like I was well and truly home. This was my sanctuary, in all manner of ways. As long as I was in Seren’s arms, I was where I should be.

  It must have been over an hour later when we finally got ourselves up and out of bed. Desire had confined us to the bedroom and after finally being sated, we planned to take a picnic out to lunch.

  After re-dressing and Seren collecting a picnic hamper, we headed out. Seren packed a backpack full of food and drink and we walked off down to the beach in the opposite direction as before.

  ‘Where are we headed to?’ I asked.

  ‘I thought we’d go the other way. There’s a lovely walk over the clifftops and to another little bay which is usually nice and secluded, as many people don’t know how to find it.’

  ‘Ah, it sounds perfect!’ I commented, falling into step beside her.

  ‘Yeah, that’s what I thought. We can get out and about, but also have some ‘us’ time,’ she smiled, lacing her hand through mine.

  I smiled at her, loving being with her in every single way.

  ‘Come on. It’s this way.’

  Seren led me up the side of the cliff down a National Trust trail and then over the top of the cliff overlooking the sea. It was absolutely stunning to look back at the bay from afar.

  We walked for ages, content in each other’s company. We talked seldom and yet it was a comfortable silence which we shared. It was so lovely just to walk freely in nature with few people around and peace and tranquillity surrounding us.

  As we neared a little inlet, Seren directed me downwards and we made our way down a steep, winding muddy path. It took us down to a tiny patch of beach which was absolutely deserted. It was rocky, sandy and the sea shone brightly. I found it beguiling.

  ‘Wow, Seren!’

  ‘I know…a little slice of heaven, right?’

  ‘It sure it!’ I exclaimed. ‘This is incredible!’

  ‘A perfect place for a picnic, right?’

  ‘It sure is,’ I smiled. ‘Where shall we go?’

  ‘How about over by the rocks-then we have a little shelter as well as sunshine.’

  ‘Perfect!’ I grinned.

  We headed over and laid out a blanket on the sand to sit on. I stripped off my top and sat in bikini top and skirt while Seren unpacked delicious looking food from her backpack.

  ‘This is such a treat!’ I exclaimed, looking at everything she had brought. ‘Thank you so much for arranging this, Seren!’

  ‘You’re more than welcome,’ she smiled. ‘This is turning out to be a lovely, memorable day.’

  ‘It sure is,’ I smiled.

  Helping myself to the offerings, we ate while watching the waves lap the sand. The sun was beaming down brightly and I could feel the rays warming my skin as we sat enjoying our picnic.

  Once we had finished eating, Seren put everything in her backpack and then looked at me expectantly. />
  ‘Do you want to swim in a bit?’ she asked.

  ‘Yeah, definitely! Maybe when this lunch has gone down a bit,’ I told her.

  ‘That’s what I was thinking, yeah.’

  ‘So; what do you want to do in the meantime? Sunbathe?’ I asked, leaning back a little.

  ‘Maybe…’ she murmured. ‘Or I was thinking…maybe we could talk a little…’

  I looked at her, rapidly, my eyes flying to hers. Her tone had changed and suddenly she sounded really serious. ‘Sure,’ I murmured, sitting up. ‘Is everything okay?’ I asked. My eyes scanned hers for answers.

  ‘I’ve just been thinking…and yes, everything is fine,’ she told me, putting a reassuring hand on my arm.

  ‘Okay…so, what have you been thinking?’ I questioned.

  She sighed. ‘The other night...when I…’ she trailed off, looking down at our hands. ‘I almost…said something,’ she finally managed.

  I nodded, my eyes holding hers intensely. ‘I know…’

  ‘You do? Do you know how much that shocked me, Abby?’ she asked.

  I swallowed hard. ‘I think so…’

  ‘I didn’t even know where it came from…but after a lot of soul searching ever since, it’s definitely there, Abby-whether I voice it out loud or not…’

  I held her eyes, wondering where she was going to go with this.

  ‘So, it got me thinking…and I wanted to run something by you.’

  ‘Okay,’ I murmured, apprehensively.

  She paused for a moment, her eyes holding mine. ‘I don’t want this to be simply a holiday fling-a holiday romance.’

  ‘Me neither,’ I replied, softly.

  ‘But I also don’t want to get into a long distance relationship which is difficult to maintain and unrealistic.’

  ‘Okay,’ I murmured, confused. I didn’t know where she was going with this.

  ‘I’ve come to the conclusion that the only way we’re going to be able to figure this out between us is to spend even more time together,’ she told me, clearly. ‘And with that in mind, I wanted to present an idea to you…’ she paused for a long moment before telling me her thoughts. ‘I’d like to invite you here to spend the entire summer with me, Abby. You and Ella. It’s almost the end of term and the kids will be off anyway and preparing for Uni. You’ve said you want a break from work because it was making you unwell so why not take a fully-fledged break away? It’d give us almost eight weeks-two months to spend in each other’s company. After that, we can decide from there…I just think it might be worth seeing where this goes from here on out.’ She stopped then, and seemed to be scanning my face to read my thoughts. ‘So what do you think? Is it a crazy idea?’ she questioned, worried.


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