Sun Kissed

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Sun Kissed Page 13

by Anna Samuels

  ‘It’s not a crazy idea,’ I told her, finding my voice. ‘It’s the most incredible, wonderful idea I have ever heard-and I’d like to say yes!’ I exclaimed, with sheer joy. I threw myself into her arms and we tumbled to the sand, hugging tightly.

  ‘Really? Just like that?’ she laughed. ‘You’re actually saying yes?’

  ‘Yes, yes, yes!’ I told her, gleefully. ‘It’s the best idea ever.’

  ‘And here I was thinking I’d have to spend time convincing you, Abby,’ she chuckled. ‘Why have you said yes so easily?’ she wondered.

  ‘Because I love you,’ I said, simply, staring into her breath-takingly beautiful eyes.

  She gasped and moved upwards so we sat facing each other. ‘What did you say?’

  ‘I said I love you, Seren. I know it’s impossible. I know it’s ‘too soon’ but I’ve fallen for you so hard and so completely that I just want you to know.’

  ‘Oh, God, Abby! I love you too!’ she exclaimed. ‘Did you hear me the other night? It almost slipped out when we were saying goodnight. I couldn’t quite believe what I had been about to say-but since then I’ve made the decision to embrace this, and not be scared of it.’

  I smiled at her, feeling joy brimming to the surface. ‘I think we should both stop being scared. We both feel the same, so why not go for it. We take one day at a time, but see where it leads us. I don’t want to hold back from you anymore.’

  ‘Me neither,’ she smiled. ‘Ah, come here, Abby,’ she murmured, and drew me into her arms.

  We held each other tightly and then kissed slowly, languidly. When she lifted her head after a while, I gazed at her with love in my eyes. It felt incredulous in some ways but deep down, my gut was telling me it was right. I wasn’t going to shy away from a new chance of happiness-and it was sitting right before me. Sinking into her warm embrace, I promised myself I would open myself to all the possibilities which were presenting themselves to me.

  Seren and I sat in the sun on the beach for a long time before moving. When we did, we were both lethargic and slow to move ourselves down to the water’s edge.

  When we reached the water, I found the sea to be cold against my toes. The waves lapped our feet and I held Seren’s hand as we stared out to sea.

  ‘Shall we brave it?’ Seren asked.

  ‘It feels pretty cold…’ I murmured, unsure.

  ‘I’ll warm you up,’ she promised. ‘Come on…I haven’t been in the sea yet this year!’

  ‘I haven’t swum in the sea in years and years!’ I told her, animatedly.

  ‘All the more reason to then,’ she said. ‘Come on!’

  We waded into the water and I shivered in response to the water’s temperature.

  ‘Oh my God, it’s cold,’ I gasped, as my nipples tightened with the chill.

  ‘We’ll get used to it quickly I’m sure,’ she smiled. ‘Come on…one quick movement and we’ll get swimming.’

  ‘Okay,’ I said, taking a deep breath. Launching myself forwards, I dove into the water and the shock of it had me surfacing immediately. Despite the heat, it was cold and chilly all around us. I began swimming to warm myself up. ‘It’s freezing!’ I exclaimed, as I swam over to Seren.

  ‘But nice!’ she laughed. ‘I don’t do this enough! This is such a nice way to relax.’

  I smiled at her as she neared me. Her hands encircled my waist and pulled me closer towards her. ‘Aren’t you cold?’ I questioned.

  ‘Not with you this close,’ she chuckled, and then her face sobered as she scanned my face. ‘I’m feeling pretty, damn lucky right now, Abby.’

  I smiled at her, feeling my heart swell. ‘I feel pretty lucky too. I didn’t think this would happen to me, Seren. I wasn’t looking or even thinking about meeting anyone…and then you come along…’

  ‘I know,’ she said, on a sigh. ‘And yet we’re pretty damn perfect together, aren’t we?’ she smiled. ‘I’ve never met anyone who I’ve just clicked with like you. I can’t wait to spend even more time with you to see if this could be what I think it could.’

  ‘And what’s that?’ I questioned, softly.

  ‘A chance of a life with you,’ she murmured, softly. ‘I was looking for it before…I wanted someone to share everything with-love, life, work and a home. I thought that had all been lost-but maybe I was simply trying to do it with the wrong person.’

  I stared at her, holding her close against me as the waves lapped our wet bodies. ‘It’s what I was hoping for too, Seren…but I’m scared of it now. After all I went through with Kate, I don’t want to get hurt again. It worries me to think of putting myself out there enough to chance being heartbroken again.’

  ‘I’m not going to break your heart, honey,’ Seren said softly. ‘I’m going to mend it. This connection we share, Abby…it’s rare. I’ve certainly never felt it…and I don’t want to ever lose it. Whatever it takes, no matter what the sacrifices, I want to make a go of you and me. I love you, Abby.’

  ‘I love you too, Seren-and although I’m scared, I feel the same way. Maybe by being together, we can mend each other’s broken hearts?’

  She smiled at me, with absolute love in her eyes as she scanned my face. ‘I feel I could burst with happiness right now,’ she grinned. ‘It’s like being in a bubble of joy.’

  I smiled at her and leant forwards to kiss her. Our salty lips met and mated as the gentle waves lapped all around us. The moment couldn’t have been more perfect, and I never wanted it to end.

  Chapter 16

  It was several hours later when Abby and I made our way back to the hotel. We had swum, sunbathed and chatted on the beach and it had been the most perfect day I had ever experienced. As we walked back, hand in hand, I was absolutely radiating with complete happiness. Nothing could have burst my bubble-or so I thought.

  When we arrived back, Seren was caught by her deputy manager, the moment she walked into reception.

  ‘Oh, there you are, Seren! You have a visitor!’ Sandy told her.

  Seren and I both turned to where Sandy pointed. Sat over by the window, staring out to sea, was a woman. Seren gasped audibly and my eyes flew to hers in surprise. She dropped my hand and took a physical step backwards. Her face hardened and a fierce look of anger replaced the stress-free happiness which had been there a few seconds before.

  ‘Who is it?’ I asked, looking up at her with confusion.

  ‘Laurie,’ she muttered, still not looking at me. Her eyes were fixed on the woman, and I could see she was not happy.

  ‘I’ll leave you to it then,’ I said, stepping away from her and shifting my bag to my shoulder.

  ‘Yeah,’ she murmured, which surprised me immensely. I had expected her to say to stay-perhaps meet her, but as I made the move to leave, she didn’t stop me. She didn’t do anything.

  Feeling foolish and incredibly upset, I hurried off down the corridor to my room, with tears in my eyes. Seren didn’t follow me, she didn’t even call out my name. I didn’t dare look back…and when I reached my room, my hand fumbled to open it clumsily. Blind now with tears, I let myself in, sank to the bed and cried.

  Over an hour later, I still lay on my bed thinking. I had stopped crying a long time before, but I still felt really upset. I was very disappointed in how Seren had reacted and I didn’t know what to make of it all. Waiting was solving nothing, so I decided to go to the beach to clear my head.

  I left the hotel by the end doors and walked down the path. As I headed down the patio towards the steps which led to the beach, I stopped in my tracks. Up ahead, by the car park’s end, I could see Seren. She had her back to me and was talking to the woman who had left her. She was gesticulating wildly, so although I couldn’t hear them, I could tell the argument was heated. I watched, unable to walk away. I couldn’t help myself being curious about what was going on. Why would her ex show up like that out of the blue? Was she going to try and win her back? Would Seren want that? A thousand questions ran through my head as I watched the two of them disc
uss whatever it was that was going on. I didn’t walk away, I simply watched, leaning on the railing and staring from afar.

  As their discussion grew calmer, I watched as Laurie reached out and touched her arm gently. I felt my body prickle with annoyance. I didn’t like it that she was touching her like that. It didn’t seem right to me. Seren didn’t push her hand away. She didn’t stop her. I felt fresh tears fill my eyes.

  To my disbelief, then Laurie stepped forwards and hugged Seren warmly. Yet again, Seren didn’t push her away or stop it from happening. She simply lifted her arms to accept her touch. Disgusted and humiliated, I turned back the way I came and headed straight back into the room. Slamming the door shut behind me, I started shoving clothes into a bag haphazardly, my anger flashing before my eyes. Slamming everything in roughly, I hurled the bag down onto the floor and then collapsed on the bed crying. Earlier, I had thought my world was just righting itself in the most wonderful of ways. Now, I felt like everything was crashing down around me.

  A knock at the door alerted me to Seren’s arrival sometime later. I looked at it, disgusted and didn’t move.

  ‘Abby? Abby are you in there?’ she called.

  I stared at the door with stony anger filling me from deep inside. I didn’t answer her, and I didn’t move. She could go to hell for all I cared in those moments.

  ‘Abby!’ she tried one more time.

  A moment later, I heard a little rustle underneath the door and a note was pushed under the gap. I waited until I heard her walk away and then headed over to pick the piece of paper.

  ‘Sorry, Abby. I had to talk to Laurie. All good now. Talk to you later,’ it read.

  I stared at it with disbelief. How was everything ‘all good’ now? I wanted answers, but knew I was too angry right now to get them. Instead I sulked, sitting on the bed and staring out of the bay window. Even the beautiful view couldn’t lighten my mood at the moment. Everything seemed dark and ever so bleak now.

  About an hour later, Ella returned.

  ‘Hey Mum!’ she said, bursting through the door without knocking. ‘Mum? Oh my God, what’s the matter?’ she exclaimed, coming to my side.

  I was lying on the bed, still crying. I felt like I was coming apart, I was so sad. ‘It’s Seren,’ I told her, tearfully.

  ‘What happened? I thought you would be having a nice day together!’ she exclaimed.

  ‘We did! We were! Then we got back here…’ I murmured.

  ‘And what happened then?’ she questioned.

  I sniffed, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand. ‘She uh…her ex…her ex was waiting for her, Ella. I saw them…I saw them holding each other…’ I cried.

  ‘Oh no way, Mum! No, frigging way!’ Ella muttered. ‘I saw the way she was looking at you! She’s got it bad! There’s no way she can be going back to the ex. Couldn’t you have gotten it wrong, Mum?’ she questioned.

  ‘I don’t know…but it just reminded me of everything with Kate! And it proved to me what I didn’t want to admit-I don’t really know Seren, Ella! I’ve known her for under a week! Why am I making plans for the rest of my life based on someone I’ve known for a matter of days? It’s craziness. I don’t know what I was thinking!’

  ‘Yes, you do, Mum. I wouldn’t have said it before, but now I’ve met her, I understand. She’s special. You two are special together. I don’t know how it would pan out in the future but I’m sure you’d find a way!’

  I sniffed, wiping my wet cheeks again. ‘We spoke about it earlier…before all this,’ I told her, sadly. ‘She told me she loved me and that she wanted us to come down here for the whole summer-to spend time with them. I was so happy about the idea, Ella…but now I just feel so, damn sad.’

  ‘Oh Mum!’ she exclaimed, ‘what can I do for you?’

  I just shook my head. ‘Nothing…’

  She sighed. ‘Look, let me go and take a shower because I’m covered with the beach and sand and then we’ll chat, okay?’

  I nodded, miserably. ‘Okay,’ I agreed.

  ‘I’ll be back soon.’

  I nodded and watched her go.

  Ten minutes later, the door opened once again. To my surprise-and shock, Ella had someone with her. Seren.

  ‘Hey Mum…don’t be angry,’ Ella said, quickly, ‘but I went to speak to Seren. Hear her out…please?’ she said, and quickly disappeared back into her room and shut the door behind her. Seren was left standing in the room and she was staring at me with a look of complete stunned shock on her face.

  ‘Abby!’ she cried, coming to my side to bend next to the bed. ‘Oh my God, I’m sorry…I’m so sorry,’ she said, wiping my tears.

  I pushed her hand away and moved back. ‘Don’t! I saw you two! I was heading to the beach and I saw you holding each other in the car park,’ I said, shakily.

  ‘Oh, Abby-that was just a goodbye…it was also a decision on my part-to let things go and let myself forgive her for the past. There’s nothing going on that you should be worried about.’

  ‘No? But that’s just it, Seren! It made me realise how little I know you! We’re been together less than a week and we’re talking about love! A future! We must be crazy!’ I exploded.

  ‘No, we’re not crazy-but I understand your reservations and fears. I handled earlier really badly, Abby. It was simply the shock of it though. I realised later just how badly I had dealt with it-how I had dealt with you…’

  ‘You didn’t even try to stop me. You didn’t even say goodbye,’ I told her, sadly.

  ‘I know,’ she murmured, ‘and it was only because I was distracted. You’ve got to understand, I’m still trying to get over all this. I don’t think I’m quite there yet. She treated me so badly, for so many years, that I have a lot of emotional baggage from it. When I saw her there, waiting, I was floored. I didn’t know what to do or how to react-so I’m so sorry if I upset you.’

  I nodded, looking down. ‘What did she want?’ I asked then.

  ‘She wanted to tell me she was getting married. She’s marrying him and then going off on honeymoon. Apparently I still have her passport in some documentation I keep so she wanted to get it back. She then apologised for her treatment of me over the years and asked for my forgiveness.’

  ‘Wow,’ I breathed. ‘That’s pretty hard.’

  She nodded, looking like the weight of the world was on her shoulders. ‘That’s what I thought, at first,’ she replied, ‘but then I realised something else…’

  ‘What was that?’

  She looked up at me. ‘I realised that I don’t care if she gets married to him. I don’t care if she goes on honeymoon and has a wonderful time. I don’t care anymore because I no longer love her. I didn’t feel that way before I met you, Abby. I felt a sense of absolute devastation. Now, I feel okay about it all. I feel okay because now I’m looking at the potential of a future. Since meeting you, everything seems possible. Since meeting you, I’ve begun to enjoy life and have been living it to the full. Don’t let my reaction earlier change everything that we’ve become to each other, Abby. I know it’s absurd, I know it’s happened quickly, but we’ll pace ourselves now. We can put in the time to get to know each other in every which way possible…just say you’ll try. Spend the summer down here as planned and see if that changes your mind about the future. Please, Abby. We have the chance of pure happiness together…something tells me we were meant to end up together.’

  I felt tears brimming over and they slipped down my cheeks like rivers. This time, they weren’t sad tears, they were full of joy. ‘I come with a lot of baggage,’ I warned her, laughing with emotion.

  ‘Don’t we all, honey…’

  I met her eyes and then reached for her, pulling her close. ‘Okay,’ I murmured, as we held each other tightly.


  ‘Yes,’ I said, against her shoulder. ‘Let’s give it a try.’

  ‘Good,’ she replied, lifting her head, ‘because I’ve fallen completely and utterly in love with you, Abby, and I do
n’t plan on letting you go.’

  I smiled at her, warmth filling my battered heart. ‘I love you too, Seren.’

  She smiled, and our mouths met in a kiss of promise.

  Two months later

  A little over two months later, Seren and I headed back from dropping Danny and Ella at the University of Plymouth. Danny had been accepted, and Ella had decided to go with Plymouth which had previously been her second choice. Now a firmly, fledged couple, they were inseparable. Their decision to go to Uni together was one which Seren and I both supported, as they made such a wonderful twosome.

  We drove back from Plymouth, knowing that our children were happy and content-and with each other for support. As Seren drove, I laid my head back against the seat and smiled to myself, thinking about the past few months.

  They had been a revelation. I needn’t have doubted my feelings because they had only grown stronger. Once my week long holiday was over, Seren had moved me into the apartment which she lived in above the hotel. Ella and Danny had occupied the suite and room next door in the hotel-so that they could have some independence and privacy also.

  Left alone to our own devices, Seren and I’s relationship had blossomed. With time on our side, we spent every waking hour together. We worked alongside each other, ate with each other and slept each night in each other’s arms. It was a dream come true.


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