Book Read Free

Six John Jordan Mysteries

Page 95

by Michael Lister


  Cuffed so he couldn’t alter evidence, Father Thomas had been briefly examined at the Bridgeport Medical Center then released back into police custody. He was now being led down the florescent-lit corridor of the police station to the small interview room in the back. When he stepped inside the room, two FDLE techs were waiting for him.

  Steve, Ralph, and I, who had been following behind him, stopped at the doorway and waited.

  With practiced formality, Steve presented Father Thomas with a document and said, “This is a search warrant.”

  “For what?” Father Thomas asked.

  “You,” Steve said. “These two lab techs from FDLE are going to gather any physical evidence you have on you.”

  Father Thomas looked at Ralph Reid, who nodded.

  “I’d like to be present,” Reid said to Steve.

  “Sure,” he said. “John and I’ll wait out here.”

  Reid joined the others in the small room and Steve closed the door.

  “Shouldn’t take too long,” he said to me. “Want some coffee?”

  I nodded.

  I followed him back up to the small squad room and the coffee maker just outside his office door.

  “It’s bad,” he said, handing me a large paper cup full of the steaming black liquid, “but it’s hot and strong.”

  He waved to the tired-looking middle-aged dispatcher through the glass of her communications room and we walked back down the flatly lit hallway toward the interview room.

  “You’re not gonna do anything in there to hinder me or help him, are you?” he asked.

  I shook my head. “Just observe.”

  A flash of light filled the room and shone at the bottom of the door, and I knew the techs were taking pictures of Father Thomas.

  “I like the old guy,” he said. “I’ll give him a fair shake, but we can’t forget what he did.”

  “If he did it.”

  “You seriously believe it’s even possible he didn’t?”

  “If you don’t you shouldn’t be heading the investigation.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah, keep an open mind and all that, but it’s just the two of us talking here.”

  “I’m not saying it because it sounds right.”

  “Okay,” he said, “but just from what we know, what we’ve seen, statistically—”

  “It’s likely he did it,” I said.

  “All I’m saying.”

  “Is it?”

  He started to say something else, but hesitated.

  Without seeing or hearing anything from inside the small room, I knew what was happening. The techs were scraping flecks of blood and tissue from beneath Father Thomas’s nails, snipping a sample of his hair, and combing his pubic region.

  “Are you really going to pursue other possibilities?” I asked.

  “No,” he said with a smile, “but only because I know you will.”

  “I’m out of it after tonight,” I said.

  He laughed. “Even if I charge him and you think he’s innocent?”

  “Innocent people’re convicted all the time.”

  “Not while John Jordan’s around,” he said, his voice taking on a bitter edge that hadn’t been there before.

  The door to the interview room opened and the two techs came out. They were carrying various-sized plastic and paper evidence bags.

  “He’s all yours.”

  They walked away and we walked inside.

  The small room was simple and, to my surprise, not cluttered. Rather than the outdated sterile, austere interrogation room, it was a warm and comfortable interview room. Cushioned chairs surrounded a wooden table, and pastel pictures of beach scenes hung on the walls.

  Everything about Steve and his department impressed me.

  “Father Thomas,” Steve said, his voice kind and respectful, “would you like a cup of coffee?”

  He shook his head.

  Steve and I were on one side of the table, Ralph Reid and Father Thomas on the other. His clothes long since placed in plastic evidence bags and taken to be processed, Father Thomas was wearing a pale blue county uniform that transformed his appearance so completely as to make him look like an old-time recidivist.

  “I know you’ve been through a lot tonight so I’ll try to make this as brief as possible.”

  Joining the fine network of cuts and scratches webbing Father’s face, blue and purplish bruises were slowly developing on his right cheek and around his throat.

  “Thank you.”

  “Do you mind if I record this? My handwriting is atrocious.”

  Father Thomas looked at Reid, who shook his head.

  “Is that a ‘no’ or a ‘no we don’t mind’?” Steve asked.

  “You may record the interrogation,” Reid said, his tone flat and impatient.

  Steve pulled a small recorder out of his pocket and placed it in the center of the table. Clicking it on, he rattled off the date, time, and who was in the room.

  “Father Thomas,” Steve began, “we think we know what happened. The physical evidence and crime scenes tell a certain story, and, unlike people, their testimony is objective and accurate.”

  “Subject to interpretation, of course,” Reid added.

  Ignoring him, Steve continued. “What physical evidence can’t do is tell us how things felt, why things happened. It can’t really explain these things. And scientific facts can be cold and make things seem much more... ah... cold-blooded than they really were.”

  Steve paused for a moment, but Father Thomas didn’t say anything.

  “I’ve been doing this long enough to know that there’s always a context—you know, circumstances—that gives greater insight than the proof provided by cold, hard facts. So we’re here as friends to let you explain to us not so much what happened, but why.”

  “We’re not friends,” Reid said.

  “Father Thomas and I are,” Steve said, never taking his eyes off Father Thomas.

  “Not in this room.”

  “Tammy can’t tell us what happened,” Steve said. “She can’t explain to us why things turned out the way they did. Only you can. You get the final word. You can explain your side of it and no one can contradict you.”

  When Steve stopped talking, we all waited, but Father Thomas didn’t say anything.

  “Go ahead,” Steve said, “tell us why you did what you did.”

  “Because she asked me to,” Father Thomas said, his voice small, dry, weak.

  “She asked you to?”

  “You know how she was.”

  “Yes, I do,” Steve said, his voice full of enthusiastic empathy. “She was out of control. A real mess.”

  “Far more miserable than most people knew. She wanted to change.”

  “But she couldn’t, could she?”

  “Exactly,” Father said.

  “So she asked you to tie her up and—”

  “Actually, she did that herself. I went to my office to get my things and by the time I arrived, she had undressed and strapped herself to the bed—well, all but one hand.”

  “Father, I know this is difficult, but I need you to tell me exactly what she asked you to do to her.”

  Father Thomas looked at him in impatient disbelief, as if Steve had not been listening. “What I’ve been talking about,” he said. “She asked me to perform an exorcism on her.”

  “What?” Steve asked in shock.

  “She asked me to drive out the demon inside her.”

  “So what went wrong?”

  “Nothing went wrong,” Father Thomas said. “He simply refused to go.”

  “So you killed her?”

  “Of course not,” Father Thomas said. “I didn’t kill her. He did.”

  “Who’s he?”

  “The demon.”


  “You’re saying you didn’t kill her and a demon did?” Steve said.

  Father Thomas nodded, his tired face somber and sincere.

  “Father, come on. Yo
u can’t expect me to believe that. You’re a few centuries late for that defense to work.”

  Father looked offended. “It’s not a defense. It’s what happened.”

  Steve turned to Reid. “You gonna let him hang himself with this?”

  Reid said, “Father, tell them the whole story from the beginning like you did me.”

  He took a deep breath, sighed heavily, then hesitated a moment. “I still can’t believe she’s dead.”

  He paused again, and in the intervening silence I had to keep reminding myself not to ask any questions of my own.

  “Tammy was tormented. Out of control. Doing things she not only didn’t want to do, but found revolting—and that’s the things she even remembered. More and more she was losing time. Waking up with no memory of what she’d done. Later, when people would describe her actions, she was sure they were talking about someone else.”

  “And this made you think she was possessed?”

  He shook his head and gave Steve a look of frustration. “Made her believe it. She heard I was an exorcist and began coming to see me. At first, I refused to even talk to her, but she persisted and eventually convinced me—”

  “That she was possessed?”

  “That she was sincere,” he said impatiently, “that she really was asking for help.”

  Reid patted him on the back, and I could tell he was trying to get him to relax and be more tolerant of Steve’s questions.

  “So at this point you didn’t believe she had a demon?” Steve asked.

  “Of course not, but I could tell she did, that she genuinely wanted and needed help.”

  “So you began to help her?”

  “I began to meet with her on a semi-regular basis, and the more we talked, the more I realized just how deeply disturbed she really was. Her promiscuity and drug use had opened her up to all sorts of...”

  “Demons?” Steve asked, his flat tone unable to completely mask its underlying ridicule.

  “As it turns out, yes,” Father Thomas said, “but at the time I wasn’t sure. I thought it could be psychological trauma. Often the two go hand in hand.”


  “Possession and mental illness. I just wasn’t prepared. Not like I should’ve been. God forgive me for my arrogance and blindness.”

  “When did you change your mind about what her real problem was?”

  “I didn’t,” he said. “At least not until tonight. That’s what I’m saying. I was unprepared for what I faced tonight because I thought she was...”

  “Faking?” Steve offered.

  “Well, to be more precise, that it was in her mind. I honestly felt that Sister Abigail could do her more good than I, but I didn’t think she would even be open to that kind of counseling until we went through the ritual.”

  “Of exorcism?”

  He nodded. “The thing about possession is—and you can ask any exorcist about this—most manifestations of the demonic don’t occur until the ritual is performed. If there’s any question, it’s best to go ahead and perform the ritual. No one without a demon was ever hurt by an exorcism.”

  “And tell me, Father, is that usually done by strapping the person naked to a bed?”

  Father Thomas let out a frustrated sigh and Reid shook his head, his eyes narrowing angrily as he glared at Steve.

  “I told you,” he said, “she did that. I had mentioned to her that I usually used restraints because you never knew what the demons might make a person do, so naturally she wanted to use them, but she’s the one who put them on the bed, undressed, and strapped herself in. She said she didn’t want to hide anything from me or God and that she wanted to be physically uncomfortable, but I saw it as yet another sign that she was suffering from mental illness, if not demon possession.”

  I wanted to ask how he discerned between the two, but refrained. Sister Abigail would appreciate my restraint.

  “I thought being naked was the state Tammy was most comfortable in?” Steve asked.

  “Because of the cold,” Father Thomas said, shaking his head. “Are you trying to be––”

  “So you went in that cabin last night not believing you were dealing with a demon?”


  “So you can understand why we’re having such a difficult time with it,” Steve said.

  “Sure,” he said. “But I’m telling you that’s what it was. I’ll swear to it in court. I’ll take a lie detector test. I’m telling the truth.”

  “You’ve done exorcisms before?”

  “Lots of them.”

  “Anything like this ever happen?”

  “I’ve had people hurt themselves,” he said. “Manifestations of the demons torturing their souls showing up on their bodies, but never to this degree. I’ve never seen them kill.”

  “Have you ever even heard of it happening?” Steve asked. “In recorded history?”

  “Most exorcisms aren’t recorded. They embarrass the church.”

  “Is that a no?”

  “It’s a ‘not that I’m aware of.’”

  “So what we’re dealing with is unprecedented?”

  “In my experience,” he said. “Yes.”

  “And that doesn’t worry you?”

  “Worry me?”

  “Yeah, you know, risking your life on something no jury will have a frame of reference for?”

  “I have evidence. Well, if not of her actual death, at least of how bad it was torturing her.”

  “What evidence?” Steve asked.

  “I videotaped the whole thing. It’ll prove I’m telling the truth. You’ll be forced to confront your own unbelief when you see it, and will have to let me go.”

  “Well, maybe you should let us see it. Where’s the tape?”

  “In the camera. Corner of the cabin. It may still be recording. I left it running when I ran after Tammy.”

  “It’s not there. We checked.”

  “Someone took my camera? Why would––”

  “Not your camera, just the tape.”

  “I don’t understand. Why would someone take my tape? It proves I’m telling the truth.”

  “Maybe the devil did it,” Steve said.

  “That’s not funny,” Father said. “You shouldn’t tease about powerful things you don’t understand.”

  “Maybe it was taken precisely because it proves you’re telling the truth,” Reid said. “Maybe the murderer took it in an attempt to set you up.”


  “Whatta you know about exorcisms?” Steve asked.

  We were standing next to the coffee maker again, taking a short break before we wrapped up the interview, allowing Father Thomas and Ralph Reid to have a little privileged conversation.

  “Not a lot. Studied it a little in seminary—even wrote a paper on it, but have forgotten most of it. Read a few books since then. Seen a documentary.”

  “Well, all I know is what I’ve seen in movies. And I’m not much of a reader. You think you could brush up a little on the subject and give me a Cliff’s Notes version?”

  I nodded.

  “Is what he’s saying even possible?”

  I shrugged. “I’m in the ‘anything’s possible’ business.”

  “You believe in angels and demons and all that shit?”

  “Used to. When I was a kid I believed in them in very literal and concrete ways. As I grew up and learned more, I saw them more as metaphors.”

  “Metaphor didn’t do what was done to my cousin.”

  “I know. And I do believe in a spiritual realm. It’s just far more mysterious and subtle than most religious people seem to think––and that’s especially true of its influence and impact on this realm. I try to remain open, but I’m pretty skeptical.”

  “Could it be mental illness?” he asked.

  I nodded. “And we’ve got to consider drug use as well. Depending on how many drugs she’s really done, and what kind, and if she was under the influence at the time... Toxicology should tell us a lot.�

  He nodded.

  We were silent a moment, sipping our coffee, looking around the dim, empty station. It was neat and orderly, obviously well run, and surprisingly modern and technologically sophisticated.

  “What about the tape?” he asked. “Why would someone take it?”

  “Could be what Reid said.”

  “Or Father Thomas could have taken it because what it really shows contradicts what he’s telling us.”

  “Either way,” I said, “you need to search St. Ann’s.”

  He nodded. “That should be fun.”

  We grew quiet again, each of us stretching and yawning. Steve looked as tired as I felt, the stubbly skin of his washed-out face drawn, dark circles under bloodshot eyes, and stiff, unruly hair in need of washing. I was sure I looked worse.

  “He was covered in her blood,” he said.


  “His hands are bruised and swollen and I guarantee the blood and tissue removed from his nails are hers and vice versa, and he has nicks and scratches on his hands and face that look like she was fighting him off.”


  “He probably did it,” he said. “Probably killed her and all the rest of this hocus pocus shit’s just clouding the issue.”

  “Probably,” I said, “but not necessarily, not definitely, not absolutely, not yet.”

  He frowned and nodded his begrudging agreement. “Come on. Let’s go see if we can turn probably into unequivocally.”

  Walking back down the narrow hall, I said, “Pretty good vocabulary not to be a reader.”

  He laughed. “My mom gave me Word Smart vocabulary-building tapes for Christmas last year. I keep them in my Explorer. Listen to them as I drive around. Tell anybody and I’ll shoot you.”

  “Since for the moment we don’t have the tape, why don’t you tell us exactly what happened inside that cabin and how you both wound up in the clearing.” Father Thomas nodded, his eyes looking up and off into the distance, his face wincing with the first images of memory.

  “I’ve been doing this a long time,” he said, “and I’ve never seen anything like it. She started out doing all the vile stuff you’d expect—stuff she would’ve seen in movies. She spit out obscenities at me, touched herself sexually, and—”


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