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Page 13

by Darkbringer

  As my jaw fell open, she knelt to one knee and bowed her head. “I’m her to be yours, My Lord. Thou may shackle me if thou wish, sell me if that is thy desire, or end my life if thou want. I kneel in judgment before My Lord, and humbly await to hear and obey thy wishes.”

  I had no idea who this woman was, why she was, why she was naked, or why she was kneeling before me – and it was only moments before Dino got back! “My wishes? Anything?” My mind was racing, and I let my magic trail out and search the streets from here to the school to look for Dino’s energy. I only had a few moments before he got up close enough to see this street and notice her.

  “Aye. I shall do anything,” the girl confirmed, unaware of the damage she might do any moment to my normal, lazy life!

  “In that bed,” I pointed to the one up top, away from the door, which is where I normally sleep. “Lie as small as possible, and don’t move. Don’t twitch. Don’t make a peep.”

  “Of course,” she slowly started to rise and bow towards me. Frantic about the shortness of time, I wrapped my magic around her and simply flipped her up and onto the bed and forcibly yanked the blankets to cover her and bunch up around the outside. Sensing back for him, Dino was almost to the room. Inspecting the bed, she wasn’t immediately noticeable, and I hoped it was good enough to hide her for a few minutes.

  It was only when I sensed Dino coming up the steps to the second floor of our building, that I noticed her robe was still piled in the middle of the floor. Panicking, I pulled in as much energy as I could for an instant and released a sudden burst of fire and air into the cloth. It vaporized instantly and the ash scattered to the corners of the room and under the beds.

  As I released my magic, I bounced up onto my bed and slid the covers over me just instants before Dino came through the door. A warm, naked female body pressed itself tightly against me, as I tried to lay there all innocently.

  “Michael?” Dino sounded confused, as he looked around the room.

  “Uhh… Yeah?” What the hell was I supposed to say? Had he noticed something already?

  “Are you OK?” As strange as it was to believe, he almost sounded concerned.

  “Ummm…” Who the hell could be fine in a situation like this, my mind screamed. “I’m fine,” I answered. “I think I might have the flu or something. I got chilled, so thought I’d climb under the covers for a bit to feel better.”

  “So why’s the door wide open?” He was starting to sound really suspicious.

  “Gas,” I lied, off the top of my head.

  “Gas?” He questioned.

  The girl under my blanket pressed her breasts a little tighter against my chest and then nuzzled her head against my side. I had to squirm a little to try and hide her movements, but then she suddenly blew on my stomach and made loud “Puppptt rupptt puupppt” noises with her mouth.

  “Damn!” I could hear Dino moving towards the door. “Do you need a healer? I can bring one back from the school.”

  The girl blew again on my chest, causing me to squirm and try not to laugh. It tickled! “Uhhhh! I’ll… I’ll be OK…” She blew again and I squirmed even harder. “Healers cost money. If I’m not better by in the morning, I’ll….” Another set of farts blown on my chest! “… I’ll see a healer then,” I finished in a rush.

  “Sure. Sure.” Dino was already outside the door and talking to me from the other side. “I’ll take my time coming back this evening, and maybe your stomach will settle some before I get back. It sounds terrible right now!”

  “Oh, something’s terrible all right,” I muttered quietly, as the unknown girl blew another set of fake farts on my belly button.

  The sound of Dino’s footsteps faded down the steps and away from our room finally. I’ve never been as relieved, as I was in that moment, at farting someone out of a room before!

  Lady Crystal

  After several long moments to try and catch my thoughts and calm myself, I finally rolled out of bed, went over and shut the door. “Get out here,” I demanded, and the young lady slowly pulled back the covered and slid off the top bunk to stand naked before me. Looking at her closely now, I could tell that she was probably close to my age, and less than twenty years old. Unabashedly, she stood tall and straight, with her arms behind her, so I could see her at my leisure. I had to admit, she was one of the cutest women I’d seen, and I’d seen a lot of lovely ladies on Mother’s island. She wasn’t as attractive as De’Nara or Le’Nara, but she was one of the few women who I hold up against them in comparison.

  Full, teardrop breasts, curvy waist, long legs, with not a bit of flab or fat to be found anywhere upon her. Her skin was pale, with no tan lines, and she was smooth and hairless from the neckline down. Her eyes had a twinkle in them, and her mouth had a slight curve to it at the corners. In some ways, her physique reminded me of De’Nara, but her eyes and smile reminded me of Le’Nara. She was charmingly attractive, and since she didn’t seem to mind me looking, I indulged my eyes on her.

  “A few questions,” I started. “Just who the heck are you?”

  “You haven’t given me a name yet, My Lord,” she told me while half smirking.

  “Me?” I was completely confused. I had no idea who the girl was. “Why should I give you a name? I don’t even know where you came from, or why you’re here.”

  “My letter of introduction was in the robe I was wearing, My Lord.” She told me smoothly. “Wherever you put it, that is.” For the first time, she looked a little confused herself as she glanced left and right with her eyes for the missing robe.

  “Why don’t you just tell me why you’re here,” I told her reasonably. I wasn’t going to let her know that I’d destroyed the robe and whatever letter was supposed to be in it.

  Nodding slightly, she spoke up and told me, “I was sent here to serve you, My Lord. My family’s debt had grown beyond control, my idiot brothers had attempted to rob a merchant caravan and only succeeded in getting themselves caught instead. Our family’s debt, and theirs’, combined to a massive sum which was going to result in my whole family being sold and separated into slavery. “

  “I’m sorry,” I told her sympathetically. “That’s terrible, but what does it have to do with you being here?”

  “When things looked darkest for us,” she started, “a young Lady showed up and spoke to me at the prison. She made me an offer that I couldn’t refuse – come here and offer my life to you, and serve out the rest of my days willingly as your slave, and she would pay enough for me alone that it would also cover my family’s debt. I was going to be sold anyway, as was my whole family, so how could I refuse? All I had to do is promise to accept whatever you wished to do, never leave your service – even if you told me to, and my family would be free.”

  “You can’t leave my service?” I asked her, bewildered.

  “Nay, My Lord. I cannot.”

  “But I thought you said that I could sell you if I wanted. Wouldn’t that make you leave my service?”

  “Nay, My Lord. It simply means I would have to slay the one whom you sold me to and then return back to you. If you wish, you may sell me anytime. I, however, will return. That was the bargain I made for my family’s freedom. As long as I live now, I shall serve you however you wish.” She was staring me in the eyes directly now, without a hint of doubt in her voice.

  “And just, who would tell you to do such a thing?” Was this something my mother did, for some strange reason? It really didn’t seem like her, as she had always allowed me to learn and go my own way. She didn’t even step in when I unleashed a volcano upon our home! It doesn’t seem like she’d be buying any girl’s debts up for me, but if it wasn’t her, then who?

  “I do not know the Lady’s name, My Lord.” She hung her head slightly to show her shame. “All I know is that she referred to you as her partner. She said she sorry her duties kept her from your side for now, and that you needed someone to walk with you that was worthy. I don’t know why she chose me, felt I was worthy, but
here I am.

  “Do with me what you will.” She kept her head bowed, almost as if she was awaiting sentencing.

  For several long and awkward moments, I stood and simply stared at her with my mind going in circles. I couldn’t think of anyone who would call me their partner, except perhaps for Le’Nara. She was my business partner, and she did know I was coming to the school here to learn. I was De’Nara’s Champion, but I don’t think she’d consider us partners at all. And only the two of them knew I was here, so it had to be Le’Nara’s meddling, though I couldn’t figure out why.

  Finally, I had to ask, “So what exactly do you do?”

  “Anything My Lord wishes,” was her instant reply.

  Sighing, I tried again. “What did you do, before? What skills and talents do you possess? Who were you, before you took on your family’s debt?”

  “I was known as the Lady Annette Fairweather. My family has been businessmen for many generations, and we used to have several shops, ships, caravans, and businesses that we ran. Then, Father got into a trade dispute with the Silverleaf family. They slandered our name, bought up goods that we were trying to deal in to lower the prices beyond the point where we could absorb the losses, and they hired thugs and brigands to rob and pillage our caravans. We had several ships lost at sea, and many of our shops burned. Things go so bad, father and us had to return to the road and sell goods ourselves. That’s when my brothers were arrested for banditry, but I don’t even know if that was true. They were probably just trying to take back goods that were already stolen from us to begin with!”

  Honestly, I wanted to hug her, to offer her some basic human comfort. However, seeing how she was currently dressed, I thought she’d misunderstand my feelings, so I plopped down on the lower bunk of the bed beside her, took her hand, and patted it lightly.

  “That explains what happened to get you here, and about your family. But what about you? What were you learning, and doing before? Any skills? Talents? Jealous boyfriends who might be coming to rescue you and put me in an early grave?”

  At the last part, she actually smiled and shook her head sadly. “No boyfriends or lovers, My Lord. I never had the time to partake in such frivolities. We were on the road, and my time was spent dealing with customers, books, prices as we bought and sold items, tracking and stocking inventory, and such things related to the business. I used to enjoy dancing and reading some, but once we went to the road, my reading was all ledgers and the only dancing I got to do was sword practice with the guards so I could protect myself and the caravan.

  “You don’t need to have any worries about some knight in shining armor riding off to rescue me, My Lord.” She sounded sad; I guess all girls want a knight in shining armor to rescue them. “No one is coming to take me away, and even if they did, I’d find my way back to you. I gave my word, and to be honest, I’d be afraid that my family would pay the price if I broke it. I don’t want to see my younger brother and sisters back in cages or shackled again.

  “Not ever again,” she told me determined. “Do with me what you will. I can bear anything since I know it’s all for their sake.”

  I couldn’t help but smile. I had a strong loyalty to my friends and family as well. Le’Nara picked an amazing girl; I suppose she knows me well. An exquisite body which any man would desire. A strong loyalty to her family – which might in time evolve into a strong loyalty to me as well. She was trained in the merchant skills, which is something that I’d completely let in Le’Nara’s hand, and she wasn’t her now to handle for me, and she could fight and protect herself.

  Walking over, I gently reached out a hand to cup each breast in one, to watch her reaction. I was curious if she’d draw back or pull away, but instead, she simply lifted her head and slightly moved her chest forward to place herself more firmly in my grasp. Neither of us spoke, but when I took her lips with mine, she returned my kiss earnestly and without hesitation. Moving my hands lower, she neither flinched nor trembled as I caressed her front fully and then moved my hands around to squeeze her butt and pull her up tightly against me.

  “So, if you’re a slave, don’t you need some form of shackles?” I asked her.

  She nodded at first, then frowned, and finally shrugged. “To be honest, I don’t know,” she informed me. “The custom of the land here is that all slaves are shackled and usually naked. But, the Lady told me you were from a different land and may follow a different custom. If you register me as a foreign slave, then you could purchase a waiver for such things if you find them unacceptable.”

  Frowning, I simply shook my head from side to side. “I don’t want anyone to know who I am, or that I’m not from around here.” Getting up, I worked a little magic to move the tumblers on Dino’s drawer, and unlocked it. Rummaging inside it, I pulled out one of his robes and tossed it to her.

  “As long as there're shackles of honor around you, you don’t need shackles around your flesh. They’d do you a disservice,” I told her. “Put those on, and I’ll give you some coin. I don’t know when Dino may return to check on me again, so I won’t be able to go out with you, but I’ll give you some coin to buy new clothes and such with. Sign up at the school; it’s still a week until classes; and be certain to get a private room for yourself. When I wish, I can visit you there and we can learn more of each other.

  “You were the Lady Annette Fairweather before. You will be my Lady Crystal Lavaliere now. I should have enough coin to spare to allow you to indulge yourself slightly. Get yourself some nice clothes, some decent gear, and a well-made sword to protect yourself – and even me, I suppose – with. You may take any classes you wish at the school; the more you learn and improve yourself, the more use you’ll be for me in the future.”

  Her eyes were going wide as I was talking. I don’t think it’d ever once crossed her mind that I’d pay and allow her to keep living the life of a Lady. Seeing her shocked look made me smile. Coin isn’t hard to earn, and if I spent half my fortune to win her loyalty, it’d be worth it. That was something much more valuable than any amount of gold. I was going to put my faith in Le’Nara and trust that she’d chosen well for me.

  “Any questions,” I asked her while staring deep into her wide green eyes.

  “None, My Lord.” She barely whispered her answer.

  “Then put that on,” I pointed to the robe she was wearing and waited for her slip it around her frame. It was long and almost dangled the ground, and the front wouldn’t close properly and revealed a large amount of cleavage, but it was all that was available at the moment.

  “Take this.” I tossed her the coin purse from my side. It still had several of the royal crowns in it, but I didn’t know how many. Since each was worth a hundred gold coins, she had maybe somewhere around a few thousand gold to spend. “If that’s not enough for all you need, I’ll supply you with more as soon as you let me know. For now, that should get you set up and settled, I’d think.”

  “Tha… Thank you, My Lord.” Without even looking inside the pouch to see what was in it, she stuffed it down in her pocket.

  Smiling slightly to myself, I walked over and opened the door. “Then Lady Crystal, you should get on out of here before my roommate returns and catches you. I’ll see you shortly, once you get yourself settled in at the school. Until then, you can serve me by simply not telling anyone about me. I came here to learn in secret, and I don’t want anyone to know about me, or about how you’re mine. Understand?”

  “Ye…” She paused for a moment as if uncertain, and then shook her head to clear it. “Yes, My Lord,” she finally answered.

  “Good.” Going over, I gently pushed her by the hips until she was outside the door. “I’ll see you later, once you’re all settled then.”

  After that, I firmly shut the door behind her and promised myself that I was going to have to have a serious talk with Le’Nara later! I sincerely hope she doesn’t feel some odd need to keep buying up people and sending them my way! I swear I’d end up going insane if a
nother woman just pops up, strips, and says, “Hi! Do with me what you will!”

  Wing Leader Jared

  It was several hours later when Dino finally returned and cautiously entered the room, sniffing loudly with each tentative step forward. “Michael, are you feeling better?” He finally asked after making it halfway across the room.

  “Yeah, I’m fine Dino,” I answered him while climbing back down from my bunk. “I must’ve had something bad because I tossed it outside not long after you left, and I’ve been getting to feeling a little better ever since.” I didn’t particularly like lying, so the truth told in a convoluted manner works wondrously sometimes. It was bad – a girl showed up and stripped out of the blue – I tossed her outside, and I’ve been feeling better ever since. If he thought I was talking about puking my guts out, that’s his misconception. I didn’t lie to him.

  “So no more gas?”

  “Not for a while.” Was he more worried about the state of his nose, or my health? What a DINO!

  “Well good!” Walking over, he sat down on his lower bunk and started to unlace his sandals. “I’m glad you’re doing better. I’d thought of asking one of the girls I know, who has some healing magic, to come on by. I would’ve if you hadn’t asked me to wait until tomorrow.”

  Tossing on sandal off to the side of the bed, he looked up at me. “You know, you don’t have to worry about coin all the time. I’m certain she would’ve taken a look at you for free, just for the practice. If not, I could’ve tickled her side a little or something and told her to send the bill to me. I almost never get billed if I visit the healers.”

  In some ways, it was almost sweet and caring; in others it almost made me want to go outside and do what he imagined I’d already did – throw up! Dino really might not be such a bad guy, if he’d ever learn that the whole world doesn’t revolve around him some time. Sighing, I simply shook my head. “No need for that. Then I’d just end up owing you the favor instead of the healer. Unless I’m seriously ill or something, I’d rather just spend an evening or two under the covers and tough it out.”


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