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Remember Laughter

Page 8

by Ginny Sterling

  “Man, I know it’s weird and goofy to say this - but we just kinda seem to click. I’m really glad we are friends.”

  “Me, too,” she breathed, softly, closing her eyes. Please don’t be so wonderful, Jason. Please don’t be this amazing. I don’t know if I can handle another disappointment in my life.

  “Promise me something, okay?”

  “Depends on what it is,” she hedged evasively and held her breath. His voice sounded strangely intense and made her heart beat faster.

  “If we ever bump into each other in person, there’s a Star Wars marathon in our future. Deal? I want to hug my friend, laugh, and watch Princess Leia with my own princess. I had such a crush on her growing up.”

  “I get it,” she said smiling, brushing a tear from her eyes at the realization that they would probably never meet. It was no problem to make such a promise to him, because fate was stepping in the way to prevent heartbreak and she recognized it.

  “It’s a deal.”

  “I’m going to hold you to that.”

  “You realize there’s like twelve hours of movies.”

  “Do you like to sing?”

  “Jason – did we even watch the same Star Wars movies growing up? There is zero singing in the films.”

  “No. I was thinking maybe karaoke and then Star Wars.”

  “I’ve never done karaoke.”

  “TWO MINUTE WARNING” interrupted their conversation. The mechanical voice announcing disconnection came over the line, chiming in both earpieces. She hated that notification, because it always made the call feel too short and the last bit became rushed.

  “You’ve never had a friendship like this, either, but look how great we are together.”

  “We are pretty great,” she agreed, feeling her nose burn painfully at the oncoming tears that were threatening.

  “Promise me,” he repeated firmly, “I won’t take no for an answer.”

  “I promise.”


  The transparent relief was evident in his voice and made her wonder what he was up to. Fanning her eyes, she blinked several times and cleared her throat. There might be ice cream involved in tonight’s recovery cry. This man was so obnoxiously sweet and tender, it was slowly killing her.

  “I’ve gotta go, sweet princess.”

  “I know. Next Saturday?” she whispered huskily.

  “It’s a date.”

  Before Leia could comment, the phone line went dead. She set the phone down on the table beside her mug of cocoa that was quickly cooling. Raising it up to her lips, she saw her hand was trembling.

  Her steely demeanor that had gotten her through so much, was being brought down slowly by kindness and patience from a handsome stranger halfway across the world. She stared at the melted cool whip and quickly put the mug down before dropping it.

  It hurt to be utterly alone once again. She had seven days to get through before she had another paltry ten-minute phone call from someone that just made her soul smile. Leia covered her face with both hands as fat tears began to fall uncontrollably.

  Jason stared at the phone wretchedly and ignored the fact that others were waiting for the phone room. This was his time and he needed to compose himself. Leia didn’t know it, but she just agreed to go on a date with him. She had no idea that he’d already taken steps to orchestrate their meeting before calling her.

  Closing his eyes, he felt the loneliness weighing on his chest like a ton of bricks. He really liked the woman on the other end of the phone line. She was incredible and he felt like such a lovesick idiot to think that he was beginning to care for her. He had a new respect for his former CPO, who’d actually retired from the military and married his pen pal. He’d thought the man had been insane when it had happened, but now, looking back… Jason realized how lucky the older man was to have found someone so special.

  …And lightning had obviously struck twice!

  Leia was quickly becoming his world – just as Lily was John’s world.

  Jason almost wished that he hadn’t agreed to go to Alaska with the guys and hadn’t already bought his plane tickets to get there. He had no idea that he would develop such a deep friendship with someone that had been thrust upon him as a ‘favor’. This was the best favor he’d ever done and he couldn’t thank John enough!

  Jason threw himself out there and prayed the other man understood why – and thankfully he had. Jason had sent an email to John asking the man to figure out a way to get Leia to Alaska, no questions or comments. John’s response had been simple and confident.

  Consider it done, my friend.


  Chapter 10

  “If you men will excuse us,” Lily Griffin said firmly, shooing men out into the backyard. “John, can you start the burgers, honey?”

  “Anything for you, love.”

  “You are too sweet.”

  “And all yours,” John said in a sappy voice that was nauseatingly sweet.

  Leia watched the exchange in an almost envious manner that made her feel even more alone. The impromptu get-together was not the first time she’d had dinner with this group of people. It was as if they’d welcomed her into their throng with open arms about a month ago.

  Daisy insisted that Lily bring Spud with her, giving him a chance to run around in the large backyard with Radar, a little white pup named Sugar or Sweet’NLow… she wasn’t sure. A dark blond man kept bantering back and forth with Daisy on what the dog’s name was.

  Making their plates, they returned to their seats as the group talked easily among themselves. As everyone ate, she noticed that the dark-haired woman kept watching the blond man everyone called Luka. They were obviously a couple and the only ones that stood out as ‘single’ were her and another woman named Marigold.

  “Man, you must be something, because he never dates a girl more than once and I know we’ve been to that same café over ten or fifteen times,” John teased, only to end up being poked by his wife, Lily, who sat beside him.

  “I hope you can join us again sometime,” another woman said gently from where she sat, putting a spoonful of baby food in her daughter’s mouth, who was relaxing in her carrier seat. The child’s delighted coo’s were adorable and made Leia’s heart ache with longing. She’d always wanted children with Chandler, and they’d put it off in lieu of his burgeoning career.

  That accident had changed her whole world.

  “Are you okay?”

  Leia instantly snapped back into place from the emotional slippery slope she was sliding down. Luka was addressing the dark-haired woman who was dabbing her eyes with a napkin. It was obvious that Leia wasn’t the only one that wanted a child. Even Lily and John shared a secret, knowing glance between them.

  “I know what you mean,” Luka said to the woman before grabbing the leg of her chair and pulling her a little closer to him. The chair skidded noisily on the concrete, startling everyone by the loud noise it made.

  “There,” Luka announced with a satisfied smile. “Now, if I need to talk to you, comfort you, or kiss you absolutely senseless – it’s easier on my neck if you aren’t so far away from me.”

  “Our chairs were two feet apart.”

  “Two feet… and too far,” he whispered vehemently, picking up her hand. Leia watched as Luka brought the woman’s hand to his lips, kissing it before glancing down at the dog and making a scrunched-up face at the animal.

  “Dang! I think there was still dog slobber right where I kissed you. Did you drool all over my Eva, Sweet’NLow?” The dog barked immediately in response, causing the two of them to look at each other, as everyone else burst out laughing. Watching the sweet relationships between everyone made her wish that Jason was here with her.

  Leia nearly choked on her drink at the thought.

  It wasn’t a yearning that Chandler was here. She’d accepted he was gone; but the desire for future happiness and that it was with Jason that it popped into her mind, was the more surprising of the two. Oh,
yes, she knew she was fond of the man – but wanting something more seemed so out of reach.

  “Mari, Leia, Daisy, Ava… can you girls help me pick out something before you leave later? I need another woman’s opinion on some material I bought.”

  “Just ask John,” Ethan blurted out, bumping knuckles with Colin across the table, causing everyone to laugh good-naturedly – including John.

  “Feel free to hate,” John quipped unabashedly before he glanced at his wife, looking longingly at Lily. “My heart can have whatever she desires for our little one.”

  Leia got up abruptly and excused herself.

  The burning pang in her gut was almost too much to bear. She felt lost, hopeless, and just wanted to hide somewhere until she felt composed enough to gather herself.

  “Daisy, go talk to her.”

  “No. This is your mess, John.”

  “It’s not a mess! Lily, have you talked to her?”

  “I’ve got it.”

  Leia heard their voices behind her as she walked into the house blindly, searching for the restroom. As she walked down the hallway, she opened a door and stopped, frozen. This was not the bathroom, but rather a nursery that was in the middle of being decorated.

  “What do you think?” Lily’s kind voice asked from behind where Leia stood. She turned and looked at the woman’s glowing expression, before glancing at Marigold behind her.

  “I think she needs a suncatcher in the window to pick up the morning light and maybe a little bit of gold scrollwork to make the room seem more like a fairytale,” Marigold, or Mari as Lily dubbed her friend, seemed to be all sunshine and rainbows. Her bright expression was alight with happiness, almost to a point that was infectious. Leia felt herself nodding unexpectedly, feeling the despair beginning to fade away.

  “Mari, I want to do nursery rhymes… but we don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl yet. Leia, what do you think of this material? I want to make a simple quilt so that the baby has something special later on. I made one for John and me when we got married, to mark the occasion.”

  “I didn’t know you quilted.”

  “I’m really bad at it, but I’m trying, and that is all that matters.”

  “Don’t you ever worry about John?” Leia asked suddenly, surprising them both. “He’s in a dangerous field and things, well, happen.”

  “I know your husband died…” Lily said gently, laying a hand on Leia’s shoulder for support. “But you didn’t. You have to keep going and find happiness where you can. Don’t be afraid to live. Should I do green or yellow?”

  Leia blinked at the abrupt change of subject.


  “Green or yellow quilt squares?”

  “Uh… yellow?”


  “Do both and add a sprinkle of purple, too.”

  “What do you think Hody would say of you being here and feeling down?”

  “He’d say… wait…” Leia started and glanced a Lily’s smiling face.

  “Who’s Hody? Is that your guy?” Marigold interrupted, grinning. Lily nodded, not looking away from Leia. Leia glanced at Marigold, her heart pounding nervously.

  “Are you someone’s pen pal, too? Who are you writing to?”

  “I wrote someone named Ben Watson last month and haven’t heard back yet. I also mailed him a care package that I hope he likes. This is so very exciting!”

  “Is this a set up? Are you setting us up with people you know?” Leia balked, turning to look at Lily. She was feeling like the carpet had been pulled out from under her. Were her supposed friends pushing her into another relationship?

  “Gosh, I hope so,” Mari sighed happily, clasping her hands together. Leia did a doubletake at the rapture on the other woman’s face. “I’ve seen John and Lily’s romance and I want a handsome soldier that loves me for my very own. Don’t you?”

  “You didn’t answer me. Is this a set up?” Leia repeated, feeling more and more frustrated. Lily’s smile was fading away and Marigold looked between the two women with a very confused expression.

  “It’s my genuine hope that you find someone to call a friend – that’s all,” Lily said carefully as John walked into the room, putting his hand on his wife’s shoulder.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Well, I just found out that someone’s been playing matchmaker,” Leia blurted out, staring at everyone in front of her. Were they all in on this? Was no one on her side? Would it be so bad if they’d picked Jason for her?

  “So, are you coming to Alaska for the trip with everyone or what?” John asked bluntly. He and Lily both looked at her, their eyes encouraging.

  “What??” Leia squawked, her mouth dropping open.

  “Oh, please do!” Mari clapped happily, jumping up and down, hugging Leia. “This is going to be so much fun if a group of friends travel together. I’ve never been to Alaska and I think if us girls plan on hanging out together, it’s a lot less pressure, in case Hody and Watson turn out to be complete duds.”

  “Oh, they’re absolutely duds,” Griffin agreed, grinning down at Lily. “Both are oddballs, honey. You married the best out of the bunch, I promise.”

  “Jason isn’t a dud,” Leia blurted out, struggling to get away from where Marigold was hugging her. Did they not see a problem with any of this?

  “Does Jason know you set us up? Is he in on this?”

  “Are you kidding? I like my front teeth to stay where they are!” John quipped. “I told him to be nice to you when he wrote, because Hody can be quite abrasive. That’s all I ever said to him.”

  “Abrasive? Like talking about boogers, farts, and other bodily functions?”

  “Boogers? Really?” Marigold made a face and backed away, grimacing.

  “Oh, jeez,” John grimaced, running his fingers through his hair. “I’m sorry, Leia. He is a nice guy, but I swear I think he was raised in a ditch or something. So, are you two in on the trip?”

  Leia stood there gawking at the two of them watching her. Marigold sidled up close to Lily before hugging her. John clapped her on the back encouragingly as Marigold announced that she was going to Alaska with everyone.

  Leia was the only one hesitating.

  Was this the trip Jason had been referring to?

  Was this why they wanted her to go? Inviting her to go?

  “Jason is going to be there, isn’t he?” Leia asked baldly.

  “He is.”

  “Did he ask you to say something to me about it?” she questioned.

  “I’m not supposed to say,” John said evenly, grinning.

  Leia rolled her eyes at the man’s smiling face. It seemed the whole world, fate, karma, a pair of nosy matchmakers, they were all trying to get the two of them together… including her own pen pal. Would it be so bad to have a chance to meet the guy she was coming to care for as a friend?

  Marigold was right, too. If they turned out to be complete losers in person, the two women could run off together and see the sights. She’d never been to Alaska and it was on her bucket list, just much farther down.

  “I want to see a gold mine, the salmon runs, or a moose – but from a distance,” Leia said begrudgingly and nodded, before wagging a finger at the couple standing before her.

  “No more pushing from anyone, either. If your matchmaking scheme doesn’t work, I don’t want you forcing this on anyone else or trying to fix things. Sometimes broken things don’t want to be repaired.”

  “Being broken can make you appreciate what you do have,” Lily replied sagely, looking up at John.

  Leia looked away as the man kissed his wife tenderly.

  Yes, she was going to Alaska because deep down inside, Leia wanted someone to care for her and a chance to feel loved once more. The problem was that she wasn’t sure if betting all her chips on Jason was the smart thing to do…

  Chapter 11

  July 2018

  Anchorage, Alaska

  Alaska was everything Leia could have imagined and mor

  She had seen the sprawling city at the base of the mountains and it was surreal. Peaks touched one side of the horizon, while the brilliant blue waters were on the opposite side. The sky looked so bright that it was blinding and she hoped to get a glimpse of the northern lights at some point of the trip.

  Marigold had latched onto her arm from the very beginning of the trip and had yet to let go. The woman had never travelled outside of Texas and this was a bit overwhelming to her.

  To Leia, it just seemed like a pretty uneventful trip, not unlike the ones she’d been on with Chandler and she hated the idea of kenneling Spud for the week. Once she got home, there would be a marathon of television watching for her precious fella!

  Their bags arrived, the flight had been smooth, and there was no hassle of changing currency or having to worry about another language. Things couldn’t be better, so far, including the fact that she hadn’t run into Jason yet.

  She was nervous… and that was putting it mildly.

  Their last phone conversation played back in her mind over and over again. It was ten minutes of awkwardness as they struggled to discuss different things they wanted to see. Leia didn’t want to admit that she couldn’t wait to meet him – and he avoided it until just before the call disconnected. His final words were a reminder.

  “Don’t forget you promised me.”

  How could she ever forget?

  She agreed to spend twelve hours, minimum, with a man she barely knew, watching movies and had even agreed to karaoke! She couldn’t hold a tune at all! What was she even thinking?

  They’d disembarked and took a small travel coach to the cabin they’d rented. The massive cabin had several rooms, bathroom, a massive wrap around porch to allow you to view the surrounding areas, as well as a short trip to the base where someone named Jamie (or Post as most called him) lived with his bride, Lucy.

  As the adults split up to select their rooms, Leia was glad to see Marigold snatch the room right beside hers. Each room had a privacy bolt on the door and a large window in the room. A curio was stationed in the corner with a small flat screen television on top. Opening the door and glancing around, she realized that this curio would also serve as the closet, because there wasn’t one in the room.


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