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Sultry Seattle Nights

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by Paige Yancey

  Sultry Seattle Nights

  Brotherhood Protectors World

  Paige Yancey



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7


  Hot Colorado Nights

  Chapter 1

  Also by Paige Yancey

  About Paige Yancey

  Original Brotherhood Protectors Series

  About Elle James

  Copyright © 2019, Paige Yancey

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  © 2019 Twisted Page Press, LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

  No part of this book may be used, stored, reproduced or transmitted without written permission from the publisher except for brief quotations for review purposes as permitted by law.

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, please purchase your own copy.

  Brotherhood Protectors

  Original Series by Elle James

  Brotherhood Protectors Series

  Montana SEAL (#1)

  Bride Protector SEAL (#2)

  Montana D-Force (#3)

  Cowboy D-Force (#4)

  Montana Ranger (#5)

  Montana Dog Soldier (#6)

  Montana SEAL Daddy (#7)

  Montana Ranger’s Wedding Vow (#8)

  Montana SEAL Undercover Daddy (#9)

  Cape Cod SEAL Rescue (#10)

  Montana SEAL Friendly Fire (#11)

  Montana SEAL’s Mail-Order Bride (#12)

  Montana Rescue (Sleeper SEAL)

  Hot SEAL Salty Dog (SEALs in Paradise)

  Brotherhood Protectors Vol 1


  The blaring sound of the medical transport bus was heard coming down the road that passed by the hospital. The wind picked up; a few wisps of hair escaped her military regulation bun and whipped around her face. Amongst the dark sky, stars a bright full moon shone around the large storm clouds that were forming. The medical transport bus normally did not arrive this early in the morning, but her surgical team was always prepared when they received the call. From behind the bus sped along a military jeep. Four large men in bulky gear jumped from the dark vehicle and parked across from the hospital entrance. They walked up to stand with her team. The bus came to a stop and medical support crew came from the front entrance to help with stretchers, and moved the military injured into the hospital for surgery or recovery. The Landstuhl Regional Medical Center a military hospital in Germany is the go between for injured military personnel from Afghanistan and Iraq.

  Dr. Siobhan Monahan ran forward, her white coat kicking up as she moved. She was waved forward to assess a patient who would need surgical care, her stethoscope bell in her hand as she placed the ear tips in her ears. She leaned over the stretcher, noticing from the corner of her eyes that the soldiers that had stopped in the vehicle from the parking area had formed ranks around her and the patient. Putting the bell over his chest, she listened for a pulse. The man on the gurney had a low heart rate and shallow breathing.

  One of the medical personnel with him turned toward her while they still moved in unison to carry the gurney forward. “His vitals have been dropping for the last hour.”

  From her left one of the men spoke and from the lights of the hospital she could see his crystal blue eyes.

  “He was shot by an insurgent when we were on a mission. I patched him up, and we were on the helo within 30 minutes to the forward location surgical team near us in Afghanistan.”

  They moved through the lit entrance of the surgical area. The building was usually quiet at this time of morning. Her medical unit had received a call that an incoming special ops team was escorting in one of their own, and they were to prep for surgery. She’d been napping on one of the cots set aside for the docs on call.

  Moving as one, they entered through sliding glass doors, and her team of doctors and nurses swarmed the patient to start setting up IVs and prep for surgery. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see the four men step back, but all stood in protective stances around the medical team. Her team had their comrade on a mobile medical bed and were swiftly moving down the hallway. Siobhan began shouting orders to her staff as they quickly ran with her down the hallway.

  “Ma’am?” Mr. Blue Eyes looked at her. His arms where crossed over his chest.

  “Please wait in the surgical floor waiting room. We’re going straight into surgery; it will be a few hours.”

  The surgery for their team member took more hours than she liked to count, and they almost lost the patient twice, but finally, he pulled through. He had been stabilized from injuries due to an IED, but the wounds to his torso had been severe including shrapnel that had been embedded internally that they needed a more refined surgical team to work on. Her nurses settled him into the ICU, and she went to talk to his team. Pulling off the surgical cover that had been holding her hair out of her face, she walked into the floor’s waiting area. The blond man with the bright blue eyes walked up to her and extended his hand. Both shook, and she noticed his grip was almost punishing.

  “My name is J.B. Wayne but everyone calls me Atlas.”

  “Nice to meet you, Atlas. My name is Dr. Monahan. I just wanted to let you gentlemen know your friend is in stable condition but not out of the woods, yet. The shrapnel that was embedded in his chest had severed several major arteries and the bleeding was extensive. We had to remove his gallbladder and part of his left lung, but all other organs are still intact, and the arteries stitched up. We’ll keep him for observation for a few days.”

  All the men nodded, and the large man beside Atlas said, “Thank you, ma’am.”

  “Do you guys have any questions?” Each of them shook his head. “Alright make sure you give the charge nurse a good contact number.” With a quick about-face, she turned to leave. Her shift had finished hours ago, and she was ready to head to her quarters.

  Even though she was tired, she rushed to the locker room, took a quick warm shower and brushed out her hair. Out of the bun, her hair was long and halfway down her back. After blow-drying it, she glanced into the mirror with steam around its edges. She pulled on soft faded blue jeans, a white button-up blouse, and low, brown leather boots. As she hustled out of the locker room, she grabbed her go bag and a navy-blue blazer. With sure steps, she walked toward the front entrance to head to her car. To the side of the entrance, with his arm leaning against the wall stood Blue Eyes. No, his name is, J.B. Wayne—Atlas. Glancing at his large frame, she noticed that his call sign seemed to suit him much better than his birth name.

  He pushed away from the wall, and she noticed that his arms had bulging muscles, his waist was slim, and through his jeans, his thighs and calves were thick with corded muscles. Distracted by the way his legs moved, she didn’t realize that he’d spoken to her until he cleared his throat.

  Looking up into his eyes, she asked him, “I’m sorry what did you say?”

  His eyes seemed to sparkle, and a little grin formed on his lips. “As a thank you, I’d like to take you out for a drink; it’s kind of a custom the boys have after we have completed a mission. The rest of the guys went on their own, and Davie Boy is here, I thought you could be his sta
nd in.”

  “Oh, I couldn’t,” she sputtered.

  She was an officer in the Army and a doctor this request was out of the ordinary. Doctors did not go for drinks with their patients, or their family or friends. As an officer she wasn’t to mix ranks with enlisted and being that he was an officer as well, it didn’t go against that rule. Her hesitation must have shown because he moved in next to her.

  “I know my request is unusual, but I figured a couple drinks wouldn’t hurt especially since you are off duty. Also, we are leaving for the States tomorrow and we are getting new orders once we get back home.”

  He placed his large hand under her elbow and started to lead her out the door. Because of the warmth of his hand and his gentle persistence, she went along with him. The cool air outside the hospital didn’t seem to affect her, likely because the heat of his palm where he touched her radiated up her arm and warmed her deep inside. Just as she started to come out of the warm fuzzy feeling, she realized that they were walking up to a taxi.

  “Here, let me get the door for you.”

  He let go of her arm and stepped forward to open the door. Once he let go of her arm, she suddenly felt the cool air and was tired again. Atlas turned back to her, took her elbow and helped her inside the vehicle. Once she was safely seated he shut the door, and then jogged around to the other side and hopped in.

  “I’ve been here a few times, so I know of a few good bars. Is there one you prefer?”

  “I know a good place out of the way of normal traffic, and they have food too.” To the driver, she spoke German, “Just head out of the base and go left.”

  She directed the taxi driver to the bar, and once they arrived, Atlas came around again and opened her door. He paid the driver, and together, they walked toward the entrance of the bar. The night was dark, and the building was also a dull dark color. A large blinking sign on the outside, with several of the letters missing, was blinking, casting a reddish light.

  Again, Atlas opened the door for her, and the sound of a guitar could be heard inside. This was a folksy type bar, not like the loud colorful techno clubs that were so popular in Germany. Walking toward the long, wooden bar, she took a stool and he sat down next to her.

  “What’s your poison?” he asked with a grin.

  “I’m simple. A Guinness.” She smiled back.

  Turning and motioning to the bartender, he looked at her to make the order in German. The server returned to them with their drinks and they both took sips from them.

  With a wink, he smiled down at her. “Aww that is so much better than Tang in dirt water.”

  She noticed that he sat several inches taller than her, and his legs where flat on the ground, while her feet were hooked into the last rung of the stool.

  “So, Doc, where are you from?”

  “You can call me Siobhan, and I’m originally from Seattle.”

  “I like that name. What is it—Irish?”

  “My family has a strong Irish background, and since I was born with red hair, my mom and dad thought it was fitting. How about you, where are you from?”

  “I’m really from all over. My dad was in the Air Force growing up and my brothers, mom, and I moved a lot.”

  Another set of Guinness’s were placed in front of them, and since she enjoyed his company and the drink, she set in to drink this one as well. Time seemed to have no meaning as they talked about their families and careers, laughing about the adventures they’d both had. Realizing how late it was getting, Siobhan went to stand, wobbled, and almost fell over. The bar seemed to be spinning, but suddenly a strong arm came around her waist and scooped her against a muscular body. Atlas looked down into her eyes, and his face seemed to be very close.

  “Doc, I’ve been wanting to do this since I first saw you; do I have your permission to give you a kiss?” She nodded yes and licked her lips; his face seemed to move quickly, and then his mouth was on hers.

  She inhaled his deep masculine scent and breathed him in as his mouth devoured hers. A large hand cupped her butt, and her hips were pressed firmly into his. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held on for dear life. No thoughts seemed to want to form, but she heard someone say behind them that their taxi was here.

  The kiss broke, and they both gasped for air. He didn’t let go of her waist but turned her around and led her out of the bar toward a waiting taxi. He helped her in, and then scooted in beside her not letting go of her through the whole process.

  Leaning carefully forward she gave the driver her address, and he started forward with a lurch. She sprawled back into Atlas’s arms and leaned toward his mouth. The kiss lasted the short distance to her apartment, and he helped her out of the taxi and up to her door. Once at her door, the world seemed to spin, and he took the keys and opened her door. With a slow turn, she looked up into his eyes and said, “I think you’re going to spend the night with me.”

  Then she grabbed the sides of his shirt collar and pulled him down for another kiss. Out of the corner of her eyes she could see him shut the door with his foot, and she dragged him down the short hallway to her bedroom, grabbing at his pants as they walked. Not able to move the button or the zipper on his jeans, she shrugged off her jacket, unbuttoned her shirt, and let it fall to the floor.

  Atlas raked off his shirt and threw it aside as they both stumbled toward her room, and then fell back against her bed. With two swift kicks, her boots went flying, and then she started working on her jeans. Her thumbs fumbled with the button, and he swiped her hands away and undid her pants, and then worked them down her legs and onto the floor.

  “Are you sure you are okay with this? I don’t want you to think I’m taking advantage of you.”

  “I am very sure that I want this.” Siobhan smoothed her hands over his abs and upward over his shoulders, and then down his biceps.

  Atlas shivered, took her wrists in one hand, and placed them above her head. Then he leaned over her body. Taking one of her lace-covered nipples in his mouth, he suckled her breast. His bright blue eyes had taken on a darker color as he looked at her. Releasing her hands, he unclasped the front of her bra. The lace bra sprung free, and her large breasts sprang out as if begging for him to take them. He took her left breast into his mouth.

  Her hips bucked off the bed. While he worked at her breast, his hands removed his pants and he threw them over the end of the bed. Looking down the length of his body, she could see that he’d gone commando. His penis had sprung free and was a long thick rod. Her hands moved from his arms and down to his cock, and she grasped and started to stroke up and down.

  Atlas’s head lolled forward, and his biceps tensed. Suddenly, he looked up and grabbed her panties and yanked them down her leg and tossed them aside. He pulled at her hips and rubbed his hands around the innermost part of her thighs, just touching the hair around her pulsing core. His stroking came closer and closer to her center. He moved his index finger to the tip of the bud and stroked it while he moved his other hand to enter her channel.

  Her legs quivered with the anticipation building inside her. As his finger began to enter and her hips jerked up, his finger slid into her body. A deep moan left her lips, and her head fell back on to the bed.

  With quick strokes, he continued to rub her bud as he moved his fingers in and out of her passage. She felt her insides begin to coil as his strokes got faster and faster, and then it felt as if the world had fallen away as she came apart. Suddenly, he pulled his hands from her legs and moved off the bed.

  “Is everything ok?” she gasped.

  “Yes, just grabbing a condom. I’ll be right back.”

  Then he was back over her again, his hands rubbing down her arms and over her stomach then down her thighs again. Siobhan felt her legs relax, but when he touched her pussy again, her hips bucked.

  “Are you ready?” he rasped.

  “Oh, yes.” A moan escaped her throat. She felt his thickness as he pushed into her.

  “Ohhh.” Another moan ca
me, this one from him. “You feel so good.”

  “So do you.” Meeting him stroke for stroke, desire coiled inside her, winding tighter and tighter. Following a flurry of short, hard thrusts, she felt pleasure cascade over her and sagged back on the bed.

  Just as she fell back, Atlas gave a shout and collapsed over her. He breathed deeply, twice, then rolled to his side, taking her with him. Both panted heavily. Then as their breaths slowed, they closed their eyes.

  Siobhan slept through the night. When her alarm rang, she rolled over onto a crisp white pillow and saw a white folded note on her night stand.

  It read:

  I enjoyed spending time with you. Call me when you get a break from surgery.

  No phone number was added but a unit number was listed, and it was signed J.B. Wayne “Atlas”.

  Chapter 1

  Six years later….

  “Dr. Monahan, room three is a broken toe, and room two looks like an asthma attack. Room two is currently getting a breathing treatment.”

  “Thank you, Nurse Shelly. Can you wrap up this patient’s arm, and I’ll look in on room two?”

  “Will do, Doc.”

  Siobhan loved working in the emergency room because the hours flew by until the time she got to go home to her beautiful little girl.

  That little girl’s name was Mable, and Mable was her entire life.

  They lived in a perfect little subdivision on the outskirts of Seattle with her grandfather. Her grandfather was a Vietnam Veteran, who was very protective of his family. He helped her with the day to day of raising a little girl while she supported them by working.


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