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Taken In (The Red Enchanter Book 2)

Page 9

by Mary Swift

  “They need to repopulate the circle. The Master Enchanter of Firesea is coming to destroy them.”

  “Those people outside, you created them?”

  “We created them together.”

  Lucy crossed her arms. “And they couldn’t do this by themselves? Why do they need you?”

  “Because Firesea is strong and they don’t stand a chance without bringing new energy into the circle.”

  “And you agreed to this?”

  “There wasn’t much of a choice Lucy. Do you want Nora to rule all of us?”

  “I love Nora, so do you.”

  “I don’t know if I can save her from herself.”

  “What about Finnegan? We can take the house to Firesea.”

  Killian shook his head. “No, I have to stay here. Nora is coming.”

  “You don’t owe these people anything Daddy. So you helped them create a bunch of enchanters. That doesn’t mean you have to stay.”

  He ran his hands through his hair and sighed.

  “Did they cut your hair?” she asked.


  “So you’re going to let them do whatever they want to you?”

  “Lucy, if the Founders are destroyed then all enchanters will cease to exist, you know that.”

  “If that was really the case Dante would have killed them when he was here. He burned down the circle, didn’t he? He could have finished them off.”

  “Dante isn’t powerful enough.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I know Lucy.”

  “Because of them?”

  “Partly because of them. But Dante never did much of anything as the Master Enchanter, it just looked as though he did. I always knew Nora would be unstoppable.”

  “But she’s a mortal.”

  “I know.”

  “Is this your circle now? Are you going to stay here forever?”

  “I don’t know. They don’t want me to leave.”

  “All we’ve done is fight because none of us knows what to do. We’ve been lost without you.” Lucy said.

  “Why are there protectors in this house? Can we trust them?”

  “They’re Constantine’s.” She bit her lip. “One of them is Arden.”

  Killian looked surprised. “Your Arden? Which one?”

  “The one with the light hair.” She found her face getting warm. She felt as though the last few days’ activities were written all over it.


  “And what?” She stood up and looked out of the window.

  “Lucy, you’re a grown woman, you can do whatever you want.”

  “And you’re my father.” She took his hand. “I love you Daddy. I’m so glad you’re all right.”

  He kissed the back of her hand. “I love you too.”

  “Now what do we do?”

  “Nora will be here soon. We have to deal with that first.”

  “If you can create an army then they could ride out and meet her halfway. Heck, you could create thousands of soldiers.”

  “I don’t want her killed.”

  “Neither do I.”

  Killian started to say something. From somewhere inside the house there was a tremendous bang. He stood up and ran out of the kitchen with Lucy following. The front hallway and the parlor were empty. Outside someone was screaming.

  The new enchanters were no longer motionless. They were running in all directions chasing Constantine and his protectors around the circle. The three Founders and Rowan were nowhere to be seen. Lucy noticed one of new enchanters looking up. A thin wisp of smoke descended from the sky. She grabbed her father’s arm. The smoke enveloped them. It snaked its way into every corner of Darkhill, covering everything and everyone.

  Lucy felt Killian’s arm slip away. She could see nothing, the smoke tasted bitter on her tongue. When it cleared Dante was in the center of the circle. Constantine was next to him, his hands were in iron shackles. At his feet were his devoted protectors, each of their bodies were stuck with dozens of arrows.

  “I’m sorry Lucy.” Constantine said. “This wasn’t what I wanted. It never is.”

  Smoke began to curl around his father’s feet. Within seconds Dante and Constantine disappeared inside it. The smoke rose into the air like a tornado in reverse. As quickly as it had begun it was over and they were gone.

  Chapter 29

  Nora’s contingent consisted of Firesea rangers, Finnegan, and the three other protectors in their thick wool uniforms. Two days into the journey to Darkhill Nora took the leash off of Finnegan and allowed him to walk alongside her sedan chair. He didn’t try to escape. He knew the rangers would have shot him within seconds if he did.

  They were traversing an old dirt path that cut across a dusty field of wildflowers. An abandoned mortal farmhouse was close by. Nora was irritable. He supposed that she had little memory of the extensive travelling they had done when they were on the run. She sat in her chair and complained. One question kept cropping up hour after hour. “How much longer until we get there?”

  Gareth was riding his horse at the front of the column. He looked over his shoulder, the exasperation was written all over his face. “Maybe a week if we travel at night too.”

  “A week?” Nora grumbled.

  Finnegan snickered. If the robe was really hers she could have been there in seconds.

  “What are you laughing about slave?” she barked.

  “Nothing, it’s just that-”

  She leaned over and grabbed his arm. “It’s just what?”

  He was going to take a chance. “If you give me the robe I bet I can get us there faster.” He could sense her hesitation. “If I’m the true Master Enchanter then I could give you anything you wanted.”

  She let go of him. “If I give you the robe you’ll betray me.”

  “I won’t.” he lied. He had known Nora long enough to tell that she was weighing her options. She wasn’t equipped to handle the robe, no matter how power hungry she was.

  “Gareth, stop!” she shouted. The column came to an abrupt and clumsy halt. The horses’ hooves kicked up dust, it moved like a cloud across the field. She glared down at Finnegan. “How can I create a spell that will kill you if you betray me?”

  Finnegan wasn’t sure how to answer that. He knew virtually nothing about how the robe actually worked. Nora put out her hand and one of the young protectors helped her down. Finnegan had already concluded that the others didn’t have one full brain between the three of them. They should have realized their Master Enchanter was walking into a trap.

  “Take off the robe and give it to me.” he said softly. “Come on Nora. You know it will obey me. I can give you everything you want.” He dared to touch it, to run his finger along the lapel. The air around him seemed electrified.

  Nora undid the first button. Finnegan tried not to appear too anxious. It was all so close. Nora released the second button.

  “Master Enchanter!” Gareth called out. Nora looked up. Finnegan started to reach for the robe when someone kicked him in the shin. He doubled over and saw a pair of black boots.

  “Disgusting.” someone muttered. The boot kicked him again. Finnegan looked up and found Dante scowling at him. Next to him was a man Finnegan didn’t know. “Trying to take the Master Enchanter’s robe. For shame.”

  “I am the Master Enchanter.” Finnegan said.

  Nora buttoned up the robe. “No, I am.”

  Dante laughed. “I’m afraid you’re both wrong. I am the true Master Enchanter of Firesea.”

  Chapter 30

  Nora couldn’t believe that she had nearly given up the Master Enchanter’s robe. The appearance of Dante had brought her back to her senses. She felt the hatred bubble up inside of her as she looked at her husband. Beside him was a young man with dark wavy hair.

  “I’m the Master Enchanter.” Dante proclaimed again.

  “That’s only in your head.” She reached into her pocket and took out a leash. She fastened it to the coll
ar around Finnegan’s neck. He obviously couldn’t behave off of it. Gareth dismounted his horse. He grabbed the leash and dragged Finnegan away.

  Dante watched as Gareth gave Finnegan a rough shove. “I could take him off of your hands.” he offered.

  “You’d like that wouldn’t you?” Nora said. She looked at the young man standing next to him, his hands were in iron shackles.

  “My son Constantine.” Dante explained.

  “Why do have him in shackles?”

  “He tends to be uncooperative.” Dante said. “And I can’t trust him.”

  “He knows I don’t care about him.” Constantine said bitterly.

  Nora looked at the tall figure in front of her. “Don’t you like your father?”

  Constantine curled his lip. “He’s a monster.”

  “And he’s an ungrateful brat.” Dante countered. “I’ve given him everything and it’s not enough.”

  “Everything? You made me burn down the circles.”

  “I’m not interested in your family melodrama.” Nora looked for Gareth. He had finished tying Finnegan to a horse and was smoking a cigarette. “Take the shackles off of this young man.”

  Dante grabbed her arm. “You can’t do this Nora. You’re a weak mortal.”

  She heard the rangers draw their swords. “No. Leave Dante to me.” she told them. She reached into the pocket of the robe and pulled out a dagger. “I’m tired of you reappearing in my life. I’m tired of being married to you. So I’m going to kill you.”

  “You need me Nora. Together we can take down the enchanters.” Dante said.

  “I want a divorce.”

  “Let me explain things.”

  She looked at the rangers. “Stay here. I’ll be right back.”

  Gareth ran towards them. “Let me finish Dante off.”

  “No.” Nora said. “He’s going to take me somewhere where we can talk. Before I decide what to do with him I want to know why he’s on this mission to destroy the enchanters.”

  “I told you, they tortured my father.” Dante said.

  Nora didn’t remember that. “Take me away.”

  “But Master Enchanter.” Gareth protested.

  “Don’t worry about me, I can handle him.” She took a small key from her pocket and tossed it Gareth. She pointed to Constantine. “Take his shackles off. All right Dante, let’s go.”

  Dante grabbed her arm. Smoke began to curl around their feet. It quickly enveloped them. The air was bitter on Nora’s tongue. When it dissolved they were standing in front of a little wood house. “Do you remember this place Nora?”


  “It’s where we first lived when we were married. Make a key and we can go inside.”

  Nora reached into her pocket and pulled out a long brass key. She unlocked the door and they stepped inside. They were in a hallway with drab white and yellow wallpaper. The air was stale and dank.

  “Does someone live here?” Nora asked.

  “Yes, I do.” Dante replied.

  Nora wandered into a room off of the hall, it was a tiny parlor with a low ceiling and a blackened fireplace. A chair next to the fire was dirty and threadbare. “You live here?”

  “When I’m not in Firesea.”

  “Why here?” She looked out of the grimy window. Across the street was a large harbor. Ships and tugboats were cruising around, one blew a horn. “This is a mortal town isn’t it?”

  “Yes.” He sat in the chair.

  “You don’t offer the Master Enchanter of Firesea a seat first?” she asked angrily.

  He stood up and let her sit down. A puff of dust rose up around her. Dante took a small wooden chair from the corner and sat in it. He stared at her. She was beginning to think this was a waste of time. Her curiosity about him was waning. She should have just killed him instead.

  “I’m a half enchanter.” he announced.

  Nora yawned. He was seconds away from being finished off. “I already know that.”

  He stood up and opened a small cabinet. He took something out and handed it to her. It was a photograph. Nora recognized herself. She was wearing a lace wedding dress. Next to her was Dante. On the other side of her was a man she didn’t know. Next to Dante was an old woman.

  He pointed at the people in the photograph. “That’s your brother Tom and that’s my mother. Do you remember them?”

  “No. Are you trying to prove to me that we are married? I know that, I don’t know why but I do.”

  “Do you remember visiting my mother after I had supposedly died? She told you that we made you immune to Firesea because they were after us.”

  Nora didn’t remember any of that. She looked at the dagger in her hand. Maybe she should kill him now, his story was boring her.

  “What my mother said wasn’t entirely true.” he told her.

  “Uh huh.”

  “You asked for the truth.”

  “Uh huh.” She wondered how long it would take for him to die.

  “I was born just around the corner.”

  “Are you going to tell me your whole life story?”


  “Ugh. Do you at least have something to eat in this dump?”

  “You’re just like your-” He stopped. “I’ll be right back. Don’t try anything.”

  “Don’t give me orders.”

  He left the room. Nora stared at the empty fireplace and thought of ways she could end Dante’s life. He had to be at least fifty years old, it would take him ages to get through that many years. He was gone for a while. She looked at the photograph. She couldn’t believe she would have worn such an ugly wedding dress and she had no recollection of having a brother.

  Eventually Dante returned with two mugs of green soup. He handed one to Nora. She looked at it and frowned. “What’s this?”

  “Split pea.” He gave her a spoon and sat down.

  She blew on the soup to cool it. “So tell me your stupid life story before I kill you.”

  He glanced warily at the knife in her lap. “As I said I was born just a few streets over.” He stopped and looked at her as though she should be amazed by that statement.

  “How long is this going to take?” she asked.

  “Do you have something better to do?”

  “Yes, as a matter of fact I do.”

  “What? Taking over the world?”

  “That’s none of your concern. Where did Constantine come from?”

  “Can’t you guess?”

  She suddenly knew truth before he said it.

  “I made you forget about him. You’re his mother Nora.”

  Chapter 31

  When Dante descended from the sky in a column of smoke Rowan found himself being whisked into a dark underground room by Charles. Bryn and Dylan followed close behind. The room had no windows. The air had a damp earthy smell. The Founders told him to sit on the floor. They sat nearby and joined hands. Rowan sensed a change in the air.

  “He’s coming.” Dylan said.

  A few seconds later his father walked in. “What is going on with our enchanters?”

  “Dante’s presence disturbed them.” Bryn said.

  “I have to get back out there and find my daughter.” Killian told them. “I just came in here to make sure Rowan is all right.”

  “We need you to mind share.” Bryn said. “The boy can go.”

  “I’m not sending my son out there.”

  “The disturbance is over.” Dylan said. “Sit down.”

  “I can go.” Rowan said.

  “No you can’t.” Killian told him.

  “There are casualties, if we mind share we can transfer more of our energy to you, you may be able to heal the mortally wounded.” Charles said.

  Killian looked at Rowan. “Go and find your sister. Tell her to bring the protectors here.”

  “All right.”

  Charles pointed. “Go through there.”

  Rowan ran out of the room. He continued through a long passage, a door an
d gate at the end each swung open. A crumbling stone staircase overgrown with moss rose in front of him. He ran up, stumbling a few times until he reached the top.

  The enchanters that had been running around only a few minutes before were standing perfectly still, staring straight ahead. In the very center of it all Lucy was crying. Arden, Paul, Declan, and Beal were lying on the ground; arrows were sticking out of their bodies, blood was seeping from each wound.

  “Lucy!” He ran to her.

  She turned around and grabbed him. “Arden is dead, they all are.”

  “The Founders told me to bring them to the council hall.”

  “Is Daddy there?”


  She knelt down and stroked Arden’s face. “He can’t heal a dead person.”

  “Maybe he can.”

  Lucy wiped her nose. She looked at the four protectors. “How are we supposed to move them? They’re too heavy for either of us.”

  Rowan looked at the enchanters standing nearby. “Hey! We need help here. Take these men to the council hall.”

  All at once they formed teams of four and picked up the protectors, each enchanter taking a limb. Rowan retraced his steps back to the stone staircase, the enchanters dutifully followed him. Lucy stayed at Arden’s side. They went inside the council hall. Killian and the Founders were there waiting.

  “Lay them on the floor.” Bryn instructed.

  The enchanters did as they were told. Beal was bleeding especially heavy.

  “Get out, all of you.” Dylan ordered. The new enchanters left.

  “I’m not leaving.” Lucy said angrily. She looked at Arden and started crying.

  “This is no place for you or your brother.” Dylan argued.

  Killian put a hand on his shoulder. “I want them to stay.”

  “Can you really heal them Daddy?” Lucy asked.

  Killian looked at the four bodies. “I don’t know. I’ve never brought anyone back to life.”

  “You have to try. It’s the least you can do after you left us out there to die.”

  “I didn’t- I have to-” Killian took a deep breath. “We need to take the arrows out. If by some miracle I can revive them then the arrows will only injure them again.”


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