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Taken In (The Red Enchanter Book 2)

Page 11

by Mary Swift

  The only visible entrance to the council hall was at the bottom of a stone staircase. A blue metal gate served as an outer door, behind it was a wood door. Lucy rattled the gate. “Let me in!” she shouted.

  The wood door swung open. Dylan stood behind the gate. “What do you want?”

  Lucy crossed her arms. “I want to see my father.”

  “He’s busy. You can talk to me.”

  “I don’t want to talk to you. It’s a family matter.”

  “We are family.” Dylan said. “Anything that belongs to your father belongs to us.” He smiled smugly and took Killian’s pen from his pocket.

  Lucy’s mouth dropped open. “Where did you get that?”

  “Where do you think? From Killian.”

  “He wouldn’t just give it to you.” Lucy felt her heart racing. There was no way her father would willingly give up the pen. “I want to see him.”

  Dylan stepped outside and let the gate shut behind him. “I told you, your father is busy.”

  “You’re manipulating him.”

  “He’s one of us. If we manipulate him then we manipulate ourselves. You’re not making any sense Lucy.” Dylan twirled the pen in his fingers.

  “It burns the skin of anyone who touches it. It’s protected.”

  He shrugged. “I’m immune to the spells of commoners. Do you want to try those mighty hands of yours on me?”

  Lucy took a step backwards. They had to get out of this place.

  “What’s the matter?” Dylan asked. “Are you afraid of me?”


  “You needn’t be afraid. You’re Killian’s daughter. I would never harm you.” He looked at the house. “However, I have no such feelings for the weak enchanters in there. When the Master Enchanter of Firesea comes they’ll be no help at all.”

  “They’ll stay in the house. They won’t be a problem.”

  “Yes they will, you know they will. Do you think that lover of yours is going to allow you to stand and fight alone? You have no idea what’s coming.” He grabbed her wrist and began to write on her arm.

  “Stop it!” Lucy cried. She tried to snatch the pen.

  Dylan wrote: Killian Cramer’s house is in Wildbush. “There. Leave the fighting to the real enchanters.” He looked up and grinned.

  “No!” But it was too late, the house was gone.

  Chapter 35

  The water was warm and soothing. Killian dove underneath and came back up. The Founders were standing at the edge of the pool watching him.

  “I’ve sent the others away.” Dylan told him.

  “Good.” Killian had asked him to send the house back to Wildbush. Any enchanter that could not defend themselves would only be in the way.

  “Your daughter is angry.”

  “I know.”

  “Lucy wants to see you.” Dylan said. “She’s in the main hall.”

  Killian got out of the water and put on his robe. Lucy was sitting in the main hall with her arms crossed. As soon as she saw him she stood up. Her icy glare reminded him of Talia. He wondered if she was capable of striking him.

  “The house is gone.” she said angrily. “Arden, Paul, Logan, Kip, and Rowan are all gone. They’re back in Wildbush.”

  “I know.”

  “You know?”

  “Yes. I told Dylan to send them there.”

  Lucy shook her head. “Can’t you see what they’re doing to you?”


  She started crying. “They even took your pen.”

  “I gave them the pen.”

  “They’re taking over your mind.”

  “I gave up the pen so that I could bring Arden back to life.”


  “I needed their energy to give him life. They would only help me if I gave them something.”

  “I didn’t hear them say that.”

  “We can speak to each other in our minds.”

  Lucy sat down. “You shouldn’t have done that. Not for me.”

  He sat next to her and put his arm around her shoulders. He kissed her cheek. “I would do anything for you.”

  She rested her head on his shoulder. “Thank you Daddy.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “Are you going to stay here?”

  “I have to. The Master Enchanter of Firesea is coming.” He had always been honest with Lucy. “I’ve never belonged anywhere before.”

  “Yes you have.”

  “No, I haven’t. I was the result of an unplanned pregnancy, I caused the breakup of an engagement. My brother resented my birth. I was tolerated in Wildbush but not wanted. My wife hated me. I’m not welcome in Firesea. The Founders want me here.”

  “They’re exploiting your weaknesses.”

  “I know.”

  “Then why are you allowing it?”

  “Because they need me and I want that.”

  “Arden asked me to marry him. I was coming to see if you would perform the ceremony.”

  Killian wasn’t surprised to hear that. “I will make sure that you are married as soon as this is over.”

  “Arden could have helped us here, he’s had training.”

  “A ranger’s spells aren’t going to be enough. Besides, he can protect Rowan.”

  “You’ve thought of everything, haven’t you?” She shook her head. “I just want this to be over.”

  “So do I, but if we don’t defend this place there won’t be any circles.”

  Lucy looked at the ring on his finger. “Are you immune to spells now?”

  “To most.”

  “And you’re really all right with them having your pen?”

  “Yes. Dylan wanted it, he’s never owned anything before.”

  The Founders stepped back into the main hall.

  “I suppose you want him back.” Lucy said.

  They stared at her.

  “Lucy, they can send you to Wildbush. You can be with Arden.” Killian told her.

  “Will you come with me?”

  “No, I have to stay here.”

  She stood up and looked at the Founders. “I hope you’re happy now that you’re in control of my father.”

  “We do what we have to to survive.” Bryn said. “Just like you.”

  “You don’t know us.” Dylan added.

  “They’re not what you think.” Killian told her. He stood up and brushed the hair from her face. He hadn’t given her the life she deserved.

  “Are you sure they’re all safe in Wildbush?” Lucy asked.

  “Yes.” Charles said. “They’ll be fine there, for now. The Master Enchanter has gained more power. They will want to claim Wildbush eventually if we don’t stop them.”

  There was probably no chance of bringing Nora back, her mind was so poisoned by ambition. Killian might be alone for the rest of his life. Rowan still needed his mother. Killian needed her.

  “The Master Enchanter of Firesea will be here soon.” Dylan said.

  Lucy pointed to the door. “You have the enchanters out there to defend you.”

  “They were created to rebuild and repopulate, they have no sense of defending. They don’t even know how to speak yet.” Bryn said.

  “They had no problem killing Arden and the other protectors.”

  “That was because of Dante. He gave them the arrows” Charles said.

  “That doesn’t make sense to me.” Lucy said.

  “It doesn’t have to make sense to you.” Charles told her. “We’ll set our enchanters free tonight, otherwise they’ll be in the way.”

  “So five adults are going to take on the Master Enchanter of Firesea?” Lucy asked. “Why not make more enchanters? Ones that can fight.”

  “You don’t know what we are capable of.” Dylan took out the pen.

  “Are you going to use that?” Lucy asked.

  Dylan shrugged. “Perhaps. It’s mine; I can do what I want with it. Do you want me to cast a spell on you so that you’re not afraid?”

��m not afraid of anything!” Lucy cried. She sounded just like her mother. “And don’t get any ideas of making me into one of you.”

  “We don’t want you.” Bryn said. “You’re too impulsive.”

  “And too temperamental.” Dylan added.

  Killian couldn’t help but smile as he watched Lucy’s annoyed expression. They were right about her. He looked at Bryn. “Can we have something to eat?”

  Bryn snapped her fingers. Haley appeared out of nowhere. “Get us something to eat. Killian is hungry.”

  “That is if everyone else wants something.” Killian said apologetically. Haley left the room. “I didn’t mean to sound demanding.”

  “Never mind her.” Dylan said. “Her job is to serve us, she knows that.”

  “She used to be one of us.” Charles said. “That was until we made her into a servant. We abhor disloyalty.”

  Killian had already figured that out.

  Bryn looked up at him. “You’d better be willing to die for us.”

  Chapter 36

  They made a camp in the woods. Nora felt safer under the trees than out in the open. She collected stick and twigs. Constantine lit them with his hands. The air had the feel of winter in it. She wouldn’t be surprised if it snowed before they got to Darkhill. Neither of them had any knowledge of how to hunt or gather food so they sat and stared at the fire while their stomachs growled.

  “I told you, I’m useless.” Constantine said. The light of the fire reflected on his face.

  “We’ll find something to eat tomorrow.”

  “Have you remembered anything else?”

  “Not really. I keep seeing people in my mind. Faces. I don’t know who they are.” She sighed. “I don’t understand. I’ve never had this much trouble coming back.”

  “Has this happened before?”

  “Yes it has. I don’t know how I know that but I do. I’ve forgotten things other times, but I always come back.” She laughed. “I’ve remembered that I used to forget. What was that name you said earlier?”

  “Rowan. He’s your son.”

  Nora liked that name. Rowan. He was her son too. She had two sons. “Tell me something about him.”

  “He’s about twelve or thirteen. He’s pretty small, and he has red and brown hair.”

  “Red and brown?”

  “Yes. It’s brown in the back and red in the front, the same color as his father.”

  Red hair. Coppery red. Someone had mentioned red hair before. It was the real Master Enchanter. His name was Finnegan Murphy. Finn. Someone called him Finn.

  She noticed Constantine shiver. She scooted closer to him and put her arm around his shoulders. “Will you be able to sleep?”

  “Don’t worry about me.”

  She touched the side of his face. “I know we just met but- It’s hard to explain, but I know you’re mine.”

  He took her hand. “I’d like to be.”

  “You are. Now get some sleep. We’ve got to get moving tomorrow.”

  He stretched out on the ground. They had no blankets or extra clothing. He crossed his arms and shivered again. “Good night.”

  Several minutes passed while Nora stared at the fire. She heard a soft murmur. Constantine was asleep. She had to remember. She wasn’t tired; she couldn’t sleep until she knew everything. If she had come out of this fog once then she could do it again.

  Chapter 37

  They arrived on the outskirts of Darkhill. They had been walking day and night. Other than breaks to relieve himself Finnegan remained tie to a horse. They finally stopped so that Gareth could check the maps and smoke a cigarette. Dante paced about nervously.

  “What did you say to Nora?” Finnegan asked him. There was no reason to be quiet and obedient, they were only going to keep him alive for so long and he was pretty sure that window of time was dwindling.

  Dante looked up as though he had noticed Finnegan for the first time. “What’s it to you?”

  “I was just wondering. She left with you as the Master Enchanter and when she returned she was almost back to her old self. And why did she want Constantine? Did you make some kind of deal with her?”

  Dante smirked. “I didn’t have to make a deal. I reminded her of something she had forgotten.” He tossed his long gray hair over his shoulders.

  “Men our age look better with short hair.” Finnegan informed him.

  Dante shrugged. “Say anything you like to me. It won’t make a difference. I’m holding all of the cards at the moment.”

  “Then tell me what you did to Nora. Did you cast another spell on her?”

  “I don’t need to do anything more to her. She has served her purpose, and now she has what she didn’t know she wanted.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Constantine. He’s the most useless creature that I’ve ever known. I raised him myself, but he’s spineless. It’s funny how that happens. A son has a father who’s a great man and he turns out nothing like him. Your father was great and powerful and you’re a mortal lawyer.”

  Finnegan was trying to put all of the pieces together in his head. A thought suddenly occurred to him. “Nora is Constantine’s mother, isn’t she?”

  A smile spread over Dante’s face. “Well done counselor. You’re not as brainless as you look. The moment I reminded Nora of the son I made her forget her sudden desire to take over the world ceased.”

  Maternal love. Finnegan remembered his mother once saying that there were some things that even spells couldn’t break. She told him that the day he was exiled. She said she would always be with him, no matter what happened, no matter what he had done. At the time he hadn’t really understood her. Now he realized she was trying to explain how she felt about him and Killian.

  “I doubt we’ll ever see Nora again.” Dante said.

  Finnegan wasn’t so sure about that. But he was glad that she was somewhere else at the moment, things were bound to get worse. “What’s your plan when we get into Darkhill?”

  “What do you care?” Dante scoffed. “You’ll be tied to this horse the whole time.”

  “I was just curious. The Founders are going to be hard to conquer.” Finnegan was going to follow Nora’s advice. The first step in possession of a soul, mortal or half mortal, was to create self-doubt.

  “Let me worry about that.” Dante said.

  “Yeah but the Founders-” Finnegan hesitated. He had no idea what he was talking about. “They’ve probably got strong spells. You must be one hell of an enchanter to think you’ve got a chance.”

  Dante’s eyes narrowed. “Your opinion means nothing to me.”

  Finnegan shrugged. “I know. It’s just that as the true heir to the robe I know things you never could.” It was a complete lie but he could see the doubt on Dante’s face. “I could help you, if you let me.”

  “I suppose I just need take your bindings off and give you the robe?”

  Finnegan shook his head. “No. It is better that you keep the robe. If I were to wear it, well it could be catastrophic, the power I would wield. It is better it stays with someone as mild as you.”

  Dante’s mouth hung open. “Mild?”

  “Yeah, you know what I mean. Mediocre.”

  “Mediocre!” Dante shouted. “Do you realize what I’ve done?”

  “You’ve done a few interesting things.”

  Dante’s face turned red. “I took over the whole bloody circle of Firesea!”

  “So did Nora. She’s just a mortal, it can’t be that hard. Anyway we’ll see how you do in Darkhill. It will be entertaining. I’ve always liked disaster stories.”

  “Gareth!” Dante shouted.

  The ranger was on the side of the road smoking. “Yes sir?”

  “We’re leaving right now.”

  Gareth tossed his cigarette away. “All right.”

  Dante glared at the head protector. “You don’t think I can do it, do you?”

  Gareth looked flustered. “Of course I think you can do it Master.”<
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  “Ready the men.” Dante ordered. He turned to Finnegan. “I’ll show you who is the most powerful.” He stomped away, his red robe flying behind him. The first seeds of possession had been sown.

  Chapter 38

  Killian sensed the presence of Firesea enchanters near Darkhill long before they could be seen. Killian, the Founders, and Lucy went into the council hall and waited. They were purposely keeping the door unlocked, whoever was out there would come in. The enemy came to them, not the other way around. The Founders greatest protection was their immunity and it was Killian’s protection now.

  Someone cried out from very close by. They stared at the door. Killian put himself in front of Lucy. “No.” She moved around him. “You may be immune, but I can break Firesea spells. I’m the best defense. And if Nora comes through the door I’m not sure you’ll be able to do what may be necessary.”

  “You’re right.” He put his hands on her shoulders. The Founders gathered close to him.

  There were noises outside the door and then a clanging sound as the gate opened. “Get this thing open.” someone said. Killian thought he recognized the voice.

  “Get ready.” Lucy said. “Just in case, I love you Daddy.”

  “I love you too.”

  The door opened. Dante was on the other side looking furious, his gray hair hung limply in his face. He was wearing the Master Enchanter’s robe. Behind him several Firesea rangers stood with their swords gripped tightly in their hands. Dante looked at the five of them and laughed. “What a pathetic sight.”

  Killian felt Lucy tense. “What do you want?” she asked.

  “Little Lucy Cramer, my how you’ve grown.” He tried to touch her.

  She pushed his arm away. Killian was grateful that she had her mother’s temper. “Don’t you dare touch me.” she hissed. “You’ve come to kill the Founders I suppose?”

  “Of course. What a stupid observation Miss Cramer. And now I see that your father is one of them. Why shouldn’t that surprise me? He’s always in places that he doesn’t belong.” He pushed Lucy aside. She stumbled to the floor. Killian resisted the instinct to help her; she wouldn’t have wanted him to. The rangers pointed their swords at her. She might be able to break their spells but hardened steel swords would still kill her. She put her hands in the air.


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