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Taken In (The Red Enchanter Book 2)

Page 27

by Mary Swift

  “We don’t have enough rangers or protectors, not by a long shot.” Gareth said. “And I’m sure not going to train a bunch of amateurs.” He patted his jacket and took out a cigarette. “I’m never going to be able to quit with this kind of shit.” He lit the cigarette and took a long drag. “That’s better.”

  “We’re not taking over any circles. We barely have enough enchanters to run this one.” Nora said.

  “That’s why we need slaves.” Ivan insisted. “We can make them do what we want.”

  Nora had had enough of him for one day. “That will be all Monsignor.”

  He glared at her. “You’re not fit for this job.”

  Nora pointed at the council hall doors, they flew open. “I seem to be doing all right.”

  “Mere parlor tricks.” Ivan scoffed. “It was a sorry day when you wormed your way into the Cramer family.”

  “I did not worm my way into your family. If it wasn’t for me and my son you would all be dead. Have you forgotten that Rowan Cramer is the one who cured you?”

  “I remember.” he grumbled.

  “And when I leave Firesea, and I will, Constantine will rule this circle.”

  “That useless boy.”

  “He may surprise you.”

  “I doubt it.” Ivan said. “I wished I had died if this is what is to become of Firesea. We are the greatest circle and you and your pitiful son will reduce it to nothing.” He shuffled out of the hall and went across the road to the cathedral.

  Gareth waved his cigarette in the air. “Forget about him. He wants things the way they used to be in Firesea’s glory days.”

  “Maybe I am ruining everything.”

  Gareth shook his head. “Not to me. You made me the head of the army when I had been in the ranks for less than a year.”

  “I was crazy back then.”

  Gareth laughed. “I know. I figured I’d better say yes before you got sane.” He threw his cigarette on the floor and stomped on it.

  “You’ve earned that promotion many times over. You’ve been extremely loyal and I appreciate it.”

  He shrugged. “I like you. And Dante didn’t approve of smoking.”

  “When Constantine has the robe he’ll need you.”

  “Are you sure that you won’t stay here when he takes over?”

  Nora shook her head. “I want to go back to Wildbush.”

  “It’s just a pile of rubble.”

  “It can be rebuilt. But it all depends on Killian and what happens in Darkhill. This is the last time we’ll be apart.”

  “You hope.”

  “No, I know it. Killian went to Darkhill to settle things and he won’t come back until it’s finished.”

  Chapter 82

  “You aren’t going to rule us.” Charles poked Killian in the chest. “If you live a million years you’ll never be our equal.”

  “You’re right, because I’m already better than you.” Killian said. “You don’t care about enchanters or mortals. It’s all about what you want.”

  “We do what we have to to survive.” Bryn told him. “You know that, you saw it when we mind shared.”

  “I know how you struggled to find your place in this world. Do you really think you’re the only ones? I never belonged anywhere. But you knew that didn’t you? That’s why I was ripe for the picking. I thought this could be my circle, but now I know you were just using me.”

  Charles poked him again. “You can’t exist without us.”

  Killian pushed him away. “Actually I can, but my family can’t. So as much as it would delight me to put you back to sleep you are a necessary part of the world. That means you have to obey me.”

  “We don’t have to do anything you say.” Bryn said. A black rain began to fall, Bryn and Charles disappeared in it. The rain vanished.

  Dylan remained at his side. “They’ll never accept you.”

  “They have to. You did, or are you staying to finish me off?”

  “I accept that you’re stronger than me.”

  “I didn’t expect this of you.”

  Dylan smiled. “All three of us are very different.”

  “But you stay together.”

  “Of course.”

  Killian wasn’t sure what to do next.

  “You need to follow Bryn and Charles and let them know who is in charge.” Dylan told him.

  “I have no idea where they are.”

  “Yes you do. If you’re one of us then you’ll know.”

  Killian knew he wasn’t focusing, he wasn’t thinking like them. “Firesea. They’ve gone to Firesea to get the robe. I thought they never left here, I thought they were too afraid.”

  “They’re desperate. They need an object that powerful to fight you.” Dylan reached into his pocket and took out the pen. “You should take this back.”

  Killian shook his head. “No, it’s yours. I gave it to you.”

  “I didn’t want it to cast spells. I just wanted to have something of my own.”

  “I know.”

  He put it back in his pocket. “Thank you. That’s the other reason I sided with you.”

  “Because I gave you a pen?”

  “Because you didn’t tell me that I didn’t deserve it. We should go now. Your wife will be in danger if we don’t catch up to them. Come on.”

  Killian closed his eyes and imagined himself moving across the countryside. There was a humming sound all around him. Suddenly the rain began to fall in thick sheets. He sensed Dylan was nearby but he couldn’t see him.

  He had to get to Bryn and Charles before they got to Nora. The robe would give her some protection but how long would it last? He didn’t know. What if they tried to hurt Lucy? Old memories of her kidnapping surfaced. I’m stronger than them he told himself. He sensed that the two Founders were close by and so was Firesea. The black rain let up. Bryn and Charles were approaching the wall. They turned around and glared at him.

  “You’re exiled from Darkhill.” Charles said. “We don’t want you anymore.”

  “And we don’t need you.” Bryn added. “Give me your ring.”

  Killian had had just about enough of them. He grabbed each by the collar of their robe. “I said to obey me.”

  “Give me your ring.” Bryn said. There was fear in her eyes.

  “Obey me.”

  Charles still looked unimpressed. “You can threaten us all you want but you know that without us the enchanters won’t exist. There’s nothing you can do. So go to Wildbush or anywhere else you want to call home and we won’t hurt your wife.”

  That was what Killian needed to hear, a threat to Nora. He took a deep breath and let his energy flow out. Bryn and Charles were pushed up against the wall.

  “Are you ready to obey me?” he shouted.

  “Never.” Charles answered.

  “All right then.” Killian let the rest of the energy pour out of him. The ground began to shake and then suddenly the Firesea wall blew apart. Bryn and Charles went flying into the air. The empty houses inside the circle exploded, sending timber everywhere. The energy moved like a wave breaking down the wall on the other side.

  Wood, furniture, household items, and two of the Founders swirled in the air. The energy formed a funnel that stretched into the sky. It moved across the circle towards the sea. Enchanters poured out of Firesea. They stared at Killian, their mouths hanging open. Lucy and Arden were among them.

  The funnel of energy continued to the sea. As it moved over the water waves began coming to shore. At the top of the funnel Killian could see Bryn and Charles spinning around, they were immune to his spells but not to simple physics. The funnel continued over the water and into the forest. Trees began splintering and getting caught up in the energy.

  “They’re angry.” Dylan said.

  “I don’t want them taking it out on you.”

  “This is worth it.”

  Killian watched the funnel continue through the forest. He had never created such mayhem before. He was st
rangely impressed with himself, even if he had single-handedly destroyed Firesea. He put his hands out and began to pull the energy back towards him. The funnel turned and slipped back onto the water’s surface.

  “What are you doing?” Lucy screamed in his ear. “Have you lost your mind? You’re destroying everything.”

  “I’m teaching them a lesson.” Killian dropped his hands to his side. His concentration broke, the energy rushed back into his body, as it did the funnel collapsed. Debris and the two Founders splashed into the water.

  He turned to Lucy. “They’re here for the robe. Do you want them to get it? I have to do this. I have to get them in line, everything that has happened is because of them.”

  Lucy looked at Dylan.

  “He’s right.” he told her.

  She took Killian’s hand. “I want to help you.”

  Bryn and Charles were bobbing in the water. In another second they would be back on the shore. “There’s nothing you can do Lucy.”

  “We’re family. We fight together.” she told him.

  He squeezed her hand. “All right. Hang on to me. They’re coming.”

  The black rain was forming on the water. It moved swiftly towards them. In the blink on an eye what remained of Firesea was enveloped. Killian could sense Bryn and Charles in the black rain, they had Nora. She was fighting, the robe was resisting, neither of them was any match for the power of the Founders.

  “No one is a match except me.” Hearing the words aloud, from his own lips, made it real. He wasn’t just the product of an affair, an unwanted brother who got in the way, Talia’s punching bag. At that moment he was the most powerful enchanter in the world.

  Killian focused his thoughts on Darkhill. As soon as he had the thought he could feel Bryn and Charles recoil. They were trying to prevent him from taking them home. The black rain increased. The entire circle of Firesea slammed on top of the underground Darkill council hall. The rain ceased. The Firesea enchanters were sprawled on the ground.

  “That was great!” Lucy cried.

  Killian wanted to laugh at Lucy’s exclamation but it probably wasn’t the best time to do so. Firesea was a mess. The only buildings still intact were the cathedral, the council hall, and his own house. He turned to Lucy. “Make sure Constantine is all right.”

  Killian ran towards the Firesea council hall. Dylan was behind him. They pushed open the doors. Bryn and Charles were both holding the robe, they were fighting over it. Nora was on the floor unconscious. Killian wasn’t sure if she was dead or alive.

  Bryn tossed the robe aside and grabbed Killian’s coat. “You must the stupidest enchanter alive to come in here.”

  Killian pushed her away. “Or the most powerful.”

  Charles wrapped the robe around his shoulders. “Don’t touch her.” He punched Killian in the jaw causing him to stagger backwards and fall to the floor.

  Killian rubbed his jaw. “You really shouldn’t have done that.”

  Chapter 83

  As soon as Killian sprinted off to the council hall Lucy found Arden nearby. “Where is Constantine?”

  Logan suddenly emerged from the mayhem. His face and hair were dirty.

  “Have you see Constantine?” Lucy asked him.

  “I’ll find him.” Logan started running to what was left of the Master Enchanter’s house.

  “I’ll help him.” Arden said. “Go into the cathedral and wait for us. Don’t worry, we’ll find Constantine.”

  “All right.” Lucy watched as Logan and Arden disappeared into the rubble of the Master Enchanter’s house.

  Ivan was outside the cathedral doors beckoning some of the confused enchanters to come inside. His resilience was impressive. “Young lady.” he said to her. “There’s shelter in here, come inside. The cathedral has never failed us. The enchantments upon it are unbreakable.”

  Lucy had no intention of going in there. She marched across the circle. Ivan shouted to her but she ignored him. The council hall door was shut. There was a window next to the door. She looked inside. Charles had the robe around his shoulders. He said something and then reached back and punched Killian in the jaw. Her father stumbled and fell to the floor.

  Lucy gripped the windowsill. She would get them for that. Dylan stepped in front of Killian and started pointing his finger in Charles’ face. Killian got to his feet. It was then that Lucy noticed Nora lying on the floor unconscious.

  Lucy walked around to the back of the hall. There were no doors there but Lucy didn’t need one. She took hold of the wood siding. She could feel the Firesea enchantments on it, they were stronger than the outer wall which she had torn apart years before. She tried to pull the siding away but all she got was a splinter in her finger. From inside she heard someone shout, it might have been her father.

  Lucy gritted her teeth and pulled as hard as she could, slowly the wood began to yield to her spell. It bent and cracked before giving way. A piece of the wall the size of the icebox at home came away in her hands. Lucy tossed it aside. She stepped through the hole she created and went inside.

  Chapter 84

  Kip kept his promise. Tom told him everything that had happened since first arriving in Wildbush years before and meeting Killian Cramer. Rowan got dressed and laid on the sofa listening with a blanket over himself. He ended up falling asleep sometime before dawn.

  The last thing he heard Tom talk about was being sold to a family that made him sleep under the back steps of the house. Rowan drifted off picturing that sad memory in his head.

  He wasn’t sure how long he slept. He woke up to an earth shattering bang. The house shook, the windowpanes rattled. He sat up. Kip and Tom were gone. “Kip! Where are you?” Rowan got to his feet and looked for his boots.

  Kip came running into the parlor, there was a half-eaten sandwich in his hand. “What was that?”

  “I don’t know. Where’s Tom?”

  “He’s in the kitchen. He went out earlier and got us some food.” Kip cocked his head. “Do you feel that?”

  Rowan did. There was new energy in the air. He recognized it. Firesea. “Maybe my father is here.” He looked out the window and blinked. The amber spires of the Firesea cathedral could be seen over the treetops as well as the dome of the council hall. “Oh.”

  “What is it?”

  “I think Firesea is in Darkhill.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I think the circle has moved.”

  “That’s impossible.”

  “Not from what I’m seeing.”

  Tom came into the parlor. “What was that noise?”

  “Kip and I are going to check something out.”

  “Why? What’s out there?” Tom joined him at the window. His eyes widened. “Firesea.”

  “They won’t come for you.” Rowan told him. “I told you, my mother is the Master Enchanter.”

  “Yes, my dear sister Nora.” Tom sneered.

  “Stay here and let us check on it.”

  “We’ll come back.” Kip told him. “You’ll be safe here.”

  Tom hesitated. “I want to believe you.”

  “You have my word.” Kip said.

  Tom seemed to trust Kip. “All right. I’ll stay for a while.”

  Rowan put on his boots while Kip put his collection of weapons on his body. By the time they got out of the door most of the village was in the town square staring at the new arrival.

  Darkhill was not far. As Rowan and Kip ran there it became apparent that Firesea had relocated and it had been completely destroyed except for the council hall, Killian’s house, and the cathedral. Dust filled the air. Enchanters were sitting on the ground or milling around looking dazed.

  “What’s going on?” Kip asked.

  Rowan couldn’t even begin to explain what he was seeing. In the debris he spotted his Great Uncle Ivan near the cathedral.

  “I don’t think you should go any further Kip.” Rowan said. “There is stuff everywhere, you could hurt yourself.”
br />   “I can go anywhere.”

  “No you can’t. It’s too dangerous.”

  “Don’t make me feel useless Rowan.”

  “I’m not trying to but-” He stopped. Whatever he said was going to make Kip feel lousy. “I’ve just seen my Uncle Ivan. I’m going to go talk to him. Will you be all right on your own?”

  “Yes, go ahead. I’ll catch up with you.”

  Rowan touched Kip’s arm. “Be careful.”

  “Will you just go? It’s the end of the world and you’re just standing here.”

  Rowan ran across the flattened Firesea wall. He jumped over timber and bits of furniture. “Ivan!” he called out.

  The old man turned and looked at him. “I’ve seen you before.”

  “Yes. I’m Killian’s son.”

  “I remember.”

  “What’s happening?”

  Ivan looked at the devastation around him and shook his head. “Your father is destroying the circle. Your mother was right to exile him. And now he’s come back for revenge.”

  “My father did this?”

  “Yes. He’s a dangerous enchanter. A healer and a reaper. I assume he’ll kill us all by sundown.”

  “Where is he?”

  Ivan pointed a bony finger at the council hall. “In there.”

  Rowan ran across the debris strewn circle and opened the door to the council hall.

  Chapter 85

  Arden sifted through the rubble of the Master Enchanter’s house. There wasn’t just Constantine to search for, but the housekeeper and Leah too. The last time he saw them they were upstairs in a bedroom that been converted to a nursery. None of them knew what do with the child. Killian had rescued her thinking that Finnegan could adopt her and have an heir, but then Finnegan died. Arden thought that he and Lucy should take her, he was going to mention it to Nora that very morning but then everything had gone haywire. He and Logan poked at the debris. Arden’s foot slipped and he fell to his knees.

  “It’s no use.” Logan said as he helped him up. “No one could survive under this.”


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