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Mark of Orion

Page 9

by S L Richardson

  "What if we tell our parents?” Olivia said. “I don't want to scare my mom, but what if something happens when we're with our families or apart from each other? They could at least help us figure it out." Olivia looked between Zach and Sergio.

  Zach wasn't sure he wanted to share this with his parents. His relationship with them was getting back on track. Tonight was so terrifying and unimaginable. How would they react? They might worry about him again. His stomach rolled at having to face their doubts. Or what if they assumed he'd taken drugs or been drinking? There must be another way than asking their parents for help, but an answer stayed out of reach.

  Sergio shook his head. "Manny would flip out. And my parents? I don't know, Olivia."

  Zach made the turn into Sergio's neighborhood, which was decorated with cheery Christmas lights and blow-up yard decorations. But as the neighbors slept in their cozy beds, evil had struck a few miles away. Peace and security were fleeting. Zach understood this firsthand after having a knife at his throat. He parked in front of Sergio's house.

  "At least Manny's gone," Olivia said. "Zip up your jacket. It should hide your wounds in case someone is up waiting for you. If they are, tell them you feel sick."

  He nodded and opened the door. He released a heavy sigh, peering back at them. "Thank you for... uh... not... not leaving me back there."

  Before they could answer, he jumped out and ran to the front door. He sent a sly glance over his shoulder and stepped inside his house.

  "I'm worried about him." Olivia ran her hands over her face. "I'm so tired and scared that I can't even think. What if−"

  "Shh." He gathered her in for a hug. It felt so good having his arms around her, holding her close. She sagged against him. A surge of protectiveness swelled inside him. He didn't know how to kill a demon, but he'd do everything in his power to learn. For Olivia. For all of their sakes.

  "Don't replay the memories and torture yourself with the what if game. It'll make it worse." He gave her one last squeeze and let go. "Let's get you home."

  As Zach pulled away from the curb, a curtain floating closed caught his eye. If someone was up waiting for Sergio, Zach hoped he'd hold up under the pressure after the stress of their horrendous night.

  Zach walked Olivia to her front door. The glow from the Christmas tree lights filtered through the porch window, but nothing else stirred. The house key shook in Olivia's hand. She hesitated before inserting it into the deadbolt.

  "Do you want me to go inside with you?" Zach touched her shoulder. "Just to make sure everything is okay?"

  She closed her eyes, releasing a sigh. She turned and gazed back at him with blue eyes that caught his breath.

  "Am I that obvious? That would be awesome. Thank you." She unlocked the door, and they stepped into the foyer. She flipped on the lights. A gray blur bounded up the living room steps. Olivia and Zach jumped away. Thunder's bushy tail slipped out the door. They shared nervous laughter as she closed the door.

  "Jeez. Your cat scared me."

  Olivia laughed again. He liked the sound of her laugh. It was deep and natural, not guarded or shrill. A warning bell went off in his head when he heard a fake laugh. Who wanted to be around someone who couldn’t laugh?

  Zach stepped in front of her. "Let me get the lights." He raised his flashlight, ready to use as a weapon if something jumped out. They checked the first and second floor, lighting up each room until the house was bright like the Christmas tree in her living room. Nothing out of place or hiding in the dark.

  They made their way downstairs. "I don't think you've had any visitors." He inhaled and stepped into the foyer. "Besides, your house smells like cinnamon and apples, not smoke." He grinned at her. "You have a great house."

  "Thanks. My mom loves to decorate, as you can tell." She waved her hand at the festive living room. Her face turned serious. "I'm better now that we checked the house. Besides, my mark doesn't hurt. At least that gives us a heads up to run for it."

  "My mark hasn't hurt since we left the lot. I bet the demons attached themselves to the bikers, like it attached itself to Ryan. But that hideous female demon said she felt a connection. I wonder if it's because of our marks?"

  She shrugged, rubbing her hands over her arms. "I was wondering the same thing. I still can't believe demons attacked us. And why can we see them? Anyway, Mom should be home from work soon. I'm exhausted. I just want a hot shower, and then I’m crawling into bed."

  "Me too." He nodded, taking one last look at her. Color had returned to her cheeks, and her hands had stopped shaking. He reached up and took a piece of feather out of her hair. His fingers slid down the blond strand as the feather fell to the floor. He wanted to stay with her. But he was a walking zombie and desperately wanted to shower.

  "Keep your cell with you in bed. Call me if something happens or you need me to come and stay with you. Promise?"

  "I promise."

  "You're a brave one, Liv. Sweet dreams." He leaned in and, on impulse, kissed her forehead.

  Her forehead? Why didn't I kiss her cheek?

  She grabbed his hand, surprise etched on her face. "Thank you for getting us home safe, Zach. And for... um—"

  "No problem." He gave her hand a squeeze, not wanting to let go. "Good night." But he let his fingers fall away and left before he embarrassed himself further.

  Zach's eyes flew open, his body jolted awake. His bedroom was dark except for the thin beams of moonlight cutting between blinds. A static sound filled his ears.

  I thought I turned the TV off...

  He tried to sit up but couldn't move.

  His heart jack-hammered as he lay on his back. His eyes grew wide as they strained to find what smashed his body against the mattress.


  Just his sheet draped over his lower body.

  He pushed against the pressure again, grimacing in his efforts.

  Trapped. Held down by some kind of buzzing force field.

  What is happening?

  His mark burned...

  Panic erupted, setting off every nerve ending like a firework blast.

  The field suffocated him, like he was wrapped in cellophane and couldn't break free.

  Something was in his room. He sensed it with every fiber of his being.

  Hands grabbed his wrists at his sides. He screamed, but made no sound. He thrashed against whatever held him. It didn't work. He looked to his right and it stared at him. The hate from it rolled off in waves. Zach's throat ached from his screams, lost against the buzzing field. His body trembled, shattered with the realization he was helpless against the entity's grip.

  A demon has found me.

  The shadowy black figure crept over the bed. Zach commanded his body to buck, but it lay frozen, defenseless as the demon slid on top of him. The demon hovered inches over him. Electric pink eyes glared from the shadowy face above him.

  No, please. NO! Get off of me!

  His screams careened in his mind, reeling from the horror. His harsh breathing grew louder, mixing with the blood pounding in his ears.

  The demon pressed its shadowy form against him. The pressure began at his legs and moved up his body, scorching every inch of skin along the way. Its hands released his wrists, tracing up his arms like a feathered caress. Wispy hands traveled over his shoulders while the static increased to a fevered pitch.

  Oh God! Help me!

  Demented laughter mingled with the buzzing. Everywhere the demon touched, it pushed him deeper into the mattress until he thought the mattress might swallow him. He was at its mercy, vulnerable to whatever it wanted to do. But he still struggled, moved, flailed, trying to fight back.

  The demon's face consumed his vision. Black lips parted, exposing a sizzling, hot-pink tongue that whipped inside like a snake. The gaping hole grew wider until all he saw was the slithering tongue. The demon's hands reached Zach's neck. Its long fingers wrapped around it while its thumbs pressed against Zach's windpipe. The tongue flicked against his seale
d lips, like a whip's first lick at bare skin.

  Please stop... please...

  Zach jack-knifed up. A scream tore free from his throat. His arms and legs thrashed, fighting to free himself from the demon. He scrambled out of bed. He lunged for the light switch and flipped it on. His fists were up, gasping for breath as he searched his room.

  Nothing... except the pounding on his door.

  He looked again, but everything was how it had been before he fell asleep. Except for the sheet, laying half on the floor. No demon lurked, waiting to strike. Zach's body shook, damp with sweat and rank with fear.

  "Zach! Open up!" His mom pounded on the door again. The knob rattled as she tried to open it.

  Zach rushed over, unlocked the door and threw it open. His mom stood wide-eyed, hand up, ready to pound on the door again. Her gray robe fell open, showing a wide stance, ready to kick in the door.

  "Hey," he said.

  "What's going on, Zach?" She pointed at his room.

  He ran his fingers through his damp hair. "Just a nightmare. Sorry I woke you."

  She let her hand fall, sighing in relief. "Must have been a whopper! Scared me to death when I heard you scream, but your dad didn't budge." She smiled, but concern clouded her eyes, a carbon copy of his own. She hooked her auburn hair behind her ears. "Since we're up, can I make you a midnight snack?" She tried to peek around him, but Zach moved the door, blocking her view.

  Mom's mantra was that a sweet treat, a hot drink or comfort food fixed any problem. Most of the time, he'd have been glad to have her whip something up, knowing full well she loosened him up to get him to talk. But not tonight. Zach was too raw, and he sure didn't need his mom asking questions.

  "Nah. But thanks, Mom." Zach hoped his smile appeased her. "I think I'll just go back to bed."

  "Okay, if that sounds best." She stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. "Love you, sweetie."

  "Love you too." She walked the long hallway to her bedroom, glancing back and giving him a wave before closing her bedroom door behind her. He shut his door and rested his back against it, taking one last survey of his room.


  Thank goodness.

  He sighed as he tried to piece together his night after coming home from Red Rock. His parents had been in bed when he got home. Thankful he didn't have to make small talk, he'd come upstairs, showered and crashed. Until the demon woke him.

  Zach walked to his bathroom and splashed water on his face. He took a hard look at himself in the mirror. What reflected back wasn't a stranger. He'd seen this hollow face before, marred by a furrowed brow and dark circles under his eyes.

  He hung his head and took a few deep breaths. His hand trembled as he touched his throat, which still ached from his silent screams. He shook his head. It'd been a stressful few days, full of weird and dark stuff.

  His mark...

  In the mirror, he found his mark of Orion. He placed his fingers over the seven spots, raised and sensitive to the touch. His stomach dropped as he looked back at himself in the mirror. The mark connected them to demons.

  You don't know that for sure, Zach.

  His palms smacked the bathroom counter. For the first time in his life, he glanced at his bedroom with fear and trepidation. How could he go to sleep knowing a demon might return?

  Zach climbed back into bed, wide awake. He wanted to call Olivia, but that was a bad idea. No need to freak her out in the middle of the night. He could call Sergio, but Zach didn't think he'd want to hear from him either. As much as he wanted to share his ordeal, it would keep until morning.

  Zach reached up to turn off his light but paused. He'd never had an issue with the dark before, but tonight changed that. His hand slipped back under the sheet and pulled it up to his chin. It was a false sense of security, hoping the sheet provided protection. Silly, he knew, since it didn't work the first time. But he kept it there, preferring it to exposing his skin to the open air.

  His lamp was staying on tonight.

  Maybe forever.

  Chapter Nine


  The early-morning sun warmed Zach's face as he stretched his legs before his morning run. His black lab, Hank, sat beside him, wagging his tail while his nose twitched in the air. When Hank was younger, Zach ran him every day to burn off the dog's energy. Now seven, Hank only accompanied him on shorter runs.

  Zach stepped off the curb and started a light jog. He needed to work out the tension stringing his body tight. He loved music but didn't run listening to it. He preferred the sound his running shoes made when they hit the ground. The slapping rhythm of his feet mixed with his breathing got him in a zone. Just him, the road, his thoughts... and sometimes Hank's tags clinking next him.

  Zach tossed and turned after the demon in his room. His body wanted to sleep, but his brain kept churning. It didn't matter that the light drenched his room. He jumped at any small sound. When dawn's light came through his window, he gave up and decided on a run.

  He increased the pace as his body started to relax. His mind went back to last night at Red Rock. The three of them needed to meet soon and make a plan. Now that the shock had worn off, they might remember something vital. The problem was, today was Christmas Eve, and getting away from his family would be impossible. Zach let his thoughts churn as he left the neighborhood.

  Sweat rolled between his shoulder blades by the end of the run. His long legs pumped as he sprinted down his street. He ran past Olivia's house, glimpsing Thunder perched on the porch railing. He hoped Olivia had gotten a better night's sleep than he did.


  He remembered the first time he got a glimpse of her, driving on their street as his family unpacked the moving truck. She had driven by in her green SUV and grinned at him. He had smiled back, thinking she was cute, but didn't see her again. School started soon, and to his surprise, her locker was across the hallway from him. That was when he started to watch her. Her wave of long, dark blond hair swayed as she weaved her way through the hallway. He liked that her body had curves and how she walked with a confidence he recognized in athletes. But what stopped him in his tracks were her electric blue eyes, so bright it looked like a light shined on them. But it was more than the color. Her eyes held no pretense. It had been a gut punch last night when that openness was gone, replaced by fear and horror.


  His head twisted over his shoulder. She waved from her porch, then scooped up Thunder. He smiled, turning for her house. When he and Hank approached, the cat jumped out of her arms and darted through the crack left open in the front door. Zach guessed Thunder wasn't a fan of big black dogs. He stepped onto the porch and his pulsed jumped, but the run hadn't caused it.

  "Hi. I came out to get Thunder and there you were, running by with your dog. What's his name?" Olivia smiled, pointing at his dog.

  "Hank." The dog sat, panting with his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth. Olivia ruffled his thick neck fur. She got a big lick on her hand for a thank-you. She laughed, wiping her hand on her yoga pants. "He's so handsome."

  "Yeah, he's an awesome dog and doesn't know a stranger." Zach patted the top of Hank's head.

  Her brow creased as she scanned his face. "You don't look like you slept well." She wrapped her arms around her middle.

  This wasn't the right time to tell her about his nocturnal visitor. "What, did my dark circles give me away?" He smirked. "Don't worry. It's hard to fall asleep with my brain working overtime. I needed a morning run to shake out the cobwebs."

  "I miss running for that exact reason." Olivia pointed to her leg. "Hurt my knee playing soccer. I had to quit the team, but I hope it heals enough so I can enjoy runs again." Olivia sighed.

  Zach stepped closer and placed a finger under her chin, tilting her head back. "How did you sleep? By the looks of your bed-head, you were out for the count." She laughed and slapped his hand away.

  "I crashed, but woke up early this morning." She stepped back, rubbing her forehead. "
So many questions kept swirling in my head. I decided to write them in a journal this morning to clarify my thoughts. We need to research demons and how they get here, how they kill people, and−"

  "Whoa." He grabbed her arms, stopping her mid-stream. "Don't get yourself worked up. We'll figure out when the three of us can meet and talk about it. In the meantime, do your research and stay with your mom. Will you be at church today?"

  She nodded.

  "Good. No demons there."

  She nodded again.

  "Come on, that's supposed to be funny!"

  Olivia chuckled and rolled her eyes. "I better go get ready."

  "Yeah, I have to go tell my parents about the truck window first." He frowned as he looked at Hank, who was sprawled on the porch.

  "What are you going to say? Will they be mad?"

  "I hope not." He let out a deep breath. "I'll tell them we returned from our hike, and the window was smashed. The rest can wait till we have more answers."

  "I'm sure it'll be fine." She nodded, biting her bottom lip.

  He pulled on the leash and took a step backward. "See ya, Liv."


  He heard her front door close as he jogged to his house. His stomach dropped when he saw his parents standing toe-to-toe by his truck, having an obvious disagreement.


  Already arguing over him... again...

  This had disaster written all over it.

  His parents had their hands on their hips, tracking him coming up the street. Zach stopped in front of the truck's hood. A scowl lined Dad's lean face, but Mom looked more worried than mad. Zach was as tall as his dad, but years in the Army had built up muscle and enhanced his sixth sense.

  Dad closed the distance and pointed at the window. "You mind telling me what happened, Zach?" He shoved his big hands into his pockets. "Why did I have to find the busted window while getting the morning newspaper, instead of you telling me in person first? What happened last night? Huh?"


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