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Mark of Orion

Page 25

by S L Richardson

His Seven Realms... His kingdom.

  Lucifer's eyes scanned each realm: as vivid in color as they were obscene in their missions. Building his army of damned to destroy all of humanity was the only thing that mattered to Lucifer. Crushing man by their own deadly sins was supreme vengeance. The different realms glowed around him in their unique colors, displaying their blood-like life force, thriving in their immorality. Greed pulsed blue, Envy swirled green, Wrath boiled red, Lust churned hot pink, Gluttony whirled orange, Sloth simmered purple. But Lucifer headed toward Pride, surging in gold, where Beelzebub reigned.

  The sky was full of Lessors, each bowing as he passed. Lucifer was indifferent to this low hierarchy of Fallen. Lessors understood their place: corrupters of man and escorters of its damned soul. Their constant contact with man gave them a repugnant reek. Lucifer sneered as he passed, abhorrent of their fleshy stench.

  Lucifer landed at the end of the stone bridge. Laid out before him, carved out of the black, jagged cliffside, was a series of three tall buildings. A grand series of three stone steps led to each building's wide square landing. They glowed molten gold from arched openings. Rising up from the cliff was a mountain range encircling all the realms. Inside those mountains were endless tunnels and caverns.

  He approached the first landing, where a colossal fountain of grotesque human shapes, stacked up on each other's shoulders, spilled molten gold from each mouth in a frozen, macabre scream. Lucifer placed his hand under the golden river. His hand surged with the deadly sin flowing through this golden life force. Pride.

  His best customer.

  Lucifer cracked a wicked smile, quickening his steps. Lessors perched on top of the buildings like gargoyles as their eyes followed him. The closer he came to the top, the louder the wailing and screeching became, along with the thunderous voices of those causing their agony. He paused at the landing, admiring the gigantic golden pool of lava in the middle surrounded by Lessors and their leaders.

  Behind the pool stood Beelzebub. His bare massive back turned away from Lucifer. Beelzebub's long, muscular arm swung down, bringing a black-and-gold braided whip across the chest of a Lessor. The crack of the whip split the air. The Lessor arched his back but didn't cry out in pain. Rivers of black ran down his ravaged chest as he strained against the chains shackled around his wrists.

  Beelzebub's hand grabbed the blood-splattered hair and yanked its head back. "Disappoint me again, Rahil, and I'll feed you to my hounds." Two enormous black hounds loomed on each side of Beelzebub. Their large square heads reached his chest, snarling and snapping, their jaws glistening with black saliva. He stroked his hand across each hound's head, running it over the course hair of their raised hackles. "Fala and Nyx won't be happy if I deny them again." His voice held a dark promise.

  "Beelzebub," Lucifer called.

  He whipped his head around, staring at Lucifer with his golden eyes. Two black horns, twisted with gold, jutted from his bald head. He turned his body around and bowed at the waist. "My Lord, to what do I owe this honor?"

  Beelzebub's six wings of ebony feathers turned bat-like as they scaled down to the ends. His upper set of wings had razor-sharp barbs embedded across the top. His broad chest ripped with muscle defined by golden ribbons coursing under his tight brown skin. He wore black armor from the waist down, with deadly hooks protruding from the armor's side of his thighs to his ankles.

  "I needed some fresh air." They both smirked. "Walk with me."

  The Lessors parted as they strolled by the pool. More Lessors circled overhead, carrying a throbbing black orb in their gnarled hands. Lucifer stopped as one swooped low and released it into the molten pool. The orb flared, absorbing the golden life force. The genesis of a human emerged, growing as it would in the womb. From the torso grew arms and legs along with a head with hair floating around it. Two Lessors, in the pool, pulled the charred form to the steps. A female shape emerged from the pool's steamy mist. Golden fibers hung around her face. Her eyes peered through the strands, exposing gold pupils nestled in black eyes. A scream erupted from her mouth's black chasm as she wildly scanned her surroundings. Her struggles stopped when she saw Lucifer.

  "Master," she whispered. Her black lips spread into a wicked grin. The damned stared at Lucifer, straining for last glimpses, as they led her through the building's pillars.

  "She seems pleased to be here," Lucifer said as they walked toward the bridge.

  "She knew Hell was her destination." Beelzebub glanced back at the pool. Another damned rose from the pool, screams of terror erupting from him. "And others do not," he sneered. "Fala! Nyx!" Beelzebub pointed to the wailing damned.

  The hounds sprinted with their jaws open, baring pointed teeth. The Lessors shoved the damned at the charging beasts. Each latched onto a side and pulled the damned in two, cutting the screams short while spraying black oil into the steamy air. They dragged the torn remains away, leaving an oily trail evaporating behind them. The Lessors gave the growling beasts wide birth, not wanting to be their next meal.

  Lucifer raised an eyebrow, cocking his head. Beelzebub shrugged. "My hounds were hungry. Besides, it's a good reminder of punishment."

  Lucifer smiled, approving of his methods. "Effective indeed." He looked past Beelzebub to the mountains as Lessors buzzed through his vision cradling the black orbs. "How's my army?"

  A jeer crossed Beelzebub's brown face, sharpening its skeleton angles. "Your army grows bigger every day. Pride is the human's greatest weakness. More come to my realm than even lust or greed." Beelzebub puffed out his chest as he scanned his realm.

  Lucifer studied his closest ally. Beelzebub's hatred for man was as deep and devoted as his own. But Lucifer was the one who stood up to God. Yet, at times, Lucifer sensed Beelzebub's desire to rule as an undercurrent in their relationship.

  "Yes, pride is the root of all evil." Lucifer's pointed words had Beelzebub giving him a sidelong glance.

  I'm watching you, my old friend.

  "All for the glory of you, my Lord." Beelzebub swept his arm wide as he bent in a contrite bow.

  Lucifer nodded, walking away from him. "Get my army ready. Change is coming," he said over his shoulder.

  Beelzebub nodded. An eager, villainous grin slipped into place. "As you wish."

  "I can feel it," Lucifer whispered as he whisked down the steps. The feathers on his wings ruffled, feeling Beelzebub's intrusive stare.

  Saxem, one of Lucifer's personal guard, stood waiting at the foot of the bridge. "My Lord, I'm sorry to disturb you, but it's an urgent matter."

  "What is it?" he snapped.

  "Zar is in the tower. He is requesting an audience with you."

  Lucifer couldn't care less about Zar's trivial concerns. "I've no time for him," he said dismissively, waving his hand. "Give it to his Prince, Leviathan." Lucifer walked past Saxem, raising his wings in flight.

  "But he said he could only see you. He has a present for you... from Earth." Saxem backed away, out of striking range.

  "Did he say what it was?" Lucifer growled as he folded his wings, irritated but intrigued.

  "No. Just that it was for you only," Saxem replied.

  "Fine. Send him to the Throne Room."

  Saxem nodded.

  "But if he's wasted my time, see to it personally that his punishment is long and brutal."

  "My pleasure." Saxem’s red eyes glowed with excitement.

  Lucifer slipped into the mist rising above his kingdom. He seethed, growing impatient with watching the legions of his army grow with no battle to fight. He craved more, needed release.

  Wanted war.

  Revenge against his enemies.

  Bloodshed and annihilation of those he hated most...


  He hated humans with a fury burning eternal.

  The fact these prideful, lustful, envious, lazy, greedy, gluttonous, rage-filled human souls comprised his army of the damned disgusted him. But the sweet irony of using them to destroy their own kind wa
s pure justice. War was coming, Lucifer sneered.

  But when?

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  Delilah would never forget the moment she first laid eyes on Lucifer. He was smug in his all-consuming power, vain in his malevolent beauty, ruthless in his enigmatic evil. She wanted all of him.

  He wanted to kill her.

  She waited with Zar in a long, dark hallway, facing tall metal double doors, large enough for a giant to walk through. On each door, a carved red-eyed serpent with long spines protruding along its back weaved up the side, and they met in the middle. Flames erupted from each fanged mouth, aimed at each other. Two Fallen guards loomed on each side, staring at her with blatant curiosity.

  A Fallen emerged from the opposite side of the winding hallway. He wore sleek black armor with a red slash across his chest, like a lion had clawed him. His bald head, with blunt horns on each side, had the same red slash starting from his forehead over to the back of his neck. His red eyes glowed against his black marble skin. He leered at Delilah, sniffing the surrounding air.



  So much for pleasantries.

  "He'll see you in the Throne Room now." Saxem didn't take his eyes off her. Delilah returned his bold look with a raised eyebrow. The long silken robe Zar had given her shifted across her body, accentuating her curves.

  "Thank you," Delilah said, sarcasm dripping as she passed him, ignoring his eyes boring into her.

  The guards opened the doors, revealing an enormous circular room with a high-vaulted ceiling. Floor-to-ceiling windows encircled the room, creating rioting shocks of color into the misty room. Zar took the lead, crossing a long walkway across the massive room. The air was hot and humid, and alive with something sinister.

  Delilah's bare foot touched what she thought was cold, slick metal. Her foot paused, realizing the reflective surface was thick glass walkway hovering over an inky pool. She started across, and a sleek ripple in the water caught her eye. Under her feet, black scales emerged as a row of red spines skimmed across the water. A long spine shot up like a finger, scratching the glass beneath her frozen feet, continuing its fluid pass until it slipped below the surface. Her breathing hitched, imaging what kind of horrid creature ruled the murky pool. She hurried across the walkway, scanning the sinister waters for another ripple.

  Delilah raised her eyes as they approached the wide stone landing. A long flight of granite stairs, flanked on each side by a flowing trough of burning black oil, led to a circular landing. A towering onyx dragon overshadowed the room. The majestic, ebony seated throne towered against the scales of the vast upright beast's underbelly. Its hind legs, cradling the throne, ended in vicious claws, while the sweeping wings dominated the back of the chamber. The ferocious head leaned over the throne, red eyes glowing, stalking the approaching prey. Two thick spikes extended up its thick tail, curving under a wing. The mouth hung open in a frozen roar, exposing rows of long, pointed fangs, threatening death for anyone who displeased him or his master. They had carved it from the blackest of stones, and it emanated a malicious energy.

  If she'd thought the dragon throne was intimidating, nothing prepared her for who lounged upon it. Her body shuddered as she paused at the base of the stairs in front of her infamous destiny.


  Covered waist-down in tight, scaled black pants, his bare upper body displayed every massive muscle chiseled to white marble perfection. His black hair gleamed around his sharp, angular face. Energy sizzled through her as his black eyes devoured her.

  He was as magnificent in his beauty as he was in his evil.

  "Zar." His deep voice boomed across the room. "Who's this you've brought me? I don't recognize this ravishing Fallen."

  Delilah's heartbeat quickened under his torrid journey over her with indecent accuracy. Her body was alive under the robe, but his abrupt tone set her nerves on edge.

  "My Lord, this is Delilah. She is new to us. But you would remember her from before the Fall."

  The water broke behind her, splashing over the edge. He remained silent, narrowing his eyes as he cocked his head.


  Lucifer was upon her before she could move. His hand clamped around her neck, choking off her air. Delilah thrashed at nothing but the air between them as he lifted her off her feet. She grabbed his forearm with both hands, straining for relief, afraid he'd snap her neck with one flick of his wrist. He charged toward the black pool, dangling her over the edge. The serpent broke water, its fin grazed the bottom of her feet, slicing open her heels. Her eyes bulged, frantically searching for the serpent as black blood dripped into the water. Her skin began to weave together, healing the wound, but had the serpent already been enticed by her blood? She panicked, words trapped below the vice grip around her neck.

  This can't be the end! He has to listen me.

  Zar's frantic cries called out to him, but Lucifer wasn't listening.

  "Why are you here, angel? Come to spy on me?" The red around his black pupils churned like lava as his lifeless eyes promised her death. "Answer me!" he sneered.

  "She fell through the abyss like us. It's still open!" Zar yelled. "She knows its secrets."

  Surprise flickered over his face as the serpent made another pass beneath her. Delilah's struggles weakened. At any moment her head might explode, which would be a better fate than a meal for the repulsive serpent.

  "Secrets... I'll be the judge of that."

  Lucifer moved away from the edge, dropping her into a heap on the stone floor. Delilah wheezed and coughed, dragging in a breath. Her flaming red hair draped around her, hiding her terror and anger. Her body quivered as she eyed the menacing black boots inches from her face. She dared not move for fear of what he might do next.

  "Stand up and look at me." Lucifer's command chilled her.

  She pushed herself up and stood on shaky legs. Her head fell back as she raised her eyes to meet his. She didn't know what caused the thin smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

  "I remember you, Delilah. One of the weak guardian angels who stayed behind. And look at you now." He raised his large hands and entwined them in her long hair. He stepped closer, inches from her face. Dread surged with his closeness. Her scalp screamed for release as his wicked face filled her vision.

  "The most gorgeous Fallen I've ever seen, with your red hair fanning around you like flames, green eyes flashing fear, yet you dare to be angry with me." He chuckled as he held her head tight. "I like that. I'll listen to your words. And then I'll decide if you'll be a meal for me." He paused as he sniffed her neck, then ran his scorching tongue over her pounding artery. "Or my serpent."

  Delilah didn't move. Her body crackled with dark primal energy, ignited by his searing tongue, but her mind screamed, what have you done!

  "So, tell me, Delilah, more about this... secret." He overwhelmed her as she fought to control her chaotic emotions. She closed her eyes, digging deep to find the strength that put her here before this evil.

  Freedom, revenge, power.

  She opened her eyes and focused on his terrifying,  alluring face; she tried absorbing power from hands that might crush her skull at any moment. He held the key to everything she wanted, all she'd risked her life—her soul—for. She drew courage from his power, siphoned it from him like an energy source. His wicked smile grew wider as excitement exuded from him.

  "All right." She cleared her throat. "After the battle, God left the abyss, a portal from the Fall, open. He wanted the angels to remember their free will when deciding who and where they'd serve." He hissed with a sharp intake of breath. "No one has ever gone through... until me."

  Lucifer's face was an unreadable mask, but his black eyes rippled with electric currents. "Tell me more," he whispered, his grip getting tighter.

  "I was guardian to a man until he turned eighteen and was taken from me." She grunted in pain, talking faster. "That never happens. It upset me, and no o
ne would tell me why St. Michael was now his guardian."

  "St. Michael!" Lucifer spat his name. "What does he have to do with this?"

  "They wouldn't tell me! But... I... couldn't get my charge out of my head." She swallowed and looked defiantly up at Lucifer. "I'd fallen in love with him," she whispered.

  Lucifer threw his head back in laughter. Its sharp crack echoed over the room. "What a stupid little angel. You broke rule number one." He released her head but grabbed her arm, slamming her against his chest. "You're boring me. Tell me about the portal," he hissed.

  Tell him just enough.

  She relaxed her body, melting it against him. "There's more..." She cracked a devious grin. "I went back and secretly saw this man over the years. He'd married, but I didn't care. I wanted him for myself... and after some time, he returned my feelings." She let out a ragged breath. "One night, I came to see him, but he wasn't there. So, I channeled him and found him in the fight of his life... with a Fallen."

  Lucifer released her arms and stepped away.

  "He wielded a beautiful silver sword with blue flames running down the middle. The Fallen was a warrior woman with gold eyes wearing black body armor with the same color slashed across her chest and back. Their battle was intense in the dark alley until he swung the sword across her neck. Her outraged shriek lingered in the air while her body and sword vanished." She took a small step toward him. "When it was over, he realized I was there. He was so angry and told me not to tell anyone what I saw. I told him I wouldn't, but he needed to tell me who he was. He didn't at first. Said it had to remain his secret. But in a moment of weakness, he did." She smiled up at Lucifer.

  "I'm losing my patience, Delilah," Lucifer said. A muscle twitched in his jaw as he ground his teeth together.

  "He's the guardian of the abyss, named the Mar of Sin. You fell through it. He's also a demon killer sent by God."

  "Guardian? Why?" He paced in front of her, his raw anger palpable.

  "When God left it open, it stayed open both ways. He knows how to find the portal... and how to close it."


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