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His Firework

Page 2

by Shaw Hart

  “When I mentioned it to you earlier it had me craving their roast beef.” She says with a laugh.

  “Is your mom here?” I ask, looking around but I don’t see the woman anywhere.

  “No. It’s just me.”

  “Did you want to eat dinner with me?” I ask hopefully.

  Her eyes dart around like she’s looking for someone.

  “Um, sure.” She says finally, turning back to me with that million dollar smile.

  “Lead the way.”

  I follow her inside the packed restaurant, my eyes glued to her ass as it sways gently back and forth with her steps. I lick my lips, suddenly hungry for something besides food. Ember waves at the hostess and tells her table for two. I lean against the wall as she makes her way back to me.

  “It’ll be about ten minutes.” She says as she comes to stand next to me.

  “Sounds good.”

  We stand in silence for a few minutes and I rack my brain to come up with something to say. I’ve never been tongue tied around a girl before, but something about Ember feels like being here with her really matters.

  “Have you lived here long?” I ask.

  “My whole life.” She says and something in her voice makes me think that she doesn’t want to be here.

  “You don’t like it here?” I guess.

  “Oh, it’s fine. It’s just-”

  “Hey Ember! Table’s ready.” The hostess calls over, interrupting what she was going to say.

  We follow behind the waitress as she leads us to a booth in the back of the restaurant. I watch as Ember slides into one side before I take the opposite slide. The hostess hands us our menu and tells Ember she’ll see her later before she gives me a once over and a flirty smile.

  “Haven’t seen you before.” She purrs.

  “No. I’m just here for a few days.” I say.

  My tone makes it obvious that I’m not in the mood to flirt. She gives me a pout but wanders back to the hostess stand. I turn back to Ember who is studiously ignoring me, hiding behind her menu.

  “So, what’s good to eat here?” I ask, desperate to have her eyes on me again.

  “I love the beef roast and the mud cake for dessert.” she says.

  She finally places her menu down, closing it and putting it at the end of the table. Our waitress comes over at that moment to introduce herself and ask for our drink order.

  “Are you guys ready to order?”

  “We are. We’ll both have the beef roast with the mud cake for dessert.” I say.

  I close my menu and hand both of them to the waitress who writes our order down before hurrying back to the kitchen.

  “So earlier, you never finished what you were going to say.” I remind her.

  “About what?”

  “About if you liked living here.”

  “Oh. Right. I don’t mind it. It’s just that I know everyone here. We all grew up together and it just feels like nothing exciting ever really happens here. I’d like to get out and see more than just these mountains in my life.”

  I think over her answer and can see where she’s coming from.

  “What about you?” She asks.

  “What about me?”

  “Where are you from?”

  “I live in New York.”

  “Really?” She asks, leaning forward with excitement in her eyes.

  “Yeah. I’ve lived there for most of my life.”

  “What brings you to Pigeon Forge then? She asks.


  “What do you do for a living?”

  “I’m an investor. I’m here to look into investing in a hotel they’re building.” I say, deciding to be honest with her.

  “Oh yeah. A little north of here, right?”

  “Yeah. At least I think so.” I say with a laugh.

  “Do you think you’ll do it? Invest?”

  “Honestly? No. From what I can see this town isn’t very big and there’s already plenty of hotels and other cabin rental places.”

  “Bit of a wasted trip then, huh?” She asks.

  “I don’t think so.” I say, staring into her eyes.

  I watch as a blush creeps across her cheeks but she’s saved from answering when the waitress returns carrying our food. The food smells amazing and we both dig in. She moans around her first bite and my eyes snap to her mouth. I wonder if she would make those same noises with my dick in her mouth. I have to shake my head to clear away that delicious image and I refocus on my food.

  The food here really is good and we spend the rest of dinner talking. Ember is smart, with a wicked sense of humor. She tells me stories about growing up here and some of the people we see in the restaurant that she knows. She has me laughing so hard that my cheeks hurt and I realize that I haven’t smiled this much in a long time.

  Our dinner plates are cleared away and two dessert plates replace them. We talk through dessert and she asks me questions about New York and my job. We talk about the places I’ve been and where we both want to travel and see.

  Once we’re done, I pay the bill even though Ember tries to pay half. I shoo her hand away and place some cash in with the receipt and stand from the booth. I offer my hand to Ember as she slides over and she takes it easily. I haul her to her feet but keep her hand wrapped in mine as we walk out.

  “Where did you park?” I ask, once we’re outside.

  She points to the left and I walk her over to her car, waiting as she digs her keys out of her pocket.

  “I had fun tonight.” I say when she turns back to me and I realize that I really did.

  It’s been a long time since I went out with a woman for more than a business dinner. I’ve been so wrapped up in my business that I haven’t really taken time for myself but being with Ember forces me to do that. She’s so full of life and this glow that just draws people in. I want to bask in it.

  “I did too.” She says shyly.

  I watch as she shifts from foot to foot before looking back up to me. I lean in closer, drawn in by those big blue eyes staring up at me. I bring one hand up and stroke her jaw. Her tongue darts out and licks along her bottom lip, wetting it. My eyes are mesmerized as those lush lips shine in the glow from the streetlight.

  Slowly, so slowly, I lower my head until my lips brush softly against hers. I want to shove my hands in her curls and tilt her mouth up so I can ravish her but I don’t want to scare her away. So, I take my time instead.

  I kiss her mouth again, once, twice, three times. She sighs against my lips and I can’t take it. I need to deepen the kiss so I flick my tongue against her bottom lip. She gasps and I take the opportunity to lick into her mouth.

  She tastes like the chocolate cake that we just ate and something that is uniquely Ember. I’m instantly addicted. I tease my tongue against hers, coaxing it to come play with mine and she moans against my mouth. Her fingers curl in my shirt, pulling me into her.

  Suddenly, she pushes me, spinning us so my back is thrown up against her car. She pushes her body against mine like she’s afraid that I’m going to try to get away from her. Not a chance. I’ve never been so turned on in my life.

  One hand leaves my shirt, tunneling into my hair and pulling my lips back down to hers. This time she’s the one forcing her tongue into my mouth. My cock grows thick and long in my pants at her aggressive behavior. I’ve never been kissed this passionately in my entire life.

  I get lost in her for long minutes. My world shrinks until it’s just Ember and me. A car horn blares in the distance and Ember pulls back. I moan when I see how red and swollen her lips are. I want nothing more than to pull her back into me and get lost in her all over again but Ember looks embarrassed all of a sudden.

  “Oh my god. I’m so sorry.” She cries.

  “Huh?” I say. Obviously my brain is still trying to start working again. She buries her face in her hands and I snap out of it.

  “Wait, wait, why are you sorry?” I try again.

  “I practically mau
led you. I’m so sorry. I’ve never done anything like that before.”

  I laugh at that. Loudly. She rips her hands away from her crimson face to look up at me.

  “Em, trust me, I wanted it. That was the hottest kiss of my life. I never wanted it to stop.” I tell her honestly.

  “I-I have to go.” She says.

  I watch as she unlocks the door, sliding behind the wheel without looking at me. She waves out the window as she drives off and I’m left standing there, staring after her, wondering what I did wrong. I know this though; Ember and I aren’t done. I feel alive for the first time in years. Like those fireworks that Ember talked about earlier are going off inside my chest.

  I make my way back to my rental car and head back to my cabin. I’m going to find Ember tomorrow and sort everything out.

  Chapter Five


  I sneak into my house, thankful that my mom is already asleep and I don’t have to try to explain my flushed appearance to her. I can’t believe I did that, I think as my fingers run across my still swollen lips. I’ve barely even kissed anyone before but I almost devoured Weston tonight.

  In the past, I’ve had a few pecks on the lips from boys in high school, but never anything like what I did with Weston tonight. My lips are still tingling from our make out session. I change into my pajamas and collapse on my bed. My brain can’t help but go back to outside the restaurant. We had had so much fun, talking and laughing over dinner. I’d never felt so close to anyone before. Like what I said and thought really mattered, like he was actually interested in my opinions.

  When his lips had first ghosted against mine, I had to curl my fingers into my palms to keep from grabbing him and slamming my lips against his. My mother’s voice was in my head though, calling me a hussy and a slut, and I reined myself in. Well, until he dipped his tongue into my mouth. Then I couldn’t hold back.

  The look on his face when I pushed him up against the car and claimed his mouth only made me hotter. I tangled my tongue with his, tasting the chocolate cake and a minty freshness that was all him. His hair was thick as I dug my fingers into it and tugged his mouth down closer to mine. I wanted to climb him like a tree and I might have if that car horn going on hadn’t ripped me back to reality. My mind replays that kiss over and over again until I drift off to sleep.

  I wake the next morning and make myself a cup of coffee before I head up to the office. My mother is still asleep and I know I won’t see her until after eleven. I unlock the office door and move behind the counter, booting up the computer and checking the phone for messages. I check the emails and respond to two, entering in reservations that were emailed in and making notes to call back the people who left messages once it’s a little later.

  I pull up the list of people leaving today, making note of which cabins I’ll need to clean. I go in the back and do the laundry that mom never got around to doing yesterday. Too busy watching her shows, I guess. I throw the used sheets and comforters in the washers before I take down the clean sheets and my cleaning supplies. I place them in the back of the gator for after lunch.

  I spend my mornings alternating between answering phone calls and daydreaming about Weston. Finally, at 12:30 my mom walks in the door. I tell her about any notes and she nods before heading into the back. I make my way back to the house, quickly making a sandwich before I head back to the office and make sure I have all of the supplies that I need.

  I head towards the first cabin and let myself in, getting to work stripping the bed and exchanging towels. I’m halfway through cleaning the kitchen when I hear a knock on the door. I look up to see Weston standing in the doorway.

  “Hey.” I say, shocked to see that he came looking for me.

  “Hey, I was wondering where you were.”

  “Busy at work.” I joke.

  “I can see that. I actually have a meeting here in a half an hour but I wanted to ask if maybe you wanted to join me for dinner again tonight?”

  God yes.

  When he throws his head back and laughs, I realize that I said that out loud. My cheeks heat and I know they must be as red as my hair.

  “I’m looking forward to it too.” He says with a grin as he walks closer to me.

  “I’ll pick you up tonight. 6 pm?” He asks as he leans down and tangles a hand in my hair.

  He tips my head back and his mouth molds to mine as he kisses me long and slow. I moan into his mouth, dropping my spray bottle so I can wrap my arms around his waist and mold myself tighter against his body.

  When we’re both out of breath, we pull away and he smooths some loose hair away from my face.

  “I’ll see you tonight.” He says before he kisses my forehead and walks out the door.

  I stare after him with a smile. Suddenly, I can’t wait for tonight.

  Chapter Six


  I’ve spent the last three days of my trip with Ember. We have dinner every night and she shows me around the town. We’ve done all of the tourist stuff by now and she’s taken me to all of her favorite places.

  After that first day where I met with the developers, I’ve spent my days trailing around after her. I’ve never met anyone who worked as hard as my girl. She wakes up every day with the sun and spends her mornings in the office doing clerical work. I’ve taken to bringing her breakfast from town and sitting at the counter with her. We tease each other and she lets me steal a few kisses in between us eating and talking.

  I leave and head back to my cabin before her mother comes to the office and she brings lunch to my cabin. We spend the time talking and sharing teasing touches. I ride with Ember as she goes around to the vacated cabins and cleans them. She’s shown me how to help her clean and we use the extra hour before her mom is expecting her back to return to my cabin to explore each other’s mouths.

  Today is no different and as soon as we finish with the last cabin, we grin at each other and head back to my cabin. I unlock the door and feel her tiny hands at my back as she pushes me inside. Her giggle makes my heart flip over in my chest and an answering laugh rumbles up my throat. I feel like a teenager, finding ways to steal an hour with my girl so we can sneak off and make out, trying to hide it all from her parents.

  I spin and drag her against me as she kicks the door closed and her lips find mine. We waste no time winding our tongues together. My hands grip her hips and pull her in snug against me. My stiff cock is straining against the zipper of my jeans and feeling her soft heat writhing against it causes a groan to be ripped from my throat.

  Ember, the little vixen, knows exactly what she’s doing. She’s been driving me out of my mind for the last few days but strangely, I don’t mind. I’ve never been one for dry humping or long make out sessions, not even when I was a teen, but with Ember, the slow build up just makes me hotter. I’ll take cold showers for the rest of my life if it meant I get to see her smile and hear her sweet laugh.

  She’s it for me. She told me that this was a wasted trip on the first night at dinner, but she’s wrong. This trip has been the best, most meaningful one I’ve ever taken in my life. I’ve found the girl that I’m going to spend the rest of my life with. Someone who will fill my life with color, with the fireworks that she loves so much. I want to make Ember my wife and then the mother of my children.

  There’s just one problem. Her mother. Ember gets tense every time her mother is brought up so I try to avoid the subject and, with the way that we’re sneaking around, I get the idea that she doesn’t want her mom to know about us.

  From the few run ins I’ve had with the woman; I know that she’s not a very pleasant person. She works her daughter like a dog and treats her like crap. I’ve wanted to say something to her before but I wasn’t sure if it was my place. I don’t know why Ember puts up with her.

  As if my thoughts have conjured her up, Ember’s walkie talkie goes off and the older woman’s nasally voice scratches across the speaker.

  “Ember! Get to the office. NOW!”
  Ember pulls away from me reluctantly and I peck her lips once more.

  “I have to go.” She says sadly.

  “Dinner tonight?” I confirm.


  She leans up on her tip toes and kisses me once more before she turns and heads out the door, winking at me over her shoulder as the door closes. I turn for the bathroom and crank the water on as cold as it will go, knowing that this is the only way to get my cock to go down. I strip off my clothes and step in, shivering as the water runs down my body. Only five more hours and then she’ll be back in my arms.

  Chapter Seven


  I drive back to the office, mad that my mother interrupted Weston and I before we could get past making out. I park the gator on the side of the building and grab the dirty sheets, heading in the back door and throwing them in the wash. I turn the washer on and then head in search of my mother.

  “Hey, Mom. I’m here.” I call out.

  I poke my head in the back room but her chair is empty. I wonder why she called. Usually this place is pretty quiet in the afternoon since most people spend that time on hikes, exploring the grounds, or in town. She might call if the phones were busy and she had someone at the desk but as I listen, I don’t hear any voices.

  I continue down the short hallway and round the counter. I walk into the front and find her behind the counter at the computer. I look over her shoulder at the screen to see what she’s looking at.

  It’s a reservation form and my stomach drops when I see the dates listed. It’s Weston’s page and his reservation ends tomorrow. How could I forget that? I know he’s only been here a few days but it seems like I’ve known him all of my life and I can’t imagine what I’ll do when he’s not here.

  I love him, I realize. He hasn’t mentioned leaving or what will happen with us. Oh god! Is there even an us? Maybe this has all just been nothing more to Weston than some vacation hook up. For all I know, he does this every time he goes on vacation.


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