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Bred by the MC Prez (Breeding Season Book 5)

Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  If she saw Forge with a club whore, it would destroy her. She loved him too much.

  He smirked and tugged her between his legs to hold her close. “Jealous?” Forge chuckled. “You think I want to fuck around with other women?”

  “It’s club life, right?”

  “Maybe for some brothers. Not all. When I committed to you, I didn’t do it lightly. I’ve been running solo my whole life, never trusting, never letting anyone in. You’ve completed me in ways I never imagined possible, made me see life with new eyes. I can’t look at any woman but you. Yeah, I’ve fucked around a lot in the past, but now that I have you, baby, you’re all I need.”

  “So, no other women? Not even club pussy?”

  “Hell no. I know I have a good woman. You gave me your virginity. You trust me with your life. I’ll never wander on you, Beth.”

  She used the opportunity to tease him, in hopes of getting him to break on his abstinence. “Then why have you been avoiding me at night? If you moved any farther from me, you’d fall right off the bed.”

  “You know why.”

  “Tell me,” she said.

  “The shit I said hurt you. I was an idiot. It’s important for me to show you that you’re not just a possession or something to fuck.” He ran the backs of his fingers softly along her cheek. She closed her eyes and soaked up the affection. “You’re precious, and I was a fool.”

  “I love you, Forge. You don’t have to prove anything to me. I just want us to enjoy our lives together. Forget everything and move on.”

  He nodded, staring into her eyes. “We should have a barbeque soon. Everyone’s been too uptight around here. You’re right about moving on with our lives.”

  “Good.” Beth smiled and wiggled in closer as he sat on the wooden stool. She ran her hand down his chest and over his abs, finally wrapping her fingers around his belt. “What about us?”

  “If you want me to fuck you, just ask.”

  She wanted to get angry but couldn’t. “I need you.”

  “You miss my cock or my mouth on that sweet little pussy?”

  “Both.” Saying it out loud brought her close to boiling, her core simmering with desperation. “Kiss me.”

  When his mouth finally came down on hers, she melted, a huge sense of relief washing over her. The kiss was sweet and gentle and loving. Then his big hand cupped her ass and squeezed. She ran her hand over his jeans, finding his cock rock-hard. Excitement leaped inside her, knowing he wouldn’t avoid her another night. Her body ached for what he alone could give her.

  “Just because I love fucking you doesn’t mean you’re a toy.”

  “I know that, Forge.” She squeezed his erection through his pants. “Should we go to our room?”

  He paused, looking around, then smirked. “We haven’t christened the forge.”

  Her pussy pulsed from just the suggestion. “What if someone comes in?”

  “They wouldn’t dare. This place is off-limits to everyone but me.”

  She kissed the side of his neck, breathing him in. “I’m in here.”

  “You’re an exception.” He tugged her shirt up over her head and released the snap on her bra. Her tits felt heavy, and a desperate wanton energy made her pussy throb harder.

  There was a roof over the forge and high perimeter walls, but the fresh air flowed in, making her nipples pebble. She remembered what Hound had said about Forge taking women in the ass. It had been on her mind for weeks because the idea of anal sex both intrigued and terrified her. She wanted to belong to Forge one hundred percent, to give him every part of herself. It was important that old memories be replaced with new ones.

  She held one of her breasts up for him. He leaned in and suckled as much as he could take in his mouth. Her eyes lolled back in her head, pleasure streaking through her.

  “I’ve missed these tits.”

  “They’re all yours, every inch of my body belongs to you. Claim what’s yours, Forge. All of me.”

  He slid off his stool and cleared off the low gun table. After yanking off his t-shirt, he placed it on the wooden surface and hoisted her up to sit on it. His warm bare skin and hard muscles made her wild with need. She ran her hands all over every inked inch from the cords of muscle on his shoulders to his massive biceps. He was perfect.

  “Touch me,” she begged. “I’m hot all over.”

  “You’ll have to wait, baby.”

  “What?” Beth couldn’t wait.

  “You want me to claim all of you? You know what that means.”

  Yes, she knew he’d pick up on that. That was the plan. She just didn’t want to ask for anal by name. As much as it piqued her curiosity, she was also terrified because his cock was so big. “I’m scared,” she admitted.

  “That’s because you have a little virgin ass. But you’re tougher than you look. Soon you’ll be begging for it.” He winked and motioned for her to stay put and wait for him.

  As Forge returned, she watched every muscle in his body flex as he walked. The man was a work of art. And all hers. He set down a tube of lube beside her on the table with a small bag, and her heart raced.

  This was actually going to happen.

  He’d teased her asshole numerous times, always telling her she’d give it to him willingly one day. Beth never thought she’d actually follow through, but she trusted Forge not to hurt her. And wanted this to happen.

  “What are you going to do?” she asked, watching him intently.

  “First, I’m going to fuck this beautiful pussy.” He yanked her to the edge of the table, unbuckled, and within seconds, filled her with his cock. She gasped, the sudden fullness making her forget everything but the raw pleasure coursing through her. “Nice and wet. You’re always ready for me, aren’t you, baby?”

  “Oh, God…” She forgot how sex with Forge felt. It was like transcending to another plane of existence.

  He held her hips and thrust hard, filling her over and over again. Beth wrapped her arms around his shoulders, holding on as he fucked her. By the time she was close to orgasm, slipping away into that blissful state, he pulled out.

  “Forge?” She gasped, barely able to catch her breath. “Don’t stop.”

  “Time for me to claim my ass.” He grabbed the tube of lube and helped her off the table. All she wanted was the orgasm he’d just stolen, her pussy achy and empty.

  “Relax for me, Beth.” He turned her around and pressed down on her back. Her breasts flattened against the low wooden table. She heard the spurt of lube, then his cool, moist fingers pressed into her tight asshole. The sudden penetration burned and she began to panic. The hand against her back held her in place, and his deep voice soothed away her fears. “Relax, baby. Push back against my fingers. Don’t hold your breath.”

  His confidence helped calm her nerves somewhat. She did as told and he replaced his fingers with the head of his huge cock. He was covered in slippery lube, making it hard for him to penetrate her.

  He used his free hand to rub rhythmic circles over her clit as he continued to feed his cock into her ass. She couldn’t help but tense, but he’d scold her each time. Once he was inside her a couple of inches, he stopped and focused on her clit.

  “How you feeling, baby?”

  “It hurts. You’re too big.”

  “Want me to stop?”

  She shook her head, knowing she was physically capable and didn’t want to turn back now. The filthy fantasies had invaded her thoughts for weeks, so she didn’t want to quit. She was intrigued, and as she grew accustomed to the intrusion, tightening around him, Beth wanted more.

  “The worst part is over. I’m looking at my dick inside your ass right now. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

  He brought both his hands to her hips now and pushed deeper and deeper until fully seated in her ass. She could feel his cock throbbing, so big and hard. His groans made her hotter.

  “Fucking perfect, Beth. Such a good girl. This virgin ass is all mine.”

/>   Within minutes, he began a slow thrust, careful not to hurt her. In and out, in and out. The pain was gone, and the pressure was morphing into something dirty and delicious.

  She liked it. Craved it.

  Her orgasm was building, ten times more powerful. She bunched up his shirt in her fists as he rammed her from behind. The pleasure was new and unique, more erotic than anything they’d shared. Coupled with being in the open air of his forge, she quickly lost control, her ass contracting around his erection.

  “You’re so damn tight.” Forge groaned as he came inside her, hot jets of cum filling her ass. He kissed her bare back, his semi-flaccid cock slipping out.

  He opened the small bag he’d brought with him and pulled out a moist washcloth. It was still warm as he soothed it over her ass and legs, cleaning her up.

  “Not too bad was it?” he asked, kissing her shoulder.

  She turned around and bit her lip to keep from smiling. “Not bad at all.”


  The night was in full swing. Sparks from the bonfire danced up into the pitch-black sky. Music, laughter, and the occasional gunshot set the mood. An engine revved. A woman squealed. His club knew how to have a good time. They’d planned out this night, complete with enough food and booze to last them for days.

  Forge sat on the periphery with Beth on his lap. “This was a good idea.”

  “It’s the first day of forever,” she said, leaning closer to kiss him.

  He took a deep breath, feeling relaxed and at peace. The night was warm with barely a breeze, but it was comfortable. Crickets droned behind them in the fields.

  “I have something to tell you,” she whispered in his ear. “Something important.”

  “Sure, baby. Tell me anything.”

  Several shots fired in the distance, followed by screams. Not the good kind. He sat up straight, Beth slipping to her feet.

  “What’s happening?” she asked.

  He reached for the gun in his shoulder harness, pulling it free. “Stay here.”

  More screams. It was so fucking dark, he couldn’t see anything beyond the few fires burning around the yard. A couple of his men ran toward him.

  “Someone’s taking shots. Old Boy’s down,” said Redneck.

  Dog was there, checking on him. He didn’t need a fucking babysitter. “Find them now. Bring whoever it is to me.”

  The gates were closed. He had no clue how his rivals could have gotten in the club. They’d been extra cautious since Hound screwed him over. He’d made a promise to keep Beth safe.

  The muffle flash was the next thing he saw before white-hot pain shot through his arm, his gun skidding across the gravel and out of sight. “Fuck!”

  His first thought was Beth. More shots fired in their direction.

  “Forge!” Beth cried out. Fear rang in her voice.

  “Stay down!” Forge could make out a shadowy image coming closer. Another bullet zinged by him. Way too close for comfort.

  “Boss!” Dog was nearby, firing back. When his VP cursed and dropped to the ground, Forge knew he had to end this—even if it cost him his life. His woman, his club, they would live on.

  “You should have picked me!” It was Romy’s voice. That little bitch had gotten out of her cage, and Forge immediately regretted keeping her on ice rather than ending her the day they’d captured her. “Now you’re going to die. Was she worth it?”

  He had no gun.

  There was nowhere to take cover.

  Someone turned on the floodlights near the entrance, sending a soft wash of light to their end of the rear yard. He immediately looked for Beth. She was on the ground, on her stomach, holding his gun in her outstretched hands.

  She looked toward him, fear dancing in her eyes.

  “What did I teach you?” he shouted over the uproar in the club.

  Beth nodded once, shifted her gaze, and pulled the trigger. Romy fell to the ground, and his men immediately swooped in, guns blazing now that they weren’t night blind.

  He exhaled and sat down in the dirt. Beth rushed over to him, tears staining her pretty face. “Are you okay? Oh, my God, Forge, you’re shot!”

  “I’m fine, baby. Don’t cry.”

  Dog hobbled over to him. “Boss, you alive?”

  Forge raised an eyebrow. Redneck leant him a hand, and he got to his feet.

  His VP was shot in the leg. They’d both live. More gunshot wounds for their collections. At least it wasn’t a breach of their gates. Just a loose end, and he wouldn’t make that mistake again. He should have known better.

  “How’s Old Boy?” asked Forge.

  “He’ll live,” said Redneck. “The doctor’s on his way. Won’t be long.”

  Everyone began fanning out, doing damage control. Beth threw herself into his arms once he was on his feet. He held her close and kissed her on the top of her head.

  “She wanted to kill you,” said Beth.

  “Romy was a crazy bitch,” he said. “But you … you saved my life.”

  “I just did what you taught me.”

  He couldn’t be prouder of his little hellcat. Beth had wanted to learn how to protect herself, and those lessons had paid off. She didn’t realize it now, but her actions would ripple through the club and earn her the respect of the brothers and old ladies. It would be different from this day onward. His word was one thing, but Beth’s actions would be a game changer. They began walking toward the clubhouse. The doctor would come and tend his arm, so he’d wait in their room. Beth was too shaken up for his liking, and he wanted to get her comfortable and away from the drama. Her kitten always seemed to calm her and bring her joy. He tolerated it … and it may be growing on him. Although he’d never tell her that.

  “You said there was something important you wanted to tell me,” said Forge. “Don’t tell me it was about Romy getting free from her cage. That information would have been useful.”

  “No, Forge.” She rolled her eyes.

  He chuckled. Besides the last half-hour, the night had been perfect. He’d try to focus on that part. “Then what’s this important news?”

  He wanted to get her mind off the shooting, off the dead woman in the yard.

  She smiled, entering the club as he held the door open for her. “You’re going to be a daddy.”

  The door slammed behind him and he grabbed her arm as she tried to walk away. “What did you just say?”

  “You heard me. I’m pregnant with your baby, Forge. We’re going to be a family.” A tear slipped from her eye. How could she keep this from him without cracking? This was huge news. The best news he’d ever gotten in his life.

  He felt like shit about what just went down when his woman was carrying his child. Forge folded her into his arms, barely able to contain his own emotions. His thoughts went all the way back to his bullshit childhood. And he remembered the sterile white of the home Beth grew up in. Things would be a hell of a lot different for their baby. It would know love, security, and happiness—they’d both make sure of that.

  “We already are a family, sweetheart.” He kissed her hard on the lips, knowing Beth was the only woman he’d ever love. Taking her in exchange for a debt was the best thing he’d ever done.

  The End

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  Killer of Kings, 1

  Sam Crescent & Stacey Espino

  Copyright © 2017

  Sample Chapter

  “You think you can handle it?” Boss asked.

  Viper stared out across the parking lo
t. A lot of shoppers were milling around today, going about their own pathetic lives, believing they were the most important thing in the world.

  None of them had any idea that one of the world’s deadliest killers was amongst them. He was part of an elite group of mercenaries. He killed for the money. Whoever offered the highest bounty, he took it. He never asked questions, and he never cared about the people he killed. This was a job to him, something he was good at.

  “Why can’t I handle it? Send me a picture of the girl. I’ll do the rest.”

  “She has to die of natural causes.”

  Viper snorted. “No problem.”

  He had one month to find a woman, and to end her life. Piece of cake. He had lots of ways of killing a woman, and this would be no different.

  “Deposit the money, and I’ll call you if I need more.” Viper whistled as he made his way toward the car. He put the groceries in the trunk, got behind the wheel, and waited.

  Her picture came through his cell phone, and he stared at the girl in question. She couldn’t have been older than fifteen, but from what Boss had told him, she was nearly twenty-one years old, and had been on the run for nearly six months. Curious.

  The picture showed her cuddled up next to her mother, and she looked happy. Pepper was chubby, her cheeks looking like the kind you could pinch, and grandmothers cooed over. Boss had given him all the details over the phone. Viper didn’t do paperwork, reading, or worrying about something being tracked.

  He memorized everything. All the little details were up in his head, and that was where they would stay until the job was gone.

  Viper didn’t know why the woman in question, Pepper, was running, and he really didn’t care. The moment Boss called him and gave him an assignment, he did it. Now he just needed to figure out where she was staying.


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