Dangerous Temptation

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Dangerous Temptation Page 10

by Scarlet West

  The waiter came back around for our orders and we decided on the savory pancakes with onions and mushrooms for starters, and we both ordered fish – mine grilled and hers baked. We also ordered white wine.

  “So,” I said, as I poured her glass steadily. “Where do you usually eat out?”

  “I don’t,” she said.

  “Well, then I’m glad I chose to bring you here.”

  She smiled. “Me too.”

  “Cheers,” I lifted my glass.

  She giggled. Our glasses touched. She drank and, again, I was acutely aware of her lips on the rim of the glass, and also of her legs close to mine under the table. I took a deep breath and tried very hard to resist the temptation of touching my legs to hers.

  “You’ve lived here all your life?” she asked, surprising me with the question.

  “I have, yes,” I nodded. “I was born here, and I spent my whole childhood here. Only left when I joined up.”

  “Wow.” She nodded. “That’s good that you got your whole childhood in one place.”

  “It can be nice,” I nodded carefully. “You’ve moved around a lot?”

  “A bit.” She shrugged.

  “Because of your work?” I guessed.

  “Kind of.”

  She was looking at the table, adjusting her knife and fork where they lay beside the plate. I sensed she was uncomfortable and let the matter drop.

  “You’ve been here long?”

  “Nearly five months now.”

  “I nodded. “You like it here? Thinking you might stay?”

  “I’d like to, yes. You were in Afghanistan?”


  It was my turn to look at my plate. I ran a fork through the mess of sauce left by the starter, feeling unsure what to say. I hadn’t told anyone about the trauma of my time there – not even Mom. Brendan knew bits and pieces but that was about it. I had no idea of how people would react to my story.

  “It must be so strange being back.”

  “Yeah.” I chuckled, seizing on the easier topic with speed. “It is. I guess you must have noticed my manners have deteriorated somewhat.”

  She grinned, a sideling smile. “Not really.” She paused. “I don’t know what they were like before you left.”

  We both laughed again and the waiter came to clear our plates away. By the time the fish appeared, I was feeling slightly braver. I let my leg slide across under the table, brushing gently against hers.

  She tensed and looked up at me and I jerked my leg away, acutely conscious that I might have done something offensive. To my surprise, she smiled at me and, very deliberately, moved her leg back to where it rested on my foot. I felt my breath catch in my throat.

  We looked at each other across the table.

  “Should we stay for dessert?” I asked, struggling to get the words out past the big tightness in my throat. “Or should we go to the park? There might still be ice cream there.”

  She grinned. “I think that’s a great idea.”

  Feeling breathless, I gestured to the waiter and he brought us the bill. I paid, and we headed out into the night.

  The wind was rising as we walked, but it wasn’t strong yet. The night was surprisingly loud; children playing, adults talking, cars going past the distant park wall, their wheels making muffled hisses as they slewed around the corner. Walking beside Hayley as we went down the path in the park was sweet agony. I was acutely aware of her swaying hips, her scent. I felt my hand sneak toward hers and, when she gripped my fingers, I felt the blood roar in my ears. I wanted her so badly, now. Badly enough to kiss her right there.

  I leaned down and she looked up. We were standing at the edge of the path, and she seemed to feel what I felt. She leaned in toward me and I felt my arms tighten around her body on reflex.

  My lips came down on hers. They parted gently under my tongue and I let it thrust into her mouth. I could taste the sweetness of the chocolate ice cream we’d eaten, and feel the softness of her lips on mine in a way that was going to make me crazy.

  I smiled down into her eyes and felt my entire body light up, intense longing sparking in me.

  “Shall we go?” I asked. “My place is quiet.”

  She raised a brow, and I thought maybe I’d misread things again, done something stupid. I was about to apologize for it, when she whispered.


  My loins caught fire. I touched her back again, stroking my hand up toward the place where her bra line started. She turned and looked at me, her lips parted in a smile.

  I reached for her and together we headed to my car.



  I could still feel Reid’s lips pressed to mine. My whole body was screaming how much I wanted him. I knew I was wet already and just thinking about him made me even wetter. I glanced sideways at him where he sat behind the wheel, focused on the road ahead.

  If I wasn’t afraid of killing us both, I’d slide into his lap right now.

  I let myself imagine what he looked like naked. I filled in massive biceps and a firm chest, thick thighs, and a tight butt. I felt my cheeks heat up at my wickedness. There I was, sitting beside the man, undressing him with my imagination.

  You only live once, Hayley Jones.

  I felt my breath catch in my throat and my hands tighten where they lay at my sides, feeling an intense desire to kiss him.

  We stopped outside a tall, well-lit building. I turned and raised a brow.

  “We’re here.”

  “Good.” I couldn’t have waited another second. I unlocked my door, but he was already out and at my side, opening it for me.

  I smiled, looking up at him as he gallantly waited beside the opened door. “Such a gentleman.”

  His look was wolfish. “Not for much longer,” he nearly growled, sending bolts of molten heat straight to my core.

  He was so close, standing there beside the door. I felt my belly tighten in anticipation and I reached for him as his lips pressed onto mine. My body lit up and I held onto him, rubbing myself against him shamelessly.

  He kissed me; his tongue pushed firmly between my lips. I felt myself go weak and I let my mouth admit him, feeling that warm, soft probing tongue lap against mine.

  Then, as if both of us had reached the same intensity of feeling at the same time, he drew me to him and my hands clung to his back, almost pulling the shirt off him as we leaned against the wall.

  He smiled down into my eyes. “Shall we go in?”

  “Probably,” I said with a happy laugh.

  We went up in the elevator, my lips clinging to his as we kissed, bodies pressed together so firmly I don’t think a paper napkin would have fit between us.

  We collapsed through the door and he unlocked his apartment and together we fell through onto his bed.

  I gasped, giggling as he pressed himself onto me. He was so strong, his body so firm as he pushed me back down onto the bed, pressing me into the mattress. I felt his hands explore me, stroking my sides as his lips clamped onto mine.

  “I want you,” I whispered, my hands stroking his back, feeling those rippling muscles so firm as he touched me.

  He looked down at me, kneeling up. He smiled, a shy, hesitant smile. “You’re sure?”

  “Oh yes, I’m sure,” I said.


  His hands resumed their exploring. I felt them slide behind my back, seeking the buckle of my bra. He unclasped it through the fabric, and then gently started to unbutton my shirt.

  I sighed and leaned back, loving the intensity of his stare as he exposed my body. I saw his eyes fasten on my breasts and I reveled in admiration.

  He stroked my nipple and I felt it getting hard as he bent down and, so gently, took one in his mouth. I loved the way his lips parted and he gently drew it in, sucking with unexpected tenderness. I closed my eyes and leaned back, my body throbbing as he took the other one in his hand.

  I could feel myself melting inside as his hands explored me,
and I reached for him, unbuttoning his shirt, wanting to feel that warm naked skin on mine. I drew him down toward me, and gasped as his body touched mine.



  I looked down at Hayley where she lay on my bed. Her skin pale in the dim light, her hair loose and tousled on my pillows. I couldn’t believe how beautiful she was. She was lovelier than anything I’d seen.

  I touched her breast, my hand trembling. I was so ready now. I wanted her so badly that I thought I might collapse.

  I wanted to go slow. I wanted her to enjoy every second of this time.

  “You’re gorgeous,” I whispered.

  She looked up at me, green eyes sparkling. “Not fair; you’re still half-dressed.”

  I blushed, looking down at my body. I was still wearing my shirt, though she’d worked loose the buttons. I was also still wearing my jeans. I unclasped them, aware of my cock standing out like a rod and already weeping.

  She raised a brow and I felt myself blush. I had never been appraised by a woman the way she was looking at me. I found I liked it. I felt appreciated and wanted. I smiled.

  “You’re still okay?”

  “Yes,” she murmured, making me tense. She reached for me. “I just want you so much it hurts.”

  I drew myself toward her and held her to me, aching with longing. I could feel my cock pressing between her thighs, and I wanted to enter her but I also wanted to take more time. I drew a steadying breath.

  Slowly, deliberately, I placed my lips against the skin of her chest. I kissed downward, loving the satin feel of her. She was warm and sweet and lovely and I wanted to keep kissing her, never to stop.

  I moved lower and she tensed. I looked up, meeting to big green eyes that stared down at me.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes,” she whispered. “Oh yes.”


  I kissed lower. I was starting to heat up, my whole body wanting her with an intensity I couldn’t contain. I kissed lower, feeling the soft skin of the inside of her leg. I kissed along that, making little tracks of kisses that reached up, toward the parting of her thighs. I paused, then slowly and carefully, licked over her clit.

  I was rewarded with a gasp. I felt the wetness of her under my tongue and I licked again, feeling my body turn into a wild cocktail of sensations – I just wanted to stay there forever, to lick and kiss and touch her and lose myself in her soft wetness, the sounds she was making.

  She was starting to cry out now and I licked her more slowly, making my tongue take even strokes, focusing on the hardness I could feel between her folds, narrowing down to focus on that one part of her, teasing and tickling it. I heard her gasp and then, without warning, groan aloud.

  We were both soaking wet as she came against my face. She was moaning and I touched her and then looked up to see her smiling.

  “Are you good?”

  “Oh, yes,” she groaned. “Very good.”

  I smiled; my whole body lit up with the compliment. I moved back up the bed and lay beside her, feeling so proud that I had brought that look to her face.



  I looked up at him where he lay beside me, arm under him, propped up on one side. I felt my stomach tingle. My body had already melted into his and I was lost in the beauty of what I felt. At the same time, I was starting to feel more arousal. I stroked a hand down his side and heard him gasp as I let it go lower, trailing against the hard abs.

  I grinned and let my hand tighten on his cock, saw his eyes close in pleasure. I couldn’t resist teasing him, just a bit. After all, he’d just made me come spectacularly. Now it was his turn.

  I squeezed his cock again, gently working it with my fingers. I felt the soft, warm skin and it aroused me further, too. I could imagine what it would feel like to have that pushed inside me, rubbing on all those places deep in my pussy.

  He gritted his teeth and I was surprised that he was already close to coming. I hadn’t been paying much attention to what I was doing, simply gripping and squeezing him. He rolled over.

  “I want to be inside you,” he said.

  “Please,” I whispered. He knelt between my thighs and pushed himself into me. He was big, and I hadn’t been with a man in a long time. He took his time and kissed me, inching himself in so slowly it was pure torture. By the time his huge cock was seated fully in me, I was stretched gloriously. “Okay?” he whispered.

  “Yes,” I gasped, feeling him rubbing on the delicious spots inside me. “Yes. Oh yes.”

  He withdrew again and pushed in, slightly more quickly this time. I closed my eyes and gasped and felt myself getting so close to coming already. I couldn’t believe how it felt, to want someone this much.

  He was moving faster now, pushing into me, and I wrapped my arms around him, drawing him down closer to me. I was starting to feel that sweet, tickling, irrepressible sensation that meant I was close to coming again.

  “Oh, Hayley,” he groaned, and my eyes flew open, looking up at him as, neck clenched, jaw tense, he drove into me again and again.

  I could see he was close to coming too, and I held off, waiting just a second or two longer, just a second or two. Finally, I couldn’t hold out any long and I screamed his name. Reid pushed into me one last time and came deep inside me on a roar, and together we collapsed.

  I lay beside him, sweat cooling on my skin, and knew I had never been so happy.



  I stirred where I lay in the bed. I could feel sweet warmth and relaxation in every part of my body. I leaned back, feeling the drowsing body of a strong man beside me. I stretched and rolled over, catching sight of the clock on the bedroom table. It was nine-thirty. I froze.

  I promised Josh I would be home by ten. If I wanted to get any sleep before work, for which I would need to be up at seven tomorrow, I’d better get home now, I thought, cheeks burning with delicious naughtiness at the memory of what I had just done.

  I twisted where I sat and looked down at the sleepy form beside me. He had his eyes shut and he was lying on his side, one strong arm reaching across toward where I was. I felt my hear twist with regret – how could I possibly wake him?

  I reached over and, very gently, stroked his shoulder.

  “What the hell?”

  He rocketed awake, eyes wild, and grabbed me, throwing me onto my back. His hands were at my throat, hard and crushing. I tried to scream, but I couldn’t. I gasped and coughed.

  “You,” he whispered. His fingers tightened. “I’ll fucking kill you.”

  I struggled to breathe, clawing at his hands around my throat, terrified. His eyes were blank, unseeing. I had no idea what was happening, or how I was going to get out of his grasp. I wondered, with gut-twisting horror, if I was going to die then.

  “Reid,” I croaked, as the pressure let up a fraction.

  Suddenly, he seemed to have heard me. “Hayley!”

  He released me and leaned back on the pillows, sweating and shaking, and I saw the moment when recognition came back. He closed his eyes. “Oh, no,” he groaned. “Hayley. I’m sorry. Are you okay? What happened?”

  I lay there, stunned. I was shaking so badly I couldn’t get the words out. When he’d looked at me, his eyes slit, lips drawn back over his teeth with rage, he’d looked deadly. I reached up and touched my throat. I was sure he’d bruised it. I felt furious. I felt scared.

  I coughed, rolling over. I didn’t have the breath to speak yet.

  I lay on my side and coughed, drawing in a breath and another. I was still shaking. I couldn’t recall when – besides once or twice with Joel – I had felt so scared. Rolling into a ball, I lay on my side, trying to make my heartrate slow. I willed him not to touch me. I wasn’t sure how I’d react to him. I was still shaking.

  “Hayley, I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know it was you. I’m sorry. ”

  I sat up. I felt the anger drain, feeling infinitely weary. I had no idea
what to do, or what to say. I was so tired and drained. My heart had returned to normal, my breathing more-or-less regular. I just wanted to go home and very badly I wanted to sleep.

  “Hayley?” he whispered again. “I’m sorry.”

  I just shook my head, dizzy and tired as if I hadn’t slept for a hundred years. Why was I so drained?

  “It’s okay,” I said. Even I could hear how strained my voice sounded.

  He leaned back against the wall and I glanced at him, opening one eye. He had a stricken expression, and he was staring across the room in shock.

  I shrugged and stood up, reaching for my clothes systematically. I just wanted to go home now.

  He looked over at me, his eyes still a little glassy. “Please, don’t go. Please let me explain.”

  “Josh is waiting for me.”

  “Oh!” He shot upright, and I saw him reach for his jeans, hurrying to dress himself. I just watched him, wondering absently why he was making all that fuss. “Let me get you back,” he said.

  “I can call a taxi,” I whispered.

  I wasn’t sure how I felt about being alone with him right then. I didn’t know how to understand what just happened. I was scared.

  His face fell. “I’ll drive you,” he said. “I promise, I’ll take you right home.”

  “Okay,” I said. I was so tired. I didn’t have it in me to argue. I just wanted to get away.

  We dressed in silence. He held the door for me and I followed him out into the hallway of the apartment building.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered again. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Just take me home please.”

  We got into his car. I leaned back in the seat and closed my eyes.

  “Hayley?” he reached across and touched my knee. I stayed where I was, but it was hard not to shrink away from him. I couldn’t help thinking about the way his touch had felt, so harsh and cruel on my neck. I recalled his expression, his eyes narrowed and his teeth bared. He’d looked like a killer.


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