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Haley's Cabin

Page 5

by Anne Rainey

  of her clit. Taking it between his thumb and index finger, he pinched gently, rolling and caressing it until

  Haley shouted his name in a feverish orgasm, undulating against his hands.

  As she quieted and came back to earth, Jay pulled his fingers free and let out a low curse. “I’ve got

  protection,” he muttered. “but it’s killing me having to use it.”

  “I’m on the pill,” she said, breathless and eager. The web of eroticism he so skillfully wove around them

  snared her in its grip. “It doesn’t matter.”

  He was silent for so long, she was sure he was going to force the issue. “You tempt me, baby. The

  thought of being skin to skin is so fucking sweet. I’m clean. I just had a physical last month and I’ve not

  been with anyone since, but it’d be irresponsible to not use a condom. Mind you, it’s the very last thing I


  She nodded in understanding. She did believe him, she even trusted him, which was a little bit scary. He

  exhaled as if he'd held his breath and said, “Hold on just one more second, baby, and we’ll both be in


  The water splashed and spilled over the sides as Jay stood and reached for a condom pack. He must’ve

  had one with him when they came out, not that she’d noticed. He could have carried an entire box of the

  things and she wouldn’t have noticed. Haley’s mouth kicked up as she looked at him with


  Jay bobbed his eyebrows at her and said mischievously, “I was hopeful.” Then in an entirely different

  tone, he ordered, “Move to the edge so your belly is against the side.” He sounded harsh, as if pushed

  beyond reason. Haley knew exactly how he felt.

  Two steps forward and her belly flattened against the side of the Jacuzzi. Jay protectively covered her

  body with his bigger, heavily muscled torso. His cock nudged her bottom as he pushed her forward. He

  braced his arms on either side of her, effectively caging her in, and whispered, “Have you ever had a man

  in your ass, baby?”

  Her breathing became unsteady. “Yes…but only in my dreams.”

  She heard a low rumbling growl. “You mean the dream about me and the other woman?”

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  He kissed her neck and murmured, “Damn, that was one hell of a dream.”

  “Yes,” was all she managed to whisper back.

  He licked her collarbone, then nipped at the sensitive skin there. “Mm, later for that. Right now I want

  this sweet pussy of yours. You going to give it to me?”

  She was beyond feeling embarrassment. “Anything for you, Jay. Anything.”

  “I really like that answer.” Then he ripped the foil packet and rolled it on. Very carefully, he pushed his

  hard cock into her wet warmth. “That’s exactly what a good little sex slave should say.”

  He entered her all the way, pushing in, filling her, driving her mad. Haley felt her body stretching to

  accommodate for his size. He was bigger than Eric and it had been awhile since she’d had sex, long

  before the divorce was even final. Her body wasn’t used to the intrusion. Jay went slow, as if he had all

  the time in the world, when she sensed he was barely holding himself back from pounding into her.

  Tenderly, he built her pleasure all over again. Haley closed her eyes and let Jay take her to heaven a

  second time.

  Chapter Five

  Jeremy was beyond gentleness. He knew he should slow down, take a step back, but watching Haley

  come, screaming out his name so deliciously, pushed him over the edge. He had to have her. He was

  suddenly a predatory male, wanting nothing more than to mark and claim. In a very short time, Haley

  Thorne had managed to wiggle inside his defenses.

  He’d been very good at keeping women at arm’s length. It hadn’t been hard, really. His work kept him

  pretty busy; there wasn’t time for much more. Sure he’d been with women, all of them sexy in their own

  unique way, but none could hold a candle to Haley. He couldn’t imagine ending this weekend and going

  on to his boring, lonely life, never to see her again. His gut knotted at the idea.

  To Haley, this was a fun interlude. And why not? She deserved it after being married to a dickhead.

  She’d lost three years of her life, she wanted to have a little fun. Still, the notion of her leaving him in the

  dust to explore another man once she was done with him wasn’t sitting well. It nearly made him snarl just

  thinking of another man being with her. Naked. Touching. Caressing.

  No fucking way in hell.

  But he’d get all that straightened out later. For now, Jeremy wanted to prove what he could give her was

  different than what any other man could offer. He’d satisfy her every desire.

  Slipping a hand down the front of Haley’s curves, Jeremy fondled and played with her soft mound. He

  smoothed his palm over her downy curls, up and down, just barely grazing her clitoris. She moaned and

  arched. Only then did Jeremy begin moving inside of her.

  He pumped in her, easy at first, letting her passion build once more. The feel of her inner muscles

  squeezing his cock threatened to drive him mad. He wanted to pound himself into her. Take what he

  could from their encounter and be the one to walk away afterwards. But honesty forced him to admit he

  wanted to please her. Hell, he needed to please her.

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  When Haley began pressing backward, trying to get more of him inside her, Jeremy growled, “Not yet. I

  want you coming first.”

  “I already came!” she complained, sounding anxious.

  He smiled and kissed the side of her cheek. Jeremy whispered, “Yeah and it was beautiful, but I want to

  feel you coming around my dick, too.”

  “Oh, Jay.” She moaned, breathless and wild and so damn alluring he felt lost in her. He stroked her clit

  harder now, aching to see her climax. She didn’t disappoint him. Haley screamed, pressing his hand

  firmly against her heat, and flew over the edge. Jeremy loved the sound of her choppy breaths and hoarse

  cries. He could get used to hearing it. Often. Even daily.

  Without any modesty at all, Haley shoved his hand aside and slipped her own between her thighs. She

  grasped onto his balls and gently pulled him forward until he was buried to the hilt inside her lovely body.

  Jeremy’s control snapped.

  He pumped into her hard and fierce, insatiable for her.

  Bringing his arms tightly around her, holding her still for his pounding thrusts, Jeremy growled, “Squeeze

  your inner muscles for me, baby.” She did, and the contracting of her fleshy tissue around his cock sent

  him blissfully over the precipice. Jeremy pumped one last time and shouted out his marvelous release,

  filling her with his hot come.

  Jeremy waited for his heart to settle, then slipped out of her and turned her so she faced him. He leaned

  down and kissed each of her wet nipples, then sucked the right one into his mouth, laving it with his

  tongue and biting gently. Haley gasped. She threw her arms around his neck and held his head against her

  breast. He took his time, sucking and rolling the hard bud, slowly moving to the other. After several

  intense minutes he pulled back and stared at the sexiness of a sated Haley Thorne.

  “Now that the edge is off, I think we should move this little party inside,” he offered, sure she was


  “The edge?” she whimpered, eyes going wide. “Good lord, I’m wrung out
. I won’t be able to move for

  a week, at least!”

  “You liked it,” he said, grinning at her look of exhaustion.

  She smiled tenderly and admitted, “I loved it.”

  Ah, just what he wanted to hear. “I loved it, too, sweetheart.” More than he cared to admit. “It’s why I

  want to get you inside where it’s warm and have you all to myself for the rest of the weekend.”

  Not giving her a chance to refuse, Jeremy moved to the other side of the hot tub, flipped open a cabinet

  and grabbed two warm towels. He wrapped Haley in one and helped her out of the tub before getting

  out and covering himself. They scurried up the stone walk and slipped inside the cozy cabin.

  Jeremy disposed of the condom, then turned to find Haley standing by the door, unmoving. She looked

  uncertain, shy, as if she was starting to feel the first wave of embarrassment. It was the very last thing he


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  Jeremy closed the distance between them and wrapped his arms around her shoulders, pulling her in

  tight. He spoke softly, cajolingly. “Haley, I know we didn’t exactly plan this, but now I’ve been inside of

  you, felt you come, felt your gorgeous body shake and shiver, I want to have it all over again.” She

  inhaled sharply, so he went for broke. “Please, say you’ll stay here with me. I swear you won’t regret a

  single minute of our weekend together, sweetheart.”

  Haley’s voice was so quiet he nearly didn’t hear her. “I will stay, Jay. I’ve never felt like this before.”

  She paused. “I don’t want you to get scared. I’m not professing love everlasting here, but I feel so

  comfortable with you. Like I can be myself and you won’t run in the opposite direction.” She pushed

  away slightly and stared up at him. “Does that make sense?”

  “It makes perfect sense.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “I’ve felt a pretty damn strange mix of

  tenderness and possessiveness with you. That’s a new one for me.” She frowned and he wished he’d

  said something more poetic, more romantic. But he wasn’t cut out for that. He’d only end up sounding

  like a complete fool.

  “And I dreamed about you, before I even knew you.” She cocked her head and asked, “How is that


  He didn’t have any answers to that, either, but he wasn’t one to question fate. “I wish I knew. The truth

  is, I’m just glad you’re here now. No matter the odd sequence of events.” He leaned down and lifted her

  into his arms.

  Jeremy took her up the stairs to the loft above. He liked his brother’s cabin and he especially loved the

  loft. It sported a king-sized oak bed. Perfect. The headboard was made of huge, round logs. It looked

  rustic but stylish at the same time. There were end tables on both sides of the bed that matched and a

  small lamp that would light the room just enough for him to see Haley’s nude body, but not too bright as

  to be intrusive. He definitely owed Brad for loaning him his home-away-from-home.

  Jeremy laid Haley on the soft down comforter and turned on the lamp. He unwrapped the towel from

  around her body, little by little revealing her tantalizing body. “I know you need a break,” he reassured

  her, even as he stared at the rise and fall of her modest but nonetheless impressive chest. “I just want to

  look at you.” He licked his lips, aching for a taste of her, and murmured, “You’re so damn pretty.”

  “Thank you.”

  She was incredibly polite, her voice delicate. If he hadn’t just witnessed it himself, Jeremy would never

  have believed he’d wrenched two screaming orgasms out of her. She could have been a virgin, lying

  there, legs pressed innocently together. Amazing.

  He smoothed the backs of his fingers down her arm and answered, “You’re welcome.” Then he walked

  away from the bed, away from temptation. “Now I say we get on our comfy clothes and make some

  after-sex munchies. I’m starving.” He grabbed two pairs of sweats and two T-shirts from his duffel, then

  went back over to her. He knelt in front of the bed. “Sit up. I want to dress you, baby. Then we’ll go eat

  and see what’s on that massive television my brother bought.”

  “You want to eat?”

  She sounded surprised, as if she’d expected him to make love to her again and was disappointed he

  wasn't. She frowned as she sat up to let him dress her. Jeremy laughed and teased, “Don’t pout,

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  sweetheart. I worked up quite an appetite in that Jacuzzi and I need sustenance.” She blushed. Damn,

  she looked hot when she did that. She looked hot when she did anything.

  One piece at a time, Jeremy dressed Haley, then himself. At one point, Haley noticed they didn’t have

  underwear and asked, “What about panties?”

  “An unnecessary piece of material that has boggled the mind of many a man.” She laughed at him and

  the sound was sweet music.

  In between each article of clothing, he made sure to kiss and taste every inch of skin before covering it.

  Her laughter died away, replaced by heated looks. By the time he was done, he’d worked them both

  into a lather.

  “Food,” he said, as if convincing them both that sustenance was necessary, lest they pass out from lack

  of it. “Then sex,” he confirmed, glad when she nodded and took his hand. He laced their fingers together,

  content to let her lead the way.

  All the way down the stairs he played with her, eliciting a few screeches as well as a giggle. It was

  interesting how much fun he had with Haley. That never happened with other women. Usually it was sex,

  more sex, then home with a wink and a kiss. Even clothed, he had a good time with Haley. Granted, the

  fun they had unclothed was not to be compared, but enjoying a woman’s company outside the bedroom

  was a nice change of pace.

  Although he wasn’t going to start getting ideas. This was an entertaining way to spend the weekend,

  nothing more, nothing less. He wasn’t about to read more into it. He liked things uncomplicated and

  getting emotionally involved with a woman who’d just gotten out of a bad marriage was definitely a

  dumbass thing to do.

  Of course, if he was so sure of his ability to keep his distance, then why was he spending so much time

  thinking of the two of them as a couple? Why did the very idea of her with another man make his fists

  clench? Jesus, how could a guy go his whole life, happily single and free of entanglements, wish overnight

  for something more, something solid?

  “Jay? Is something wrong?”

  Haley’s question made him realize he was frowning and staring at her. They’d reached the kitchen and

  she’d mentioned wanting hot chocolate. He’d gotten derailed with thoughts of commitment and crap.

  Jeremy shook his head and gave her an easy smile. “Nothing’s wrong.” He reached for her, pulled her

  into his arms and tried to ignore how right she felt. “In fact, everything is just about perfect.” He leaned

  down and kissed her. Her lips were soft as rose petals, the lower one plump and so damn edible. He

  could spend hours tasting her, eating at her as if she were a juicy dessert. She trembled, and he

  remembered she’d said she was cold. Her eyes had drifted closed with the first contact of his lips and

  she’d yet to open them. She looked sweet and sexy and innocent all rolled into one.

  “Hot chocolate and food,” he muttered, as if reminding them both there was inde
ed more than sex.

  Though he couldn’t think of anything he’d rather be doing at that moment than taking Haley right back up

  the stairs. He’s spread her out on the bed and have his way with her—while she was handcuffed to the

  headboard. That was something he definitely wanted to do before the weekend was over. Hell, before

  the night was over.

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  “Hot chocolate and food. Right,” she confirmed as she slowly opened her eyes. He loved her eyes. They

  were green and so pale they seemed to see right through him.

  He snapped himself back to reality. “Why don’t you go see if you can work that monster of an

  entertainment cabinet and I’ll get us some munchies.”

  She smiled and turned, then called over her shoulder, “And hot chocolate, don’t forget the hot


  He chuckled. The woman had a thing for hot chocolate, obviously. He watched her sashay out of the

  kitchen and clutched the edge of the counter to keep himself from diving for her, wrestling her to the

  floor. Screw the bed. Screw the hot chocolate. Jeremy pushed a hand through his unruly hair and

  searched for the hot chocolate. The sooner he had her stomach satisfied, the sooner he’d move on to

  satisfying the rest of her body.

  Haley grinned from ear to ear. First, the big, sexy man cooked dinner for her, then he gave her not one

  but two explosive orgasms. She’d desperately needed those. Now he was making her favorite treat, hot

  chocolate. A girl could get used to such luxuries. Who would have thought when she’d left her office on

  Friday in such a disgruntled huff, she’d be wearing a strange man’s clothes after having the best sex of

  her life? She felt like a spoiled princess and she loved it.

  By nature, Haley was always a conservative and cautious person. Her one spontaneous move had been

  meeting and marrying Eric. That mistake had taught her spontaneity wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.

  So why was she having such a delightful time?

  Easy: Jay Pickett.

  He was too sensual. Too rugged and masculine to simply pass up. No woman in her right mind would

  choose caution over the heated promises burning in his eyes. Every once in a while a woman was entitled

  to indulge and enjoy.


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