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Sugar Baby Sweetie Pie

Page 2

by Sara Hazel

  I gently move her away from me. Then I watch as she looks up at me and a look of shock comes across her face. I guess she didn’t quite realize who I was until now.

  She slams her hand over her mouth. I want to move it away so I can stare at her pretty bright red lips again.

  “Oh my God. It’s you. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to come off so mean like that.”

  I want to touch her again, so I do. I haven’t felt this way about a woman in so damn long. I’ve been burying myself in my work for the last few years. The few women I have slept within that time — I didn’t have such a powerful urge to touch them as I do with her.

  I slide my finger under her chin and tilt her beautiful rounded face up towards mine. Her eyes are dark brown, and as I look into them now I get the thought that I could find love in these eyes. Love isn’t something I think of, but it’s all about her — Juliann Addison. My favorite rising star.

  Her face is framed by her shoulder-length wavy brown hair. My cock swells as I think about running my fingers through her hair. I hope she doesn’t see that and get upset. But if she does, there’s nothing I can do about it. Because that’s just what seeing her does to me.

  “I’m very good with accents. Let me guess where yours is from,” I say. I remember her bio said Ville Platte, Louisiana. It’s a small town near Baton Rouge, and I’ve actually been there once. It’s a beautiful place with lots of warm and friendly people. But I’m not gonna let her know that I know that. I want to lure her in with my impressive ability to hear an accent and pinpoint the exact location in the United States it comes from. This is not a skill I actually possess, but I’m going for it at the moment.

  “Oh, it’s a good thing I don’t have an accent then,” she says softly.

  “Are you lost, sweetie? I could take you inside if you like. then I can pinpoint the exact location of the state that sweet voice is from.”

  Juliann just stares at me like she’s frozen with fear. I maintain my smile for her in hopes that it eases whatever fear she has about me.

  But I have to get back inside. I think for now anyway; it looks like Juliann doesn’t want to be around me.

  “Well, I guess I’d better get going inside then. It was very nice to meet you. Come say hi to me later.”

  “Yeah, sure. I’ll think about saying hi later,” she replies.

  “You’re a bit strange, and you might even be a little mean. But I like you,” I say. I remove her my finger from beneath her chin and give her one last smile before heading inside.

  Now to sit down so I can make sure no one sees the raging erection I’ve got going on.


  I’m sitting by the bar with the only empty space at the counter right next to me, when Juliann walks up and orders two glasses of champagne.

  I turn around to face her. “So, you’ve come to say hello, I see.”

  “I came to get a drink,” she fires back.

  A petite and wiry brunette who is clearly very drunk shuffles forward to get closer to Juliann.

  “Oh my god, Zack Elliot! You’re amazing,” the drunk girl gushes.

  “Thank you,” I reply.

  Juliann hands the drunk girl a glass of champagne and then she downs her own glass in one gulp. I do think I make this girl nervous. I have that effect on women, but they usually don’t act like this around me. They usually get closer to me and put their hands all over me. But not Juliann. She looks as though she can’t get away from me fast enough.

  “Slow down, sweetie,” I say.

  “I’m nervous,” Juliann replies.

  I nod. “Yeah, Juliann Addison, right? Those beignets were fantastic. Even if you don’t win tonight, you should come on by the restaurant sometime and ask for me. I’ll show you a few things.” It’s worth a shot to get her to come by and spend some alone time with me. I’m already picturing us in the kitchen after hours. She’s whisking and my arms are wrapped around her from behind. She drops her whisk into the bowl, I whirl her around and drop right to my knees to take a good look beneath her dress. Yeah, she probably won’t be wearing a dress in the kitchen. But in my fantasy she is, and she’s not wearing panties in my fantasy either.

  Damn, I want to taste her. Right now. And if she was an ordinary girl — one of my usual conquests — I would be locked in a supply closet with her. Or I’d be upstairs in the penthouse suite that I’ll be staying in later tonight, and she’d be there with me all night and all day tomorrow too.

  “That sounds great,” she says. Her tone sounds as if she doesn’t care at all about the offer I’ve just made. Yeah, this girl is unusual alright. It’s been a very long time since Zack Elliot experienced any sort of a challenge with a woman, and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t excite me.

  “You’re from Baton Rouge, right?” I ask as I slide my hand behind her back and find a nice bare spot on her upper back to leave it on. She shivers at my touch. She’s excited. She wants me, but she just doesn’t want to accept it quite yet.

  “Are you okay?” I ask.

  “Yeah, it’s just — maybe you shouldn’t touch me,” she replies.

  I remove my hand from her skin. Later on, we’ll both be naked in my bed and pressed against each other with nothing between us. But for now, I’ll be good and keep my hands to myself. It’s always been the woman who can’t stop touching me.

  Challenge accepted though, Juliann. Challenge accepted.

  “Well, I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”

  “Oh, you know exactly what came over you,” she says.

  Well, sometimes it’s best to take a break and put some distance between you and the woman you desire. So I turn around and go back to sipping my Manhattan without another word.

  But I know something Juliann doesn’t know yet. I know that she’s won this thing because I’ve already picked the winner, and Juliann and I will soon be spending a lot of time together. I want her tonight, but if I need to be patient, I’ll try to have patience with the process. But she makes patience so very hard…



  I slide back into my seat and watch Kelsey as she stumbles into hers. The table shoots forward and I laugh as water from her glass splashes all over Amanda’s face.

  “You little slut!” Amanda shouts at the now giggling Kelsey.

  A few people look over and shake their heads.

  Dinner finally arrives. I ordered a nice juicy steak, creamed spinach, and mashed sweet potatoes. And I’m glad too, because now that I’ve got champagne in me, I’m hungry.

  The show begins too, and the awards are given out. Finally, Zack comes out on stage to huge applause.

  Kelsey takes my hand and squeezes it hard. “You’ve got this, girl,” she whispers.

  I take some satisfaction in looking over at Amanda who is literally shaking. Sara seems unbothered by the whole thing, just as quiet and calm as she’s always been.

  Zack reads out our names and tells the audience about the pastries each of us made for the finals round.

  And then he says it.

  Juliann Addison. The rising star of the Chicago restaurant industry.

  I can’t get up. My whole body just feels wobbly all over.

  “Come on up, Juliann,” Zack encourages. The audience is silent and respectful as I try to stand up with Kelsey’s help. I know I drank too much champagne, but I’m not drunk. I’m feeling ok, but definitely not drunk.

  I’m just in shock.

  I manage to get up and walk towards the stage. The room erupts into applause again. This is one of the happiest moments of my entire life, and tears are streaking down my cheeks.

  I finally get up on stage and Zack hands me my award plaque. Then he whispers in my ear: “May I give you a hug?”

  “Yeah,” I reply.

  He gives me a tight hug. “I’m really looking forward to working with you this year, Juliann,” he says.

  Zack releases me and I give a short acceptance speech that somehow tumbles out of my mou
th. I’m not even sure how it’s coherent at this point. But I thank Kelsey. I thank her a lot, and she shrieks from the audience every time, which makes everyone laugh.

  And then I’m escorted back to my table, and that’s it.

  The next award is best restaurant, and Kitty Cat Strut wins that. Zack takes the mic and calls me back to the stage to join him and his staff.

  “Juliann, you’re a new member of the team, at least for the next year. So come on back up!”

  The audience chants my name until I get back onto the stage. I stand in the back, but someone pushes me forward as the room erupts into the loudest standing ovation I’ve ever witnessed. The whole thing feels surreal and bizarre. I don’t belong up here with the staff who worked hard all year for this. Yet Zack considers me — a member of the team already?

  If this is how he flirts, I have to say he does it with style.


  Back at the table and Amanda is gone already.

  “Congratulations, Juliann,” says Sara as she gets up.

  “Thanks, Sara. I hope I see you again soon. Send me a request on social media and stay in touch, ok? Let me know whatever restaurant you’re working for and I’ll come by.”

  “Oh, you know I’ll be at Kitty Cat Strut every chance I get,” she replies with a smile. “But I’m counting on you to get me a friend of staff discount! I’m poor right now.”

  “Of course!” I reply.

  When we’re alone, I turn to Kelsey. She’s got a huge smile on her face and is just staring at me.

  “You did it, girl. Zack fucking Elliot. Whoo!”

  “Kels, relax.”

  “Mind if I interrupt for a moment?”

  I twirl around and nearly bump right into Zack for the second time tonight.

  “Um, hi,” I say.

  “You really are a member of our team now, and the team is like family to us. You’ll soon find that out. Here’s my business card with my phone number on it. I want to get you started as soon as possible. Are you free on Friday night?”

  I nod. It’s the only thing I can seem to remember how to do right now.

  “Great. We’re all taking tomorrow off to rest. You do the same and we’ll get you going on Friday. Would you like to join the team at the bar for a celebratory nightcap?”

  “Oh, we need to get home. Kelsey here really needs her bed.”

  Kelsey rests her head on my shoulder and makes a snoring sound. Zack laughs.

  “Well, how are you two getting home?”

  “We’ll call a car.”

  “My driver can drop you off. Let me call him.”

  “Zack, that’s not—” I try to protest, but he’s already got his phone out and calling the driver.

  “Hey, Robert, I’d like you to drop Miss. Juliann Addison and her friend off at their homes. I want to keep them safe.”

  He puts the phone away and flashes that Zack Elliot grin again.

  “There ya go. Just meet Robert out front in a few minutes. He’ll be in the Tesla.”

  “Did someone say Tesla? Is Elon Musk here?” Kelsey asks.

  “Nope. No Elon Musk anywhere. But last time he was in Chicago he came to the restaurant. I’m sure I can introduce you some time, though he can be a jerk sometimes, just fair warning.”

  I give Zack a salute and drag Kelsey off towards the door.

  “Thank you so much, Mr. Elliot!” I shout after putting a comfortable distance between us. He grins and waves.

  What a strange night!

  I’ll take tomorrow to rest, but on Friday my year-long journey with Zack begins. Right now I can’t even imagine how I’m gonna get through it. Will I still be the same girl I am now at the end of a year working closely with Zack?

  Probably not. And I hope that turns out to be a good thing.

  But I’m not yet convinced.

  Chapter Two



  “The rumors about me are completely untrue, Hannah, and you know it,” I say as I eat breakfast with my personal assistant Hannah at the greasiest diner we could find in all of Wicker Park.

  Hannah raises her eyebrows as she brings her coffee to her lips. It seems as if she’s trying not to giggle, but can’t hold it in. Hannah is small, with long blonde hair, and bright green eyes. She’s a smart and funny young woman with a bright future ahead of her, but I’ve never been interested in her romantically, despite the fact that I am sure rumors of that exist too.

  “Zack, come on. Did you not sleep with the entire graduating class of every culinary school in Chicago last year?”

  I drop my fork into my syrup. I can no longer keep a straight face either.

  “Not every school, Hannah. Just two of them.”

  “You called that girl up on stage last night with us. We just all figured you—like her. You are known for this sort of thing, and it’s going to get you in a lot of trouble someday. We’re just worried is all.”

  “Relax. I’ll be fine. I haven’t even gone on a date or had a one-night stand in three years. Not since starting the restaurant.”

  “I know, I know. But you have flirted with so many women that your reputation has gotten out of hand.”

  “I barely flirt with anyone, Hannah!” I shout a bit too loudly. I look around and see people watching us. Great. I dig into my pancakes in an effort to calm myself down. “Look, maybe I do have a thing for Juliann. I haven’t had a thing for anyone in so long that I don’t even know what it feels like anymore.”

  “So, what, you’re gonna ask your new mentee on a date or something?”

  “No, of course not. The whole thing is ridiculous. She’s a beautiful young woman.”

  “She is. No argument there. She’s a little…”

  “A little what? Don’t you dare say what I think you’re going to say.”

  “She enjoys pastries. That’s all. She’s a pastry chef. We all like our sweets. I just wouldn’t think she would be your type is all. I’m a little surprised.”

  “Just because I love a woman with some cushion doesn’t make me a damn hero, Hannah. Now cut this out. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.”

  “Well, you may not be a hero, but you have a good heart, Zack Elliot. Much more than people give you credit for. You at least sound like a hero.”

  “Just because I love thick women doesn’t mean I have a good heart either! I could still be a raging asshole. In fact, most of my staff consider me one. You included.”

  “You’re speaking so much truth this morning. I think I should stand up and clap.”

  “You’re horrible,” I say as I stuff pancakes into my mouth. “So horrible.”

  “That’s why you hired me.” Hannah grins and I just shake my head.

  “Anyway, I am not gonna date Juliann. But maybe I should get her out of my system. Just sleep with her once because the attraction is so intense…”

  “I take back every good thing I said about you this morning.”

  “I am in fact a raging asshole and everyone knows it.”


  The restaurant is closed today so the staff can recover from our hangovers. This also gives me a chance to go in and have free reign of the kitchen with no one to distract me at all.

  No one to distract me except for my own thoughts and obsessions, and right now my number one obsession is Juliann Addison. What the heck is happening to me? Every time I close my eyes, I see her in that form-fitting red dress. She looked and sounded like a sweet southern treat last night. Beautiful doesn’t even begin to describe her.

  I lay out my ingredients for peanut butter & Nutella danishes, but I just sort of stare at it once it’s all prepped and ready to go. My focus is just not here, and the evidence is the swelling in my pants.

  I take a deep breath. Maybe I just need to go for a run. I put everything away, and grab my gym bag from the office. I change into a t-shirt and jogging pants, lock the restaurant up, and jog down Damen avenue.

  The heat and the movement help me slip into a flow stat
e, and for a brief moment, I forget about Juliann. That is until every pretty curvy girl who walks by starts to make me think of her again.

  Fuck. I’ve got a real problem.

  After my run, I call Hannah. “I’m losing my mind.”

  “What’s new?” she snaps back.

  “No, Hannah. For real. How is it possible that I could meet a woman one time and then she just takes over my thoughts completely? This has never happened to me before.”

  “Awww. Is it love at first sight, Zacky?” she teases.

  “No. Of course not! But what should I do about it?”

  “Take a cold shower. Super cold. Maybe jerk off. I don’t know what guys do to get a girl out of their head, but that sounds right anyway.”

  I hang up the phone without responding. I try to distract myself by spending the rest of the afternoon in bookshops. I stick to the cookbooks and the poetry. What can I say? I might be some kind of romantic.

  But eventually, I slide into the wrong bookstore. It’s the wrong one because Juliann is there, just sitting in a chair reading a book. I can’t tell what she’s reading, but it’s definitely her.

  I have to say something. So I go up to her and clear my throat. “You’re supposed to be getting ready for your big day tomorrow,” I tease her.

  She drops her book and gives me a deer in headlights stare.

  “Uh, oh, I’m sorry—I just—I don’t know—I just wanted to relax!”

  I smile and take a seat beside her in a comfy leather recliner. “I’m just messing with you. So, you live over here or just came to the neighborhood for an adventure?”

  “Yeah, I live here.”

  “Where at if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “I sort of do mind, actually. I mean, you’ll find out tomorrow anyway, right? I assume there will be paperwork to fill out?”

  “Yes, there’s paperwork. But I was just asking. It’s alright if you don’t want to tell me though. You’re right — I’ll have access to it if I really need it.”

  “Exactly. So you live over here too?”

  “Yes. Just off Milwaukee and Division in the new condo building they put up last year.”


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