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Cherish Page 16

by Evelyn Sola

  “Things are good now, but it took us some time to get there, angel.” After having breakfast at the hotel—a breakfast hosted by the Clarks for the remaining guests—we went back to our room, eager to spend the rest of our time alone. I’m lying across the bed and she has her feet on top of me. I pick them up and start to rub. “She didn’t like me for a long time. Call it an extreme case of sibling rivalry.” I tell her some of Mellie’s struggles with school and her resentment toward me, most of it caused by our parents.

  “How did you get to a point where you asked her to come live with you?”

  “She got into some trouble at work. That’s her story to tell, not mine. I went to help. Got her a lawyer. She hated that I came in to help, but I think before the lawyer got the charges dropped, he explained how serious they were. She called me out of the blue. I didn’t even know she had my phone number. We talked. Cleared the air. I told her I always loved her. Asking her to move to Boston was spontaneous. The words came out of my mouth and she said yes. The rest is history. It’s been nice getting to know her. I’ve always loved her, but I now like her too.” She sighs at the conclusion of my story.

  “Lots of siblings this weekend. The Clark brothers are amazing. And Sandy and Tash. Ananda is like a sister to me.”

  “Do you have any family?” I know I need to tread lightly, but I persist. “Grandparents? Did your mom have any siblings? Maybe you have some cousins out there.”

  “Her mom was a widow. My grandfather died when my mom was a teenager. She has an older sister, but she lives in Pittsburgh. My mom was never close to her, and I didn’t understand why until my mother died. Aunt Patrice,” she says with a deep sigh. “If you look up the term bible thumper, you’ll find her picture. She showed up for the funeral with my one cousin, who I hadn’t seen since I was a kid. That poor girl wasn’t allowed to have so much as an opinion. Aunt Patrice ruled over her poor daughter with an iron fist.”

  “You don’t talk?”

  “Romans chapter one verse eighteen. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth.” I sit up and look at her. She had taken on the tone of an old preacher, enunciating and shouting certain words. “First Corinthians chapter seven verse two. But since sexual immorality is occurring, each man should have sexual relations with his own wife, and each woman with her own husband.”

  “Is there a reason why you’re quoting the New Testament?”

  “That’s the one she sent to me when I asked her if she knew who my father was. I stopped reaching out after that, but every few months or so, she’ll send me a scripture warning me about God’s wrath.”

  “I see.” I leave my position at the bottom of the bed and go lie next to her. I pull her to me, understanding her a little bit more now, my heart breaking for this beautiful creature who has been all alone in this world. No wonder she’s obsessed with sibling relationships. No wonder she thought she had a future with Doyle after he paid her some attention and dangled a possible relationship in front of her eyes.

  “Hey,” I say, grabbing her face with both hands, “you know I’m here. I’m not going anywhere, okay. I would never ghost you or stop loving you. You have me. All of me.”

  Her eyes search mine, hers filling with tears with each second that passes. Finally, the tears fall. She reaches for me, hugging me tight as she cries.

  “Do you promise?” she asks, voice hoarse with tears.

  “Jeremiah chapter twenty-nine verse eleven. For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Never have I been more grateful for my photographic memory and the few times my mother forced us to go to church with my grandmother.

  She pulls her head back and looks at my face, now laughing through her tears. “That bitch never sent me that scripture. That one, I like.”

  “Bitch Patrice sounds a bit morbid and uptight.”

  She laughs so hard she shakes. “Two Christmases ago, I was having drinks with Ananda when one of her texts came through. This one warned about hellfire and brimstone, nothing about our Savior’s birth as you would expect around Christmas. Anyway, Ananda found the biggest dildo and I sent Bitch Patrice a nice, anonymous Christmas gift. It was perfect. The card had a quote from First Timothy chapter four verse fourteen. ‘Do not neglect the gift you have, which was given you by prophecy when the council of elders laid their hands on you.’ I didn’t hear from her for six months after that. I don’t know if that was because she was too busy using her gift, or if she figured out it came from me. That dildo bought me six months of peace, Jay.”

  She’s struck me speechless. I look at her dumbfounded until we both start to laugh. We laugh so hard, I’d bet they could hear us outside. Tears roll down our cheeks, and we grab our stomachs for support.

  “You Jezebel,” I say.

  “I’ll show you Jezebel.” She straddles me, pulls her T-shirt over her head, removes her bra, and plops her breasts on my chest. She rubs her nipples against my shirt, which comes off immediately. I stick one of her pebbled nipples in my mouth as I grab her ass with both hands, pulling her to me.



  The last thing I want to do is get out of this bed. Alex is wrapped around my naked body, her hand wrapped around my waist and her head between my shoulder blades. It’s warm in my bedroom despite the heavy rain outside. I learned soon into our relationship Alex prefers to sleep without central air in the bedroom, but the open window is not enough to keep the late summer heat and humidity away.

  I finally manage to move out of her grasp, quietly close the window, and turn the air on to cool the room. I plant a kiss on her lips after I put on my workout clothes. I have about thirty minutes to get in a workout before I leave for work. I hate to leave her any day, but especially on Saturday mornings.

  It’s been nothing but perfection since we returned from the Vineyard a month ago. She doesn’t even need to say the words, which she says every day, but just the look in her eyes tells me how she feels. The soft kisses she places on my lips on Saturday mornings before I leave for work. She always wakes up to make me coffee. I don’t tell her that the coffee she makes is awful, but her sweet kisses make up for it.

  I skip the weights this morning and run for half an hour. By the time I’m done, sweat is dripping down my back, making my shirt stick to my body. She’s starting to stir when I walk into the bedroom and tiptoe into the bathroom to shower.

  Just as expected, when I come out, the bedroom is empty. I dry and dress quickly and find Alex in the kitchen, pouring coffee in a to-go cup.

  “You know you don’t have to do this.” She ignores me and wraps both arms around me, holding me close. She’s warm, soft, and smells like sex. I stick my nose in her curly hair and inhale the fruity fragrance of her shampoo.

  “I’m going to miss you today.” I’ve been working long hours, leaving us with stolen moments. She’ll sometimes visit me in my on-call room or the cafeteria if I have a few minutes. Last time we ate lunch together, I felt Doyle’s eyes on us the entire time.

  “That’s still a thing?” he asks me a few hours later.

  “What is?” I feign ignorance, knowing full well what he’s talking about.

  “You and Alexandra.” The asshole leans against the wall and waits on me, as if I owe him an explanation.

  “Obviously, me and my girlfriend are still a thing, Dr. Doyle. That’s probably why she didn’t return your text.”

  If he’s surprised that I know about that, he doesn’t show it. He pulls himself away from the wall and starts to walk to the nurses’ station. “Well, we do have a history.” He doesn’t give me a chance to reply. He picks up his pace and grabs a chart, pretending to review it.

  It’s obvious to me why he ghosted Alex, and it’s also obvious the asshole regrets it and is waiting for an opportunity. Too bad for him, I’m not giving him one.

s been perfection since we got back from the Vineyard. One month of love, laughter, and dinner attempts on her part. It’s been a month of her practically living with me. I’ve only stayed at her place twice, and I’m relieved that she doesn’t push for us to stay there more often. It’s cramped and cluttered and her bed is too small for both of us.

  Alex squeezes my waist, bringing me back to the present.

  “I’m going to miss you too. What do you have going on today?”

  “Mellie wants to decorate her room. We’re meeting Ananda and hitting up every TJ Maxx and Marshall’s in the city, then lunch.” Okay, maybe I don’t wish I was a part of that, but I wish I could be at home impatiently waiting for her to get back.

  “Do you need any money?” I reach into my pocket, take out my wallet and pull out a credit card.

  “What would I need money for? I have a job. And Mellie’s going shopping, not me.” She squeezes me harder.

  “If someone’s giving out money, I’ll take some.” Mellie stands in front of me, hand out. I ignore her and put my wallet back in my pocket. “Oh, great. Alex made coffee.” She looks at me and puts a finger down her throat. I will myself not to laugh.

  “Yeah, help yourself. I’ve got to go, angel. I’ll see you tonight.” She looks up and I give her a kiss on the lips before pulling away and looking into her eyes. “I hate that I work so much.”

  “You love what you do. Don’t ever apologize for that. I’ll be here when you get home. I’ll make dinner.”

  I don’t bother looking up. I know Mellie has the deer in the headlights look at the mention of Alex’s cooking. We have both come to the realization that Alex only knows how to make two things well. The chicken and rice dish and bacon and eggs. Everything else has been a disaster.

  “I’ve been craving your chicken and rice.” I haven’t, but that’s the only way we’ll have something good to eat if she insists on cooking.

  “Okay. That’s what I’ll make.” This time I do look at Mellie who puts her hand on her heart, relieved.

  “Make that dinner.” I slap her ass. “I love you.”

  “I love you.” One more kiss and I’m out. I ignore Mellie yelling, “I love you too!”

  I skip the train today and decide to drive. The rain is heavy against my windshield, and I increase the pace of my wipers. The streets are empty at this early hour, the world black and silent.

  Natalie has also been silent. I haven’t heard from her for a month now. She hasn’t tried to call since the wedding. I want to think that she’s gone, but I have a nagging feeling that she’s not, that it’s only a matter of time before she shows back up in my life to do her best to fuck shit up. I haven’t seen her in six months, and if I have my way, we’ll never see or speak to each other again.

  It’s a long, slow day with a skeleton crew. Unfortunately, Dr. Doyle is there, watching me every chance he gets. Thankfully, while he’s studying me as I do charts, I give him something to look at.

  “Hey, angel.” She’s FaceTiming me. Behind her, I see Mellie and Ananda looking at towels.

  “Hey. Can you tell your sister to hurry? She’s been molesting towels forever. I don’t know how all this stuff is going to fit in her car.” She moves the phone around and shows me a shopping cart full of stuff. “And I’m hungry, babe,” she practically whines at the end, pouting playfully.

  “And what am I supposed to do about it from here?”

  “Come save me.”

  “Okay. We’re going out when I get home.” She opens her mouth to argue, but I speak up. “No arguments. Dinner, just you and me, then we can go home, and you can help me relax in that special way only you can.” I wiggle my eyebrows at her, and she giggles.

  “Shake ’em for me,” I whisper. She pushes her boobs together and shakes.

  “That’s what I’m having for dessert.” She blows me a kiss and ends the call. When I finally look up, Doyle’s looking right at me. I smirk at him as I walk away.



  “I can get it.” Alex runs out of the dining room, and I follow her. I grab the bottle of wine from her and put it on the counter. I wrap my arms around her waist and leave loud, wet kisses on her neck.

  “I can get the wine, angel. I want you to enjoy your party. It’s not every day you turn twenty-five.”

  “I am. I love it.” She turns in my arms, and I can tell from the pink tinge of her cheeks that one more drink will push her out of the buzzed category.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you more.” She wraps her arms around me and rests her head on my chest. Loving the feel of her body against mine, I pull her closer and rest my chin on her head.

  I regret the move as soon as we both feel my phone vibrate.

  “Who is that? That thing’s been going off all night. I thought you said you weren’t on-call tonight.”

  I know exactly who it is, and she’s been calling nonstop since yesterday.

  “I’m all about you tonight. Don’t worry about the phone.”

  “Hey! Let’s have cake,” Mellie yells from the dining room. The entire group ends up in the kitchen with us. Sandy pulls the cake she brought out of the fridge, while Jake grabs another beer.

  “Carrot cake like the birthday girl requested,” Sandy proclaims, opening the box and removing a huge cake with white frosting.

  “Carrot? How did I end up with a girl who likes carrot cake? Are you serious?” The entire room boos and reminds me that it’s not my cake.

  My girl has her arms wrapped around me as I pour more wine, and Sandy puts candles on the cake.

  My phone buzzes again. I ignore it again.

  Just as Alex blows out the candles to her cake, the doorbell rings.

  “I’ll get it.” Before I can tell Sandy not to worry about it, she runs for the door. I swipe some frosting with my index finger and put it on Alex’s nose. She pulls my hand from her face and turns the table on me when she slowly licks the frosting from my fingertip, all the while keeping her eyes on mine.

  “You two are so inappropriate,” Mellie says.

  “Some people just have no tact, Mellie,” Jake says, shaking his head at us in mock disbelief.

  The kitchen fills with laughter, and I ignore Mellie’s gags as I kiss Alex deeply in the kitchen. It doesn’t even dawn on me that the kitchen has gone quiet until someone clears their throat.

  It’s Mellie’s angry voice that finally forces me to pull away from Alex. “What the fuck is this bitch doing here?”

  “Classy as always, Melanie. Nice to see you too, Ty. Is anyone going to offer me cake?”

  It’s like an out-of-body experience seeing Natalie standing in the middle of my kitchen. For a room that was so full of talk and laughter, you can now hear a pin drop. Mellie takes a step closer to Natalie, but I step between them. Sandy and Ananda look around the room, trying to make sense of what they’re seeing. Jake whispers something in Sandy’s ear and I see her eyes widen.

  “So, no cake then? Fine,” Natalie says with a fake pout. “Will someone at least take my coat?”

  “Who is this, Jason?” Alex looks from me to the intruder. When I reach for her, she steps back.

  “Natalie Song.” She looks directly at Alex as she continues to unbutton her large, black raincoat.

  I don’t know why, but I hold my breath as she slides the coat off, handing it to the person closest to her. Like a zombie, Jake takes the coat from her, his eyes nearly popping out of his head at the sight of her swollen belly.

  For once, Mellie is speechless and covers her mouth with both hands. Natalie struts through the kitchen, sits on one of my chairs, and lays a hand on her belly.

  “Jason,” Alex says, getting my attention, “who is this woman to you?”

  In two quick steps, I grab Natalie by her elbow and pull her off the chair.

  “We need to talk,” I hiss.

  “I’ve been trying to talk to you for months. The one time you picked up the phone, you wouldn’t let
me get a word in. We’ll talk, but we’re doing this here. Alex, is it?” she asks, turning her sharp gaze on my angel. “I’m Natalie. The woman who is carrying your boyfriend’s baby.”

  The glass slipping from Alex’s hand and shattering on the floor is the only sound in the room. I pull away from Natalie and pick Alex up in one instant.

  “Put me down.” The words are whispered but filled with venom. I walk her away from the broken glass and set her down.

  “She’s lying, Alex. I ended things with her months before we met.”

  “Come on, Ty? We were together six months ago, and I’m due in two and a half months. You were always good at math, so I’m sure you can figure it out. February sex equals November baby.”

  Everything turns to slow motion as everyone looks around the room trying to make sense of Natalie’s words. I think back to when we were together last. It was rushed. We had drinks with mutual friends. She had too much to drink and convinced me to escort her home. When the Uber pulled up, she kissed me outside of her parents’ old house, and she invited me in. It was frenzied and rushed as usual, but one thing I know for sure is that we used a condom.

  “Another one of your games, Natalie. This is extreme even for you, not to mention pathetic. Get out of my house.” I grab her elbow again and yank her off the chair and shove her jacket back at her, shielding her stomach.

  Jake steps between us and pulls my hand from her elbow.

  “I’ll walk you out, Natalie,” he says. She pulls away from him and practically hisses at us like a cornered raccoon. She looks around, her eyes narrowing as they land on Alex. She takes her in, and as a precaution, I step in front of Natalie, blocking her view.

  “I see you have a type, Ty.” She tilts her head toward Alex, who has now turned pale as a ghost. “Always the boob man. Double D’s, right? Does he like to stick his head between your breasts too?”


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