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Merged With Him (The Merge Series)

Page 7

by Kylie Kent

  Alyssa slightly closes the door but leaves it ajar enough so she can still see into the office. She’s quiet as she turns the water on in the shower, testing its warmth. Once she seems satisfied, she turns to me. “I’m not going to ask, and you don’t have to say anything. What you do need to do is shower, get cleaned. Ella does not need to see you like this.”

  I’m speechless. How have I stumbled across what is the absolute most perfect woman? I must have done something right in my life because Alyssa seems like a gift, one I will gladly accept without ever giving back. I take too long staring at her in amazement because she reaches for my belt, undoing it before undoing my pants and letting them drop.

  Just as I’m about to tell her I can do this myself, that I’m okay, she lowers herself to the ground to untie my shoes, slipping one off at a time. Seeing her on her knees before me is a sight I want to burn into my memory, one I can recall over and over again. Once my shoes, socks and pants are removed, she stands back up looking at me. She smiles, like she knows what I’m thinking. And judging by the erection currently residing in my boxers, I’m sure she knows just what seeing her down there did to me.

  “Do you need help with the rest?” she asks, pointing to my boxers.

  “More than you know right now,” I say as I pull my boxers down myself and step into the shower. I expect her to walk out and leave me to it. She doesn’t, she hikes herself up onto the basin and sits there watching me shower. Her sitting there openly ogling me and not even trying to hide the fact that she’s watching, let’s just say it’s not helping the hard situation I have going on.

  As I’m washing my hair out, she says, “you know, I see naked bodies all the time, it’s part of the job, but I can’t say I’ve ever seen one a spectacularly built as yours.” I think I actually fucking blush a little at her compliment.

  “You’ve never looked in the mirror then,” I reply, to which she scoffs. I will have to work on her self-esteem at a later time; right now I’m tired. I need to get Ella home and I need to get into bed, preferably with Alyssa next to me.

  Stepping out of the shower, Alyssa holds a towel out to me. “Thanks,” I get out gruffly as I make quick work of drying myself so I can wrap the towel around my waist.

  “I would say you’re welcome, but really, the pleasure’s been all mine,” she says, blushing a little.

  I step up closer to her. Grabbing her knees so I can open her legs and step in between them. “Trust me sunshine, I plan to give you the kind of pleasure you haven’t even dreamt about yet, over and over again. But right now, I’m going to do something completely selfish, something that is going to give me an unbelievable amount of pleasure.” I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear and twirl the end around my finger.

  “What’s that?” She’s breathless, it’s good to know I have the same effect on her that she’s having on me.

  “This.” I lean in and kiss her lips, softly at first, seeking, giving her plenty of time to pull back. When she doesn’t pull back, that’s all the signal I need to go full steam ahead. Grabbing the back of her head, I tilt it to just the right angle before using my tongue, seeking entrance into the haven that is her mouth. Alyssa doesn’t disappoint, she opens for me and greedily matches me stroke for stroke. I’m so lost in this kiss, I could kiss her for ever and not get enough of this mouth.

  Alyssa pulls back, I outright groan in disappointment. “As much as I would love to sit here and do this all night, I think you should get your sister home, she’s had a rough night.”

  Shit, she’s right, I can’t believe I was so caught up in all that is Alyssa that I briefly forgot why we were even in my office in the first place. “You’re right, I need to take her home, but I’m also taking you home with me, with us. Let me get changed and we can head out.”

  I reach into the small wardrobe I keep spare sets of clothes and pull out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Turning I see Alyssa hasn’t moved, she’s chewing on her bottom lip, lost in her own thoughts.

  “Don’t overthink it Alyssa, I’m taking you home to sleep. Nothing will happen that you don’t want to happen. But I really fucking want you in my bed tonight, please.” Well shit, that’s a first for me, I’ve never taken a woman home to my actual apartment before, and I’ve never wanted to sleep next to any woman all fucking night, let alone practically beg one to sleep in my bed.

  “I get the feeling that you don’t say please often,” she says, looking straight into my eyes. “Okay, I’ll come home with you, but just to sleep and only because I’m really freaking tired.” I feel like I just won the lottery

  “Thank you.”

  Just before I’m about to walk out of the bathroom I stop, turn back around to Alyssa and ask the one question that’s been nagging at me ever since Bray called me back to the club.

  “How … did …” Taking a breath I try again. “How hurt is she?” I ask, pointing my thumb back in the direction of the office.

  Alyssa grabs my hand and squeezes. “She wasn’t raped, he didn’t get the chance to get that far before some guy named Dean found her.”

  “Thank fuck for that. Remind me to give Dean a fucking pay raise.” I lead her out to the office.

  Crouching down in front of Ella, I reach out and stroke her hair. She doesn’t flinch at my touch and I take this as a good sign. “Ella sweetheart, we’re going to take you home.”

  She nods and lets me pick her up. With that I walk out of my office with the two most important women in my life.

  Stepping out of the elevator into my apartment, I’ve got Ella in my arms and Alyssa right beside me. I’m greeted by a very antsy Dean and Bray waiting in my living room. Dean is up and moving, probably the quickest I’ve ever seen the man move.

  “Here, let me take her to her room.” Dean holds his hands out to take Ella. I don’t move for a moment, shocked by my friend’s actions. I’m about to say that I’ll do it myself when I look over to Bray who subtly shakes his head no at me. I relent and hand Ella over to Dean, he doesn’t say anything as he walks down the hall to her room.

  Looking over at Bray I ask, “do I even want to know?” I gesture down the hall to where Dean just disappeared into Ella’s bedroom.

  “No, you really don’t, not tonight anyway.” Bray stands up from the lounge he was sprawled across and walks towards me. Knowing he probably has some smart-ass shit to say about the fact that I’ve got a woman here, I attempt to escape his shit.

  Grabbing Alyssa’s hand, I say, “I’ll catch you tomorrow, I’m going to bed.” I walk towards the hall, pulling Alyssa behind me.

  Bray moves lightning quick, like the fighter he is. I don’t even see him move before his standing in front me.

  He holds a hand out for Alyssa. “Since my brother has the manners of a goat, I’ll do the introductions myself. I’m Bray, obviously the good-looking brother.” Alyssa smiles and takes his hand. I’m quick to pull her hand out of Bray’s grasp and get a raised eyebrow from him in return.

  Alyssa looks up at me before turning to Bray. “I’m Alyssa, it’s nice to meet you. We will have to agree to disagree on who’s the more handsome brother though.”

  Bray laughs. “I think I like you Alyssa, if he,” pointing a finger at my chest, “messes up, you know where to find me.” The bastard smirks at her.

  I don’t give Alyssa a chance to respond, I shoulder barge past Bray and lead her towards my bedroom, calling behind me, “don’t be a dick, this one’s sticking.”

  He laughs and then I hear the front door open and close.

  Closing my bedroom door behind me, I walk over to the dresser and pull out a t-shirt for Alyssa to sleep in, holding it out to her. “You can sleep in this, the bathrooms through that door.” I point to the en suite.

  “Thank you,” she says ever so quietly as she takes the shirt, shutting the en suite door behind her.

  I make quick work of stripping down to my boxers and climb into bed, pulling the covers back on her side and wait for her to return while mentally
repeating to myself, don’t stuff this up, don’t stuff this up.

  All thoughts come to a halt when Alyssa walks out of the bathroom wearing my shirt. Holy shit, I did not think this through. I thought I could keep my hands to myself, but fuck. After seeing her look like this, it’s taking every ounce of my self-control to not sink my cock into her and claim her, mark her as mine.

  I’m lost for words, whatever game I thought I had, just went out the window. I’m sitting here staring at her as she makes her way to the bed. She looks a little unsure, and I know I need to put her at ease, but how?

  “Do I have something on my face?” she asks. All I can do is shake my head no. “Then why are you looking at me like that?”

  I don’t know how honest to be, I don’t want to scare her away, but I also want to let her know exactly what my intentions are. I’m momentarily speechless.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone look as fucking hot as you do right now, wearing my shirt. Fuck, I can’t even think straight right now sunshine, all I can think about is getting a taste of you, how you’re going to feel when I finally sink my cock into your pussy and have your walls tighten around me.” I shake my head attempting to clear those thoughts.

  Alyssa is blushing hard and is frozen at the side of the bed, maybe I was a little too honest. “Don’t worry sunshine, I gave you my word, it’s not happening tonight. All I’m going to do tonight is hold on to you so I know you’ll still be here when I wake in the morning.”

  She nods, “Okay, but since were being honest and all here, I’ve seen what you’re packing and if you think that,” she waves her hand in the general direction of my cock, “is ever going to fit into me, you are surely mistaken.”

  I laugh a little, tugging her closer to me. Wrapping my arm around her body, I hold her tight; kissing her forehead I speak into her ear, “baby, it’ll fit. You might not know this yet, but you were made for me.” I settle onto the pillow behind her, breathing in her scent. Huh, I never thought I would be one for spooning and cuddling. Right now I can’t think of a better feeling than how it feels to hold her close to me.

  “I can hear you thinking sunshine, go to sleep. There is always tomorrow,” I tell her as she squirms around a little more before settling into me, into my arms.

  “Goodnight Zac, I really hope we always have a tomorrow,” she whispers.

  Her words have slayed me, I can’t even respond, so I just hold her, and that’s how I fall to sleep, having the best fucking sleep I’ve ever had.

  Chapter Seven


  “Argh,” I groan and slap my hand out to reach the buzzing sound that’s coming from next to my head somewhere. “Shut up,” I say, slapping aimlessly.

  A mix of a moan and a laugh comes from behind me and I freeze, my body tensing as I abruptly become aware of the body that’s right up against my back, the heavy arm draped over my waist. I breathe in through my nose and inhale that scent, that woodsy and citrus mixture, the scent I know belongs to Zac. With this knowledge, my body relaxes and I sink back into his embrace.

  “I’m taking it you’re not a morning person, sunshine?” His deep voice vibrates behind me.

  The buzzing next to my head starts up and I groan again, turning over and burying my face into his chest. “Make it stop,” I plead as I snuggle into his chest, and what a chest it is. If I wasn’t trying to fall back to sleep, I would have the energy to give this chest the attention it so deserves. It’s smooth, wide, solid and smells all of him. I inhale deep, not even caring if he can tell I’m sniffing him.

  I feel his arm reach across me before he settles back down. “That buzzing you’re so intent on stopping is your phone, I don’t think it’s going to stop until you answer it.” He kisses the top of my head. I’ve never had anyone kiss the top of my head before. I’ve seen it in movies, read about it in books a lot, but never experienced it, until now. The simple act brings out a feeling of being cherished, a feeling I’m coming to really, really like having.

  “Just turn it off, I’m sleeping, can’t they tell I’m sleeping?” I mumble.

  Zac laughs and the damn phone starts up again, he’s holding it in his hand. “It’s Sarah,” he says, “do you want me to answer it for you?”

  Peaking my head up with one eye open I grab the phone and hit the power button, handing it back to him I proudly proclaim, “that’s how you answer a phone while you’re sleeping.” With that, I snuggle back into his chest, his arms wrap around me tight as he pulls me closer.

  “For future reference sunshine, if you ever turn your phone off when I’m calling, I will show up on your doorstep, no matter what time it is.”

  Shrugging I look up at him. “All I heard just then was, sunshine if you ever want to see me in person and not just have a phone convo, switch your phone and I’ll be there.” I give the most serene smile I can muster this early in the morning. “I’m okay with that.”

  Zac smiles and leans down. He kisses my forehead, then the tip of my nose, before landing on my lips. His kisses start off soft, I tilt my head up seeking more of him. Raising my arm, I reach up to his neck and pull him closer. He doesn’t let me have control for long. He takes over, swiping his tongue out seeking entrance, I don’t deny him. I moan into his kiss. I need more. Trailing my hand down his chest, I feel the ridges and grooves of well-defined muscles. This has me moaning into his mouth even louder, just then a horrible high-pitched ringtone blares, I jump at the sound pulling away from him.

  Zac has an indescribable look on his face, I can’t tell what his thinking, but I don’t have to guess for long before he offers his thoughts. “Damn, sunshine, I could get used to waking up like this,” he smirks.

  “Me too, but definitely without the blaring noise coming from what must be your phone, because I did the responsible thing and turned mine off.” I’m sure I sound a little pissed off, because frankly that phone interrupted a really freaking good moment for me.

  Rolling over, Zac picks up his phone which starts blaring again, his face scrunches up as he looks at the screen. “It’s Sarah, maybe you should answer it. She kinda scares me a little, plus she’s not going to stop calling.”

  Taking the phone from him to press the green answer button, I give him the best death glare I can while he just shakes his head and laughs. I need to work on that glare.

  “Sarah, why are you calling my—” I stop mid-sentence, avoiding a colossal clingy girl mistake as I was about to say boyfriend without even thinking twice about it. Instead, I correct myself. “Zac. Why are you calling Zac’s phone at some ungodly hour in the morning? Are you dead or close to being dead?” Sarah knows I’m not keen on being woken up, so she deserves my wrath right now.

  “Soooo, he’s your Zac now, is he?” Her singsong voice carries through the phone. “Do tell. When in the last twenty-four hours did this development happen?” She’s laughing now.

  “Shut up. You’re obviously not dead or close to being dead, so I’m hanging up now. Have a nice life.” I wait rather than hanging up because I know she will only call back if I did.

  “Wait, I called your Zac,” she says with fake sweetness to her voice, “because you switched your phone off, and now I know why you’re ignoring me. But you need to get up. I don’t care if you’re in the middle of purchasing a cucumber, get up, get dressed. We have brunch in forty-five minutes and if you’re not there, I will enjoy telling the twins all about your Zac without you.”

  I look up at Zac, who can hear every damn word Sarah has said. She has a habit of yelling down the bloody phone. He looks puzzled and mouths the word cucumber? in question to me. I just shake my head no in a kind of don’t ask motion.

  “Okay, don’t do anything drastic, and just so you know the cucumber is still at the store, I’ll meet you there.” Hanging up I hand the phone back to Zac.

  Turning my phone back on, I wait for it to start up. “Shit, I have to go. Sorry, but it’s Sunday and Sunday is girls’ brunch day. I have to get to the café. Wai
t where exactly are we? I need to figure out how to get to the station.” I’m rushing around the room looking for my things, before remembering I left my clothes in the bathroom. I head in there and don’t bother shutting the door before I strip Zac’s shirt off and put my jeans back on. As I’m doing up my bra I look up into the mirror, I can see Zac’s reflection. He’s still sitting on the bed staring straight at me, well at my breasts that is.

  He slowly lifts his head and meets my gaze in the mirror. Clearing his throat he says, “I’ll drive you, you’re not catching the damn train.” He gets up out of bed and saunters, yes saunters, into the bathroom. Wrapping his arms around my waist, he whispers into my ear, “although if you’d rather stay here in bed, I can make sure Sarah won’t be able to find you.”

  I place my hands on his chest as I turn into him; on his rock hard chest that has me running those same hands up and down the plains of his abs exploring all the dips and curves that I just want to run my tongue across. “As much as I want to stay here and jump back into bed with you,” I pause for a second when he moans, “I’m not the kind of friend that bails on plans, especially the longstanding traditional plans.”

  Looking down at my breasts he moans again. “Okay, but you need to cover these beauties up before I devour them. Once I start, there will be no stopping.”

  He steps back and walks out of the bathroom. Watching him walk away from me in nothing but his black boxer briefs is a sight I won’t be forgetting in a hurry. I stare at his tanned, sculpted back with muscles so defined that anyone would think this man was carved from stone. Then there’s his ass. Once my eyes make their way to that perfection, I finally understand the saying an ass you can bounce a quarter off because damn. I’m still staring at his retreating form when he walks into what must be a wardrobe. He looks back over his shoulder at me and smirks. The bastard knew I was checking him out. I feel the blush creep up from my neck.

  After putting my top back on, I dig a hairbrush out of my bag and go to work on attacking the bird’s nest that has taken over my hair. Zac stands at the doorway and I think I have drool dripping down my open mouth. Wearing a pair of faded denim jeans, a black long sleeve Henley, and black boots, he is sex on a stick.


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