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Merged With Him (The Merge Series)

Page 14

by Kylie Kent

  Now Reilly is getting up rushing towards me. She snatches the phone right out of my hand, puts the call on speaker and pushes me out of the office and towards the elevator.

  “Lyssa, it’s Reilly. You are ok. You are safe. You’re in the hospital, nothing can happen to you in the hospital.” Reilly speaks calmly into the phone while pushing me into the lift and pressing the button for the ground floor. “Lyssa, listen to me. Do not open that card, don’t touch it. We are on our way to you, okay? Zac and I, we’re coming to get you, okay?”

  Alyssa’s voice is so quiet as she agrees with Reilly. “I want you to stay on the phone with me until we get there. Go and tell whoever you need to tell that you’re sick and you need to go home, okay?”

  Reilly’s calm tone is doing nothing to calm my racing heart, what the fuck is going on? Reilly continues to talk to Lyssa while I stare at the phone like it can give me the answers I fucking need right now.

  “Lyssa, don’t hang up just put the phone in your pocket while you talk to your boss,” she instructs and looking briefly at me she says quietly, “Lyssa, it’s not him okay, it can’t, he’s still in jail, it’s not him.”

  “It’s not him,” Alyssa repeats quietly, “I’m going to put the phone in my pocket and tell the registrar I have to go.” All I can hear on the line is the shuffling of fabric.

  Following Reilly out to the back carpark, I’m quiet when I voice all of the questions currently storming through my head. “What the fuck is going on Reilly? Why is she so fucking freaked out and who the fuck is him?”

  Reilly puts her finger to her lips as she whispers, “you need to drive. If you care about Alyssa at all, you need to get to the hospital now. Just know that she needs us. I can’t tell you why, it’s not my story to tell.”

  Cursing, I jump into the car. Reilly barely has the passenger door shut before I have the car screaming out of the car park in the direction of the hospital.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I can’t believe this is happening right now, just when I thought my life was heading in the right direction. I finally met a guy that I actually like, like really freaking like. If I could admit it to myself, I might actually even love him.

  This cannot be happening again, I barely survived the last time. I don’t think I could survive this. Not to mention the fact that Zac would run at the first sight of just how much crazy I come packaged with. I mean, why would he stick around with a freaked-out nutcase who can’t even get a bunch of flowers without having a full-blown panic attack?

  Well, that’s not entirely true, I got excited and swooned when I thought the roses came from Zac. I was so excited I called him to thank him without checking the card first. As soon as he said they weren’t from him, the panic kicked in, the flashbacks started, and I was back to that place from two years ago.

  I’m now sitting in a locked bathroom stall, the roses tossed on the ground, staring at me, taunting me. It can’t be him again, I know he’s still in jail, at least I thought he was still in jail.

  Oh god, what if he got out? What if he’s not in jail anymore?

  I spent six months of my life being tortured by him, all the while not even knowing who it was that was torturing me.

  I can’t stop the shaking. I know I’m in the midst of a panic attack but I can’t seem to do anything to stop it. How did Zac manage to calm me so easily during my panic attack in his car? This situation is much worse, with possibility that I will have to spend my time locked in my apartment again because I fear what’s waiting for me on the outside. It took me two months after he was sentenced to go outside again, and that was with Sarah, Reilly and Holly all holding my hand the whole time.

  Remembering Reilly was still on the phone, I pull my phone out of my pocket.

  “Reilly, I can’t survive this again, I just can’t. Make it stop, please make it stop,” I plead with one of my best friends.

  “Lyssa, it’s not happening again, okay? Listen to me, this is just a misunderstanding. Zac and I are on our way, we’re almost there, just hold on.” Her voice is calm, total opposite to how I’m feeling.

  Just then the thought of Zac seeing me like this, this mess of a person hits me. He’s going to run, I will lose him before I even really got a chance to have him.

  “Reilly, he can’t see me like this, I can’t let him see me like this.” My breathing is heavy and uneven.

  “Who?” Reilly asks.

  “Zac, he can’t see me like this Reilly, he’s going to get one look at me and run. I’m going to lose him, aren’t I?”

  There’s a loud bang and a growl that comes through the phone before Reilly clears her throat.

  “Lyssa, umm, you most certainly are not going to lose him. And if he leaves you just because you had a little panic attack, I’m going to find him and feed him his own balls,” she says in her ever-sweet voice.

  “I really like this one Reilly, like really, really like. I don’t want to lose him. Oh god, why is this happening again? Just when I thought I could be happy, that I found my happy.”

  “We’re just pulling into the hospital now, where are you, Lyssa? I’ll come get you,” Reilly asks.

  “I … I’ve locked myself in the ladies, just inside the emergency entrance, I didn’t know what to do,” I confess.

  “Fuck!” I hear him loud and clear on the phone in the deep and gravelly voice.

  Then I hear Reilly yelling out, “Zac, wait up. It’s the ladies you can’t just waltz in there you know.”

  Reilly sounds like she’s running. Before I can contemplate what’s happening the door to the ladies bangs against the wall. The first thing I think is they’re going to be too late, he’s found me already. I see a pair of dress shoes stop at the stall door I’m locked behind.

  “Sunshine, I need you to open the door, please.” It’s Zac’s voice. Is it really him, or have I somehow conjured his voice in my mind?

  “Zac?” I ask so quietly I didn’t think he would even hear me.

  “Yeah, sunshine. It’s me, please open the door.” His voice sounds strained.

  Timidly reaching up for the lock, I slide the latch across and step back to pull the door open. There he stands on the other side of the door, I don’t even have the door open all the way before he’s pulling me into his arms. I can feel my body shaking, I can feel the tears running down my face.

  Clinging to him as tight as I can, I beg, “please don’t leave me. I’m sorry. So sorry. I’m not always like this, I swear, just … please don’t leave.”

  Zac picks me up, walking to the far side of the bathroom. He sits on the floor with me and I crawl into his lap. I bury my face into his chest; my fingers hurt from how tight they are clinging to the fabric of his shirt, but I can’t loosen them. Zac strokes my hair while planting gentle kisses on the top of my head.

  “Alyssa, there is nothing in this world that will make me leave you. We will always have tomorrow, remember?” he says so soothingly.

  “Promise?” I ask.

  “Promise” he says while he continues to stroke my hair.

  Just then Reilly burst through the door. “Jesus Christ Zac, how the hell can you run so freaking fast?”

  She’s kneeling down beside me, rubbing my arm. “Lyssa, honey, I’m here. It’s going to be okay.” Nodding my head, I don’t attempt to lift it off of Zac’s chest. “We need to get you out of here, come on honey, let’s go home.”

  Lifting my head to look at her. “Okay,” I get out.

  Zac shoos away Reilly’s hand as he lifts my chin so our eyes meet. “Sunshine, let’s go home.” He stands up guiding me to my feet, my hands still clinging so tightly to his shirt. “It’s okay, I’ve got you,” he says before lifting me into his arms and carrying me out of the hospital.

  Stopping at the passenger side of his door, he looks down at me, still in his arms, still clinging to his shirt. Shaking his head, he mumbles, “fuck it,” before reaching into his pocket with one hand and handing a key fob t
o Reilly. “You drive,” he demands before climbing into the back seat, settling me on his lap.

  Moments later, I hear Reilly climb into the driver’s side of the car. A few minutes later she turns and looks back at Zac.

  “You’re sure you want me to drive this car, this very, very expensive car?”

  “Reilly, for the love of god, just press home on the GPS and follow the fucking directions. It’s not rocket science, it’s a bloody car.”

  Reilly starts the car and then turns to face the back again, this time to me. “Lyssa, do you want to go to Zac’s or your place? You tell me where you want to go?” she asks.

  Zac growls and answers before I can put together a sentence. “Reilly, I’m your fucking boss and gave you a direction, it’s your job to fucking follow it, drive to my place, now.”

  “You’ve been my boss for two minutes Zac, She’s been my best friend for five years. My loyalty is to her, not you. You’d be best to remember that. Lyssa, tell me where you want to go before your beast here rips my head off.”

  Looking between the two of them, I’m confused, are they really arguing over me?

  Staring into Zac’s eyes, I tell Reilly, “I want to go to Zac’s, please take me to Zac’s.”

  Maintaining eye contact like he can see into my soul, Zac whispers, “home, were going home, sunshine.”

  The drive to Zac’s was a blur, I buried my head in his chest the whole way, and when we got there, he picked me up and carried me. He held me tight as the elevator lifted to the top floor, when the doors opened, he walked me straight into his room with Reilly following suit.

  Standing at the door to his room he turns and looks at her. “Call Bray, tell him I want him and Dean here now,” he orders, before shutting the door.

  Zac walks with me into the en suite bathroom, turns the shower on and sits me on the vanity. My fingers curl around his shirt as he steps back, I’m not ready to let go yet. When I’m in his arms, it’s like nothing can touch me, I feel the safest I’ve ever felt when wrapped up in him. Putting his hands over the top of mine holding them there, we stay like that for minutes, the room filling up with steam before he says, “sunshine, I’m not going anywhere. I will wait for as long as you need to feel comfortable to let go, but I’m not going anywhere.”

  After a minute, I slowly unfurl my fingers from his shirt. Zac pulls my top up and over my head before reaching around and unclasping my bra. Bending to his knees, he undoes my laces, removing my shoes and socks. Pulling me to a standing position, he pulls down my pants and panties in one go, the whole time I stand as close as I can to him.

  Zac’s eyes travel up and down my body slowly before he strips his own clothing off. Grabbing my hand, he leads me into the shower and under the spray of the water. I stand still, I can feel my body begin to relax. Zac reaches behind me and picks up a loofah and squirts some bodywash onto it. He slowly works the loofah over my shoulders, his movements are slow. He moves the loofah down my right arm and back up again, across my collarbone and down my left arm.

  The scents of vanilla and raspberry fill the shower as Zac works the loofah over my body. He pays extra attention to my breasts and I can’t help but squirm with the sensations currently running through my body. He works the soap down my stomach then kneels, running the soapy loofah down each leg. When he reaches the apex of my thighs, I can’t help the moan that escapes my mouth as I feel the scratchy soapy fabric rub against the lips of my pussy.

  Zac looks up at me as though he is about to say something, instead he shakes his head and stands. I audibly grunt, at which he fails to hide a chuckle.

  Tilting my head back, he runs his fingers through my hair. Zac reaches behind me, squirting shampoo onto his hands before rubbing his fingers through my hair. Massaging my scalp, I lean my head into him, the fruity smell of the shampoo filling the air.

  I have never had anyone wash my hair before, other than at the salon. I don’t recall a time since my mother died that I have felt so cherished and loved. I wouldn’t say that Zac loves me, I mean, how can he? We’ve only known each other a few days, but the feelings I have for him are deep and unlike anything I’ve ever felt before.

  Tilting my head back again, he rinses out the shampoo before repeating the process with conditioner. Zac reaches around and turns off the shower, I have completely submitted my body to his will by now.

  Grabbing some fluffy white towels off the shelf, he wraps one around himself and I can’t help but notice the impressive erection he is currently sporting. Drying me just as thoroughly as he washed me, he bends down and lifts one foot, resting it on his thigh. He drags the soft fabric of the towel from my ankle to my thigh, stopping right before the spot that I’m now aching for him to touch.

  Smirking up at me, he puts my foot down and brings my other leg up, repeating the process. This time he does rub the towel between my thighs. As I let out a moan, he pulls the towel away and stands up. He knows what he’s doing to me, he knows I’m aching for his touch there; his fingers, his mouth, his cock, right now I’d take any of them, I’m not picky.

  Picking up a clean towel, he wraps my hair up before guiding me out of the bathroom and straight into his walk-in wardrobe. I can’t help but let out a frustrated groan. Zac looks back at me and chuckles.

  Chuckles. The asshole chuckles at me. As I’m standing there slightly fuming, yet still very turned on, he hands me a shirt and a pair of sweats.

  Looking me straight in the eye he says, “get dressed, we need to talk.”

  Arghh, what the hell? He expects me to get dressed and talk? I’m so worked up I’m surprised I’m not combusting. Holding the clothes out to the side, I look up at him.

  “Either you are going to get me off right now, or I will march my naked self out to your bed and use my own fingers to finish what you started in there,” I huff, pointing in the direction of the shower.

  Zac’s eyebrows raise towards his hairline, he tilts his head, slowly perusing my body from my feet to my head. Before I know it, he comes towards me, bends at the waist and has me draped over his shoulder storming towards what I can only hope is his bed. He slaps my ass, the sting registering the same time I’m floating and landing on the cloud-like mattress of his bed.

  Yes, this I can work with. Just as the thought crosses my mind, Zac is hovering over me. He has one hand around my neck, squeezing, but not tight enough that I struggle to breathe. His other hand is cupping my pussy.

  Bending down, he growls into my ear, “this pussy is mine, it’s mine to play with, it’s mine to pleasure.” He dips a finger in and out of me slowly and nibbles on my neck. “Sunshine, the only way this pussy is getting off, is from my hands, my cock, or my mouth. Do you understand?”

  I can’t help but shiver at his words, my core clenching around his finger.

  “Oh, god.” Moaning, I attempt to lift my hips, anything to speed to get that extra friction my core is desperate for. Zac continues to tease me, slowly inserting just the one finger.

  “Please.” I’m reduced to begging.

  “You need more, sunshine?” Lifting his head, he looks directly into my eyes.

  “Yes, more. Please, Zac,” I beg, attempting to lift my hips again.

  “I’ll get you there, but first you have to tell me …” Bending, he sucks a nipple into his mouth.

  “Ah, god. Tell you what?”

  Letting go of my nipple with an audible pop, he lifts his head up smirking at me. “That this pussy belongs to me and only me.”

  I’m just about to tell him anything to reach the orgasm that’s floating on the horizon. “It’s yours, all yours, now please let me come.”

  My body feels like there are thousands of live wires circuiting throughout, goosebumps coat my skin, a light sweat covering the surface. Zac withdraws his finger and begins circling it around my clit.

  Leaning down to whisper in my ear, he says, “I can’t wait to watch you come, to watch you fall apart from my fingers. There’s just one more thing I need from
you before I can let that happen.”

  “Oh my god Zac, I don’t care, whatever you need it’s yours, just please.” I don’t even care what I’m agreeing to.

  “After I give you the pleasure you need, you and I, we are going to talk,” he demands. “Tell me you understand that is what’s going to happen, sunshine.”

  “Okay … Yes, god … Okay …Talk … we will talk after.” I’m reduced to a babbling mess I’m so worked up.

  Chuckling, Zac lowers his head to my nipple again. Licking it once, he says, “glad we can agree on things so easily,” then proceeds to suck on my nipple while roughly inserting two fingers inside me with increasing speed.

  My back arches off the bed. “Yes! Oh, god. Yes! Please don’t stop.”

  Zac circles his thumb around my clit while thrusting his fingers inside of me. Moving his mouth to my other breast and squeezing tighter around my throat, I see stars. My body starts to involuntarily shake, my core clenching around his fingers as I scream out his name through my release.

  Zac draws every inch of pleasure from me as I slowly come down from my orgasmic high. He lifts his head to meet my eyes, raising one eyebrow.

  “Better?” he questions with the cockiest grin plastered on his face. Like he doesn’t know how good he is at that.

  “Mm-hmm,” I mumble, feeling completely relaxed.

  Zac raises off the bed and walks back into his wardrobe only to reappear moments later wearing a pair of dark denim jeans and a black shirt. He must notice the disappointment on my face at him being clothed as he laughs.

  Roaming his eyes up and down my sprawled out body, he says, “babe, we can either have this talk with you dressed or as naked and spread out as you are now, I don’t mind either way.”

  “Or you could strip those jeans off and let me return the favour,” I suggest.

  “Oh, you will definitely get a chance to return the favour, but first we are having that talk,” he smirks.


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