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When It Rains... He Pours

Page 11

by Leah Holt

  I hated myself, because I had fallen in love with the enemy.

  Chapter Ten


  Dragging a hard hand through my hair, I turned back to Jacob.

  He had this smile on his face that made me sick. As if he was enjoying not only the pain she suddenly experienced, but the hurt and surprise that was running through me too.

  “Well little brother, it looks like we got work to do.” Leaning back in his chair, he held his hand up by his face and rubbed his fingertips together. “It's time to close this thing.”

  Flaring my nostrils, I stepped over the puddle of steaming of coffee, and stalked to the table. “Why did she look at you like that?” I asked, balling my fists and resting them on the table.

  Shrugging his shoulder, his brows arched high. “We've met before, remember? I was the one who came and talked to everyone a few months back. She knows why I'm here, and now she knows why you're here.”

  I saw something else in her eyes. I saw fear.

  “No, that's not what it was. . .” Pausing, I angled my head and glared down at him. “Why did she look at you like that, Jacob?”

  “How the fuck should I know?” Stiffening his back, his eyes met mine. “All I know is that we need her lot. And you failed, you couldn't get her to sign. So, I'm taking matters into my own hands now. We can't always play nice, Liam. Haven't you learned that yet?”

  Shaking my head, my jaw jetted out. “Play nice?” Huffing under my breath, our eyes never broke. “I gave you another option. She's never going to sign it over to us. That door is shut now, there's no doubt in my mind.”

  “I have my ways, Liam.” His smile thinned into an evil smirk. “I have my ways.” Standing up, Jacob adjusted the trim of his blazer. “I'll call you later, some of us have work to do.”

  “Whatever you're thinking, Jacob, I'm warning you not to do it.”

  Chuckling, he pressed his palms against his chest as his lips feathered with a smile. “Or what? What the hell are you going to do, little brother?”

  Veering my stare, I spoke through clenched teeth. “Don't test me, this time it's my decision.”

  Latching onto my shoulder, Jacob gave me a hard squeeze. “You don't get a decision in this, not anymore.” Slapping my back, he quickly stormed out of the cafe and climbed into a car park outside.

  My muscles were tense, trembling so fiercely I felt my nails under the skin. Opening my hands, there were deep dents in my palms, almost deep enough to draw blood.

  What the fuck is he going to do?

  The look in his eyes told me he was planning something, and the voice in my head was screaming not to trust him. But he was my brother, as much as he might not float on the same line as everyone else, he wasn't evil.

  Was he? Was he capable of doing something else?

  The twinkle in his pupils gave me a bad feeling, it wasn't built off excitement and good intentions. His voice was full of malice, layered in quiet threats.

  I need to talk to Glory. I have to find her.

  She could hate me all she wanted, but I had to explain myself. She needed to know the truth, I wanted her to hear it from me directly. This my only chance to make it right.

  I had to make it right.

  I spent hours driving around looking for her. She wasn't at her gallery, she wasn't at her apartment, or any of the local coffee shops or restaurants. She had vanished.

  “Where are you? We need to talk, just hear me out on this.”

  The message went unanswered—every message I sent her went unanswered.

  Pulling up to the hotel, I paid the taxi driver and headed inside. There was a feeling of loss filling every crevice. This wasn't what I wanted, I never wanted her to find this way.

  I should have told her who I was from the beginning.

  Hanging my head, the elevator doors opened, depositing me onto my floor. Checking my phone, she still hadn't tried to call or text me back. Releasing a weighted breath, I went into my room and fell onto the bed.

  Two days I spent trying to track her down. I waited outside her gallery, but she never showed. I sat in the coffee shop, hoping to see her walk by. Nothing. She was a ghost, disappearing as easily as she had taken my life by storm.

  It's over, there's nothing left for me here.

  Sitting in my hotel room, I made a quick phone call and started packing my bags. I didn't want to give up on her—on us, but if she wasn't willing to hear what I had to say, if she refused to let me explain, there was nothing else I could do.

  I couldn't force her to listen to me. I had betrayed by not telling her exactly who I was. She gave me the chance multiple times, asking my work, and I chose to shut her down.

  It's all my fault anyway.

  Stuffing the last of my clothes into the suitcase, I zipped it up and rested it on the floor. A heavy knock ricocheted off the door, causing my back to stiffen.

  Jacob. . . What the hell does he want?

  Walking to the door, I tugged it open. “What the hell—” I lost my voice instantly, unable to use my tongue.

  Glory was standing in the doorway, her eyes red and swollen from all the tears I caused. Her cheeks were wet and she was sniffling as she lifted her head to look up at me.

  I wanted to grab her and hug her, I wanted to hold her and tell her I was sorry. But I didn't. My arms hung at my side as my heart raced and my muscles shook to touch her.

  We both stood silent, Glory glaring up at me with hatred in her eyes. I was afraid to say one word, afraid that my voice would force her away.

  Sucking in a big gulp of air, she let it out slowly. Her lips parted, exposing clenched teeth. “You win.” Throwing a stack of papers in my face, she started to turn and walk away.

  “Don't go,” I said, quickly lurching forward and grabbing her arm as the papers fluttered to the ground around me. “Let me explain, I'll explain everything.”

  Stopping in her tracks, her head ticked over her shoulder as her eyes connected with mine. Baring her teeth, Glory pivoted on her heels.


  With her small fist, she punched me in the jaw. Releasing her arm, I rubbed my chin. “I deserve that.”

  “You deserve more than just that.” Peeking around my back, she looked inside the room, her eyes zeroing in on my luggage. “Running away?” Cocking her jaw to the side, she snapped. “I don't blame you, I'd run to if I was as big of an asshole as you.”

  “That's not what this is. I'm not running away, I don't want to run away. But I don't know what else to do, you want nothing to do with me—”

  “You have no idea what I want.” Clenching her jaw, her pupils turned to pinpricks.

  “Please, just hear me out. I was going to tell you, I just didn't know how.”

  Her lids turned to slits as she growled. “How about just growing some damn balls and telling me the truth like a real man?”

  “I know, I get it. I was wrong, I should have told you that I was Liam Barnes from B and B, but I couldn't.”

  “And what about the rest, huh? What about the gallery and the damage and the fact that you and your brother did this to force me out?” Taking a step in, Glory balled her fists by her sides. “What about all of that? Or were you just going to pretend that it never happened? Like you really didn't have a roll in it? You fucking played me, you used me.”

  Wait. . . What?

  Arching a brow, my eyes darted between hers. “What are you talking about? We didn't do that to your shop.”

  “Stop, just stop lying. I know everything, Liam. I know about your little scheme, I know about the set up for you to come in and save me. I know all of it.”

  “I don't know what the hell you're talking about. I didn't—”

  Throwing up her hand, she rolled her eyes. “Cut the fucking shit, Liam. You won, you both won. I signed the papers, the place is yours. There's no need to pretend anymore. Jacob told me everything.”

  “Glory, I really don't have a damn clue what you're talking about.” Stroking my ja
w, I shook my head. “What did Jacob say to you?”

  “Stop, just stop.” Scrunching her eyes, her brows dipped into the bridge of her nose as she studied my expression. “You really don't know?”

  “No, I have no fucking clue.”

  Glory stared at me, her face filled with uncertainty and anger. “Stop screwing with me. I've already been through enough, I don't need you messing with my head.”

  Taking a step forward, I gently gripped her arm. “I'm serious, I had nothing to do with any of that. When I came in and saw that guy, I had no idea what was going on. That was all real, Glory, that was the real me, it wasn't an act.”

  Her eyes scanned my face, searching for something to show her I was being honest. “Your brother told me he did it, he said it was a message. I just thought that you were in on it too, that it was a set up or something.” Her voice was delicate and uneasy as she nervously picked at the beds of her nails.

  Jacob did that? Is it possible? Or is he just taking credit to drive her out?

  I couldn't focus on my brother right then. All my attention was on Glory, on fixing the mess I created.

  “I had nothing to do with that, I would never do something like that.” Running the tips of my fingers up her arm, I softly swept my hand down her hair. “Glory, the person you met, the man you thought I was, that was all me. None of this was planned, nothing between us was pretend.” Taking another step in, I gently rubbed her back. “I did come here originally to try and get you to sign your place over to us, but that was before I actually met you. Whatever Jacob said, I wouldn't even listen. If I thought for a second that he was capable—” Cutting myself off, I breathed in slowly though my nose, trying to stay calm. “I would have stopped him.”

  Inside I was a raging mess. I was ready to find my brother and beat him into the ground, I was ready to grab him by the throat and make him apologize to Glory for all the trouble he caused.

  There was no amount of words I could use to describe how disappointed and angry I was with my brother—and that word, I didn't even want to use it. He wasn't my brother, not anymore.

  If he was behind what happened at her gallery, he was dead to me. But a small piece of me was hoping that he was just saying it. My brother was a liar, so you had to take what he said at times with a grain of salt.

  Maybe he's just fucking with her. Maybe he just wants to use that against her.

  “You're serious?” she asked.

  “Yes, I'm serious, I would never do something like that. I don't want to take your shop anymore, I want you to have it, I want you to have everything you deserve.” Cupping her jaw, I forced her head higher. “I want you, I want this—I want us.” Lowering my face, I let my lips hover over hers.

  “You really mean that?”

  “Every word.” Pushing my lips against hers, I kissed her. I kissed her like she was the air I needed to survive. I kissed her like I would die if she pulled away.

  Glory was all that mattered.

  Pulling her into my chest, I curled my arms around her body and held her tight. I wasn't going to let her go, not now, not ever.

  Our kiss deepened as her body folded into mine. Driving her hands into my hair, her nails raked my scalp feverishly. Swooping her off her feet, I carried her into my room, kicking the door shut behind me.

  We didn't break the kiss, still devouring each other like the world was ending and this was our last moment on earth.

  Shoving the suitcase off the bed, I laid her down and climbed between legs. My mouth placed feathery kisses down her throat, nibbling her skin. Moaning, Glory wrapped her legs around my waist as her hands clutched my back.

  “I'm sorry,” I said, whispering the words into the crook of her neck. “I'm so sorry for all of this.”

  “Don't.” Pressing her palms to the side of my face, she lifted my head so she could look me in the eyes. “You don't need to.” Scanning my eyes, her lips twisted as her breathing was heavy and labored. “It doesn't matter, what's done is done.”

  Smiling, I kissed the tip of her nose. “You're so fucking beautiful.” Brushing loose strands of hair away from her face, I moved my lips down her cheek. “I don't know what the hell I was thinking, I could never run away from you. Come with me, we can go together, we can start a new life someplace else.”

  “Liam, I can't run from this place, it's my home. My mother is here, and she needs me. I'm everything to her, I could never just leave her.” The tips of her fingers traced the hairline on my forehead, sweeping behind my ear. “Stay with me, stay here.”

  Biting her lower lip, her eyes pleaded for me to answer. To say the one word she wanted to hear, to know that she would never have to wonder when I'd be home, because this would be my home too.

  But I didn't give her what she wanted. I couldn't tell her that I'd gladly carve out a small spot here as my own.

  I had to show her.

  Kissing her with all the feelings I felt for her inside, I gave her the answer she was looking for.

  My life was missing this, it was missing her. I could never turn my back and leave, it wouldn't work. I'd never stop thinking about her, I'd never stop dreaming about her, I'd never be able to keep her as just a memory.

  Licking and tasting her, I peeled her shirt up over her head and threw it onto the floor. We were all air and movements. There was no more need for us to speak, to utter one more word. Our bodies glided back and forth as hands touched and stroked, and mouths tangled together in filthy kisses.

  Grunting, a wolfish smirk exposed my teeth as her hand tore at the button on my pants, breaking it free. She had become wild, driven by emotional urges and adrenaline. I watched her chest rise and fall rapidly as my cock broke free and an audible gasp escaped her lips.

  “That's all yours,” I said, gripping my dick at the base and holding it tight.

  “Mm,” she moaned, digging her heels into the mattress to lift her ass off the bed and tug her pants down her thighs. “And I'm all yours.”

  Her voice hit my chest, making my heart drum harder. Spreading her legs wide, her pussy glistened, painted in arousal. Digging my fingers around her knees, I pushed back and dropped my face into her soaking cunt.

  Glory let out a loud groan, clutching my hair in her fingers and yanking hard. Lapping her flavor, I flicked the tip of my tongue over her swollen bud. Her body wriggled in my hands, thighs threatening to squeeze my temples.

  Pinning her knees to the bed, I swirled my tongue over her folds, dipping it into her entrance and watching her bite down on her bottom lip as her thighs shook.

  It was beautiful, the most enticing site I had ever seen. Stroking my cock in one hand, I ate her out like I was starving. Her juice coated my chin and mouth, sweet as icing.

  Goosebumps jumped across her skin as her legs trembled and her belly tightened. She was right there, hanging on the edge as the orgasm built in the tender bundle of nerves.

  Arching her back hard, she pushed her cunt into my mouth, her needy button pulsed and throbbed as the tip of my tongue drew long slow circles around it.

  “You taste so good,” I said, pushing up onto my knees and crawling up to her.

  Her eyes were wild and glazed over she tried to capture her composure and settle back into the bed cradling her body.

  “Oh my god, Liam, that was. . .” Her voice trickled into nothing as she touched the side of her face and let out a breath of air. “That was—”

  “Just the beginning,” I said, cutting her off. Driving my cock in with one hard thrust, Glory let out a coo, latching her legs around my hips.

  Pressing her face into my chest, she dragged the sharp edges of her teeth across my collarbone, taking small bites.

  And as we made love, as the rest of the world went about their day and we got lost in each other, my body made a promise to her.

  I promised her I'd always be there.

  I promised her I'd always love her.

  I promised her I'd fix everything.

  Chapter Eleven
br />   Glory

  Laying in the bed, I turned on my side and watched Liam gather the papers from the hall. He was wearing only his boxers, and I couldn't stop myself from just staring as his muscles flexed with each movement he made.

  He dipped down and my eyes traveled across the lean contours, he swayed to his left, and my eyes followed the sharp bulges at his neck. He was a god, forged from stone and meticulously built to please.

  Twisting around, he closed the door, tapping the papers against his firm abs to make them even. “You never signed these,” he said, thumbing the thin edges as his strong legs brought him back to the bed.

  “It's a little late for that, isn't it?” Lifting my head, I rested it in my hands as he sat down beside me. “They're signed, there's nothing I can do about it now. It's probably for the best anyway.”

  Flicking his head over his shoulder, his eyes thinned. “Don't say that. You love that place, it's yours, not my company's.” Holding the papers up, he tore them in half and dropped them into the trash. “You never signed these papers.” Drawing out his words, he wriggled his brows and smiled.

  “But what about everything else? Your brother—”

  “My brother is an asshole.” Pushing his palms into his knees, his back stiffened. “Don't worry about him, I'm going to fix this, I promise.”

  “Liam,” I said, popping up and wrapping my arms around his shoulders. “He said—”

  Not letting me finish, Liam twisted his torso and curled his arms around my body, pulling me onto his lap. “I don't want you to worry about him, I don't even want you to think about him. I told you I'm going to fix this and I will.”

  Liam kissed my forehead, pressing my cheek against his chest as he stroked the side of my face. I let him hold me, I let him cradle me and tell me everything would be alright.

  I wanted to believe him so badly, forcing myself into this fake feeling of trust.

  But deep inside, it didn't feel like I would ever get out from under this.

  Tipping my head up, I asked, “So what now? What do I need to do?”

  Pinching a piece of my hair between his fingertips, he twisted it softly. “I don't want you doing anything, this is on me. He's my brother, and he might be a dick, but I know him better than he knows himself.” Letting the ringlet go, it slid over my face, coming to rest on the delicate tips of my lashes. “He's not a horrible person, he's just misguided.”


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