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Full Moon

Page 3

by Barbara B Carson

  “This is Johnstonville General ER speaking, please repeat your last call,” she requested, unsure what else to say.

  The voice came through again. “Send help ASAP to Country Road and Townline, Ambulance down, and two paramedics injured.”

  Lacey’s heart skipped a beat. The radio was fuzzy and the voice was hard to hear, but she was certain that she recognized the voice on the other end.

  “Dean? Is that you? This is Lacey. Dean? Please respond?”

  There was a moment of unbearable silence before the radio crackled on again.

  “Lacey. We need you. There’s been an accident. There was a deer in the road, I swerved, and now we are flipped over in the ditch. I took the back roads on the way to the fire; I thought it would be quicker. Please come quick. I think I’ve broken my leg and I have a head wound but it’s Ashleigh I’m really worried about. I can’t get to her and she’s not responding. Please hurry.” There was silence again and Lacey stood for a moment stunned.

  An accident? Who should she send to help? All of the other doctors were tied up with life or death emergencies. There was no one who could go.

  No one except for her

  She shook her head at the thought. No. Dean needs someone with experience to help him. Someone who knows what they are doing. She looked around and once again realized that she was the only option. She was Dean and Ashleigh’s only hope for survival.

  She took a deep breath and spoke into the microphone again. “Hang in there Dean. I’m on my way.”

  Reaching for a spare first aid kit, she grabbed it and took off to her car, punching the accident location into the GPS on her phone. As she sped out of the parking lot, her foot was heavy and her hands were shaking. All sorts of doubts filled her mind. Did she have what it took to rescue Dean and his partner? Would she know what to do and be able to do it fast enough? Pushing these thoughts from her mind, she forced herself to focus.

  Lacey, you know exactly what to do. You didn’t get the highest grades in your class for nothing. You know how to handle a car accident victim. Just follow what you learned in school and everything will be just fine. Her little pep talk helped to calm her slightly as she maneuvered her way down the dark country roads to the place where Dean had said the accident had taken place.

  It wasn’t hard to find them. The lights of the ambulance were on and were lighting up the darkness. The vehicle had tipped over into the ditch and was laying almost completely flat on its passenger side. It was a crumpled mess and the scene didn’t look good. Lacey came to a squealing halt behind it and jumped out of the car. Carefully stepping over the shards of broken glass that littered the ground, she ran to the front, finding Dean lying on the grass. His forehead was bleeding from a gash above his eye and his and his leg was twisted at an odd angle. He tried to give her a grin when he saw her but ended up wincing in pain, instead. She ran to him, her first aid kit in hand.

  “My God, Dean, Are you ok?” She opened the kit immediately and used some gauze to clean up his head wound. She inspected it and luckily it didn’t look too bad, nothing a few stitches couldn’t take care of.

  “I’m ok.” His voice was hoarse. “It’s Ashleigh I’m worried about. I haven’t been able to get to her and she’s not answering when I yell. Please, I need to know if she’s all right.”

  Lacey nodded. “I’ll go check. You lie here and try not to move. I’ll be back in a second.” she picked up her bag and made her way around the front of the ambulance, down further into the ditch to where Ashleigh should be.

  “Ashleigh?” she called. “I’m here to help. Are you ok?” She listened closely and could hear a faint moan coming from inside the vehicle. Crawling down onto her hands and knees, she looked through the side window. Ashleigh lay there, barely conscious. Blood dripped down her face. She moaned again and Lacey reassured her. “Don’t worry Ashleigh, I’m going to help you. Just hang on. Everything is going to be just fine. Keep breathing, nice and steady.” She spoke these words partly to reassure herself and partly to calm the victim in front of her. Her hands were shaking, her palms sweaty, and her heart was beating a mile a minute. She got up, running back to Dean to update him on the situation.

  “Ashleigh is alive but injured badly, Dean. I don’t know if I can help her. I can barely reach her. I need to call for back-up.” Her mind was racing, trying to figure out what to do next. Her breath was becoming uneven and Dean reached out and put a hand on hers to steady her.

  “Listen.” His voice was firm and demanding. “You’re going to listen to me right now. Look me in the eyes and focus on my words.” She did exactly as she was told, looking for any type of direction. “I’ve already called dispatch, they are aware of the situation and are sending the next available ambulance out, but it might take a while. The fire situation has really left them shorthanded and there isn’t a lot of help out there right now. That’s ok though. I’m fine. I can sit here and wait, so don’t worry about me, but Ashleigh needs you right now. We have you here to help and that’s all we need. We just have to get Ashleigh stabilized and wait it out. This is what you are going to do, follow my directions carefully.” Dean then explained to her in detail everything that she already knew. She nodded, giving a sign that she understood what to do next, and she took a deep breath. Dean grinned at her, reassuringly. “You’ve got this,” he said as he pulled her to him and kissed her deeply.

  Lacey’s stomach flipped partly from nerves and partly from the butterflies, which Dean’s kiss gave her.

  Running back to Ashleigh, she did exactly as Dean had told her, exactly as she had been trained in school. She checked her vitals, did a full assessment, and stabilized her as best as she could. Ashleigh was still trapped inside the vehicle and it would take the Jaws of Life to get her out. That was something that Lacey couldn’t do on her own, but she had managed to stop the bleeding and was confident that she had gotten there just in time. Ashleigh wasn’t in great shape but she would definitely pull through.

  Lacey breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the sirens approaching. She was still tending to the poor injured girl and yelling updates back to Dean who was lying helpless on the grass. The paramedics came running over, bringing with them the required heavy equipment and quickly working to get Ashleigh removed from the mangled wreck and onto a stretcher. They loaded both her and Dean into the back of their vehicle and raced them both back to Johnstonville General, leaving Lacey to speed along behind them in her car.


  Lacey was sitting in the break room, staring out the window into the moonlit night, savoring a cup of hot, black coffee. Dean and Ashleigh had both been admitted and checked over by one of the staff doctors. Luckily, by the time they had arrived back, the Emergency Room chaos had died down slightly and there were doctors available who could tend to the paramedics and give them the immediate help that they needed. Dean was resting in one of the hospital rooms and Lacey had been rushed for a CAT scan to check for an injury that is more serious, and then off to the surgery to reset her broken bones and suture her wounds. She was in stable condition and at her last report was doing well. It was all thanks to luck that Lacey heard the call come through on the radio and to her quick response. If she hadn’t got out the scene as quickly as she did, and provided the treatment that Ashleigh needed, it was quite possible that she could have died right there in the ditch. This fact didn’t go unnoticed by the other hospital doctors.

  Dr. Derrick entered the lunchroom and approached her, startling her out of her thoughts.

  “It’s been a busy night here.” he began. “The full moon usually seems to have that effect.” Lacey nodded. The handsome, experienced doctor intimidated her and left her at a loss for words. He made her feel young and inexperienced and their previous encounter had left her feeling inferior around him. “Listen, Lacey, I just wanted to come in here to find you and let you know what a good job you did tonight with the Ambulance accident. You acted quickly and got out to the scene to help. That shows a l
ot of dedication. Without your assistance, Ashleigh may not have made it. She lost a lot of blood out there and was in a pretty serious condition. You really stepped up your game. I have to admit, I was a bit hard on you earlier, but after a night like tonight, it’s easy to get flustered. We’ve all been there at some point in time, especially when we first started out. I wanted to make sure that you knew how I felt. I think you did a great job and I can’t wait for you to be a part of our team permanently. I think you will be the perfect addition to Johnstonville General’s Emergency department and I am definitely going to put in a good word with Dr. Danielle. Thanks for being here tonight, we couldn’t have done it without you.” He reached out a hand and shook Lacey’s.

  She quietly thanked him for his kind words.

  After he left, a single tear streamed down her face, fortunately, this time, it was a tear of joy. She had finally pulled it together and shown everyone what she knew deep inside all along; that she had what it took to be the kind of doctor that she knew she could be. Plus she saved Dean and his partner Ashleigh in the process. She was so proud of herself and she couldn’t wait to share the news with Dean.


  Making her way up to the floor that he was recovering on, she found his room and quietly entered. She gently pulled back the curtain that surrounded his hospital bed and peeked inside. He lay there, eyes closed resting, and she took a moment to take him all in, smiling to herself as she did so.

  “Are you awake?” she whispered softly, not wanting to startle him. Dean opened one eye and smiled when he saw her.

  “I think I must still be dreaming,” he said giving her a grin. She walked to him, closing the curtain behind her and sat on the edge of his bed.

  “Geez, you’re a mess.” She laughed, taking in all of his bumps and bruises. His head was bandaged up and one of his eyes was turning a lovely shade of deep purple. His leg was in a cast and he looked like death warmed over, except for the broad smile that he wore on his face.

  “Well sweetheart, thanks to you, I feel like a million bucks.” He winked and she smiled back.

  “I couldn’t have done it without you, Dean. You were my rock out there.”

  He shrugged. “I didn’t tell you anything that you didn’t already know, honey. You just needed a little reminder and someone to believe in you.”

  She reached down and stroked his cheek. It was stubbly and had faint traces of blood still on it but even with all of the marks on his face, he was still the most handsome man that she had ever laid eyes on. She bent her head down and gently kissed his bandaged head, then placed a kiss on his bruised and swollen eye, then before she could control herself; her lips were on his in a frenzy of passion. She had never wanted anyone as badly as she wanted him right now. Despite his injuries, he responded back with the same level of urgency. He reached over, undid the drawstring on her scrub pants, and gently tugged them to the floor. She pulled back the blankets to find that he was wearing nothing but a thin hospital gown underneath, she then climbed under the covers on top of him.

  As she carefully straddled him, he ran his hands up her sides and pulled her shirt over her head. Her breasts were firm and her nipples hard, waiting for his attention. He gently stroked them, causing shivers to run through her, before reaching lower to stroke her. She was wet and ready for his touch and he rubbed her with an expert hand. He slowly slid his fingers inside her causing her to moan with pleasure and bringing her quickly to a quivering climax. Her body arched and shook as he brought on sensations that she had never experienced before, ones that she had never thought possible and when she was finished she slid down, careful not to bump his injured leg and covered herself under the thin blanket. She found his manhood hard, and erect, she took her time licking and massaging him with her wet tongue. He moaned with pleasure as she took the full length of him into her mouth, sucking, teasing, and stroking him up and down. When he thought he could take no more, he pulled her up and slid himself inside her. She groaned at the sensation as he filled her completely. She rode him, moving her hips slowly at first then faster, their bodies, a frenzy of heat and passion, moving effortlessly together. Their need for one another was strong and their bodies united as one as they both came together, reaching new heights of satisfaction. It took every ounce of control they had not to cry out in pleasure and when they were both spent, Lacey curled up beside him, her head on his chest, his arm around her shoulder. They were sweaty and hot and both completely content. It was the perfect ending to a hectic and stressful night.

  “You’re absolutely amazing,” she whispered, still out of breath.

  “I was just about to say the same thing to you,” he replied, stroking her hair gently as he spoke.

  She looked up into Dean’s eyes and realized that although she had rescued him tonight, it was him who had saved her. Without his guidance and support, she never would have been able to make it through the night. He was there for her when no one else could be and had faith in her when she had lost faith in herself. It was a wonderful feeling to know that on one of the worst nights of her life, she had found someone who made it all worthwhile.

  Turning to him, she spoke softly and straight from the heart. “I have a feeling that from now on I’m going to like full moons.”


  6 Months later

  Lacey had the call that victims were on their way in. There had been an explosion from a gas leak at a local restaurant and the wounded had been piling in all night. She stood at the Emergency Room doors, sipping her coffee and waited for the ambulance to pull in.

  Dean, now fully recovered from his injuries, pulled around the corner and came to a halt directly in front of her, winking as he did so. She shook her head and laughed. He hopped out of the driver’s seat, gave her a peck in passing and threw open the back doors of the vehicle. Ashleigh came around the other side to help. She had been back to work for about a month now and although she still had a few minor complications from the accident, she was doing well.

  “Hey Ash,” Lacey called.

  “We’ve got another one for you Lacey,’ the woman responded, rolling her eyes. “We never seem to catch a break on the night of the full moon, do we?” She gestured up at the big, glowing ball in the night sky and shrugged.

  Lacey agreed and then turned to Dean who began to give her all of the information on the patient they were unloading.

  “Young male, approximately 19. He was in close proximity to the blast and he’s bleeding profusely from multiple wounds on his extremities and torso. He has lost a fair bit of blood, but his vitals seem stable.” He looked up at Lacey, a hint of concern crossing his face. “You are going to be ok with this one? There's a lot of blood.”

  Lacey took a sip of her coffee casually. “I’ve got this.” She smiled and followed the paramedics as they wheeled the patient into the closest emergency bay. Lacey quickly got to work, expertly assessing the patient, intubating him and getting the young man stabilized and ready to be sent up to surgery. Dean watched her as she did everything with a steady hand.

  Ever since she had completed her internship and was hired on by the hospital, her confidence had continued to grow in leaps and bounds. She was nothing like the shy, unsteady girl Dean had met that first night. She was a professional Emergency Room doctor, and a damn sexy one to boot.

  Finishing up, she came over to him, standing on her tiptoes to give him a kiss when no one was looking. Just then, Ashleigh peeked her head inside.

  “Hey Romeo, we got another call. Get your ass out here, we got to go.”

  “You better listen to your partner,” Lacey laughed and gave him another quick peck. “I’ll see you at home in a few hours?” She asked.

  “You betcha sweetheart. Make sure you’re ready for me. I have a feeling this full moon is turning me into a rabid werewolf, and honey, I’m hungry for you.” He smacked her ass playfully as he started walking away.

  “Dean,” Lacey called after him. He turned and smiled. “Drive sa
fe, please.” Her eyes were pleading.

  He smiled and winked at her reassuringly as he hopped in the ambulance and started up the sirens.


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  Coming Soon !!!

  Also By Barbara B. Carson

  Romantic E.R. Affairs

  Emergency Room Affair

  Steamy Romance

  Hot Monday

  Hot Tuesday

  Hot Wednesday

  Hot Thursday

  Hot Friday

  Hot Saturday

  Hot Sunday




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