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Rough Warrior

Page 3

by Maggie Carpenter

  Ulrick’s scowl grew deeper.

  “Please don’t be angry with me.”

  “I’m not angry with you. Anything else?”

  “Yes, Master. He said if I ever needed a friend he was easy to find, then he walked away.”

  “And you said nothing to him, nothing at all?”

  “No, Master, not a word.”

  “You’ll be rewarded for holding your tongue,” Ulrick murmured, placing his hand on her shoulder. “I have to deal with him, but it will only take a moment. When I get back we’ll board my boat.”

  He abruptly turned, and with his hands curling into fists, he stormed toward a group standing near the shore in the tranquil water. Gander was in the middle, but when Ulrick neared and shouted his name, the men with him quickly scattered. Watching with bated breath, Ailith saw Ulrick stop in front of Gander and say something, but she was too far away to hear what it was.

  Suddenly Gander lunged forward, but Ulrick ducked to the side, and as Gander stumbled past him, Ulrick grabbed a fistful of Gander’s long, dark hair and jerked it backwards. With Gander’s arms flailing at his side, Ulrick delivered a powerful punch to the man’s gut, then pushed him beneath the water and held him down.

  As the fight had ensued, the warriors had stopped their work to watch. Some had hurried to the water’s edge, while others had stayed where they were and viewed the fracas from a distance. Ailith was worried a few might rush to Gander’s aid, but no one did.

  The seconds ticked by.

  Just when she was sure Gander must have drowned, Ulrick pulled his head up. Though coughing and spluttering, Gander thrashed out in an attempt to fight back.

  “Stop,” Ulrick bellowed, dragging him around by his hair. Gander dropped his arms to his sides.

  “Not only did Gander approach my new female,” Ulrick shouted, continuing to hold Gander by the hair, “he made suggestive comments. He is one of your leaders, but a leader doesn’t do such a thing. He is no longer worthy of your authority or respect. Go back to your work. It’s time to leave.”

  A muttering rippled through the throng, but as they quickly returned to their chores, Ailith spotted a few of them shooting covert glimpses her way.

  She let out a relieved sigh.

  Though she loathed the barbarians, the thought of seeing a man die had filled her with dread.

  But Ulrick didn’t immediately return.

  Leaning his head close to Gander’s, he spoke in his ear for a minute, then to her surprise, he stepped back and slapped him across the face. Even from a distance she could sense Gander’s deep humiliation, and as Ulrick pushed him away and strode from the water, Gander didn’t move.

  Ailith knew she had just witnessed something profound.

  Marching across the beach toward her, his shoulders squared and his chin up, Ulrick seemed bigger than life.

  “He won’t bother you again,” he declared as he reached her. “No one will.”

  Not sure how to respond, she just nodded.

  “Come with me. It’s time to board.”

  The boats rested half on the shore and half in the water. Two were long with great oars and a single sail. Gripping her hand, Ulrick led her to the third. It was shorter and wider, with greater height, and while it sported oars, there were fewer of them.

  “This is Tora,” he exclaimed proudly, waving his arm. “I created her. I sail her, and men only row when needed, but she doesn’t carry livestock, and she has quarters for sleeping and eating.”

  A rope ladder hung from the side, and wading into the water with Ulrick, she climbed up ahead of him. Several men dealing with the sail briefly looked her way, but quickly returned to their work. Placing an arm at her back, he guided her to some steps leading down to a door. He leaned past her and pushed it open, and she stepped forward and found herself in a small room offering a table and chair, and in a corner, a pile of furry animal pelts. Two small openings on one side allowed in minimal light.

  “Sit,” he ordered, pointing to the makeshift bed as he pulled the door closed.

  Aching to relax on something soft and warm, she gratefully followed his order.

  A golden glow suddenly filled the dark room.

  “Have you seen one of these?” he asked, lifting a bowl carrying a flame.


  “It only burns in calm seas,” he said, placing it on the table and moving over to join her. “Now I must look at you.”

  Before she could react, he grabbed her dress and effortlessly ripped it away. Letting out a shocked cry, she pulled her knees to her chest.

  “Have you forgotten I’m your master?” he demanded, scowling at her. “Lower your legs and lie back.”

  Her face burning, she slowly stretched out, then gasped as he grabbed her ankles and pulled them apart.

  “You must still be punished for daring to say no to me earlier,” he murmured, running his rough hands over her inner thighs, “but I also promised you a reward,” he continued, touching her sex. “I must go up, but when I return I’ll inspect your womanhood, then you’ll have both.”

  Chapter Three

  Standing on the deck of his vessel as his men pushed his boat into the water, Ulrick looked across to the horizon, but his mind wasn’t on the voyage ahead. He was consumed with thoughts of Gander. Approaching Ailith and speaking to her, his enemy had crossed a line. It had been a purposeful act, designed to provoke a reaction.

  Though Ulrick had known it at the time, he had been duty bound to respond to the blatant violation. Without his iron fist, the clan would fall into mayhem. There were many other tribes in the region, but his was deeply respected—and feared. His leadership inspired confidence and courage, and his artful strategies had won the trust of his warriors.

  “Gander, I am tired of your constant challenges,” he muttered. “Next time you cross me, I might just send you to the gods.”

  But as the words left his lips, he was struck by a dawning realization. Gander was as cunning as he was self-important. There had to be more to his flagrant contempt. Though Ulrick needed to find out what that was, he had to move cautiously. If he was right, and Gander was scheming, he could well have a spy watching.

  Ulrick’s frown grew deeper.

  Though he was in charge and had the ultimate say in all matters, he had three advisors who offered him counsel. Beneath them was a group trusted to carry out sensitive duties, quell rumors, and inform the clan when changes were made. These men were privy to matters of importance, and were directly connected to Ulrick’s advisors. To be a member of the group was a sought-after position.

  When Gander had been put forth as a candidate, Ulrick had been against him. Though no bad blood had existed between them at the time, Ulrick thought him a braggart, and he’d heard rumors of the man’s nasty streak. But Gander was boisterous and amusing. With his quick wit, and eagerness to top up tankards of ale, he’d gained popularity and influence.

  As time had passed Ulrick’s instincts had been proven right.

  He’d witnessed Gander’s manipulative power.

  The man knew how to feed egos and exploit weaknesses.

  He now had allies.

  Removing him would be tricky.

  “Ulrick, you’re deep in thought.”

  “Hello, Magnus,” Ulrick replied, slowly turning to greet his closest friend. Magnus was one of the oldest members of the clan. He had survived disease, injuries, and raging battles. The men revered him, and the women believed he’d been blessed by an angel. When Ulrick had been made ruler, he had asked Magnus to be one of his three advisors. To his dismay, Magnus had turned him down.

  “If you want my thoughts, I will always be honored to offer them,” he’d said at the time, “but privately and in confidence.”

  Ulrick now understood the man’s decision.

  Bickering in the elite group was common, and while superficial camaraderie remained, Ulrick knew grudges were held.

  “What’s troubling you?” Magnus asked, his eyes narrowin
g as he looked around to make sure they couldn’t be overheard. “Is it Gander?”

  Ulrick nodded.

  “You have reason to worry,” Magnus said solemnly. “His act was so transparent it was insulting.”

  “It was deliberately done to force my hand,” Ulrick muttered, “just like the other incidents, but why? What did he hope to gain?”

  “I agree he has a purpose,” Magnus said gravely. “He’s been so troublesome recently I’m surprised you didn’t let him drown. Most of the men would have supported you.”

  “Believe me, the thought crossed my mind, but how can I kill a man for talking to a woman I just captured? In the scheme of things it’s a minor offense, but his provocations are becoming more frequent—and the smirk that crosses his face is so...”

  “Like he knows something you don’t,” Magnus suggested.

  “That’s it exactly, but what could it be, and why is he so confident? Any respect he once displayed is long gone, though I doubt it ever existed.”

  “Ulrick, he showed no confidence when you pulled him from the water and he was gasping for air. And I can assure you, when you slapped his face his humiliation was complete. It shook him to the core.”

  “Yes, I believe it did, and I’m sure he’s furious.”

  “But he just stood there,” Magnus remarked. “What did you whisper to him that made him so passive?”

  “I played a bluff,” Ulrick replied, leaning his head down and speaking softly. “I told him I knew what he was planning, and if he didn’t put a stop to it I’d expose him, then lock him in a cage with a bear and let everyone watch as it ripped him to pieces.”

  “You are clever, Ulrick,” Magnus murmured, a grim smile crossing his lips. “No wonder he didn’t defend himself, and now you know he’s scheming. If he’d fought back you would’ve continued to wonder. I must say, it was shocking to witness the way he just stood there. He was such a pitiful sight. All that boasting and arrogance gone like a puff of smoke.”

  “But what’s my next move?” Ulrick said with a sigh. “How do I uncover the people supporting him? He must have a backer... maybe more than one.”

  “I’ll keep my ear to the ground,” Magnus promised. “Everyone knows we’re close, so I may not pick up much, but I’ll be listening.”

  “Thank you, Magnus. Just talking with you calms me and helps me think clearly. Now I can enjoy my new female.”

  “What a bosom she has, and those legs...” Magnus remarked wistfully. “I hope she proves to be as passionate as she is beautiful.”

  “If she isn’t, she soon will be,” Ulrick remarked, feeling his manhood stir.

  “I envy your youth.”

  “And I envy the wisdom the years have given you.”

  “Go! Enjoy her,” Magnus declared, slapping him on the back. “The skies promise a smooth journey. You may as well make the most of it.”

  “I intend to. I’ll see you later.”

  Heading off to join the willowy, blonde, buxom young woman, Ulrick broke into a smile. The clever girl would have been pondering her escape, but she would soon be craving his company.

  * * *

  Walking in from bright sunshine, even with the lamp still burning, the room was pitch black. Sitting at the table and taking a moment for his eyes to adjust, he studied his captive.

  Lying on her stomach, she had covered the lower half of her body with one of the pelts. The flickering light highlighted her toned muscles, and the full curves of her backside hidden beneath the skin. Rising to his feet, he began removing his clothes. Being the warmer months, the fabric was thin. The women were expert weavers, and took great pride in providing him with decorated garments, often making them red. The sought-after color befitted his status. Placing them across the table, he moved to Ailith’s side and sat down.

  He didn’t believe for a moment she was sleeping. She would have been too anxious to drift away, and he chuckled at her position. Choosing to lie on her stomach with her appealing behind covered, she’d hoped he’d be less inspired to enjoy her womanly charms. Throwing a leg over her back, he straddled her waist and faced her feet.

  She didn’t stir.

  “Stop pretending to be asleep,” he barked, removing the pelt and exposing her. “Do you really think I’m so easy to fool? I should be insulted.”

  “I’m sorry, Master,” she said hastily.

  He paused.

  She hadn’t tried to excuse her behavior.

  “Your honesty pleases me,” he declared, squeezing her cheeks, “but I still must punish you. Tell me why, Ailith.”

  “Uh, because I said no when you told me you were going to raise my dress and show your warriors how you spanked me.”

  “That’s right,” he said sternly. “You belong to me. It’s not your place to say no. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “I’m about to do something. You’ll want to resist, but when I ask you if you want it you’ll say yes. Do you understand?”

  “Ooh, yes, Master.”

  Clasping her right cheek, he pulled it aside.

  He heard her gasp, then groan.

  “Do you want me to touch this dark, forbidden hole?”

  “Yes, Master,” she whimpered.

  Placing his finger to her puckered rosebud, he slowly pushed it forward.

  “Do you like this?” he asked, moving his finger in and out.

  “Yes, Master,” she wailed, her voice muffled as she buried her head in the pelts.

  “A punishment shouldn’t be enjoyed,” he declared. “Perhaps I should spank you as I explore this hole. Do you agree?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Leaving his finger buried, he raised his free hand and brought it down with a volley of hard, stinging smacks, but as his cock abruptly stiffened he paused to stroke himself.

  “Who do you belong to, Ailith?”

  “You, Master,” she bleated, turning her head to the side.

  “You are my servant. If you please me you’ll be rewarded. If you don’t, you’ll suffer. Up on your knees,” he ordered, withdrawing his finger and climbing off her waist.

  As she positioned herself on all fours, he turned and kneeled between her legs, landed a few more hot smacks, then pressed his fingers into her womanhood.

  “Ha! Your wetness betrays you. You’re hungry for my cock. Feel how big I am,” he murmured, touching his swollen member to her entrance. “You’ll be tight at first, but after a few strokes you’ll open up, won’t you, servant girl?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Have you ever rubbed yourself to the heights of pleasure?” he demanded, moving his rod to the side and plunging two fingers into her channel.

  “Oh, Master, I have tried.”

  He paused.

  “Are you saying the great joy you had when I found you at the cave was your first time?”

  “Uh, yes, Master.”

  Breaking into a broad smile, he turned his eyes to the ceiling and silently thanked the gods.

  “Do it now. Put your hand against your womanhood and massage your sensitive nub.”

  He felt her tense.

  “Now!” he barked, slapping her backside.

  “I’m sorry, Master. This is new to me.”

  “But you have laid with a man.”

  “It was very different with him.”

  “Obviously,” Ulrick grunted, swatting her again. “Do as I say. Rub yourself, rub hard.”

  “Yes, Master,” she moaned, moving her hand against her sex.

  Slowly sliding his fingers inside her passage, he waited until he sensed she was surrendering to her lust, then aggressively pitched them in and out.

  “That’s it,” he growled as her pussy grew wetter and her trough opened. “Now I’ll fuck you, and you’ll understand why I’m your master.”

  Placing his swollen member at her entrance, he pushed forward and started to stroke.

  “Relax, servant girl. Relax and enjoy me,” he grunted, squeezing her cheeks
as he thrust.

  Increasing his pace, he could see her arm moving urgently as she rubbed herself. Her moans grew louder, and sensing her climax building, he clutched her waist, slowly withdrew, then plunged forward.

  “Yes, servant girl, I’m fucking you now,” he growled, thrusting vigorously. “I’m fucking you hard, and you will give yourself up. Surrender to me! Surrender to the needs of your body.”

  Suddenly throwing back her head, she let out a wild howl.

  He had felt his climax drawing near, but as she exploded beneath him, he violently erupted. With the euphoric waves shuddering through him, he barely made out her joyous cries, but as the cascading sensations came to an end, he heard a last, loud moan as she fell on her stomach. Slipping from her depths, his heart thundering in his chest, he collapsed next to her and closed his eyes.

  Faint sounds of the wind against the sail soothed him.

  Her body curled against his.

  Reaching out and feeling a loose pelt, he pulled it over them.

  On a soft cloud of serenity, he gave himself up to sleep.

  But it was short-lived.

  He was suddenly woken by pounding on the door, and Magnus urgently calling his name.

  Chapter Four

  Jumping to his feet, Ulrick jerked open the door.

  “You need to see this,” Magnus exclaimed. “Hurry.”

  Swiftly following Magnus to the top of the steps and onto the deck, Ulrick was astonished to find the sun had given way to the bright silver moon. He thought he’d only dozed for a short time.

  “Look over there,” Magnus said, pointing into the distance. “Gander’s boat has veered off.”

  “The fool. He’s heading to the open sea and we carry the supplies! He’ll never survive.”

  “He’s many things, but he’s no fool,” Magnus said gravely. “This isn’t spontaneous or by chance. This must be why he steered you into that confrontation, but I don’t understand the connection—not yet.”

  The warriors manning the oars had also seen Gander’s boat change course, and while Magnus was talking, they had stopped rowing. As Ulrick’s boat slowed, one of them left his seat and ran across the deck.


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